希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

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希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

希望英语 (第二版)


希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

希望英语(第二版)综合教程 3

Unit 1Unit 2

Unit 5 Unit 6

Unit 3Unit 4

Unit 7Unit 8

希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

希望英语 希望英语 (第二版) (第二版) 综合教程 综合教程 13

Unit 1 Music外语教学与研究出版社

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希望英语(第二版)综合教程 3

Unit 1 Music


Reading B & Reading C

Reading A




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SpeakingTask 1 Task 2 Task 3

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希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

), female chorus (女声合唱), duet (二重唱), Look 声合唱 at the pictures on Page 2 and list words or phrases trio (三重唱), quartette (四重唱) about them. Then work with your partner and fill in the table with words or phrases about music.classical music, folk music, popular music, jazz), (music), piano, organ (风琴 ), accordion (手风琴 violin, rock ’n’ roll music/rock (摇滚乐), country music, street music, cello (大提琴), guitar, harp (竖琴), flute (长笛), hot music (热门音乐), serious music, light music, symphony saxophone, trumpet (小号 ), drum, organ (交响乐), Chinese instrumental music, disco mouth music, opera conductor, composer, singer, vocalist (声乐家 ), ( 口琴 ), bag pipe (风笛)), music, soundtrack (电影配乐 R&B (黑人节奏布鲁斯 )

group singing, singing with action (表演唱), Speaking Task 1 cantata (大合唱), vocal solo ( 独唱), male chorus (男

pianist, violinist, musician, drummer, guitarist, leading singer (领唱), popular singer/pop singer, folk singer, professional singer, amateur singer, tuner (调音师),disc jockey (DJ)

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Task 2

Practice the given dialog in pairs. Then use the words or phrases from Task 1 to make up a dialog about music.M: Mary, what kind of music do you like? W: Classical music. I listen mostly to symphony. How about you? M: Me too. And Beethoven is my favorite composer. W: Really? We have the same taste. M: Can you play a musical instrument? W: Yes, I can play the piano. Actually, I’ve got the first prize in a national competition. M: Wow, that’s great! You must have spent a lot of time practicing. W: Yes, quite a lot. Almost four hours a day. M: Mary, there’s a concert downtown this weekend. Maybe we can go together. W: Good idea.< Back Next > Home

希望英语3 第二版 综合教程


Task 3

Work in pairs. Take turns asking your partner the followingquestions and make notes. Then organize your notes and report to the class. a) What kind of music do you like the most? b) Could you say something about it?

c) Why do you love it?

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Reading ATask 1 Task 2 Text New Words and Expressions Task 7 Task 8 Task 5 Task 6

Task 3 Task 4

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Reading A

Task 1

Give brief answers to the following questions. Then compareyour answers with your partner’s.

1. Can you list some forms of American popular music?Blues, jazz, country music, rock ’n’ roll, R&B, RAP, hip hop, etc.

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希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

Reading A

Task 1

Give brief answers to the following questions. Then compareyour answers with your partner’s.

2. Could you say something about country music?It was popular in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

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希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

Reading A

Task 1

Give brief answers to the following questions. Then compareyour answers with your partner’s.

3. What is the significance of American popular music?American popular music dominates the world, and has influence on

many groups and individuals.

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Reading A Task 2 TextNow read the following passage. Mark the difficult parts, if there are any, and ask the teacher to explain afterwards.

History of American Music1 America dominates the world in many areas, but the one area of

American domination that the world accepts the most is its music.American popular music forms—blues, jazz, country, rock, R&B, RAP, and hip hop, are loved and studied worldwide.

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Reading A Task 2 Text

2 When the British Invasion of the 1960s hit America, almost every groupand individual stated their love of American music as their primary influence. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Tom Jones, and many other British groups and individual performers, all claim American music as their source of inspiration.

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Reading A Task 2 Text

1 Modern American popular music has its roots in various musical formsfrom American history. Its development is a unique result of the cultural melting pot —that is America.

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Reading A Task 2 Text


Rock ’n’ roll grew from the mixing of Black Rhythm and blues with

country and western. This mixture was so volatile that several southern

congressmen went on record stating that rock ’n’ roll was a plot to destroyAmerican values by encouraging race mixing. Originating in the northern urban centers in predominately black areas, rock ’n’ roll started out being

labeled as rebellious, primitive, and black music.

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Reading A Task 2 Text


Rhythm-and-blues (now called R&B) can trace its roots directly from

jazz, ragtime, and the old black Gospel and Spiritual music. The narrative form and rich beat of R&B has since led to modern RAP and hip hop. It is this music that forms the basis of the rhythms of modern American popular music. The emphasis on rhythm and storytelling has always been part of what made this music popular.

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希望英语3 第二版 综合教程

Reading A Task 2 Text


Modern country & western music has its roots in the folk songs of the

rural south and the cowboy music which were made popular by the singing

cowboys of the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s. It was also influenced by manysongs born of the conflict of the poor miners and farmers of the depression era. Finding a broader audience in post-war years, country music began to

develop from “hillbilly music” into the more sophisticated and polishedform that exists today.

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Reading A Ta

sk 2 Text

7-1 Rap, country, rock, and R&B have all been touched by the Latin beat. Rock ’n’ roll on radio, television, and at the movies fueled the media explosion of the 1950s and 1960s. Its beat then became the dominating force of American music, and the lines between music forms began to blend.

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Reading A Task 2 Text

7-2 The 1980s and 1990s saw a rebirth of the influence of Latin rhythms on American music. The Miami Sound and the Mexican influence swept into American music. Cuban, Puerto Rican, and Mexican artists in all forms added their music to the mix. Music forms are no longer separated by race today as the forms have merged across the lines of culture in America. The effect of this mixing of music and culture can be seen everywhere.

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Reading A Task 2 Text

8 Today American music does what it has always done, that is, to bring people together. In American music every aspect of life and culture is merged, mixed, and highlighted. The rich diversity of American culture and life is reflected in its lively beat-filled rhythms. American music is the story of the country, a reflection of a nation alive with change, filled with curiosity, and led by hope and excitement. As it continues to grow and change, American music continues to attract the whole world, because it is truly the best of all that is American.

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