
更新时间:2023-08-31 03:28:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


理: 名○处姓 分 0 ○ 作 线卷 试 次 者班○ 违 , ○ 号 考封 、 名 : 姓号○学 写 要 ○ 不 外 密 线 订 装 , ○题 答 ○要 : 校 不学 内 线 订 装



分值:分 座位号

第一部分: 听力部分 ( 30分)

Section A: Conversation 1

1. What is the woman going to do?

A. Buy a birthday gift for David B. Buy some animals for the zoo C. Buy a pet for her husband

2. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the conversation?

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 Conversation 2

3. How will the speakers go to the mall this afternoon? A. On foot B. By car C. By taxi 4. Which is TRUE/

A. The woman has a lot of money B. The woman likes to buy a Christmas list

C. The woman doesn’t finish buying gifts until Christmas Eve

Conversation 3

5. Where did the woman learn about the job from? A. The newspaper B. The radio C. The TV

6. If the woman gets the job, at least how many hours does she have to work every day?

A’. Three B. Four C. Five

Conversation 4

7. What happened to the woman/? A. She ran into a moving car B. She couldn’t cross a busy street C. She was knocked down by a drunk driver 8. Where is the woman/

A. In the hospital B. In the street C. In the police station 9. What is the man?

A. The woman’s boyfriend B . A policeman C. A driver

Conversation 5

10. What time did the woman think Cindy would come? A. At 4:00 B. Before 4:00 C. After 4:00 11. Where does the conversation take place/

A. At a café B. At the man’s home C. At the woman’s home 12. Who is usually not punctual? A. Jane B. Fred C. Cindy Conversation 6

13. What was the woman’s problem/? A. She was sick

B. She couldn’t think of a topic for her composition

C. She couldn’t make up her mind as to which country to visit

14. The man suggests_______________. A. that she try to get starting B. that she ride a camel C. that she write about her trip 15. Why does the man have to leave? A. He has to pack his bags for his trip B. He has to write his own composition C. he is not feeling well

Section B

The ___16________of the United States On the west coast, the temperature changes_____17_________. In the north central states, people wear____18________ in the winter. In the eastern part of the United States, Spring temperatures

are comfortably__19________ and the temperatures in autumn are pleasantly cool. Today, trucks and____20______ carry fruits and vegetables to all parts of the United States.


一. 词汇与语法:从每小题给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个符合题意的


1. ____ you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that B. After C. Although D. As soon as

2. .—Do you remember ___he came? ---Yes ,I do .He came by car.

A. how B. when C. that D. if

3. He started early ________ get there before nine.

A. in order that B. because C so that D. in order to

4. He can’t have gone out, ______ the light is still on.

A .because B. since C. as D. for

5. She dresses like that ___everyone will notice her.

A. when B. so that C. in order to D. after

6. It is known to us ____they bought such fine clothes. A.that B.what C.where D.who

7. The photographers will show you__.

A.what does our village look like B.what our village looks like C.how does our village look like D.how our village looks like

8.____ we can't get seems better than ____ we have.

A. What, what B. What, that C. That, that D. That, what 9. ______ the boy didn't take medicine made his mother angry. A. That B. What C. How D. Which 10. It’s _______ fine weather that we all want to go hiking. A. so B. so that C. such D. such a



11. ---How is everything with you? ---____

A. Good morning. B. Glad to see you, too. C. Fine, thank you D. How good it is 12. ---Who’s the short man over there? ---____

A. This is my good friend, Tom. B. He is my good friend, Tom. C. That’s my good friend, Tom. D. Really, he is very short. 13. ---Please remember to your parents. ---____________.

A. Yes, I remember B. Sure, I will C. No, thank you all the same D. That’s all right. 14. ---Which do you prefer, black tea or black coffee? ---____

A. I have a cup of tea. B. Yes, I like it.

C. Sure, I prefer them. D. I prefer black coffee. 15. ---It’s my birthday tomorrow. ---____

A. Good luck to you. B. May you succeed

C. Congratulate you on your work. D. Happy birthday. 16. ---Do you think it will be fine next week? ---____

A. It’s hard to say. B. Yes, it’s OK. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it’s Friday.

17. ---Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m very sorry for being late. ---____

A. You are welcome B. Never mind. C. It’s OK. D. Don’t say so. 18. ---How about going to the Chinese restaurant? ---____

A. I don’t think so. B. No, I don’t.] C. It’s not time. D. Good idea. 19. ---How long have you been like this? ---____

A. It’s five past seven. B. About two days. C. Twice a week. D. Three days ago. 20. ---What do you think of the story? ---____

A. It happened in 1972. B. It cost me 5 yuan. C. I read it last night. D. It is very interesting.


S---shop assistant M---Mary S:_____21____?

M:Yes,I’m looking for a dress for my mother. S:This one is very nice , madam. M:No, it’s too big,__22___. S:What about this one?

M:Oh,yes, this one’s smaller.But__23____.Please give methat one. S:Well, have you are. M:___24_____, please? S:Nine pounds.

M:Good,The price is reasonable. __25____.Here is ten pounds.

( 三) 匹配题:


26. 多媒体阅览室 A. Red Cross 27. 保持安静 B. Keep Quiet 28. 油漆未干 C. Flea Market 29. 禁止吸烟 D. Supermarket

30. 跳蚤市场 E. Muti -media Reading Room

F. Wet Pant G. No smoking



Astronomy (天文学) is the oldest science known to man. Thousands of years_31____ man looked at the stars and wondered about the heavens. But man was limited_32____ what he could see with his eyes_33___.

The Greeks studied astronomy over 2000 years ago. They could see the size, color, and brightness of a star. They could see its_34___ in the sky. They watched the stars move _35___ the reasons changed. But the Greeks had no tools to help them study the heavens. Each new tool added to the field of astronomy helped man reach out_36___ space. Until there were telescopes, man knew_37___ about the moon. He did not know that the planet called Saturn(土星) had rings about it. His sight was_38___ limited that he could not see all the planets. In the early 1700s, people thought there were_39___ six planets. Pluto(冥王星), the last of the nine planets to be discovered was not seen until 1930.

Before the spectroscope(分光器), man did not know what kind of gases were in the sun or in other stars. _40___ the radio telescope(射电望远镜) we did not know that radio noises came from far out in space.

Today, astronomy is a growing science. We have learned more in the last fifty years than in the whole history of astronomy.

31: A. later B. before C. ago D. time 32: A: because B. of C. to D. by

33: A. alone B. in himself C. for himself D. single 34: A. room B. space C. home D. place 35: A. when B. as C. after D. before 36: A. by B. in C. into D. for

37: A. many B. few C. a little D. little 38: A. too B: very C. such a D. so 39: A. only B. over C. more than D. not

40: A. With B .With the help of C. Having D. Without


阅读理解题: 阅读下列五篇短文,并根据短文内容按要求做每篇后面的题目。

A. 选择题:请根据下面两篇短文内容,为短文后面的各题选择最佳选项,并将


Passage A

A man and his wife had a dog. When they went out, they always left their dog in the house.

One evening, they wanted to go to the cinema, so they left the dog in the house and locked the door and locked their garden gate. They went off in their car.

When the film was over, they came home again. They opened the gate and put the car away. But when they came to the front door, they found that part of the glass in the door was broken. The door was not locked and it was open. A robber! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see if the robber had taken their things away. But everything was in the right place and nothing at all was missing.

The dog was sleeping in the sitting room. The wife was angry with the dog. “Why didn’t you guard the house?” she said. The dog was happy to see his master. It began to shake its tail and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its mouth. It went to the wife and dropped the thing at her feet. When she went to pick it up, she was very surprised. Can you guess what the dog’s present was? It was a man’s finger!

1. From this story, we can see that ____

A. the man and the woman spent much money on the dog. B. they always bought something for the dog. C. the dog must be very people. D. the dog killed a lot of people. 2. Which of the following is NOT right?

A One day they went to see a film B They kept the dog in the house C They drove a car to the cinema.

D They went to the cinema with their son.

3.When they came to the front door, they thought ____

A their dog had run away.

B they had forgotten to lock the door C a thief had come

D their dog must have been hungry 4.The woman was angry because ____

A she thought the dog hadn’t guarded the house B the dog did not go to meet her

C she thought the film wasn’t interesting D the dog was sleeping in the sitting room 5.What happened to the thief?

A. He was bitten by the dog. B. He was locked in the house C. He killed the dog.

D. He locked the dog in the sitting room

Passage B

As you know, the great American writer Jack London was often in need of money when he began to write his books. He wrote very hard but it didn’t help him.

Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story for it, but he was busy at that time and couldn’t keep his promise. The leader of the magazine wrote letters to Jack London several times asking him to send the story. At last he went to the hotel where Jack London stayed and left him a note .

“ dear Jack London, If I don’t get the story within twenty- four hours, I’ll come to your room and kick you downstairs, I always keep my promise.”

Jack London read the note and answered: “ Dear Dick, if I could do my work with my feet like you, I would keep my promise, too.”

6. Jack London was a great __________.

A. English writer B. American president C. American author D. English poet

7. Jack London promised a New York magazine to _______ for it.

A. write a story B. write a poem C. draw a picture D take a photo 8. Jack London was ________ when he began to write his books. A. very rich B. very bad C. not well D. very poor

9. Jack London answered that he couldn’t ________because he was not writing with his feet. A. keep his promise B. keep healthy

C. break his promise D. promise in himself

10. The leader of the magazine went to the hotel and ________. A. kicked him downstairs B. left him a note C. gave him a present D. gave a money

Passage C

Football is the most popular game in England. One has only to go to one of the important matches to see this.

One of the most surprising things about football in England to a stranger is the great knowledge of the game which even the smallest boy seems to have. He can tell you the names of the players in most of the important teams. He has photographs of them and knows the results of large numbers of matches.

Most schools in England take football seriously----much more seriously than nearly all European schools, where lessons are all important, and games, left for private arrangements. In England, it is believed that education is not only a matter of filling a boy’s mind with facts in a classroom; education also means character training; and one of the best ways of training character is by means of games, where a boy has to learn to work with others for his team,instead of working selfishly for himself alone. The school therefore arranges games and matches for its pupils. Football is a good team game. It is a good exercise for the body; it needs skill and a quick brain; it is popular and it is cheap, and as a result, it is the school’s favorite games in winter .

11. The smallest boy in England seems to have__________.

A. the greatest team of football

B. a large number of footballs

C. the most photographs of football players. D. A great knowledge of football

12. According to the information given in this passage, the smallest boy in England may not


A. the names of the players in most important teams B. the results of a number of important matches C. the faces of important players

D. the places where important matches were held

13. Lessons are all important and games are left for private arrangements in_______ A. most British schools B. most Japanese schools C. Most European schools D. most American schools 14. Football in England is believed to be__________

A. a private arrangement B a way of character training C. a favorite game for small boys D. a serious match

15. Why do most schools in England take football seriously? Because football is__________

A. a good team game B. a good exercise for the body C. a cheap game in winter D. a quick skill in the brain

B. 判断题:请根据下面的短文内容判断短文后面的句子的正误,并将答案写在答题纸上。如正确就写“T”,如错误就写“F”。

Passage D

Americans like traveling around during their holidays. They can use trains, buses,or cars. In the United States, it is expensive to travel by trains; and although bus travel is very convenient and inexpensive, it is a little uncomfortable. So most Americans prefer to drive their own cars. It used to be popular to travel by hitch-hiking. The travelers stood at the roadside and made a sign with their thumbs. Most car or truck drivers would be glad to stop and give them a free lift.

During travel, Americans can stay in a Holiday Inn. Holiday Inn is a very popular hotel because it is usually inexpensive and it is opened day and night. They can also stay in motels. Motels not only offer rooms for travelers but also provide parking places for their cars.

For students and other young people, they can choose youth hotels. Youth hotels offer young people an opportunity to make new friends.

True or false:

21. T raveling by bus is very convenient and cheap, but it isn’t comfortable.

22. Most Americans prefer to drive their own cars because they are very


23. The word”hitch-hiking” means going on a journey by getting rides in other

people’s cars.

24. Holiday Inn usually offer cheaper places than youth hotels.

25. Motels provide parking places, but they don’t offer rooms for travelers.


Most reading faults can be traced to early school training. According to Dr. Betts, two persons out of five in school were forced to read materials too difficult for them to understand at the time. This experience left them with bad habits. Luckily, almost anyone can learn to read faster and with more understanding. Age makes little difference. According to recent study of 138 students, all age groups showed an increase in reading rate after proper training---- 93% for the 50-90age group and 142% for the 20-29. Dr. Smith says that the adult student , in 28 training hours, nearly doubles his reading speed and improves his understand by about 30% . The best way to improve your reading, of course, is in a reading clinic. If there is no clinic handy or your can’t afford special training, most experts agree you can improve your reading ability yourself.

26.According to the passage, what is the cause of most reading faults?

The cause of it _______________________________.

27.How many students were forced to read too difficult materials ?


28.What is the result from Dr. Betts’ study of the relationship between age and reading?

______________________________________________. 29.What will result after the adult has received 28- hour training ?

The adult student ______________and improves his understanding by about 30%. 30.What is the main idea of the passage?

Reading ____________________ after proper training.

第四部分:书面表达: (20分) A: 英汉互译:

1. I’d rather have my watch replaced.

2. I strongly believe that all my efforts will bring me great success. 3. You can decide on when and where___________ again.(照相) 4. _________in a foreign country _______ not easy.(在国外学习不容易) 5.___________again if you have any other problems.(和我们取得联系)

B: 填空题:

理: 名○处姓 分 0 ○ 作 线卷 试 次 者班○ 违 , ○ 号 考封 、 名 : 姓号○学 写 要 ○ 不 外 密 线 订 装 , ○题 答 ○要 : 校 不学 内 线 订 装



分值:分 座位号

一.听力部分: (30分)

1-5 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6-10 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 11-15___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 16___ ___ 17_________ 18__________ 19___________ 20____________

第二部分:知识运用(共三大题,满分40分) I.词汇和语法:(10分)

1—5_________________ 6-10_________________ II. 交际用语:(20分) 11-15______________ 16-20_______________ 21-25______________ 26-30_______________ III.完形填空:(10分)

31-35__________________ 36-40__________________


1-5_____________________ 6-10___________________

16-20____________________ 21-25__________________

26.______________________________ 27:_______________________________ 28:________________________________ 29:_________________________________ 30:___________________________________

第四部分:书面表达: (20分) A: 英汉互译:

1. _________________________ 2._________________________ 3.__________________________ 4.__________________________ 5.__________________________

B: 填空题:

1. __________________ 6._____________ 2.__________________ 7.______________ 3.__________________ 8.______________ 4.__________________ 9.________________ 5.__________________ 10._______________

