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- 1 - 例文 答案:The development of modern industry and commodity economy in China has promoted occupational (mobility) and population In the past two weeks we have looked at the happiness formula defined by positive psychologist Martin Seligman,where mobility, H(happiness)=S(your biological set point for feeling happy)+C(the conditions of your life)+V(the voluntary choices you make). 短文翻译 This week we look at the conditions in life that can improve our happiness quotient. A report, based on United Nations projections showing slow, steady growth of economies and populations, suggests that by Step 1:Peace and quiet mid-century, humanity’s demand on nature will be twice the biosphere’s productive capacity. At this level of ecological deficit, Jonathon Haidt in his excellent book,The Happiness Hypothesis,notes that research shows that we can never completely exhaustion of ecological assets and large-scale ecosystem collapse will become real. adapt to new or chronic noise pollution. Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses(the other is the fear Moving towards sustainability depends on significant action now. Population size changes slowly, and human-made capital of falling) and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by intrusive noise. It is essential to have some peace and – homes, cars, roads, factories, or power plants - can last for many decades. This implies that po1icy and investment decisions quiet every day.If you are unfortunate enough to live somewhere noisy, persist with complaining to your local made today will continue to determine resource demand throughout much of the 21st century. council.Additionally, try wearing wax earplugs to have some respite. If you need your TV, radio or music up loud,wearing 一份以联合国所作的经济和人口缓慢增长的预期为基础的报告显示,到本世纪中叶,人类对自然界的需求将达到生态圈自身生产能力的两headphones demonstrates altruism to your neighbours,which will make you and them feel good. 倍。在这样的生态“赤字”水平下,生态资源的枯竭和大规模的生态系统崩溃将会成为事实。 Step 2:Relationships 向可持续发展的转变取决于现在所采取的重大行动。人口数量变化缓慢,而人类创造的资本,如住宅、汽车、道路、工厂或发电站等会持This is the most important of all the external conditions that can improve your happiness quotient.Often our deepest sources 续几十年。这意味着,今天所作的政策和投资决策将决定我们在2l世纪的大部分时间里对资源的持续需求。 of unhappiness are found in poor relationships with others. A cruelly conflictual relationship with a partner or lover leaves 例文: us feeling betrayed and abandoned. A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate, unconditional Earthquakes may be ranked as one of the most devastating force known to men; since records began to be written down, it regard creates isolation and misery. When faced with such relationships,the most positive thing we can do is to either mend has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in milllons and that earthquake-related destruction has the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on. been beyond calculation. The greater part of such damage and loss of life has been due to collapse of buildings and effects Step 3:Share of rock slides, floods, fire, disease and other phenomena resulting from earthquakes, rather than from the quakes themselves. If you have discovered conditions or choices in life that have significantly improved your wellbeing,remember to share The great majority of all earthquakes occur in two specific geographic areas. One such area encompasses the Pacific Ocean them with friends. Passing on what works is essential to improve the wellbeing of our own and others. and its contiguous land masses. The other extends from the East Indians to the Atlas Mountains, including the Himalayas, Iran, Turkey and the Alpine regions. They may happen anywhere at any time. 1.What’s the happiness formula according to the passage? This element of the unknown has for centuries added greatly to the dread and horror surrounding earthquakes, but in recent 答案:The formula refers to H(happiness)=S(your biological set point for feeling happy)+C(the conditions of your life)+V(the times there have been indications that earthquake prediction may be possible. By analyzing changes in animal behavior, patterns voluntary choices you make). of movements in the earth’s crust, variations in the force of gravity and the earth’s magnetic field and the frequency with 2.Why can we never completely adapt to new or chronic noise pollution? which minor earth tremors are observed, scientists have shown increasing success in anticipating when and where earthquakes 答案:Loud noises trigger one of our most primitive fear responses and we can never fully relax if we are surrounded by will strike. As a result, worldwide eathquake warning network is already in operation and has helped to prepare for the vast intrusive noise. destruction that might otherwise have been totally unexpected. 3.How could we make both ourselves and the neighbors feel good? It is doubtful that man will ever be able to control earthquakes and eliminate their destructiveness altogether. but as 答案:If we need our TV, radio or music up loud, wearing headphones demonstrates our kindness and consideration to our how and why earthquakes happen become better understood, man will become more and more able to deal with their potential neighbors. devastation before it occurs. 4.Where does the unhappiness come from? 答案:Our unhappiness often comes from poor relationships with others. 1.What are the causes of the great part of the damage and loss of life? 5.What is the positive way to face with the cruelly conflictual relationship? 答案:Collapse of buildings and the effects of rock slides,floods,fire,disease and other phenomena from earthquakes. 答案:What you can do is to either mend the relationship by confronting what is going wrong or learn to move on. 2.Where are the two most active earthquake belts in the world? 短句翻译 答案:The area encompasses the Pacific Ocean and its contiguous land masses, East Indians to the Atlas Mountains. 1.吵闹的邻居的确对我们家庭不和(domestic upset)有很大影响。 3.What fact does “element of the unknown” in paragraph 3 refer to? 答案:Noisy neighbors are one of the major causes of domestic upset. 答案:It refers to the fact the earthquakes can happen anywhere at any time. 2.在职场上,如果一个同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言表的抑郁情绪(unwretchedness)。 4.What four ways are used to anticipate earthquake activity? 答案:A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses US creates untold wretchedness. 答案:a) analyzing changes in animal behavior. 3.我们不可能适应这种敌对关系,这种不良的人际关系会损害身心健康。 b) patterns of movements in the earth’s crust. 答案:We can never fully adapt to hostile relationships,which inevitably damage our wellbeing. c) variations in the force of gravity and the earth’s magnetic field. 4.如果这种坏情绪长时间留在人们的心里,会让人陷入无法解决的恶性心理困境。 d) observation of the frequency of minor earth tremors. 答案:If this bad mood stays inside our mind,it will lead US to an unresolved 5.What is the author’s attitude toward the possibility of earthquake predictions? destructive depression. 答案:Earthquake prediction is beconaing more and more possible. 5.我们不应当回避这些问题,而是要正确面对它们。 短句翻译 答案:We should not avoid these problems but face them instead. 1.会议的准备工作正在顺利地进行着。 翻译短文 答案:Preparations for the meeting are proceeding smoothly. There are many benefits to being happy.Happier people tend to be healthier, live longer and earn more. They also tend 2.科技发展在解决老问题的同时也带来一些新问题。 to volunteer more, be better at relationships and smile more of what psychologists call “Duchenne” or genuine smiles. What 答案:As technological advancement solves old problems, it also creates new ones. is 1ess well understood is why happiness is contagious. 3.1976 年唐山大地震是历史上最严重的自然灾害之一。 According to James Fowler and Nicholas Christakis, authors of the international bestseller Connected, people surrounded 答案:The 1976 earthquake in Tangshan was one of the greatest natural disasters in history. by many happy friends, family members and neighbours who are central to their social network become significantly happier 4.近几年来,中国、日本和美国对地震发生的时间、地点的预测取得了一定的进步。 in the future. More specifically, they say we will become 25 per cent happier with our life if a friend who lives within a 答案:In recent years, China, Japan and the U.S have made certain progress in forecasting when and where earthquakes will occur. mile of us becomes significantly happier with his or her life. 5.地震能造成惨重的人员伤亡,毁坏建筑物,如大楼、桥梁、大坝等设施。 Similar effects are seen in co-resident spouses (8 per cent happier); siblings who live within a mile of each other (14 答案:Earthquakes cause severe casualties and destroy constructions like buildings, dams and bridges. per cent); and next-door neighbours (34 per cent). What this implies is that the magnitude of happiness spread seems to depend 短文翻译 more on frequent social contact (due to physical proximity) than on deep social connections.Alas, for some reason this doesn’t Our weather surely is getting strange. There seem to be more tornadoes than in living memory, longer droughts,bigger downpours translate to the workplace. and record floods. Unprecedented fires are burning in some areas. Scientists tell us that for every one degree increase in So,why is happiness contagious? One reason may be that happy people share their good fortune with their friends and family temperature, lightning strikes will go up another 10%. And it is lightning, after all, that is principally responsible for (for example,by being pragmatically helpful or financially generous). Another reason could be that happy people tend to change ligniting the conflagration in some areas today. their behaviour for the better by being nicer or less hostile to those close to them. Or it could just be that positive emotions 天气的确越来越反常。在人们记忆中,龙卷风似乎更加频繁、旱灾持续更久、暴雨更大、洪灾也创下纪录、在一些地区火灾史无前例。科学are highly contagious. 家告知我们,气温每升高一度,闪电数量就会增加10%。毕竟,在一些地区闪电至今仍然是引起特大火灾的主要原因。 幸福有许多好处。越幸福的人往往越健康、越长寿、挣的钱越多。他们通常也会从事更多的志愿工作、更善于处理人际关系、发出更多例文 心理学家所说的“杜兴微笑”,即真诚的微笑。我们了解不深的是,为什么幸福可以传染。 In the aftermath ofthe BP oil spill, President Obama voiced the concerns of countless scientists, environmentalists, and 全球畅销书《关联》的作者詹姆斯·福勒和尼古拉斯·克里斯塔基斯发现,如果你身边那些重要的人际网络中有许多幸福的朋友、家人Gulf Coast residents when he declared, “We're dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster.” 与邻居,那么你将也会很幸福。他们表示,更准确地说,如果居住在离你1英里内的一个朋友生活幸福感得到显著提升,你的生活幸福感就The sheer size of the oil spill - 210,000 gallons a day contaminating the Gulf of Mexico - has many people worried about the 会增加25%。 short and long-term environmental harm it is causing. 具有同样效果的还有同居配偶(幸福感提升8%)、居住在1英里之内的兄弟姐妹(14%)和邻居(34%)。这意味着,幸福传播的强度似乎更取The oil spill could severely damage fragile ecosystems for years, possibly decades. Beaches fouled by oil spills are very 决于交往的频繁度(与地域邻近相关),而不是社会关系的深度。可惜由于某种原因,这并不适用于工作场合。 difficult to clean up. To make matters worse, the spill threatens beaches just as shorebirds are nesting and sea turtles are 那么,为什么幸福能够传染?一个原因或许是,幸福的人会与亲朋好友分享好运气(例如,提供实际的帮助,或在经济上慷慨解囊)。另一个coming ashore to lay their eggs. 原因可能是,幸福的人往往会改善自己的行为,会对周围的人更加友好,或减少敌意。又或许只是因为正面情绪具有高度传染性。 Even worse is the effect the oil spill could have on sensitive salt marshes and mangrove coastlines, which would be practically impossible to clean and that some fear might be permanently destroyed. These wetlands are considered the nurseries 例文:When I’m being driven through a city from our hotel to a conference center,I couldn't help but note the overwhelming for the fishing and seafood industry and are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife. Because they presence of cars and parking lots. The world’s cities are in trouble. In hundreds of cities, the life of daily life is cover much more land area than beaches, the risk oftheir exposure to damage is greatly increased. deteriorating. Breathing the air in some cities is equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. The number of hours Fully 98 percent of the fish and shellfish harvested in the Gulf of Mexico depend on estuaries, which are coastal waters commuters spend going nowhere sitting in traffic-congested streets and highways climbs higher each year, raising frustration where freshwater from rivers and streams mix with sea water. Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and levels. to provide a basis for aquatic food chains. Many species depend on wetlands for food, shelter and breeding. In response to these conditions, we are seeing the emergency of a new urbanism. In just a few years, many cities banned The waters of the Gulf of Mexico are homes to hundreds of species of aquatic life. The longer the oil fouls the water, the parking of cars on side walks, created or renovated more parks, introduced a highly successful bus-base rapid transit the more polluted the food chain becomes, which could result in large fish kills and seafood too contaminated for consumption. system, built hundreds of kilometers of bicycle paths and pedestrian streets reduced rush hour traffic, planted more trees and involved local citizens directly in the improvement of their neighborhoods.The quality of urban life in these cities has 1.In the first sentence “President Obama voiced the concerns of countless scientists?’’what does the word “voice” mean? been greatly enhanced with the vision of a city designed for people. 答案:Voice here means “to express an idea of ?” Now government planners everywhere are experimenting,seeking ways to design cities for people not cars. Cars promise 2.How long could the damage to the ecosystem last? mobility. But in an urbanizing world there is an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city. After a point, as their 答案:The damage to the ecosystem could last decades. numbers multiply, automobiles provide not mobility but immobility. 3.How important are the wetlands to the wildlife? Based on this perspective, some cities in industrial and developing countries alike will dramatically increase urban 答案:The wetlands are a vital habitat and breeding ground for many species of wildlife. mobility by moving away from the car. Let me remind you once more, cities are built for people,not for cars. A city full 4.Why are estuaries dependent on wetlands? of cars is like what the horrifying sci-fi depicted - all mechanism and no human. In order to avoid this disaster, we’d better 答案:Estuaries are dependant on wetlands for their water quality and to provide a basis for aquatic food chains. start designing sustainable cities. 5.How will the oil spill affect the seafood in the Gulf of Mexico? 答案:Many fish will die and the seafood will be too contaminated for consumption. 1.What means of transportation does the author take to the conference center? 答案: ( He takes) a bus. 短句翻译 2.According to the first paragraph what is happening in cities where there are more cars? 1.如何尽快处理墨西哥湾的原油泄漏是BP公司最为关注的问题。 答案:Cars not only do harm to people’s health but also cause heavy traffic jam. 答案:How to urgently deal with the oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico remains the biggest concern for BP. 3.What does the last sentence“the vision of a city designed for people”in paragraph 2 mean? 2.这起事故使环保人士对生态环境有了不小的担忧。 答案:Design cities for people not (for) cars. 答案:This accident has many environmentalists concerned about the damage it does to the ecosystem. 4.Why is there an inherent conflict between the automobile and the city in urban areas? 3.原油泄漏不仅会污染海洋环境,更糟糕的是它还会给多种海洋生物带来很大的威胁。 答案:Because people depend largely on cars. 答案:Oil spills do not just pollute the ocean, to make things worse, they pose great threat to many species of aquatic life 5.How would a city look like if cars were everywhere? as well. 答案:There would be a11 cars (mechanism) no human. 4.所有小动物都要依靠妈妈给它们提供食物和保护。 A.Translate the following sentences into English. 答案:All baby animals are dependent on their mothers for food and protection. 短句翻译: 5.南极洲是多种企鹅的家。 1.随着大量市民被迫迁到遥远的郊外,汽车的需求量正在飞涨。 答案:Antarctica is the natural habitat for many species of penguins. 答案:The demand for cars is soaring as growing numbers of citizens are pushed into distant suburbs. 短文翻译 2.生态城市(eco-city)将把传统设计要素同最先进的绿色技术相结合。 An oil spill is the accidental petroleum release into the environment. on land, oil spills are usually localized and thus their 答案:The eco-city will combine elements of traditional design with the latest green technologies. impact can be eliminated. Relatively easily. In contrast, marine oil spills may result in oil pollution over large areas and 3.预计到2010年将有一千辆燃料电池车(fuel-cell vehicles)投入使用,而到2012年将增至一万辆。 present serious environmental hazards. The primary source of accidental oil input into seas is associated with oil 答案:One thousand fuel-cell vehicles will be estimated to put to use by 2010 and increase to l0,000 by 2012. transportation by tankers and pipelines (about 70%), whereas the contribution of offshore drilling and production activities 4.如今,各地方政府几乎无一不在探讨有关生态农村、生态城镇或生态城市计划的话题。 is minimal (less than 1%). Large and catastrophic spills releasing more than 30,000 tons of oil are relatively rare events 答案:These days, there is hardly a local government that does not talk about plans for an eco-village, town or even city. and their frequency in recent decades has decreased perceptibly. Yet, such episodes have the potential to cause the most serious 5.全世界大约一半的人口居住在城市、所以研究能缓解城市对环境影响的途径势在必行。 ecological risk (primarily for sea birds and mammals) and result in long-term environmental disturbances (mainly in coastal 答案:It is fairly necessary to search for ways to reduce the environmental impact of cities because around half of the world’s zones) and economic impact on coastal activities (especially on fisheries and mariculture海洋生物养殖). population is now city-dwellers(is now living in cities). Public concern over marine oil spills has been clearly augmented since l967. More recently, the highly publicized l989 短文翻译 spill of the Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska caused unprecedented damage to the fragile Arctic system. Since Once at a supermarket, I read a thought-provoking sign at the check-out counter. It said the store was using only plastic then, impressive technical, political and legal experience in managing the problem has been gained in many countries and at bags. The supermarket claimed that the energy and exhaust fumes expelled to produce and transport the same number of paper the international level, mainly through a number of Conventions initiated by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). bags outweighed the fact that plastic wasn’t biodegradable. Paper bags take up more space and require more trucks for transport. 原油泄漏是指由于事故导致石油泄漏到环境中的事件。在陆地上,由于原油泄漏发生在局部地区,因此其造成的影响相对来说容易清理。so the store believed it was lessening its carbon footprint by using plastic. It got me thinking further. Why not ask for plastic 相比之下,海上原油泄漏会造成大范围的石油污染并带来严重的环境危害。约有70%的海上原油泄漏事故的主要原因与油轮和原油运输管道and bring your used plastic bags each time you visit the grocery store? If you use them five or six times, or until they start 有关,而海上钻井和采油活动引发的原油泄漏事件则占很小的比例(在1%以下)。泄漏三万吨以上的重大灾难性原油泄漏事故并不多见,而falling apart. you have really done a good thing. You can also use them to line your small wastebaskets, instead of purchasing 且近几十年来这些重大事故也在逐步减少。尽管如此,这类事故的发生依然会对生态系统,尤其是海鸟和哺乳动物,造成最严重的危害,并plastic trash bags. 且导致海岸地区长期环境失调,对海岸商业活动(如捕鱼业和海洋生物养殖业)带来经济损失。 有一次在一家超市的收银处,我看到了一则发人深思的广告,上面写着:本店只用塑料袋。超市声称:事实上生产和运输同量纸袋所消耗公众对于海上原油泄漏事件的关注从1967年开始明显上升。较近的一次原油泄漏事故,即众所周知的1989年埃克森公司“瓦尔德斯”号油的能源和所排放的废气的危害大大超过塑料袋不能进行生物降解的危害。而且纸袋占用的空间更大,需要更多的卡车运送。因此,超市认为轮在阿拉斯加州威廉王子湾搁浅事件。这次事故对脆弱的北冰洋生态系统造成了有史以来最为严重的破坏。从那之后,国际海事组织召开了使用塑料袋可以减少碳足迹。该告示促使我作了进一步的思考。为什么使用了塑料袋后,不能每次再去杂货店时带上重复使用呢?如果能用众多会议,帮助很多国家以及国际社会在处理这一问题上获得了很好的技术、政治和法律上的经验。 上五六次,或者用到破了为止,你岂不是做了一件大好事。你也可以把塑料袋铺在小垃圾筐里盛垃圾,而不用再买垃圾专用塑料袋。 例文: Computer manufacturers, chipmakers and software companies are developing \例文 consumers. While some tech companies are developing more energy-efficient product lines, others are releasing software to A very important world problem is the increasing number of people who actually inhabit this planet. The limited amount of make existing computers consume less. And electronics manufacturers are expanding ways to make new computers out of recycled land and land resources will soon be unable to support the huge population if it continues to grow at its present rate. materials, as well as encourage customers to recycle old machines. Consumers may pay a slight premium for some eco-friendly So why is this huge increase in population taking place? It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and practice of electronics, but many prices will be comparable with traditional offerings. what is becoming known as “Death Control”. You have no doubt heard of the term “Birth Control”. “Death Control” is something Several factors are pushing companies to be greener. Many want to stay ahead of environmental legislation and to garner rather difierent. It recognizes the work of the doctors and scientists who now keep alive people who, not very long ago, would favor with green investors. And with energy prices high, they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip have died of a variety of then incurable diseases. Through a wide variety of technological innovations that “include farming away at expenses. methods and the control of deadly diseases.we have found ways to reduce the rate at which we die. However, this success is The computer industry has been working on improving energy consumption for years. The newer focus has been on toxins and the very cause of the greatest threat to mankind. recycling. For example, Lenovo Group Ltd. uses 10% to 25% recycled plastics harvested from water bottles. Last month, Intel If we examine the amount of land available for this ever-increasing population, we begain to see the problem. If every on Corp. introduced new chips that it says will speed up computing performance without sucking up additional power. The company the planet had an equal share of land, We would each have about 50,000 square meters. This figure seems to be quite encouraging also developed technology, called Remote Wake, to keep computers in a low-energy mode until users need them for retrieving until we exanine the amount of usable land we actually have. More than three-fifths of the world’s land cannot produce food. files over the Internet. Hewlett-Packard Co.has developed a new feature called Auto-On/Auto-Off that puts inactive printers Obviously, with so little land to support us. we should be taking great care not to reduce it further. But we are not! Instead, into a sleep mode and can quickly power back up once they are used again. This feature has been added to HP’s personal desktop we are consuming its “capital” – its nonrenewable fossil fuels and other mineral deposits that took millions of years to laser printers in 2009. Attention to manufacturing materials is a priority HP introduced an ink-jet printer that is made of form but which are now being destroyed in decades. We are also doing the same with other vital resources not usually thought 83% recycled plastics. of as being nonrenewable, such as fertile soils. groundwater and the millions of other species that share the earth with us. Experts say that keeping your old computer out of the landfill is better for the environment than buying a new one. 1.What can be learnt about the population growth at present? 1.Why are computer manufacturers considering developing greener products? 答案:It continues to increase/grow at its present rate. 答案:Because they want to meet the requirements of environmentally conscious consumers 2.According to the article,what contributes to the population increase? 2.Compared to the old computer, the price of the greener machine is . 答案:Death Control 答案:A little/slightly/a little bit more expensive. 3.What is the doctors’job according to paragraph 2? 3.From the three examples, Lenovo, Intel and HP, we can know that . 答案:They keep people who suffer from incurable diseases alive. 答案:Companies want to stay ahead of environmental legislation and to get good impression from (garner favor with) green investors. 4.Why isn’t there enough land to support human beings? On the other hand they are trying to appeal to people who want to save their expenses because of high energy price(或With energy 答案:Because the world’s land has already been taken up/occupied by the ever-increasing population. prices high,they are trying to appeal to people who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses). 5.In paragraph 4 the fertile soils are considered as . 4.What is the function of Auto-On/Auto-Off ? 答案:nonrenewable 答案:It can put inactive printers into a sleep mode and can quickly power back up once used again. 短句翻译 5.What does the last sentence in the last paragraph mean? 1.亚洲大陆面积占世界陆地面积的29%。 答案:Don’t throw your old computer away as trash in order to keep the environment clean. 答案:Asia makes up twenty-nine per cent of the world’s land area. 短句翻译 2.人口的增加使土地必须生产更多的粮食。 1.许多政府机构继续执行鼓励使用绿色电脑的标准和规定。 答案:The increasing population makes it necessary for the earth to produce more grain. 答案:Many governmental agencies have continued to implement standards and regulations that encourage green computing. 3.我们应该先进行抽样调查再写报告。 2.绿色设计是指设计节能和对环境无害的零件。 答案:We should conduct a sampling investigation before we write the report. 答案:Green design means designing energy-efficient and environmentally sound components. 4.我承认我在工作中因缺乏经验犯过这样那样的错误。 3.今年该公司将实行(carry out)公司范围内的成本消减计划。 答案:I admit that due to lack of experience I have made mistakes of all kinds. 答案:The company will carry out (embark on) its company-wide cost-cutting plan this year. 5.中国的现代化工业和商品经济的发展,促进了职业流动和人口流动。 4.环保、慈善(philanthropy)和良好的员工关系是该公司成长壮大的重要因素。 1

- 2 - 答案:Environmentalism,philanthropy and good employee relations have been important factors (tenets) during the growth of through the force of the wind and waves (an example is the tidal-power station on the Rance in France) or by utilizing the the company. difierence in temperature between the surface and bottom of the oceans or between any two points on the Earth’s crust.The 5.绿色使用是指减少计算机和其它信息系统的能源消耗,并尽量以环保的(environmentally sound)方式来使用。 latter is known as geothermal energy. 答案:Green use means reducing the energy consumption of computers and other information systems as well as using them in Other forms of energy are nonrenewable. These include fossil fuels such as coal, oil, oil sands, oil shale and natural an environmentally sound (harmless) manner. gas. These fuets can in fact be considered to be the product of the work of solar energy during millions of years and represent 短文翻译 a kind of stored solar energy. Over the last few decades, with their fast development western civilizations have busily sown the seeds of their own destruction. 能源的形式多种多样。有些能源可再生,如重力势能可转化为水电。另一种可再生能源,如太阳能可直接用于加热水和给住房供暖,也Our modem way of life, with its reliance on technology, has unwittingly exposed us to an extraordinary danger:plasma balls 可通过光电方法(直接转化)或者利用一组反射镜系统产生蒸汽而转化成电力。太阳能也可借助风和波浪(例如法国兰斯的潮汐发电站),或者spewed from the surface of the sun could wipe out our power grids,with catastrophic consequences. The projections of just 利用海底和海面或地壳任意两点之间的温差而被间接利用。后者又被称作地热能。 how catastrophic make chilling reading. It is hard to conceive of the sun wiping out a large amount of our hard-earned progress. 其它形式的能源是不可再生的,包括化石燃料如煤、石油、油砂、油页岩和天然气。这些燃料其实可看作是经过几百万年太阳能作用的Nevertheless, it is possible. The surface of the sun is a roiling mass of plasma - charged high energy particles - some of 产物,是一种储存的太阳能。 which escape the surface and travel through space as the solar wind. From time to time, that wind carries a billion-ton glob 例文 of plasma. If one should hit the Earth’s magnetic shield, the result could be truly devastating. The task- in which carbon emissions are pumped into underground reservoir rather than released - is challenging for any 在过去的几十年里,西方文明在迅速发展的同时也埋下了毁灭的种子。现代的生活方式以及所依赖的科学技术悄然把人们推向极其危险fuel source, but particularly so for coal. which produces more carbon dioxide than oil or natural gas. 的境地——来自太阳表面喷射的等离子球将摧毁我们的电网,造成毁灭性的后果。单单想想这一大灾难就令人毛骨悚然。很难想象太阳就这Under optimal current conditions, coal produces more than twice as much carbon dioxide per unit of electricity as natural 么抹杀了我们含辛茹苦创造出来的大量成果。但是,这是很可能发生的。太阳表面释放着大量的等离子体——高能量粒子,一些从太阳表面gas, the second most common fuel used for electricity generation. In the developing world, where even new coal plants use 逃逸,以太阳风的形式存太空中穿梭。有时太阳风携带着10亿吨的等离子球,即使一颗进入地球磁场,结果就可能是毁灭性的。 lower grade coal and less efficient machinery, the equation is even worse. 例文 Without carbon capture and storage, coal cannot be green. But solving that problem will take global coordination and billions What would life look like without cell phones? Today’s hottest selling mobile phones are now loaded with features such of dollars in investment. which no one country or company seems inclined to spend. as MP3 music players, TV, music and wireless photo printing. Cell phones have changed so much in the past few years that with There are a few dozen small demonstration projects in Europe and in the United States, most in the early stages. But progress every new product launch comes another big dilemma for the cellular manufacturers. How do you create the next big hit? How has not been promising. does the manufacturer separate the hits from the gimmicks, while trying to decipher what cell phone users really want or The European Union had pledged to develop 12 pilot carbon-capture projects for Europe. Many have likened carbon capture's need in the near future? Industry insiders say the most popular phones will have advanced functions that are simple to customize road from the demonstration lab to a safe, cheap, available reality as a challenge equivalent to putting a man on the moon. for individual tastes. Norway, which is investing heavily to test the technology, calls carbon capture its “moon landing”. Manufacturers believe that the success of the cell phone lies in the building and development of high-speed networks to Then there is the problem of storing the carbon dioxide. which is at some level an inherently local issue. Geologists deliver services like video, music and high speed Intemet. While these networks are now in operation, the industry insiders have to determine if there is a suitable underground site. calculate how much carbon dioxide it can hold and then equip it are considering radical redesigns to phones, displays and services to ensure the new features are simple to use. Such in a way that prevents leaks and ensures safety. A large leak of underground carbon dioxide could be as dangerous as a developments, combined with software that allows users to customize their cell phone browser for services such as sports leak of nuclear fuel. scores or news, could replace PDAs and other gadgets. Cellular companies are also betting consumers will soon use phones for everything from watching TV to studying and writing school exams. Developers should now concentrate on designing exciting 1.In paragraph 1,what does the underlined word“so”refer to? new looks for phones, since few things have more direct influence over a consumer's fickle buying behavior than the emotional 答案:The word“so”refers to“challenging”. response that the shape, color or look of a phone evokes. 2.What can be learned about carbon emissions in the coal plants in developing countries? 答案:The coal used in the coal plants is low grade and the machineries there are less efficient. As a result, produce much 1.What are the features of today’s mobile phones? more carbon dioxide per unit of electricity, 答案:They are loaded with (features such as) MP3 music players, TV, music and wireless photo printing. 3.How can the use of coal become “green” ? 2.What will manuthctures face if they produce a new product? 答案:Coal can become “green” through carbon capture and storage. 答案:They will face a big dilemma. 4.According to the text,what has Norway been doing? 3.What should the most popular phones have? 答案:Norway has been investing heavily in developing carbon capture technology. 答案:The most popular phones should have advanced functions to customize for individual tastes. 5.What is the biggest concern of storing carbon at an underground site? 4.What will people do with cell phones in the future? 答案:The carbon stored at an underground site could leak.and a large leak of underground carbon dioxide could be as dangerous 答案:People will use phones for everything from watching TV to studying and writing school exams. as a leak of nuclear fuel. 5.Why does the writer mention \短句翻译 答案:Because he thinks that it affects customers’ buying behavior. 1.在很多以煤为主要能源的发展中国家,减少碳排放是一件极具挑战的工作。 短句翻译 答案:Reducing carbon emission is a great challenge to developing nations where coal is a major source of energy. 1.如今不管男女老少几乎都拥有手机。 2.20世纪末的世界人口是20世纪六十年代的两倍。 答案:Today almost everyone, men and women, old and young has a cell phone. 答案:The world population by the end of the 20?century was twice as much as that ofthe 1960s. 2.这种新的网络连接形式能使大量的数据得以快速地传输。 3.如果没有先进的技术,环境污染无法得以改善。 答案:The new type of Internet connection could carry much data at a very high speed. 答案:Without advanced technology,environmental pollution could not be improved 3.电子邮件正在取代(edge out)传真、电话、快速邮递。它缩短了科学合作者(scientific collaborators)之间的距离。 4.过量饮食对人体带来的危害与过量饮酒带给人体的伤害一样严重。 答案:E-mail is starting to edge out the fax, the telephone, express mail, which shrinks distance between scientific collaborators. 答案:Excessive eating could be as harmful tO health as excessive drinking. 4.手机从发明到现在已有很长的历史,而且在技术方面有了长足的(by leaps and bounds)进步。 5.该公司正在就如何有效减少二氧化碳排放做一项实验性研究。 答案:Mobile phones have come a long way since their invention and have advanced by leaps and bounds in regard to technology. 答案:The company has been working on a pilot study in an effort tO cut carbon emission efficiently 5.快速的数据传输速度可以帮助解决网络传输量巨大增长的问题。 短文翻译 答案:The high speed of data transmission can help solve the problem of how to handle the enormous growth in the Intemet. Many chemical compounds found in the Earth’s atmosphere act as “greenhouse gases.” These gases allow sunlight to enter 短文翻译 the atmosphere freely. When sunlight strikes the Earth's surface, some of it is reflected back towards space as infrared radiation A group of scientists looked for many health threats from mobile phones. They found that radio waves may affect biological (heat). Greenhouse gases absorb this infrared radiation and trap the heat in the atmosphere. Over time, the amount of energy cells but this may not necessarily lead to any particular harm to the adult mobile user. This can’t be said for small children sent from the sun to the Earth’s surface should be about the same as the amount of energy radiated back into space, leaving though. Because their skulls and cells are still growing, it is easier for radio waves from mobile phone to enter their heads the temperature of the Earth's surface roughly constant. and their skin tends to absorb more radiation compared to adults. Many gases exhibit these “greenhouse” properties. Some of them occur in nature (water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, The hands-free phone has many benefits including the decrease in strength of radio wave radiation due to the increase in and nitrous oxide), while others are exclusively human-made. distance of your head to the handset. Rather than holding your mobile phone against your ear, which increases your exposure Levels of several important greenhouse gases have increased by about 25 percent since large-scale industrialization began to radio waves, you can now place it on your lap and still talk to someone with an ear-piece cable. around 150 years ago. During the past 20 years, about three-quarters of human-made carbon dioxide emissions were from burning 科学家们发现了手机对健康的多种危害。他们发现电磁波可以影响细胞,但是未必会对使用手机的成年人带来特别严重的危害,然而对fossil fuels. 小孩却并非如此。因为他们的头骨和细胞还在生长,手机的电磁波较容易进入他们的头颅,他们的皮肤比成年人更容易吸收辐射。 World carbon dioxide emissions are expected to increase by 1.9 percent annually between 2001 and 2025. Much of the increase 免提式手机有很多好处,因为它使话机和头之间的距离更远,降低了电磁波的辐射强度。你不用把手机放到耳朵上通话,避免增加与电in these emissions is expected to occur in the developing world where emerging economies, such as China and India, fuel their 磁波的接触,只需要把手机放在膝盖上通过耳机就能与对方通话。 economic development with fossil energy. Developing countries' emissions are expected to grow above the world average at 2.7 例文 percent annually between 2001 and 2025. For mobile touch technology, it's only the beginning Apple lnc.'s phone revolutionized the mobile phone with easy-to-use 地球大气中的很多化合物都具有“温室气体”效果。这些气体可使太阳的光线没有任何阻碍地进入到大气中。阳光到达地球表面时,其touch-screen technology that allows users to surf the Web, tap out messages or control any number of inventive applications. 中的一部分会变为红外线辐射(即热量)被反射同太空。温室气体吸收这些红外辐射并把热量圈在大气当中。日复一日,从太阳发射到地球表Developers are working on new applications for “multi-touch” screens. These screens can process commands the user gives 面的能量与反射同太空的能量应是相等的,这样即可使地球表面的温度基本保持恒定。 with more than one finger, which broadens the possibilities for application. Other developers are working on advances in 许多气体都具备这些“温室气体”的特征。这种气体就存存于自然界中,如水蒸气、二氧化碳、甲烷和氮氧化物,而其它的“温室气体”“haptic” feedback - vibrations and other physical sensations that are now used, for instance, to let a gamer know she’s 则完全是人类制造的。 reached a new level, but that can also be used to communicate emotions and may soon give a touch-screen keyboard the feel 150年前开始的大规模工业化使主要温室气体的数量增加了25%。在过去的20年中,由人类活动排放的二氧化碳约75%都是由燃烧化of a physical keyboard. And for those who still prefer to work with keys on their phones, even some traditional keyboards 石燃料造成的。 will perform certain functions in response to touch commands. 人们预测2001年至2025年全球二氧化碳排放将会以1.9%的年增长率增加。这其中大部分的增长将会发生在以燃烧化石能源促进经济发展Software developers set to work on multi-touch applications. Some, for instance, allow users to play virtual musical 的新兴经济体中,例如中国印度。2001年至2025年这些发展中国家的碳排放将会以平均每年2.7%的比例增长,这个数字大大超过了世界instruments on the phone. But multi-touch developers have largely focused on games. 的年平均增长率。 Haptic technology already has many non-mobile applications. In videogames, for instance, it can give gamers the sensation of actually steering a car they're controlling on the screen. In medical training, it can make procedures like endoscopy 例文: performed on a simulator feel real, so that medical personnel can develop a better sense of how to perform them.The use of By the year 2050 it is estimated that the world’s population could have increased to around 12 billion. Of these, some haptics in mobile phones is still in its infancy. but the wider deployment of haptic enabled phones will open the door to 60 percent will live within 60km of the sea. The agricultural and industrial activities required to support this population new applications. will increase the already significant pressures on fertile coastal areas. For now, at least many mobile users prefer the accuracy of a physical keyboard rather than a touch screen. A new technology One significant impact of human activity is marine pollution. The most visible and familiar is oil pollution caused by is being designed to allow the best of both worlds: a keyboard that can also respond to touch commands. tanker accidents and tank washing at sea. Despite the scale and visibility of such impacts, the total quantities of pollutants entering the sea from the long line 1.Why do we say Apple’s iPhone is a revolution? of catastrophic oil spills appeared small compared with those of pollutants introduced directly and indirectly from other 答案:Because Apple is the first to develop a new technology called easy-to-touch-screen. sources (including domestic sewage, industrial discharges, leakages, urban and industrial run-off, accidents, spillages, 2.What is the advantage of multi-touch screen? explosions, sea dumping operations, oil production, mining, agriculture nutrients and pesticides, waste heat sources and 答案:The scteens can process commands the user gives with more than one finger, radioactive discharges). 3.What is the haptic feedback technology? Nutrient pollution from sewage discharges and agriculture can result in unsightly and possibly dangerous \of algae 答案:It is vibrations and physical sensations. in coastal waters. As these blooms die and decay they use up the oxygen in the water, this led, in some areas,to \4.What do gamers feel if they use haptic technology in videogames? dead zones\答案:The gamers feel that they have the actual sensation when they play games. Radioactive pollution has many causes, including the normal operation of nuclear power stations. Radioactive elements 5.Why do many people like a physical keyboard nowadays? traceable to reprocessing can be found in seaweeds as far away as the West Greenland Coast. 答案:Because they like the accuracy of a physical keyboard. Trace metal pollution from metal mining, production and processing industries can damage the health of marine plants and 短句翻译 animals and render some sea foods unfit for human consumption. 1.这项技术使移动通讯行业产生了突破性变革。 答案:This technology revolutionized mobile communication. 1.Why is it difficult to support the population on fertile coastal areas by the year 2050? 2.多触摸功能是其最大的卖点之一(eye-catching feature)。 答案:Because 60% of the world’s population will live with in 60km of the sea. 答案:The multi-touch capability is among its most eye-catching features. 2.How many kinds of sea pollutions are mentioned in the passage?What are they? 3.戴尔是一家跨国技术公司,总部设在德克萨斯州。 答案:There are four:marine pollution, nutrient, pollution, radioactive pollution, trace metal pollution. 答案:Dell Inc.based in Texas, is a multinational company. 3.What is mentioned as the most visible and familiar marine pollution? 4.制造商经常在用户购买新电脑的时候提供免费更换服务。 答案:Oil pollution. 答案:Manufactures often offer a free replacement service when users purchase a new PC. 4.Marine life dies in creeping dead zones because of the lack of . 5.很多多点触控界面(interfaces)的产品已经出现,而且正在广泛地应用。 答案:Oxygen. 答案:Many products for multi-touch interfaces have already existed and are being widely applied. 5.The West Greenland Coast has been polluted by . 短文翻译 答案:Radioactive elements. The keyboard, being developed by the researchers, responds normally when a letter or number is pressed. But a user could 短句翻译 scroll down a Web page by running a finger lightly across the key board; pressing a little harder might be the command to 1.一些污染源已经通过立法得到控制。 scroll taster or zoom in on a page. The technology is expected to start being employed in mobile phones in 2010 or 2011. 答案:Some sources of pollution have been brought under control by legislation. 研究人员在研制这样一种键盘,当用户按下一个字母或者数字的时候,它可以作出正常反应。用户可以通过手指轻轻地上下触摸键盘来2.用电动车来取代汽油和柴油车可减少城市污染。 滑动网页:如果用力稍重一点,则表明滑动得更快或者放大页面的指令。这项技术有望于2010年或者2011年运用在手机上。 答案:Replacing petrol and diesel vehicles with electric cars can free our cities from pollution. 3.要从源头(at Source)来规范危险化学品的生产和使用。 例文 答案:The production and use of dangerous chemicals should be regulated at source. Oil and natural gas are an important part of our everyday life. Not only do they give us mobility, they heat and cool 4.最近所发生的一切除了会造成明显可见的短期影响外,也会导致严重的长期问题。 our homes and provide electricity. Millions of products are made from oil and gas, including plastics, life-saving medications, 答案:In addition to the visible short-term impacts. what has happened recently can also cause/result in severe long-term clothing, cosmetics, and many other items you may use daily. problems. In the United States,97% of the energy that drives the transportation sector (cars, buses, subways, railroads, airplanes, 5.污染的海岸水域引发的死亡和疾病每年要耗费全球经济128亿美元。 etc.) comes from fuels made from oil. 答案:Death and disease caused by polluted coastal waters cost the global economy US$12.8 billion a year. Auto manufacturers are developing cars to run on alternate fuels such as electricity, hydrogen and ethanol. However, the 短文翻译 electric batteries need to be charged and the fuel to generate the electricity could be oil or gas. The hydrogen needed for In addition to the sewage,cities produce many tons of trash and junk each day. Bottles, garbage, plastic bags, waste paper, fuel cells could also be generated from natural gas or petroleum-based products. Even as alternative fuels are developed, oil cans and even junked cars make up much of this waste. Solid waste is an increasing problem. If it is dumped on land. it breeds will be crucially important to assuring that people can get where they need to be and want to go for the foreseeable future. rats, flies and mosquitoes and produces odors. One way to handle it is to make sanitary landfills. Here the trash is crushed In areas of the world that are still developing. businesses and individuals are demanding greater mobility for themselves and covered with soil. and their products. World vehicle ownership is projected to increase from 122 vehicles per thousand people in 1999 to 144 除了污水外,城市每天还要产生很多吨的垃圾及废弃物。垃圾堆里大部分东西是瓶子、残羹剩饭、塑料袋、废纸、罐头盒,甚至还有报vehicles per thousand in 2020, with the growth occurring in developing nations. Airports are being added in these countries 废的汽车。固体垃圾的问题越来越大。随地倒垃圾会滋生老鼠、苍蝇和蚊子并产生臭味。有一种处理垃圾的方法就是进行卫生填埋,将垃圾as well, expanding jet fuel demand. Oil is expected to remain the primary fuel source for transportation throughout the world 压碎之后用土盖上。 for the foreseeable future, and transportation fuels are projected to account for almost 57% of total world oil consumption by 2020. 例文: World population is currently around 6 billion people, but is expected to grow to approximately 7.6 billion by 2020. That China's unprecedented growth in recent years has come at a terrible price. Two-thirds of its rivers and lakes are too polluted will mean a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made from for industrial use, let alone agriculture or drinking. Just 1 in 100 of China's nearly 600 million city dwellers breathes oil and natural gas. air that would be considered safe in Europe. At a time when arable land is in short supply, poisoned floodwaters have ruined many productive fields. 1.According to the text,how important is oil to our life? The immensity of these troubles has produced a result that may surprise many outside China:The nation has emerged as 答案:Oil and gas give us mobility, they heat and cool our homes and provide electricity. They can also be made into many products an incubator for clean technology, vaulting to the forefront in several categoies. Among all countries, China is now the largest that we use every day. producer of photovoltaic solar panels, thanks to such homegrown manufacturers as Suntech Power. The country is the world’s 2.What is a disadvantage of electric batteries used in automobiles? second largest market for wind turbines.In car-making, China’s BYD Auto has leapfrogged global giants, launching the first 答案:They must be charged and the fuel to generate the electricity could be oil or gas. mass-produced hybrid that plugs into an electrical outlet. 3.Can alternate energy completely replace oil and gas in the foreseeable future?Why? Understanding they are in a global race, China's leaders are supporting businesses with policies and incentives. Beijing 答案:No,it can’t. Oil and gas will still be crucially important to assuring that people can get where they need to be and recently hiked China's auto mileage standards to a level the U.S. is not expected to reach until 2020. Beijing also says it want to go for the foreseeable future. will boost the country's share of electricity created from renewable sources to 23% by 2020, from 16% today, on par with 4.Where in the world can we see the big increase in car ownership? similar targets in Europe. Beijing's green intentions will soon be put to the test. China is in the midst of the biggest building 答案:In the developing world. boom in history. A study estimates that over 350 million people will migrate from the countryside into cities by 2025. Five 5.What will the increase of world population indicate? million buildings will be added, including 50,000 skyscrapers-equal to 10 New York Cities. And as new offices and houses 答案:That will mean a huge increase in the demand for transportation fuels, electricity, and many other consumer products made multiply, they are filled with energy-hungry computers, TVs, air conditioners, and the like, sharply increasing demand for from oil and natural gas. electricity, which comes mainly from coal-powered plants. 短句翻译 1.大多数替代能源不仅可以给我们带来清洁空气,它们还是可再生的。 1.What are some of the downsides to China’s growth? 答案:Not only do the majority of the alternative energies give us clean air, they are renewable as well. 答案:Rivers, lake and air are seriously polluted. Water and agricultural land have been poisoned. 2.许多生活日用品都是由石油制成的。 2.According to the passage,how many people in China breathe safe air? 答案:Many of the products we use daily are made from petroleum. 答案:6 million. 3.尽管许多国家在研发并开始使用不同的替代能源,在未来很长的一段时间化石燃料仍将是占据主导地位的能源。 3.What can be learned about Suntech Power? 答案:Though many countries are researching and developing and are applying different alternative energy, fossil fuels will 答案:1t is a domestic (homegrown) manufacturer of photovoltaic solar panels. remain crucially important for a long time in the future. 4.What are Beijing’s green intentions? 4.专家预计:北京的汽车占有量将超过每干人200辆。 答案:Beijing will boost the country’s share of electricity created from renewable sources to 23% by 2020. 答案:It is estimated (projected) that the car ownership in Beijing will exceed 200 per thousand people. 5.What will be increased sharply by the year 2025 in China? 5.在未来几十年,世界人口仍将持续增长。这意味着能源需求将进一步增加。 答案:City population. 答案:World population will continue to grow in the next few decades.This will mean an increasing in the demand for energy. 短句翻译 短文翻译 1.环境污染和自然灾害是经济发展应付出的代价。 Energy is available in many forms. Some are renewable such as gravity, which can be converted to hydroelectricity. Another 答案:Environmental pollution and natural disasters are the price we have to pay for developing the economy. renewable, such as solar energy, can be used directly to heat water and dwellings or be converted into electricity by photovoltaic 2.化石能源的紧缺促使很多能源公司去开发替代能源。 methods (direct conversion) or by the production of steam using a system of mirrors. Solar energy can also be employed indirectly 答案:The shortaage of fossil fuels has made many energy companies develop alternative energy sources. 2

- 3 - 3.丰田汽车公司已经开始大规模生产其混合动力车Prius,这在很大程度上超过了其它汽车制造大企业。 out tomorrow’s weather, and even do translation work. 答案:Toyota Auto has begun mass-producing its hybrid model Prius, which has leapfrogged other auto giants. 短文翻译 4.政府通过政策激励来促使国有企业节能减排。 The Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that communicate with each other. 答案:Governments are boosting (promoting) energy conservation and emission reduction through policies and incentives. The goal of your use of the Intemet is exchanging messages or obtaining information. What you need to know is that you 5.随着人口的成倍增长(multiply),世界将会对能源有如饥似渴般的需求。 can exchange message with other computers on the Intemet and use your computer as a remote terminal on distant computers. 答案:As population multiplies, the world will become energy-hungry. But the intemal details of the link are 1ess important. as long as it works. If you connect computers together on a network, 短文翻译 each computer must have a unique address, which could be either a word or a number. For example, the address of Sam’s computer China’s investments in renewable energy in 2009 exceeded those made by the United States for the first time. With its could be Sam, or a number. investments growing 50 percent in 2009, China committed $34.6 billion to wind power, solar energy and other forms of renewable Although all these services can well satisfy the needs of the users for information exchange, a definite requirement is energy, making it the world’s biggest investor in such projects. China invested nearly double the United States’ $18.6 billion. needed for the users. Not only should the users know where the resources locates, but also he should know some operating commands, while the United Kingdom, which has a much smaller population, was the third largest investor with $11.2 billion in 2009. The concerned to ease the searching burden of the users, recently some convenient searching tools appear, such as Gopher, WWW and study of investments by G-20 nations also found that China’s installed renewable energy capacity surged to 52.5 gigawatts, Netscape. putting it just behind the United States. which had 53.4 gigawatts of capacity in 2009. 互联网是由位于世界各地相互通信的计算机连接而成的巨大的计算机网络。 China is emerging as the world’s clean energy powerhouse. Having built a strong manufacturing base and export markets, 使用互联网的目的是交换讯息或获得信息。你只须知道你可以与互联网上的其它计算机交换讯息并将你的计算机用作远端计算机的远程China is working now to meet domestic demand by installing substantial new clean energy-generating capacity to meet ambitious 终端,而网络链接的内部细节并不太重要,只要网络能工作就行。若将多台计算机连接到网络上,每台计算机须有唯一的地址,地址可以是renewable energy targets. Over the past six months alone, China has signed deals with American solar companies to build solar 一个文字或一个数字。例如Sam的计算机地址可以是Sam或一个数字。 power plants that would generate 4,000 megawatts ofelectricity. 虽然所有这些服务可以很好地满足用户对信息交换的需要,但用户仍需具备一些特定的条件。用户不仅要知道信息资源所处的位置,2009年中国在可再生能源上的投资首次超过了美国。2009年中国政府为开发风电、太阳能和其它可再生资源共投资346亿美元,同比而且还要知道一些有关的操作命令。为了减轻用户寻找信息的负担,近来出现了一些方便的搜索工具,如Gopher,www和Netscape。 增长了50%,这也使得中国成为世界上最大的可再生能源的投资者。中国的这项投资几乎相当于美国186亿美元投资的两倍,而英国,虽然 人口数量要比中国和美国小很多,但在可再生能源上的投资却排在世界第三位,他们2009年的投资额为112亿美元。20国集团(G-20)对可例文 再生能源投资所做的研究还表明,目前中国已安装完善的可再生能源发电总量已飞速发展到525亿瓦特,仅次于美国2009年的534亿瓦特The launch of Apple’s iPad in the US is a polarising moment. The television news lingers on the queues outside Apple 发电总量。 stores, and fans are seen drooling over these latest shiny objects of techno-lust. Doubters, meanwhile, point out that general 中国已成为世界新兴的清洁能源发电站。拥有强大的生产基地和庞大的出口市场,中国目前正致力于大批安装清洁能源发电设施以满purpose tablet-style computers such as this have always bombed before - and if the touch-screen interface is so revolutionary, 足国内对可再生能源不断增加的需求。仅仅在过去的六个月中,中国就已经和一些美国的太阳能公司签署了建造拥有4000兆瓦发电能力的why is Apple going to sell an old-fashioned keyboard to plug into it? 太阳能发电站的协议。 To focus on issues such as these, though, would be to miss the point. This launch is about much more than just another piece of personal technology hardware, no matter how desirable. For the iPad is an extension of the most significant new 例文 development in computing since the birth of the personal computer. If it takes off, it would seal Apple's rebound to the very There are pros and cons for command and market economies. top of the heap in the computing world. Starting with the iPhone in 2007 and followed by the iPod Touch the same year, Apple Let's look at the command economy first. The foundation of it is that it is directed and controlled by a centralized government. has been changing the way people relate to intelligent portable devices. Touch has become the interface and connected “app A command economy means that the government is involved in every step. There are other downsides to a command economy. Often stores” the new place to find services and content. factories don’t meet quotas, needs are underestimated, and a product could sell too quickly, and so on. Basically things have Between them, the iPhone and the Touch already represent the fastest-growing new computing platform in history, according to be adusted. Production and prices might have to be increased or decreased; there might be restrictions on the number of to Mary Meeker, internet analyst with Morgan Stanley. With the iPad, Apple is now staking out a big piece of extra territory items a person could buy. for this platform.General purpose, tablet-style devices have proved a graveyard for technology companies before. But with Now let's look at the market economy. That means private enterprise with the government not making the decisions. Here's a model honed on the iPhone, Apple starts with a better chance than others. And even if initial sales are disappointing - how it works. We'll use the example of clothing. Maybe somebody - say Jack - decides to open a company making clothes. He as they were for the iPod and iPhone - Apple has at least outlined the shape of a big new potential market for the army of designs and makes them fashionable so people will want to buy and wear them. If the clothes become popular then Jack can increase software developers who have hitched their fortunes to its technology. the price and keep increasing it. By doing this Jack can make more profit and or expand his business to make even more money. At the same time other people will have noticed how well he is doing and will start up new businesses in competition. This 1.What will be the television news focus after the launch of Apple’S iPad in USA? way prices will level off or even come down because people will buy the thing costing less. The companies will have to cut 答案:The television news will focus on the long line standing in front of Apple stores. and fans who are drooling over these costs, and perhaps do with less profit to stay in business. In this case the market economy is the way to go. latest shiny objects of techno-lust. With a command economy the government runs everything and everybody, but with a market economy the government supposedly 2.In what situation will Apple rebound to the very top in the computing world? provides assistance only to correct problems that can't be solved by the market. With a command economy come chronic shortages, 答案:If the iPad becomes popular,it will help Apple rebound to the top of the business. inefficiencies. On the other hand, the market economy offers greater opportunities for economic growth, technological progress 3.What changes has Apple already brought to intelligent portable devices? and prosperity. 答案:Apple has been changing the way people relate to intelligent portable devices. Touch has become the interface and connected “app stores’’ the new place to find services and content. 1.What is the role of government in the command economy? 4.What’s Mary Meeker’s analysis to iPhone and the Touch? 答案:The economy is directed, controlled by the centralized government. 答案:The iPhone and the Touch already represent the fastest-growing new computing platform in history. 2.What might be restricted in the command economy? 5.In the sentence “Tablet-style devices have proved a graveyard for technology comparies before, ” what does the word 答案:How much of an item a person can buy. “graveyard” mean? 3.What is the market economy? 答案:It means that the tablet-style devices will disappear from history. 答案:Market economy means private enterprise with the government not making the decisions. 短句翻译 4.Who is Jack according to the text? 最初,iPad主要被当作一款媒体消费设备——用它来读书、看视频、或翻阅带有视频以及文字和图片的新型电子杂志,要比用iPhone答案:Jack is a virtual person who owns a company that makes clothes. 的效果更理想。但是,与iPhone一样,关键之处将在于人们如何接受它、使用它,以及应用程序开发者多快能寻找到利用其特性打造新体5.What does the market economy provide? 验的办法。人们当然有理由对它持有疑虑。它的屏幕更大,因此它可能不如智能手机那么便携;它缺少内置的键盘,因此作为一个输入设备,答案:The market economy provides/offers greater opportunities for economic growth, technological progress and prosperity. 它可能不如PC或Mac那么有用。但iPad的9.7英寸高分辨率显示屏(high—resolution screen),将成为计算机业播种梦想(dream to be 短句翻译 sketched)的下个处女地(virgin territory)。 当今,经济学在商业方面起着越来越大的作用。商人们清楚地认识到研究工作的重要性,他们需要通过研究来发现什么样的条件有助于iPad used mainly as a media consumption device - a better place than the iPhone to read books,watch video,or flick through 出售他们的商品,对他们的商品有什么需求,以及能够得到什么样的国际市场等等。 new electronic versions of magazines that offer video as well as text and pictures. But, as with the iPhone, the real story Economics plays an increasingly important part in business today. Businessmen see clearly the necessity for research. They will lie in how it is taken up and used - and how quickly other application developers find ways to exploit its unique need research to discover what sort of conditions will help them sell their goods, what demand there will be for their goods, characteristics to create new experiences. There are certainly reasons for doubt. The larger screen may make it less portable what foreign markets will be available and so on. than a smartphone, its lack of a built-in keyboard less useful as an input device than a PC or Mac. But the iPad’s 9.7 inch, 短文翻译 high-resolution screen is about to become the virgin territory on which the computer industry’s next dreams will be sketched. Globalization is a fact of life. But we have underestimated its fragility. The problem is this. The spread of markets grow 短文翻译 faster than the ability of societies and their political systems to adjust to them, let alone to guide the course they take. In the past few years,what has remained the most discussed issue in science world is the innovation of clouds-computing. History teaches us that such an imbalance between the economic, social and political realms can never be sustained for very What is clouds-computing and how is it going to shape our life? long. There are two parts to understanding the platform. The first is to do with the processing power and data storage, which The industrialized countries learned that lesson in their bitter and costly encounter with the Great Depression. In order have been moving away from individual computers into massive, centralized datacenters. This is bringing industrial scale to to restore social harmony and political stability. they adopted social safety nets and other measures. That insured possible number-crunching - and is making it possible to unleash supercomputing power on everyday tasks: analyzing a city’s traffic successive moves towards globalization, which brought about the long-period of expansion. patterns, for example, to predict where jams will crop up. 全球化已成为无法回避的事实。但是我们低估了它的脆弱。问题就在于此,市场的快速扩展已超出了社会及其政治制度适应其发展的能The second part lies in the billions of intelligent personal devices - think smart phones and netbooks - capable of plugging 力,更谈不上引导市场发展的进程了。历史经验告诉我们:这种经济、社会和政治领域的不平衡绝不会持续很久。 into this centralized computing resource via the internet. That means individuals (and not just companies or governments) will 工业化国家在遭遇经济大萧条时付出了惨重、昂贵的代价,因此而吸取了教训。为了恢复社会和谐、政治稳定,他们采用了社会安全体be able to take advantage of these information “clouds”. 系和其它一些措施,确保了不断迈向经济全球化而带来的长期市场扩张。 So where does this lead us? Two broad predictions spring to mind. One is that making so much information and processing power available at very low cost will produce new breakthroughs. Science, for instance, could be revolutionized, as researchers 例文 gain access to previously unimaginable amounts of data and develop ways to cross-refer between disciplines. If the CPI, Consumer Price Index was 2.1% in a country, what does that mean? In a nutshell, it means that consumers in The second prediction is that personal computing devices will become super smart as they are able to draw on the intelligence that country paid 2.1% more than in the previous year for the goods and services included in the CPI basket. Although prices of the“cloud”. Already, Google is talking about adding instantaneous voice translation to its phones. of goods and services rise and fall over time, when prices change too dramatically, they can have negative effects on an economy. The big changes represented by these computing shifts may not be complete by the end of this decade - but they will be In order to tell if an economy is experiencing inflation, deflation or stagflation, we use the CPI as a gauge of the prices well under way. of goods and services. 过去几年科技领域的热门话题,一直是云计算的兴起。但这一新发明到底是什么,它将如何改变我们的生活? When the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistic releases the CPI data monthly, the CPI’s results are widely 我们需要从两个方面来理解这一平台。第一个方面与处理能力及数据存储有关——这部分功能已经从个人电脑转移到了大型的中央集成anticipated and watched. Who would eagerly await the results, you might ask? Well,the CPI plays an important role for many 数据中心。它将使数字处理形成产业化规模,并使超级计算能力可以被用于日常工作:比如,分析某个城市的交通模式,以便预测哪个地点key financial decision makers, including individual investors, the Central Banks and the Federal Reserve in the U.S. The CPI 会发生交通堵塞。 helps central banks forecast the interest-rate policy and other decisions of major banks and corporations. 第二个方面是,数十亿台智能个人设备——如智能手机、上网本——能够通过互联网接入这一集中化计算资源。这意味着,个人(而不I mentioned the CPI basket before and now I want to expand on what this basket is and how we get the information. The 仅仅是企业或政府)将能够利用这些信息“云”。 base-year market basket, which makes up the CPI, comes from detailed expenditure information collected from surveys of thousands 那么,它将带领我们走向何方?我脑海中闪现了两个宽泛的预测。一个是,使人们能以非常低的成本获得如此多的信息与处理能力,将of families. The information is not randomly collected, instead, the information is gathered through interviews and diaries 会带来新突破。例如,科学领域可能会发生彻底的变革,因为研究人员能够获取之前难以想象的海量数据,并且研发出在各学科之间相互指kept by participants who have agreed to disclose their buying habits. The basket is divided into eight groups:food and beverages, 引参照的方法。 housing, apparel, transportation, medical care, recreation, education and communication, and other goods and services, and 第二个预测是,个人计算设备将变得超级智能,因为它们可以利用“云”的智能。谷歌已经开始讨论在其手机中加入同步语音翻译功includes more than 200 categories. Finally, the prices of 80,000 items in the market basket are collected monthly from thousands 能。 of retail stores, service establishments, rental units, and doct 这些计算技术转变带来的重大变革可能在这十年内无法完成——但它们将会仃长足的进展。 1.What is CPI short for? 例文 答案:Consumer Price Index. Cellular technology has been evolving since its invention. With the first cellular telephone networks, developed by Bell 2.What does that indicate if CPI is 3.3% in a country this year? Labs and AT&T cellular technology began to make leaps forward in ease of use, voice quality, and data communication.The miracle 答案:Consumers in a country have to pay 3. 3% more than in the previous year for the goods and services. of technology we know today as the cellular phone was made possible by a steady stream of innovation that continues on into 3.What will happen if prices change a lot? the future. 答案:They can have negative effects on an economy. 3G technology, the current standard in cellular service, improved cellular service even more. On the network side. it 4.Who are eager to await the results of the CPI? Why? was even more efficient than 2G and allowed greater capacity on the cellular network. It allowed much faster data connections 答案:Many key financial decision makers. Because the CPl play’s an important role for them. that approached broadband speeds. It also allowed a consumer to use both voice and data features on their phone at the same 5.How is the information of the CPI basket collected? time. 答案:The information is collected through. Interviews and diaries kept by the participants. However, the march of technology goes ever forward, and now there is a fourth generation of cellular technology just 短句翻译 over the horizon. Unlike previous generations of cellular network technology, 4G is not designed around voice services but 20世纪30年代的大萧条(Great Depression)对大部分的美国人产生了巨大的影响。工厂倒闭,工人失业,公司和银行破产,农民不能is designed around the Internet. It will also do away with many of the cellular network incompatibilities between carriers 偿付贷款并失去了他们的农场,他们中的许多人只能离开家乡去寻找工作。20世纪30年代的大萧条不仅影响了美国,它把整个世界都搅乱and countries. It will have blazing fast data speeds starting at 100 Mbps, and top out at 1Gbps. It is designed to be used 了。 with both mobile phones and more static computers. The Great Depression of the 1930s had a profound (serious) effect on most of the population of the United States. Factories The developments in cellular technology promise a worldwide network of mobile voice and data communication like we've closed and workers were out of work; businesses and banks collapsed; farmers could not repay their loans and lost their farms. never seen before. Imagine a broadband connection to the Internet and crystal clear calls anywhere you go. Get ready for Many of them had to leave their farms to search for jobs (look for jobs). The Great Depression of the 1930s didn’t only affect 4G! the USA alone but turned the whole world upside down. 1.What contribution did Bell Lab and AT&T make to cellular technology? 短文翻译 答案:They developed the first cellular telephone networks. Social assistance is considered a job, which is correct. This sector,accounting for 6 percent of all jobs in this country, 2.What are the advantages of 3G technology over 2G? is made up of firms and organizations that have goals that go beyond making money. Their goal is to improve the quality and 答案:3G is even more efficient than 2G and allowed greater capacity on the cellular network. It also allowed much faster data accessibility of their products in addition to increasing the quality of life of their members and employees, by educating connections and allowed a consumer to use both voice and data features on their phones at the same time. and training them. 3.How is 4G designed differently from the previous generations of cellular network technology? Many of these companies focus more specifically on helping build basic job skills in the most needy people - young people 答案:4G is not designed around voice services but is designed around the Intemet. who may never have worked and older long-term unemployed people. The second group is mostly men who once worked in traditional 4.Name the major advantages of 4G. industries and who find the skills that gave them status are no longer in demand. 答案:It will do away with many of the cellular network incompatibilities between carriers and countries.It will have blazing 社会援助被看作是一个职业,这是正确的。这个领域占该国所有就业机会的6%,是由一些不以盈利为目的的公司和组织构成的。他们fast data speeds. It is designed to be used with both mobile phones and more static computers. 的主要目标是通过教育和培训的方式提高他们的成员或雇员的生活质量。此外,还要提升他们的产品质量和可获性。 5.In the sentence“It will have blazing fast data speeds starting at 100 Mbps,and top out at 1Gbps.”How do you understand 许多这样的公司把重点专门放在那些最贫困的人群上,即那些从来没有工作过的年轻人和长期失业的年长者,帮助他们培养最基本的“top out at 1Gbps”? 工作技能。第二类群体主要是那些曾经在传统行业中工作的人们,他们发现曾经给他们带来一定地位的那些技能已经不再被社会所需要。 答案:It means“the fastest speed can reach l Gbps”. 短文翻译 例文 3G的全称为第三代数字通信。1995年问世的第一代数字手机只能进行语音通话;而1996到1997年出现的第二代数字手机便增加了接The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very large network resources. The network resources 收数据的功能,如接收电子邮件或网页;第三代与前两代的主要区别是在传输声音和数据的速度上的提升,它能够处理图像、音乐、视频等can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources. The network facilities resources provide 多种媒体形式,提供包括网页浏览、电话会议、电子商务等多种信息服务。 us the ability of remote computation and communication. The network information resources provide us all kinds of information 3G is short for the Third Generation Digital Communication. The first generation of digital communication developed in services such as science, education, business, history, law, art, and entertainment,etc. 1995 only allowed voice transmission on the phone. By 1996 and 1997, the 2G digital cellphones had a new feature that is data The most commonly used network service is electronic mail. Mail permits network users to send textual messages to each transmission. such as emails and access to the Intemet. The biggest difierence between 3G and the first two generations lies other. Computers and networks handle delivering the mail, so that communicating mail users do not have to handle details of in the features that voice and data can be transmitted at a much faster speed and that photos, music, and videos can be transmitted delivery, and do not have to be present at the same time or place. and that it provides services like access to the Internet. Teleconferencing. E-commerce and the like. Before you can use the Internet,you must choose a way to move data between the Intemet and your PC. This link may be a 短文翻译 high-speed data communication circuit, a local area network(LAN),a telephone line or a radio channel. Most likely, you will Telecommunications carriers are expanding their data transmission capabilities,known as \by replacing copper use a Modem attached to your telephone line to talk to the Intemet. wires with fiber optic cables. Fiber optic cable, which transmits light signals along glass strands, permits faster, higher Worldwide web (www) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface. It provides access to multiple services and capacity transmissions than traditional copper wire. In some areas, carriers are extending fiber optic cable to residential documents like Gopher does but is more ambitious in its meyhod. A jump to other Internet service can be triggered by a mouse customers, enabling them to offer cable television,video-on-demand, and faster high-speed Intemet. click on a \Wireless telecommunications carriers are deploying several new technologies to allow faster data transmission and better As more and more systems join the Internet, and as more and more forms of information can be converted to digital form, Internet access in an effort to make them more competitive in a market that includes wired Internet carriers. With faster the amount of stuff available to Internet users continues to grow. At some points very soon after the nationwide (and later connection speeds, wireless carriers can transmit music, videos, applications, and other content that can be downloaded and worldwide) Intemet started to grow, people began to treat the Net as a community. played on cellular phones, giving users mobile access to large amounts of data. In addition, as use of this mobile technology So we can say that the Internet is your PC's window to the rest of the world. increases, wireless companies continue to develop the next generation of technologies that will allow even faster data transmission. 1.What can network resources be divided into? 电信运营商们正将铜线替换为光纤电缆以扩充数据传输能力,即所谓的“带宽”。光纤电缆,通过玻璃质纤维传导光信号,与传统的铜答案:They are divided into network facilities resources and network information resources. 线电缆相比,可使信号传输更快、传输容量也更大。在一些地区,运营商还将光纤电缆的客户群延伸至普通的居民中。这样可以使他们观看2.What’s the function of each network resource? 有线电视、录像点播,以及高速因特网服务等。 答案:The network facilities resources provide us the ability of remote computation and communication and also provide us all 为了使自己在市场中更具竞争力,无线电信运营商们正在使用一些新技术使数据传输更加快捷、使互联网应用更加方便。有了更快的连kinds of information services(such as science, education, business, history, law, art, and entertainment). 接速度,无线通讯可以传送音乐、录像、应用程序,下载其它内容并在手机上播放,还能够使用户获取大量数据。另外,随着移动技术使用3.Why do most people choose the Intemet to deliver e-mails nowadays? 的持续增加,无线通讯公司也在不断开发下一代新技术,这将使数据传输更加快捷。 答案:Because it is the fastest and most convenient way (to send their e-mails). 4.What is the most possible way you choose to move data between the Internet and your PC? 例文 答案:Using a Modem attached to the telephone line. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is a means of mitigating the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global warming, 5.Why do people regard the Net as a community in the near future? based on capture carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point sources such as fossil fuel power plants, and storing it away from 答案:Because people can get and do whatever they want at home as more and more systems join the Intemet and more and more forms the atmosphere by different means. It can also be used to describe the scrubbing of CO2, from ambient air as a geoengineering of information are available to the amount of Intemet users. technique. 短句翻译 The term carbon dioxide capture and storage has also been used to describe biological techniques such as biochar burial, 近几年来,计算机不仅被越来越多的人运用于生产和技术领域,而且也用于日常生活。原因很简单,因为计算机比人的效率高的多。它which use trees, plankton, etc. to capture CO2 from the air. However, it is more conventional to use the term carbon capture 们比人有更好的记忆力,能储存大量的信息。计算机可以做许多我们做的事情,而且做的更快、更好。它们可以在工厂里控制机器,计算出and storage to describe non-biological processes of capturing carbon dioxide from combustion at the source. 第二天的天气,甚至可以做翻译工作。 CCS applied to a modem conventional power plant could reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by approximately 80-90% compared In recent years more and more people have used computers not only in production and technology, but also in everyday life. to a plant without CCS. The IPCC estimates that the economic potential of CCS could be between 10% and 55%of the total carbon The simple reason is that they are far more efficient than man. They have much better memories and can store large amounts mitigation effort until year 2100. of information. Computers can do many of the things we do,but faster and better. They can control machines in factories, work Capturing and compressing CO2 requires much energy and would increase the fuel needs of a coal-fired plant with CCS by 3

- 4 - 25%-40%. These and other system costs are estimated to increase the cost of energy from a new power plant with CCS by 21-91%. in the plant material. Many of the biomass fuels used today come in the form of wood products, dried vegetation, crop residues, These estimates apply to purpose-built plants near a storage location:applying the technology to preexisting plants or plants and aquatic plants. Biomass has become one of the most commonly used renewable sources of energy in the last two decades, second far from a storage location will be more expensive. only to hydropower in the generation of electricity. It is such a widely utilized source of energy, probably due to its low Storage of the CO2 is envisaged either in deep geological formations, in deep ocean masses, or in the form of mineral cost and indigenous nature, that it accounts for almost 15% of the world’s total energy supply and as much as 35%in developing carbonates. In the case of deep ocean storage, there is a risk of greatly increasing the problem of ocean acidification, countries. mostly for cooking and heating. a problem that also stems from the excess of carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere and oceans. There are two issues that affect the evaluation of biomass as a viable solution to our energy problem:the effects of the fanning and production of biomass and the effects of the factory conversion of biomass into usable energy or electricity. There 1.What is Carbon Capture and Storage? are as many environmental and economic benefits as there are detriments(损害) to each issue, which presents a difficult challenge 答案:Carbon capture and storage is a method to reduce the contribution of fossil fuel emissions to global wanning by capturing in evaluating the potential success of biomass as an alternative fuel. For instance, the replacement of coal by biomass could carbon dioxide (CO2) from large point sources such as fossil fuel power plants, and storing it away form the atmosphere by result in “a considerable reduction in net carbon dioxide emissions that contribute to the greenhouse effect”. On the other different means. hand, the use of wood and other plant material for fuel may mean deforestation. Wc are all aware of the problems associated 2.How is carbon dioxide capture and storage defined in biological ways? with denuding forests, and widespread clear cutting can lead to groundwater contamination and irreversible erosion patterns 答案:It is described as biochar burial, which use trees, plankton, etc. to capture CO2 from the air. that could literally change the structure of the world ecology. 3.What is the effect of applying carbon dioxide capture and storage on a modem conventional power plant? “生物质”是指通过光合作用储藏能量的有机物质。它既能以植物的形式存在,也可以通过食物链转化到动物的身体和粪便中,通过燃答案:It could reduce CO2 emissions to the atmosphere by approximately 80-90%compared to a plant without CCS. 烧提供人们每日所需的能量同时释放出存在于这些物质中的二氧化碳。许多我们现在使用的生物能都来自树木、干蔬菜、庄稼残留物以及水4.Where will the captured carbon be stored? 生植物。在过去的20年中,生物能是人们最常使用的可再生能源之一,在发电方面的作用,仅次于水力发电。生物能的应用之所以如此广答案:The captured carbon will be stored either in the deep geological furmations, in deep ocean masses, or in the form of mineral 泛,主要是因为成本低和其自然属性。正因如此,在整个世界能源总供给中生物能就占了将近15%,而在发展中国家这一比例高达35%,carbonates. 主要用于烹饪(煮饭)和取暖。 5.What is the problem of deep ocean storage? 有两大因素影响着生物能是否能成为解决能源问题的切实可行的最终方案:有农耕和生物质产量的因素,还有将生物能转化成可用能源答案:There is a risk of greatly increasing the problem of ocean acidification, a problem that also stems from the excess of 或电力的工厂的因素。就每一个因素而言都存在着许多对环境和经济带来的利益和危害。这就使人们很难将生物能作为最具潜力的替代能源。carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere and oceans. 例如,生物质替代煤会大大减少导致温室效应的碳排放,但另一方面,由于使用木材和其它植物材料又会出现采伐森林现象。我们都清楚伐短句翻译 光树木和植物会带来什么样的问题:地下水污染、不可逆转的土壤侵蚀,这些还会导致整个世界生态系统结构的彻底改变。 1.目前,碳捕获和存储设施已经安装到其它应用程序设计的部件。以石油公司为例,几十年来,他们已经将二氧化碳注入衰退井(fading wells) 中以提高采收率。 例文 答案:Current Carbon Capture Storage facilities have been patched together with components largely designed for other In order to understand the role of biofuels going forward, we need to look at where we are in the evolution of energy applications. Oil companies, for example, have been injecting carbon dioxide into fading wells for decades in order to enhance - where Edwin Drake’s discovery has taken us over l50 years. The fact is that our world has become reliant on plentiful supplies recovery. of energy and current forecasts put us on course for a rise of anything up to 45% in demand for energy by the year 2030. 2.一个普遍存在的问题是关于海底或地下储存安全的长期预测是非常困难和不确定的。储存的二氧化碳可能会泄到大气中。 Meeting this demand will be tough and it will require investment of at least $1 trillion a year. So in terms of new fuels, 答案:A general problem is that long term predictions about submarine or underground storage security are very difficult biofuels are the primary means of bringing secure, sustainable, low-carbon fuel to vehicles in the next two decades. and uncertain and CO2 might leak from the storage into the atmosphere. Crude oil is proving to be remarkably difficult to substitute. Biofuels are the only viable contender so far. Our projections 短文翻译 suggest biofuels should account for up to 20% of the market by 2030 - and that’s at the conservative end.’ Governments around the world could make rapid, substantial and relatively cheap cuts to carbon emissions by pursuing energy Biofuels are the only transport energy switching option to figure materially in serious projections for carbon abatement efficiency in place of more ambitious, but expensive, technological solutions, says a new study. such as the IEA’s low-carbon,‘450 scenario’. And of course advanced biofuels are set to make an increasing contribution. The analysis.based on data provided to the Financial Times by McKinsey, the consultancy. identifies more energy-efficient In the IEA 450 projection, advanced biofuels provide most new biofuels by 2020 and half of all biofuels by 2030. cars, lighting and buildings as the “low-hanging fruit”in the global warming battle. So biofuels have a major strategic role in the future of energy. We've been on our own journey. That leads us onto a The McKinsey analysis says that for the US the initial upfront expense of buying all electric or hybrid car would be rapidly realisation that the challenge of building a whole new industry, at vast scale, with a reliance on new technology and business offset by lower fuel costs, which result in lower emissions per vehicle. It estimates a saving of 79 ($119,£52)for every models, represented a great opportunity and one to which we could apply the skills we have built upinthe oil and gas business. tonne of carbon dioxide mitigated by 2030 through greater vehicle efficiency. For lighting the saving is 50 and 44 for buildings. That therefore this industry, perhaps more than any other, will require partnerships to succeed, And most recently it Carbon capture and storage, a much touted technology to reduce emlsslons, is 1ikely to remain much more expensive. The has become clear to us that biofuels are actually part of a piece with our traditional core business. Biofuels are in many initial cost of taking a tonne of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere this way would be 76 in the US in 2015, before falling ways the new oil. The difference is that they are created from unlimited supplies of fresh biomass rather than finite supplies to 39 a tonne by 2030. of fossilised biomass. Biofuels provide us with a \US companies should also invest in energy efficiency before they turn to buying carbon offsets overseas, if they wish complement to our traditional core product of crude oil. to get the most “bang for the buck”(划算). 一份最新研究称,各国政府可通过提高能源效率,来取代雄心勃勃但代价高昂的技术解决方案,从而实现迅速且相对低成本的大规模减1.What is the fact of the world energy supply? 排。 答案:The fact is our needs on energy will rise by up to 45% in demand ror energy by the year 2030. 这一分析基于咨询公司麦肯锡(McKinsey)提供的数据。该项研究认为,在抗击全球变暖方面,节能汽车、节能照明和节能建筑等方式“更2.What is the role of biofuels in the next 20 years? 容易获得成功”。 答案:Biofuels will play a role as the primary means of bringing secure, sustainable. Low-carbon fuel to vehicles in the next 麦肯锡的分析称,对美国而言,降低燃料成本,将迅速抵消购买电动或混合动力汽车的前期成本,将降低车辆平均排放量。报告估计,20 years. 到2030年,通过提高车辆能效,每减排一吨二氧化碳就可节约79欧元(合119美元或合52英镑)。通过节能照明和节能建筑的方式,相应3.What does‘projections’of IEA 450 mean in this passage? 节约数字分别为50欧元和44欧元。 答案:It’s the estimated statistics for the carbon emission in IEA450. 外界大肆宣扬的碳捕集和碳存储减排技术成本可能高出很多。在2015年的美国,利用该技术从大气中减少一吨二氧化碳的初始费用将4.What does‘our journey’refer to? 高达76欧元,到2030年将降至每吨39欧元。 答案: “Our journey”refers to the journey which leads us onto a realisation that the challenge of building a whole new industry, 如果美国公司希望得到最划算的结果,那么在从海外购买碳补偿额度之前,也应投资提高能效的项目。 at vast scale, with a reliance on new technology and business models. 5.Why is it said that biofuel industry, perhaps more than any other, will require partnerships to succeed? 例文 答案:Because it relies on new technology and business models and it also needs the skills we have built up in the oil and gas Global warming may or may not be the great environmental crisis of the 21st century. But - regardless of whether it is business. or isn’t - we won’t do much about it. We will argue over it and may even, as a nation, make some fairly solemn-sounding 短句翻译 commitments to avoid it. But the more dramatic and meaningful these commitments seem, the less likely they are to be observed. 生物燃料必须有四个特性。需要低成本——我们成功的基准是1美元1加仑,即每桶40—50美元。生物燃料还必须要低碳。先进的生Al Gore, former US Vice President, calls global warming an“inconvenient truth,”as if merely recognizing it could put 物燃料还需要有规模效应。如果只是生产出精品类型的生物燃料(boutique biofuels),那是毫无意义的。只有大规模的生产和销售才能够us on a path to a solution. But the real truth is that we don’t know enough to relieve global warming, and - without major 改变局面。第四,先进的生物燃料从环境,社会和经济效益的角度讲,必须是可持续的。 technological breakthroughs - we can’t do much about it. Biofuels have to have four qualities. They need to be low-cost - our benchmark for success is $1 a gallon,$40-50 a barrel. From 2003 to 2050 the world's population is projected to grow from 6.4 billion to 9.1 billion, a 42%increase. If energy They must be low-carbon. Advanced biofuels also need to be scalable. There is no point making boutique biofuels. Only mass use per person and technology remain the same, total energy use and greenhouse gas emissions (mainly CO2) will be 42 percent production and mass distribution can turn the dial (change the situation). Fourth, advanced biofuels have to be sustainable higher in 2050. But that's too low because societies that grow richer use more energy. We need economic growth unless we condemn – environmentally, socially and economically. the world's poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else's living standards.With modest growth, energy use and 短文翻译 greenhouse emissions will more than double by 2050. The power sector accounts for around 40% of global CO2 emissions. and it is clear that we cannot win the fight against No government will adopt rigid restrictions on economic growth and personal freedom (1imits on electricity usage, driving climate change without a dramatic shift in the way we produce and consume electricity. With dramatic increases in global power and travel) that might cut back global warming. Still, politicians want to show they're \something.\Consider the Kyoto demand, renewable energy technologies must be rolled out quickly to provide emissions-free renewable electricity for Protocol. It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn't. But it hasn't reduced CO2 emissions, and many signatories industrialized and developing countries alike. didn't adopt tough enough policies to hit their 2008-2010 targets. Wind farms can be deployed at large scale when we need them. Science leaves no doubt:Global emissions need to peak and The practical conclusion is that if global warming is potential disaster, the only solution is new technology. Only an begin to decline before 2020, and a dramatic increase in renewable energy deployment is urgently required to help make this aggressive research and development program might find ways of breaking our dependence on fossil fuels or dealing with it. happen.While building a conventional power plant can take 10 or 12 years or more, a large wind farm can be put up in a matter of months, and a half completed wind farm is just a smaller power plant, starting to generate power as soon as the first tutrbines 1.What is said about global warming in the first paragraph? are connected to the grid. 答案:Human being will not do much about global warming. Wind energy is a viable alternative to burning polluting fossil fuels - it does not emit carbon dioxide or other air pollutants 2.According to the author’s understanding, what is Al Gore’s view on global wanning? Within Three to six months of operation, a wind turbine has offset all emissions from its construction, to run virtually carbon 答案:Al Gore calls global warming an“inconvenient truth,” as if merely recognizing it could put us on a path to a solution. free for the remainder of its 20 year lifetime. 3.Why will greenhouse emissions double by the year 2050? Over 140,000 wind turbines are now producing electricity in over 70 countries around the world.This includes sites in 答案:Because the world population will grow by 42% by 2050, and as economy will grow. and so will the energy consumption and Europe, Africa, Asia, North and Latin America and Australia, and many turbines operate in severe weather conditions, in deserts, greenhouse emission. in snow, at high altitudes, and of course at sea. Wind energy can be used at large scale nearly anywhere, and the total wind 4.In Paragraph 4,the sentence“It allowed countries that joined to punish those that didn’t.’’ What does the word‘‘didn’t” resource is sufficient to power the entire globe several times over. refer to? 全球二氧化碳排放量的40%是来自电力部门。很明显,如果我们不在电力的生产和消费的方式上做出重大转变,我们无法赢得应对气候答案: “Those that didn’t” here refers to “those countries that didn’t jion the Kyoto Protocol”. 变化的战争。随着全球电力需求急剧增加,可再生能源技术必须尽快推出,为工业化国家和发展中国家提供零排放的可再生电力。 5.What message does the author try to convey in the last paragraph? 如果需要,风力发电场可以大规模建设:科学家确信在2020年之前,全球排放量必须达到峰值并将开始下降,迫切需要大量应用可再答案:We must develop breakthrough technology in order to deal with the problem of global warming. 生能源来帮助实现这一目标。建立一个常规电厂需要10或12年以上,而一个大型风力发电场可在几个月之内完成。一座半竣工的风力发电短句翻译 场就是一个小型发电厂,当第一批涡轮机连接到电网时就可以开始发电。 全球气候变暖主要是由于人们焚烧化石矿物以生成能量时产生的二氧化碳等多种温室气体导致。全球平均气温总体看为上升趋势。进入风能是一种替代燃烧产生污染的化石燃料的可靠能源——它不排放二氧化碳或其它空气污染物。在3至6个月的运行过程中,风力涡轮20世纪八十年代后,全球气温明显上升。全球变暖的后果,会使全球降水量重新分配(reallocation),冰川消融,海平面上升,既危害自然机已抵消了在其建设过程中的所有排放,在其持续运行的20年中,几乎完全没有碳排放。 生态系统的平衡,更威胁人类的食物供应和居住环境。 现在全世界有超过14万台风力发电机,分布在70多个国家。其巾包括欧洲、非洲、亚洲、北美、拉丁美洲和澳大利亚。许多风力发电Global warming is primarily caused by the carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels for 机都可以在恶劣天气条件下,在沙漠,雪地,高海拔地区以及海上运行。风能可大规模地应用在几乎任何地方。风能总资源足够反复多次地energy by humans. The global average temperature is generally on a rise. We’ve seen a significant rise in global temperature 为整个地球提供能源。 since the 1980s. Global warming will result in the reallocation of global rainfall, the melting of glaciers, and the rise of sea level. This will damage the balance of the ecosystem and threaten food supply and the living condition for human beings. 例文 短文翻译 Coal chemical industry is the industry which produces various chemical products by changing coal into gas fuel, liquid As the biggest environmental meeting in history opens in Copenhagen, the scientific case for a global agreement to fight fuel, solid fuel and chemicals through chemical processing. Different kinds of coal processing such as carbonization, man-made climate change remains overwhelming. The furor over alleged data manipulation, following the theft of e-mails from gasification, liquefaction, synthetic gas chemical engineering all belong to coal chemical industry. the University of East Anglia, has stirred up the skeptics (and shaken some scientists) but Climategate (气候门) does not alter Coal gasification is a process that converts coal from a solid to a gaseous form through catalyst. The gasified products the real issue – that, despite many uncertainties, the risks of catastrophic change justify decisive global action to cut can be used as fuels, as raw materials for chemical products and for electricity generation. carbon emissions. Coal gasification has a history of nearly one hundred years in the industry. During the development of the coal gasification While political realities will not allow the negotiators to conclude a full-scale treaty in Copenhagen, they need to put technology, most of the early-stage gasified coal was converted in a very unsustainable way through using large amount of raw in place the mechanisms to agree a binding deal next year. The conference must achieve a spirit of genuine progress-over and material under high pressure. It can lead to a serial of problems, such as ineffective utilization of powdered coal resources above the inevitable horse-trading and political fudging-which will convince not only politicians but also billions of with high energy consumption and small scale, and serious environment pollution etc. Since 1960's, the development of gasification individuals around the world that the fight against global warming is worth joining. Business planning, too, requires a technology has made significant progress; particularly in 1970's, governments and research organizations worldwide have paid predictable path to a decarbonized global economy. great attention to the stimulation of petroleum crisis and the serious coal-burning environmental pollution. Copenhagen has to make progress on several complex issues: emissions targets for developing and developed countries; The modem coal chemical industry can be divided into three industrialization levels. The first level is the synthesis gas financing adaptation and mitigation in poorer nations; technology transfer arrangements; and a governance structure to ensure from coal-coal water slurries or dry coal dusts were partially oxidized to the synthetic gas (CO+H2), the gasification of coal compliance with agreed carbon targets. It would make sense to decant the more successful outcomes of Kyoto, such as its monitoring water slurry in China has already been industrialized. The second 1evel is the synthetic gas processing, which mainly includes mechanism. into a new agreement-carefully relabelled, of course, for US consumption. three routes: synthesis of alcohol, hydrocarbon and other carbon oxidized compound. Alcohol synthesis includes synthesis of 在有史以来规模最大的环境会议在哥本哈根开幕之际,以科学为依据达成一项应对人为造成的全球变暖的协议势在必行。而英国东英吉the methylalcohol, DIVIE, ethylalcohol and further synthesis of the glycol. The third level is a further processmg which mostly 利大学的电子邮件被盗后,引发的所谓数据操纵的轰动,让怀疑者振奋,也动摇了某些科学家的观点。但“气候门”并未改变真正的议题,processes the methylalcohol and the downstream products of the alkene. It is the pillar of the chemical industry. 即尽管存在众多不确定性,但地球气候发生灾难性变化的种种风险,确实证明有必要采取果断的全球行动减少碳排放。 尽管政治现实不允许谈判者在哥本哈根达成一项全面公约,但他们需要落实相关机制,以便在明年达成一个有约束力的协定。本次会议1.How can coal be processed? 必须超越不可避免的讨价还价和政治作势并获得实质性进展,让世界各地的政界人士乃至数十亿人相信:抗击全球变暖是一项值得投入的事答案:Coal can be processed through carbonization, gasification, liquefaction, synthetic gas chemical engineering. 业。就商业规划而言,也需要一条通向全球低碳经济的可预测的路径。 2.What are gasified coal products used as? 哥本哈根会议必须在多个复杂的问题上取得进展:针对发展中国家和发达国家的排放指标;资助较贫穷国家的适应与缓解措施;技术转答案:They can be used as fuels, as raw materials for chemical products and for electricity generation. 让安排;以及一个管治架构,确保商定的碳排放指标得到遵守。应当传承《京都议定书》比较成功的成果,比如其监督机制,使之成为一份3.What were some of the drawbacks of coal gasification in the early-stage? 新的协定,当然还要经过精心考虑措辞,让美国能够接受。 答案:In the early stage, coal was conveaed in a very unsustainable way through using large amount of raw material. It can lead to ineffective utilization of powdered coal resources with high energy consumption and small scale, and serious environment 例文 pollution etc. There is a lot of energy that we can harness if we only seek to research and develop the technologies needed to do so. 4.What initiated the significant progress in coal gasification in the 1970s? We can get away from the fossil fuels and the old electrical grids by turning to alternatives to these energy sources. 答案:The petroleum crisis and the serious coal-burning environmental pollution. One of these alternative energy resources is wind power. Wind turbines continue to be developed that are progressively 5.What are the three levels to industrialize the coal chemical industry? more energy efficient and less costly. \答案:The synthesis gas, synthetic gas processing and further processing. strategically placed over time so that they are not jeopardizing birds as former wind turbines did. Another alternative energy 短句翻译 resource is the one that is most well known:solar energy. This involves the manufacturing of solar cells which gather and 煤的气化在煤化工中占有重要地位,用于生产各种气体燃料,是洁净的能源,有利于提高人民生活水平和环境保护;煤气化生产的合成focus the energy given off directly by the sun, and translate it into electricity or, in some cases, hot water. As with wind 气是合成液体燃料等多种产品的原料。煤直接液化,可以生产人造石油和化学产品。在石油短缺时,煤的液化产品将替代目前的天然石油。 energy, solar energy creates absolutely zero pollution. Ocean wave energy is seen by governments and investors as having, enormous Coal gasification plays an important role in the coal chemical industry The gasified products can be used as gaseous fuels energy generating potential. A generator in France has been in operation for many years now and is considered to be a great which are clean energy sources, and which can improve people’s living standards and benefit environmental protection. The success, and the Irish, and Scots are running experimental facilities. Hydroelectric power has been with us for a while and synthesis gas can be used as raw materials for many chemical products. Coal can be directly liquefied and can be converted here it is set up, it is a powerful generator of electricity and cleaner than a grid. However, there are certain limitations into artificial petroleum and other chemical products. At such a petroleum-short time, liquefied coal products can replace to the availability of the right places to set up a large dam. Many run-of-the-river, or small and localized, hydroelectric the natural oil that we are dependent on today. generators have been set up in recent times due to this limitation. Geothermal energy is extremely abundant, since it lies 短文翻译 directly beneath our feet, just a few miles below the earth's surface. This energy is produced by the heating of water through The coal chemical industry in China plays a significant role in realizing the advantages of the abundance of coal resources, the actions of earth's fantastically hot molten core. The water turns to steam, which can be harnessed and used to drive supplementing the deficiency of the gas resource, satisfying the demand of chemical products, making progress in the cleaner turbine engines which in turn generate electricity. Great amounts of research and development should be put into geothermal resource for power generation in coal chemical industry and promoting the sustainable economical development. energy tapping. Ethanol is a gasoline substitute and is created from such things as wheat. Sugarcane, grapes, strawberries, The products of the coal chemical industry include coking, gasification, 1iquefaction and calcium carbide. Coal chemical corn, and even wood chips and wood cellulose. There is controversy over this fuel with regards to its ever becoming truly economical industry after twenty years’ development plays a significant role in the chemical industry. Coal chemical industry uses coal or practical except in very localized areas, but technologies for its extraction and admixturing are continuously being refined. as the raw material to synthesize two basic products (ammonia and methyl alcohol). In 2005, China produced 232,820,000 tons of coke, 8,950,000 tons of calcium carbide, 25,000,000 tons of coal system chemical fertilizer, about 3,500,000 tons of 1.What are some of the advantages of wind power? methylalcohol. A11 of these are on an advanced level worldwide. 答案:Wind power is energy-efficient and less costly and it is clean. In recent years, the coal chemical industry rapidly shows its advantages due to the sharp increase of the international 2.How do the solar cells work? oil price. Therefore, the coal chemical industry has been widely developed across China. After the reform of the investment 答案:Solar cells gather and focus the energy given off directly by the sun, and translate it into electricity or hot water. system in July, 2004, investment projects do not need special permission from the government anymore. As a result, many coal 3.Where in the world is ocean wave energy applied? chemical projects with different scales were initiated in coal mining areas all over the country. 答案:Currently, it is used in France, Ireland and Scotland. 煤化学工业对于中国是极其有意义的:它可以发挥中国煤炭资源丰富的优势、补充其天然气资源不足的缺陷、满足其对化工产品的需求、4.How is geothermal power converted into electricity? 推动煤化学工业领域对更清洁能源发电的使用、并促进其经济的可持续性发展。 答案:The steam underground can be harnessed and used to drive turbine engines which can generate electricity. 煤化学工业的主要产品包括:煤焦、气化煤、液化煤和电石(钙化碳)。经过20年的发展煤化学工业在化工领域也起着举足轻重的作用。5.What is the controversy over the use of ethanol as a source ofenergy? 煤化学工业主要通过使用煤作为原料来合成两种基本产品:合成氨和甲醇。2005年,中国生产了2亿3282万吨煤焦,895万吨电石,2500答案:The controversy is whether ethanol as a source of energy can be truly economical or practical except in very localized 万吨煤制化肥产品,约350万吨甲醇。所有这些在世界上都处于领先地位。 areas. 近年来,由于国际石油价格的飙升,煤化工的优势迅速显现出来。正因如此,煤化学工业已在中国得到广泛发展。2004年7月中国投资短句翻译 制度改革之后,投资项目不再需要政府特别审批,因此,在中国各个煤矿开采地区,许多规模各异的煤化工项目也应运而生。 清洁能源是不排放污染物的能源,它包括核能和“可再生能源”。可再生能源是指可以通过自然现象补充(replenish)的能源,如水力发 电、风力发电、太阳能、生物能、海潮能这些能源。可再生能源不存在能源耗竭的可能,因此日益受到许多国家的重视,尤其是能源短缺的例文 国家。 Many African countries are blessed with oil and mineral wealth that has the potential to transform their economies. But Clean energy refers to energy sources that release zero pollutants. This includes nuclear energy and renewable energies. historically, those resources have often been more ofa curse than a blessing. Renewable energy comes from natural processes that are replenished constantly, hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power, There are numerous examples of African nations where the discovery of natural resources has been followed by economic biofuels, tidal power are all renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are inexhaustible and therefore have attracted instability, conflict and environmental damage. So common is the phenomenon that it even has its own name - the“resource the attention of many countries, especially those with a great shortage of energy sources. curse’’. 短文翻译 Resource curse applies specifically to poor countries that don't have a lot of sources of wealth to begin with, then there’s The term “biomass” refers to organic matter that has stored energy through the process of photosynthesis(光合作用). It a discovery of a major resource - oil or copper or gold – that suddenly becomes a major source of wealth for that county. exists in one form as plants and may be transferred through the food chain to animals’ bodies and their wastes, all of which Theoretically the development of that resource could produce great wealth for that nation, but historically it leads to can be converted for everyday human use through processes such as combustion (燃烧), which releases the carbon dioxide stored the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few - those who monopolize the collection of rents from the mining or the drilling 4

- 5 - for oil - and the exclusion of the majority from any benefit. Graduate recruitment partner at Herbert Smith,the law firm, says the onus is on companies to push for high standards by The result is repressive governments that cling to power, so they can monopolize the collection of resource wealth, and asking organisers of programlnes such as Leading London:“Out of every hundred candidates who enrol with you, how many are an impoverished population – a recipe for conflict. hired by target employers?”. The resource curse is by no means limited to Africa. but the continent has produced some examples of the curse at its Sponsors for Educational Opportunity, a non-profit organisation that operates in the US, London and Hong Kong, works to most destructive. develop interns’ interpersonal skills and technical understanding to the point where they outperform their peers. Government forces and armed groups have vied for control of resources, with the proceeds from their sale funding more weapons, “An internship is effectively a 10-week interview,”says executive director of SEO London.“When our interns start their which prolongs the violence. internships, their industry knowledge is far higher than you would normally expect”. Bloody conflicts in DR Congo, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone have all been partly funded by the sale of blood diamonds. Last year,SEO London’s partner banks, which include Goldman Sachs. Citi, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, each took As well as promoting conflict, extracting minerals and oil can also have a devastating environmental impact, such as in an average of 18 SEO interns (16 this year) and more than 80 per cent were offered permanent positions. Nigeria's Delta region, the site of more than 6,800 recorded oil spills. Employers have yet to figure out how best to co-ordinate diversity policies globally, given that different governments vary in their support for such schemes. 1.What has the wealth of oil and mineral brought to many African countries? Professor of ageing and ethnicity at the University of Central Lancashire, says some governments \’t even require firms 答案:It has brought economic instability, conflict and environmental damage. to monitor the ethnic mix of staif\2.What is the“resource curse”? The law firm Freshfields, Bruckhaus Deringer, a Leading London sponsor, has appointed a global diversity committee to attract 答案:Resource curse applies specifically to poor countries that don’t have a lot of soarces of wealth to begin with, then ethnic minorities and women. “There is a need for co-ordination”,says a partner in Rome.“But, we cannot have amaster plan there’s a discovery of a major resource - oil or copper or gold - that suddenly becomes a major source of wealth for that that is implemented everywhere”. country. 安理国际律师事务所人力资源政策及多元化经理表示,那些像拧水龙头一样启动和停止项目的企业,其做法是错误的,因为只有持久的3.Who owns the wealth of resource in many African countries? 投资,才能建立起多元化的人才库。她表示:“摆脱衰退后,我们需要确保自己拥有最优秀的人才”。 答案:Only a few of the people. 毕马威(KPMG)是Leading London项目赞助商之一。该公司毕业生招聘主管表示,物色“校园内外”都表现出色的人才,是该计划的一4.Is the resource curse only a problem in Africa? 个重要组成部分。战胜挫折是一项重要的“通用技能”。 答案:No, the resource curse is by no means limited to African countries. 史密夫律师事务所毕业生招聘合伙人表示,企业有责任高标准要求,询问Leading London之类的项目组织者:“你登记的求职者中,有5.What has“extracting minerals and oil”brought to Nigeria? 百分之几被目标雇主雇用了?” 答案:Many incidents of oil spills have a devastating environmental impact on Nigeria 非营利组织“教育的机会”的发起者们努力培养实习生的人际关系能力和技术理解力,使他们超越自己的同龄人。该组织在美国、伦敦短句翻译 和香港都设有分支机构。 资源诅咒是一个经济学理论,多指与矿业资源相关的经济社会问题。丰富的自然资源可能是对经济发展的诅咒而不是祝福,大多数自然SEO London执行董事表示:“实习实际上就是一次为期10周的面试。我们的实习生开始实习生活时,他们的行业知识要远远高出你通常资源丰富的国家比那些资源稀缺的国家发展地更慢。经济学家将原因归结为贸易条件的恶化,荷兰病(the Dutch Disease)或人力资本投资的预期”。 不足等,主要由对某种相对丰富的资源的过分依赖导致。 去年,高盛、花旗、摩根大通和摩根士丹利等SEO London的银行合作伙伴,平均各接收了18名SEO的实习生(今年为16名),其中八Resource curse is an economic theory, usually refers to a social economic problem related to the resources of minerals. 成以上最后都得到了永久性的职位。 Abundant natural resources may rather be a curse than a blessing. A lot of the nations with rich resources have a much lower 鉴于各国政府对待此类计划的态度相去甚远,雇主们仍必须弄清楚,如何才能在全球范围内最有效地协调多元化政策。 economic growth than countries without an abundance of resources. Economists blamed this on terrible trade conditions, the 英国中央兰开夏大学研究老龄化及种族问题教授表示,一些国家政府“甚至不要求公司凋整员工的种族比例”。 Dutch Disease or in other words a shortage of investment in human capital and an overdependence on the abundance of certain 律师事务所Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer也是Leading London项目的赞助商之一。该公司已指定一家全球多元化委员会,来吸引resources. 少数族裔和女性。该公司驻罗马的合伙人表示:“企业有必要进行协作。不过,我们无法制定一项放之四海皆准的总体规划”。 短文翻译 Take a look at Nigeria, which has the misfortune of possessing more than 35 billion barrels of oil, much of it around the 例文 Niger Delta. When I visited last year, traveling through stunted mangrove swamps near Port Harcourt, there was a near-absence You’re in-between jobs and you want to be productive in the meantime. Here are four ways to keep yourself busy. of birds, and oil was everywhere - not only dripping from rusty platforms atop the delta waters, but in the water itself, in Get a short-term continuing education. Enroll in academic modules or attend seminars related to your field. For example, the air, which smelled of petroleum, and in the gas flares that are a scalding feature of the injured landscape. Because of if you’re into sales, be on the lookout for seminars that teach you how to negotiate or how to handle sales objections. You a host of political and economic ills triggered by the drilling, the Niger Delta is alive not with marine life but with violence don't always have to spend money just to build your skills. Search the net for free study modules. Be on the look out for - bands of tribal warriors wage an off-and- on war against one another and army troops. free workshops in the newspapers. Check bulletin boards and announcements. You’ll be surprised at the wealth of educational The harms Suffered by these countries (and many others) are symptoms of what is known as the resource curse. Though it events you can attend without having to compromise your financial situation. seems counterintuitive - countries with a lot of oil are lucky and rich, right? - a succession of studies show that countries Freelance. You don't need to be employed to earn a living especially if you are in the service business like writing, dependent on natural-resource exports experience lower growth rates than countries that have nonresource economies. and they graphic designing, interior decorating, etc. Freelancing is also one of the best ways to market yourself. When you do projects sudder greater amounts of repression and conflict too. The reasons are complex, but in general, a reliance on oil discourages for a lot of people, you'll widen your network of clients and possible future employers. Before advertising vacancies, people investment in other industries. makes governments less responsive to the desires of citizens and fosters corruption by officials usually tend to hire people whom they are already acquainted with. If you are well-liked by the people you work with and seeking and receiving funds that are not their due. An oil state is, almost by definition, a dysfunctional state. you give good value for their money, you'll be certain to get an interesting job offer when the right time comes. 让我们看看尼日利亚吧,这个国家不幸拥有超过350亿桶以上的石油(主要分布于尼日尔三角洲)。去年我访问了这个国家,当我穿越哈Learn a new skill. Explore your talents and get into new interests. Play with your creativity. Learn how to make scented 科特港附近长满矮小红树林的湿地时,目及之处,飞鸟几乎绝迹,石油遍地——不仅从三角洲水面上矗立的锈迹斑驳的钻台上滴淌下来,水candles, teddy bears or do flowery arrangements. The important thing is to spend your time productively and to have fun. 中、充满石油味儿的空气中以及燃气的火焰(满目疮痍的地貌烧焦的景象)中也都是石油。由于石油钻探引发了大量的政治和经济灾难,尼日Then, explore the possibility of going into business with your new skills. Some of the most successful ventures started out 尔三角洲不再充满着海洋生物而是充斥着暴力冲突——部落武士们聚集成一个个团伙发动了一场时断时续的针对其它部落及军队的战争。 as hobbies. People who enjoy what they’re doing, or those who treat work like play tend to be good at what they do. Even 上述国家(还有其它许多国家)所遭受的损害,乃人们称为“资源诅咒”的种种症状。虽然这看起来违反直觉——拥有大量石油的国家是if you find a job later on, you can still moonlight your new skills. 幸运和富裕的,不是吗?——但一系列研究表明,那些依赖自然资源出口的国家,其经济增长率低于非资源经济型的国家,同时它们也遭受Keep up a proactive job search. These days, it's hard to find a job. More often, you might find yourself sending a lot 更大量的镇压与冲突。造成这一切的原凶很复杂,但总的来说,对石油的依赖阻碍了对其它产业的投资,使政府较少顾及国民的需求,而助of applications than you are receiving replies. If that happens, don't despair. The best opportunities usually come to those 长了官员中寻求并接受不正当资金的腐败行为。一个石油出产国几乎可以界定为一个功能失常的国家。 who make the biggest effort. Don't tire in regularly sending applications and searching various mediums for job opportunities. Search online recruitment sites. Build your portfolio and knock on company doors. You'll never know when you'll hit the mark. 例文 Management in an organization can be in different levels. The larger the organization the more levels of management will 1.What does“in-between jobs”in the first paragraph possibly mean? be needed. In general, first-line managers are directly responsible for the production of goods or services. They may be 答案:It possibly means you quit your old job and are now looking for a new job. called sales managers, section heads or production supervisors, depending on the organization. Employees who report to them 2. How much money does the author suggest people spend on getting a short-term continuing education? do the organization's basic production work-whether of goods or of services. This level of management is the link between 答案:Zero(None) the operations of each department and the rest of the organization. First-line managers in most companies spend little time 3.What does the author say the advantages of being a freelance are? with higher management or with people from other organizations. Most of their time is spent with the people they supervise 答案:It is one of the best ways to market yourself, because when you do projects for a lot of people, you’ ll widen your network and with other first-line managers. First-line managers usually need strong technical expertise to teach subordinates and of clients and possible future employers. supervise their day-to-day tasks. 4.How do hobbies help people get a job? As an organization grows, however, so do its problems. Some managers at larger organizations must focus on coordinating 答案:Some of the most Successful ventures started out as hobbies. Developing a new skill can help you enter a new job. employee activities,determining which products or services to provide, and deciding how to market these products or services 5.How should people keep up a proactive job search? to customers. These are the problems of middle managers, who receive broad, general strategies and policies from top managers 答案:Keep sending applications and searching various mediums for job opportunities. Search online recruitment sites. Build and translate them into specific goals and plans for first-line managers to implement. Middle managers typically have titles your portfolio and knock on company doors. such as department heads, plant manager and director of finance. They are responsible for directing and coordinating the 短句翻译 activities of first-line managers. Middle managers spent much of their time planning, organizing and leading to enable 要想在众多应聘者中取胜,要想让你中意的企业也中意你,事先做好准备功夫是非常重要的一个环节。首先要从正确给自己定位做起。first-line managers and their subordinates to work as efficiently as possible. 那么不妨给自己提两个问题:我的兴趣是什么?我爱干什么?准备工作的第二步是做出好简历。好简历都具备一些共同的特点,简洁、真实、The overall direction of an organization is the responsibilities of top managers. Typical titles of top managers are chief 重点突出等。 executive officer, president, executive vice-president and so on. Top managers develop goals, policies, and strategies for To win over the other job applicants,and to impress the company that you are interested in, getting well-prepared is the entire organization. They set the goals that are handed down through the hierarchy, eventually reaching each worker. vital. First, you should well position yourself. You may ask yourself these two questions:What am I interested in?And what do I love doing? The second thing you need to do is to write a good resume. Good resumes constitute these characters: concise, 1.What is the main idea of this passage? truth-telling and attention-grabbing. 答案:The main idea of this text is the different levels of management in a company. 短文翻译 2.What are required of first-line managers? The first step towards joining our company as a professional is to look through our current job vacancies from around the 答案:Flrst—line managers need strong technical expertise to teach subordinates and supeT.vlse their day—to—day tasks. world - go to the Job Search on our website to begin your search. Once you find a vacancy that interests you, you can apply 3.Who are the first-line managers responsible to? using the online application form. Within 48 hours, you’ll receive confirmation that we have received your completed application. 答案:Ftrst-line managers are responsible to the middle managers. We’ll let you know if you will be invited to an interview within two weeks. If your application is successful, in most instances 4.In the sentence“These are the problems of middle managers. who receive broad, general strategies and policies from top you’ll then be invited to an interview within approximately two weeks from your application. The interview will typically managers and translate them into specific goals and plans for first-line managers to implement.”How do you understand the take 45 minutes to an hour. This will take place either face-to-face or over the telephone and we’ll be assessing your experience Word “translate” ? against the criteria listed in the job description. At the end of the interview, you’ll have the chance to ask us some questions 答案: “Translate'’here means“转化为”、 “变为”。 of your own - about the role, the culture, work environment or any other area of interest to you. If you’re successful at 5.At an organization, people with what titles are regarded as top managers? your interview.We’ll invite you to undertake a Final Assessment within approximately three weeks after your interview. The 答案:Chief executlve officer, president, executive vice-president. assessment can take up to four hours and comprise of a number of steps - a case study discussion, a scenario exercise and an 短句翻译 interview. At the end, you again have further opportunity to engage with us to get more insight into the position, reward and 每个企业都倾尽其力来对付如何组织企业这一问题。组织结构经常需要反映出新的战略、变化的市场条件以及创新的生产技术等方面的benefits. We’ll endeavour to notify you of the outcome of the Final Assessment within a few days after the event. 影响。全世界的公司都在重新构造自己,以便在当今高度竞争的全球环境中更精干、更有效、更灵活。 如果想加入我们公司工作你要做的第一件事就是到我们公司网站上的“找工作”一栏看看是否有什么空缺职何。如果你找到了你所感兴Every firm wrestles with the problem of how to organize. Reorganization often is necessary to reflect a new strategy, changing 趣的职位,你就可以在线填写申请表格。48小时之内,你会收到回执确认我们已经收到了你填写完整的申请表。在两周内,我们会通知你是market conditions, or innovative production technology. Companies throughout the world are restructuring to become leaner, 否需要来参加面试。如果你的申请成功,一般都会在申请后两周之内收到参加面试的邀请。面试一般持续45分钟到一小时,采取面对面或more efficient and more flexible in today’s highly competitive global environment. 电话淡话的方式。面试过程中,我们会就所申请职位的工作要求对你的经历进行评估。面试结束前,你可以有机会向我们提出任何你感兴趣短文翻译 的问题,比如工作性质、公司文化、工作环境等。如果面试成功,我们会在面试后三周后请你来参加最后的测评。最后测评一般要持续四个There are many types of managers and many ways in which managerial jobs differ from each other. One difference is the scope 小时,包括几个步骤——案例讨论、情景模拟练习以及面试。最后,你还有机会就你未来的职位、报酬以及福利等情况与我们进行进一步的of the activities being managed. The scope of activities performed by general managers is quite broad. 交流。我们也会争取在这之后几天把最后的测评结果通知你。 Functional managers supervise employees having expertise in one area, such as accounting, human resources, sales, finance, marketing, or production. For example, the head of a payroll department is a functional manager. That person doesn’t determine 例文 employee salaries, as a general manager might, but makes sure that payroll checks are issued on time and in the correct amounts. The wholesale oil market was opened up in 2006 and the cooperation between foreign oil companies and their Chinese Usually, functional managers have a great deal of experience and technical expertise in the detailed knowledge they have about counterparts has begun to change. The focus of foreign companies is changing from cooperation with Chinese companies to the work being done by the people they supervise, the problems those people are likely to face, and the resources they need exploration and development. They are now building their own petroleum processing and storage stations and increasing their to perform well. stake in the sales center. General managers are responsible for the operations of a more complex unit, such as a company. Usually they oversee the According to the current local policy, the storage capacity of a wholesaler’s oil storage depots must be larger than work of functional managers. General managers must have a broad range of well-developed competencies to do their jobs well. 4000 cubic meters. Last year, BP Global built up the Nansha Oil depot as a joint venture with Guangzhou Development Industry These competencies can be learned through a combination of formal training and various job assignments, or they can be learned Co. Ltd. The Nansha oil depot,currently the largest and most advanced oil depot in China, is located on the banks of the simply in the course of trying to adapt and survive in a chosen area. Zhujiang River, Guangdong Province. It is capable of storing some 360,000 cubic meters of oil, and can also store reserves 经理的种类有很多,管理工作之间同样存在很大差别。其中的一个差别就是管理工作所包含的范围,公司总经理从事的管理工作的范围of diesel oil, gasoline and other chemical products. In addition, the oil depot has a wharf with a capacity of 80,000 tons. 涉及面非常广。 Apart from BP, other foreign oil giants are stepping up their effort to build their own oil depots in China. 职能部门经理通常管理某一专业领域的员工,如财务、人力资源、销售、金融、市场或生产等。薪酬管理部门的主任就是职能部门经理。As a matter of fact, foreign companies have long coveted the Chinese oil market. As early as in 1985 and 1987 Shell was 职能部门经理不像公司总经理那样有决定员工工资多少的权利,但是他们必须确保工资准时准确发放。通常而言,职能部门经理对所管理部involved with two oil depot joint ventures in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. About 10 years ago, many foreign companies 门的工作领域都具有丰富的经验和具体的相关知识,并且能够熟知部门员工可能会遇到的问题以及如何把本部门工作做好所需的必要资源。 built gas stations as joint ventures in China. Currently, BP is one of the biggest transnational corporations investing in 总经理负责经营一个更加复杂的实体,比如公司。通常他们监督职能部门经理的工作。总经理们必须具备多种良好的能力才能把公司管Chinese gas and oil fields with an aggregated investment of $4.5 billion, 36 gas stations and many natural gas joint ventures 理好。这些能力可以在正规培训和不同工作实践中获取,也可以简单地在某一领域的实际拼搏中获得。 in China. The total investment of Shell in China has reached $1.7 bi11ion, possessing 20 oil enterprises and 40 gas stations. 例文 1.What is the new focus of foreign oil companies in the Chinese market? Widening the pool from which top employers hire graduates when there are not enough jobs to go round smacks of poor timing. 答案:These foreign companies are changing from cooperation with Chinese companies to exploration and development in the Chinese But that is the goal that Leading London, an initiative launched by London First, the employers group. and a recruitment market. consultants, has set itself. 2.What is BP’s Nansha Oil Depot built to do? The program aims to talent-spot students from diverse backgrounds studying at post -1992 universities (former polytechnics), 答案:It is built to store oil, diesel oil, gasoline and other chemical products. and introduce them to City employers and blue-chip corporations. 3.In the first sentence of Paragraph 4, what does the word“covet” possibly mean? Advocates of the program say action to promote social mobility has never been more necessary. When the economy was booming, 答案: “Covet”possibly means“are a~racted by..”. employers saw under-represented groups, such as ethnic minorities, lower social income groups and women, as \4.How long have foreign oil companies entered the Chinese market? pools\答案:It’s been more than 30 years. Leading London, which has been piloted by London Metropolitan University, uses a novel method to bring potential stars 5.What is one of the popular ways that foreign oil giants are using when investing in the Chinese market? to the attention of the initiative’s corporate sponsors. It asks tutors and undergraduates to nominate final year students 答案:To set up joint ventures. who have shown enterprise and exceptional leadership. 短句翻译 Supporters argue that diversity is about more than social justice. They say companies need diversity of thought to innovate, 埃克森美孚、壳牌和英国石油等石油巨头在中国大规模建设加油站,其目的就是要最大限度分享中国巨大的成品油零售市场。据资料统and employing people with varied 1ife-experiences can help businesses relate to their clients. “If we have a diverse client 计表明,中国大陆成品油消费量已经居世界第二位,在未来10年内还将以每年4.5%的速度增长。 base, we should also have a diverse workforce,” says Fatimah Gilliam, director of diversity recruitment at Citigroup in New Oil giants like ExxonMobil, Shell and BP have been building up joint-venture gas stations in China,aiming at owning a York. great share of the huge Chinese retail market of refined oil. Statistics show that China now ranks the second in refined oil How can businesses maximize the payback from diversity initiatives? One answer is by collaborating and spreading the cost consumption and will increase by an annual 4.5% in the next decade. of recruitment marketing. This arguably does more to make target groups aware of career opportunities than fragmented 短文翻译 initiatives funded by individual employers. As a part of its WTO commitments. China opened its retail oIl market at the end of 2005. By December 2006, China opened up its wholesale market, allowing foreign enterprises to sell oil in large quantities and compete head on with China’s state-owned 1.What’s the goal of“Leading London”? oil companies. Foreign oil businesses will be able to build up oil depots, set up wharfs for shipping and create bigger sales 答案:The goal of ‘‘Leading London” is to widen the pool from which top employers hire graduates when there are not enough networks. In order to capture as much market share in China as possible, many foreign oil giants have already allocated capital jobs to go round. to expand their presence in China and devised strategic plans to increase their competitive edge. 2.Who are seen as“hidden talent pools”? 作为加入世贸组织的一项承诺,中国于2005年底开放了石油零售市场。到2006年12月,中同又开放了石油批发市场,允许外国企业答案:It refers to the under-represented groups, such as ethnic minorities, lower social income groups and women. 在中国大量销售他们的石油并与中国的国企石油公司公开竞争。外国石油企业可以在中国建立油库、运输码头,并可以创建更大规模的销售3.What is the“novel method to bring potential stars to the attention of the initiative’s corporate sponsors” ? 网络。为了在中国获取更大的市场份额,很多外国石油巨头已经投资扩大他们在中国的业务并筹划战略措施以增加他们的竞争优势。 答案:The novel method is to ask tutors and undergraduates to nominate final year students who have shown enterprise and exceptional leadership. 例文 4.Why do companies need diversity? As one might expect, the world’s three largest consuming regions – North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific - are all 答案:Diversity can help businesses relate to their clients since companies have diversified client base. importers. All the other regions are exporters. 5.How could the employers make target groups aware of career opportunities? The middle East still exports vastly more oil than any other region, despite the strong growth in production in other 答案:One of the methods is by collaborating and spreading the cost of recruitment marketing. areas in recent years. This global dependence on Middle East oil makes the geopolitical importance of the Middle East readily 短句翻译 understandable. 1.企业像拧水龙头一样启动和停止项目,这种做法是错误的,因为只有持久的投资,才能建立起多元化的人才库。 There is more trade internationally in oil than in anything else. This is true whether one measures trade by how much 答案:Businesses that turn programs on and off like a tap have got it wrong because a diverse talent pool can only be built of a good is moved(volume), by its value, or by the carrying capacity needed to move it. All measures are important and for through sustained investment. different reasons. Volume provides insights about whether markets are over- or under-supplied and whether the infrastructure 2.她的公司最近就发起了一项开放周(access week)活动,让伦敦一些贫困地区(deprived boroughs)的公立学校学生前来感受办公室is adequate to accommodate the required flow. Value allows governments and economists to assess patterns of international 的的生活。 trade and balance of trade and balance of payments. Carrying capacity allows the shipping industry to assess how many tankers 答案:Her firm recently launched an access week to bring state school students from deprived London boroughs into its offices. are required and on what routes. Transportation and storage play a critical additional role here. They are not just the physical 3.一个23岁的学生16岁初到英国时,还是一个不懂英语的避难者(asvlum seeker)。后来他成为了一名社区志愿者,学习会计和金link between the importers and the exporters, and therefore, between producers and refiners, refiners and marketers, and marketers 融学,并荣获一等学位(first class degree)。 and consumers; their associated costs are a primary factor in determining the pattern of world trade. 答案:One 23-year-old student who arrived in Britain as a 16-year- old asylum seeker and was unable to speak English, went Generally, crude oil and petroleum products flow to the markets that provide the highest value to the supplier. Everything on to become a community volunteer, studied accounting and finance, and earned himself a first class degree. else being equal, oil moves to the nearest market first, because that has the lowest transportation cost and therefore 短文翻译 provides the supplier with the highest net revenue or in oil market terminology, the highest netback. If this market cannot HR policy and diversity manager at Alien&Overy, the law firm, says businesses that turm programmes on and off like a tap absorb all the oil, the balance moves to the next closest one, and the next and so on, incurring progressively higher have got it wrong because a diverse talent pool can only be built through sustained investment.“Coming out of the recession, transportation costs, until all the oil is placed. we need to make sure we have the best people”, she says. Head of graduate recruitment at KPMG, a sponsor of Leading London, says finding people who excel “both on and Off campus” 1.According to the text, what are America and European countries regarded as? is an important part of the scheme. Overcoming setbacks is a great“transferable skill”. 答案:They are regarded as the world’s largest consuming regions. 5

