
更新时间:2023-04-14 00:57:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载







第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分20 分)



1. What does the man need?

A. A new computer.

B. A new mouse.

C. A new computer screen.

2. What does the woman want from the store?

A. Cookies.

B. Peanut butter.

C. Milk.

3. What are the speakers doing?

A. Delivering a package.

B. Complaining about bad service.

C. Looking for a service company online.

4. How does the girl probably feel?

A. Happy and excited.

B. Frustrated and upset.

C. Scared and nervous.

5. What is the woman going to do?

A. Call Julian Assange.

B. Watch the news on TV.

C. Find some information on the Internet.




6. How does the woman feel about the circus?

A. It’s childish.

B. It’s expensive.

C. It sounds really fun.

7. What does the man want to do?

A. Go to the circus by himself.

B. Take Jill out for fun.

C. Get work done from the office.


8. What’s wrong with the woman’s mother?

A. She has been sick.

B. She misses her family and friends.

C. She can’t earn enough to support her family.

9. Where does the woman live?

A. In America.

B. In India.

C. In Britain.

10. What does the woman plan to do next year?

A. Study a new language.

B. Travel to India.

C. Visit her father’s native country.

听第8段材料, 回答第11至13题。

11. When did the man work as a bike mechanic?

A. Two years ago.

B. Five years ago.

C. Ten years ago.

12. Which park did the speakers decide to go to in the end?

A. Regent’s Park.

B. London Fields.

C. Victoria Park.

13. What do we know about the woman’s bike?

A. It hasn’t been used for long.

B. It is in good condition.

C. The woman just had it repaired.


14. Who is Buster?

A. A child.

B. A dog.

C. A cat.

15. What does Buster often do?

A. Walk with Lily to school.

B. Wait for the man in the park.

C. Play with the woman.

16. What has the woman been doing?

A. Asking the man to give up.

B. Comforting the man.

C. Criticizing the man.


17. How many days will the office be closed?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

18. What is going on in the building?

A. Construction work.

B. Celebration activities.

C. Moving houses.

19. What will employees talk about at the meeting on Monday?

A. Their future plans.

B. Achievement in the past year.

C. Work they did at home.

20. Who is Danielle Wilkins?

A. The speaker.

B. The office manager.

C. The building manager.

第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)



21. Shanghai has climbed up the cost-of-living ladder to No.21 on ________ world’s most expensive city list, overtaking New York for the first time, according to ________ global cost-of-living survey.

A. the; the

B. a; a

C. /;the

D. the; a

22. While it wasn’t the goal of the trip, I was rewarded with fresh insights, ones that ________ to me during the regular course of business.

A. needn’t have happened

B. could have happened

C. would never have happened

D. must have happened

23. He bought extra food ________ more people coming than he’d invited.

A. in anticipation of

B. in defense of

C. in exchange for

D. in agreement with

24. Most Chinese movies are reported to ________ money, and only around a quarter make into cinemas, ________ profits are squeezed by piracy.

A. lose; whose

B. have lost; which

C. lose; their

D. be losing; whose

25. As students, we should keep it in mind that every minute ________ full use of ________ our lessons will benefit us a great deal.

A. which makes; studying

B. when made; to study

C. that made; to study

D. when is made; studying

26. —Didn’t Mr. Black se ll his car?

—________. Its poor quality ________ many potential buyers.

A. No; turned off

B. Yes; turned in

C. No; turned away

D. Yes; turn out

27. People sat in the waiting hall, ________ seriously and their eyes ________ on the planes standing on the running field.

A. looked; fixed

B. looked; fixing

C. looking; fixed

D. looking; fixing

28. It is commonly believed that using the mobile phone is contagious(有传染性的) ________ people are twice as ________ to pull out their phones to check their text messages or emails when staying with someone that has just done the same.

A. in that; possible

B. because; probably

C. except that; likely

D. in that; likely

29. We are eager to raise people’s awareness about our environment in ________ and water pollution in ________ because more and more people are lacking clean fresh water.

A. particular; general

B. common; particular

C. average; common

D. general; particular

30. —The children of our village ________ boats to school until the repairs of the destroyed bridge have been made .

—How dangerous! If only it wouldn’t happen .

A. have taken

B. take

C. took

D. are taking

31. There are much brighter prospects for a ________ settlement than before.

A. expensive

B. persuasive

C. comprehensive

D. massive

32. According to the job advertisement, ________ will be given to the candidates with working experience.

A. presentation

B. preference

C. profession

D. production

33. If you had the power to ________ things you consider right, would you do so against the wishes of the majority?

A. put into effect

B. correspond to

C. catch up on

D. put up with

34. He got into the old truck and off _____ to one of the far corners of the farm to fix the fences.

A. did they rush

B. they did rush

C. they rushed

D. rushed they

35. —Do you think you will be able to finish your writing by five o’clock today?

—________. I’ll be busy with experiments all day.

A. Not a chance

B. Not a little

C. Not to mention it

D. No wonder

第二节:完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从36~55 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。

“Hey, nurse!”

A man’s voice, loud and gruff, was coming from room 254. Hungry and 36 , I was taking a shortcut through the telemetry unit after another busy day. These weren’t my patients, so I kept going.

“You, blondie.” I stopped and looked 37 . No other nurses were in sight, so I went to the doorway of room 254 and 38 in. A large man with a big, friendly face was sitting up in the bed. He spoke 39 I had a chance to open my mouth. “Do you remember me? You were my nurse on the fourth floor.”

I told him I 40 in the critical care unit. He must have me 41 with someone else.

“No, wait a minute. Your name is... oh, let me think...”

He 42 at the ceiling, a half smile on his face. Then he turned to me, “Jackie, right? You’ve got a long blonde ponytail, don’t you?”

I was 43 . I studied his face, looking for something that might trigger my 44 .

“That’s all right, Jackie. You came into my room about three weeks ago. My heart stopped 45 on me and you put those paddles(控制手柄) on my chest. I remember you 46 out all these technical sounding words, telling everybody to 47 the way. Then you took those electric paddles and 48 me back to life.”

Suddenly it 49 on me: he was a 50 person then—unresponsive, with dilated pupils(放大的瞳孔) and a red and blue face.

“Who told you I 51 you that day?” I asked, my 52 pulling me into his room.

He laughed and looked back up at the ceiling. “Nobody told me. I was up on that ceiling there watching you. That’s how I saw your long, blonde ponytail. And when you turned to loo k at the monitor, I saw your beautiful face. I’m so 53 I got to see you again.”

He looked down at me, his smile gone. I could see he was 54 with his emotions. “I wanted to say thanks. Thanks so much...”

Every time I pass room 254 now, a warm feeling 55 inside me.

36. A. wiped out B. given out C. worn out D. tried out

37. A. down B. around C. up D. inside

38. A. glanced B. rushed C. stepped D. checked

39. A. since B. while C. as D. before

40. A. watched B. cared C. worked D. stayed

41. A. confused B. mixed C. mistaken D. replaced

42. A. stared up B. glanced up C. glimpsed up D. looked up

43. A. annoyed B. surprised C. disappointed D. pleased

44. A. mind B. emotions C. heart D. memory

45. A. senseless B. still C. dead D. short

46. A. bringing B. forcing C. shouting D. speaking

47. A. pull B. push C. find D. clear

48. A. shocked B. pulled C. dragged D. pressed

49. A. broke B. struck C. occurred D. dawned

50. A. sick B. fearful C. different D. weak

51. A. treated B. helped C. cured D. met

52. A. responsibility B. tenderness C. curiosity D. kindness

53. A. glad B. lucky C. surprised D. satisfied

54. A. shaking B. struggling C. working D. fighting

55. A. turns up B. wells up C. opens up D. brings up




WHEN you think of a typical American, whom do you picture? A pretty blond white American like Taylor Swift? Or a handsome black American like President Barack Obama or basketball star Kobe Bryant? In fact, there was a time when the average American looked like none of these people.

Back in the year 1500, the average American was a brown-skinned hunter-gatherer who probably rode a horse and wore clothing made from animal skins. Today, these people-who usually identify themselves based on their inpidual tribes such as Iriquois, Apache and Navajo-are broadly referred to as “Native

Americans”, “American Indians” or simply “Indians”.

T here’s a chance that you’ve never even heard of American Indians. That’s because there aren’t very many left. When the European settlement of North America began, there were fierce conflicts between the settlers from overseas and these native peoples. After the British government and military were expelled (赶走) in the Revolutionary War, conflicts with natives continued as the states were created that would later make up the US. In these conflicts, millions of natives were killed.

In 1830, president Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act. This act required all Indians to migrate to the west of the Mississippi River to allow for the expansion of the US. American Indians were treated as a military “enemy” until 1924, when the few Indians still alive at th at point were granted US citizenship. That was the first time that the US government formally recognized Indians as human beings.

While the story of the American Indians has been a sad one, these peoples’ legacies (遗产) are still felt every day in the US. Many US geographical names come from Indian languages, such as Ohio, Topeka, Kansas, and the Potomac River. At the same time, there are numerous successful academics and other important US leaders who are descended from Indians. And nowadays, more and more history classes in US public schools are educating students about how Indians suffered during the settlement of the US. I was lucky enough to take such a history class in high school. I sincerely believe that if we want a better future, we must look carefully and honestly at the past.

56. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

A. Few American Indians have achieved success due to their poor living conditions.

B. Today few Americans know about how Indians suffered during the settlement of the US.

C. In the past, most of the American Indians lived in the states of Ohio and Kansas.

D. Since the year 1924, American Indians have been recognized as US citizens.

57. What does the article mainly talk about?

A. The sad story of American Indians.

B. How the American Indians succeeded in the US.

C. What a typical American is like.

D. American Indians’ economic impact on the US.

58. How does the passage mainly develop?

A. By providing examples.

B. By making comparisons.

C. By following the order of time.

D. By following the order of importance.


America’s love-hate relationship with China develops speedily. The latest setback in the bilateral relation is another fearsome “China Scare”. Actually, though, in America it is nothing n ew. The United States’ politics seems to need a “China Scare” from time to time.

Recall that nearly a storm started around the book The Coming Conflict with China in 2007. Its author was two US journalists formerly working in Beijing. The debate was anything but positive about the Sino-US relationship. It is true that China’s strategic aims in Asia are not completely the same with those of the US. However, the authors seemed to worry far too much by putting much emphasis on China’s military strength.

American interest groups are afraid of competing with Chinese imports, because more and more American consumers begin to find Chinese goods a much cheaper choice. So they held this political view that China’s rapid growth is not a blessing for all concerned. Ins tead it was being thought of as a force threatening other Asia economies and America’s too.

“President Obama encourages the transfer of money, industrial capacity and technology to China that will help its development but still threaten the US and its alli es”, charges William Hawkins, a supporter for

protecting US business and industry. Then there’s also people saying that China’s gain is basically on everyone else’s loss. An increasingly globalized and modernized nation of 1.3 billion is not a win-win for almost everyone. It’s a losing situation for everyone, but for China.

That’s absurd, I think.

Sure, China’s neighbors in Asia are worried about Chinese competition and they know they have to work harder in order to compete with China. However, it is unnecessarily sending scare by imagining that economic growth will be greatly reduced, domestic stock markets will get ruined and employment levels will become lower. Certainly, China’s economic progress will cause some tense moments. But, on the whole, Asia and the rest of the world will benefit from China’s success.

Some people on the mainland who want to protect Chinese industries would interfere to slow down market opening. On the other hand, the Obama administration’s decision to cut down on import quotas on foreign steel brought about world wide anger. That decision has made US strategic and economic allies in Asia and Europe angrier at America than at anything China has done lately. So who is the greater threat—China or the United States—to the world econom y? Let’s just say that what continues to be needed in America’s relationship with China is not another “red scare”, but the three facts all too often missing: common sense, political maturity and intellectual honesty.

59. Which of the following is not a true statement?

A. China Scare is a fairly fresh phenomenon.

B. Sino-US relationship has aroused a negative debate.

C. Opinions on Chinese competition in economic progress vary.

D. The world will generally benefit from China’s economic growth.

60. William Hawkin reacted ________to President Obama’s policy on China.

A. reasonably

B. objectively

C. respectfully

D. negatively

61. Which may best serve as the title of the above passage?

A. America’s Love-hate Relationship with China

B. Debate on Sino-US Relationship

C. Benefits or Threats from China and US?

D. China Scare, Is It Real?


Rice wine has a history of more than 2,000 years as China’s favorite liquor and has been credited with having enhanced the health, among others, of the late Deng Xiaoping. But now native rice wine finds itself competing for market share with western style fruit wine.

Both foreign traders and local producers have in recent months observed a remarkable rise in the popularity of wine in China, at least in the country’s more prosperous cities and coastal regions. There are several reasons for this. One has been a sustained effort by the Chinese government to limit the use of staple grains (主食) for things as frivolous as spirits or beer. Another has been a lot of reports filtering out (过滤) via Hong Kong and Taiwan, citing scientific findings about red wine’s good effects on health in general and manliness in particular. Mr. St. Pierre, who imports western wines to China, says that his red wines outsell his whites by 20 to 1, leading him to conclude that Chinese drinkers are indeed choosing their beverages with good health in mind.

Mr. St. Pierre is toasting increases in sales of 25% a month. Carl Crook, another importer, recalls that, when he began selling wine in China f our years ago, his clients were mainly “well-heeled and desperate expatriates(侨民)”. His company, Montrose, now sells more than 1,000 cases a month and expects sales to double this year, despite taxes and duties which add 121% to the price of imported wines. Its catalogue ranges from cheap Californian wines selling wholesale for 69 Yuan per bottle, to Chateau Lafitte


Domestic producers are also cottoning on to the joys of the grape. A few Chinese wineries are increasingly successful, in both inte rnational competitions and the domestic market. China’s largest wine producer, Dynasty, has overcome quality control problems to produce a well-received 1995 Chardonnay. The Huadong Winery in Qingdao (a city still more famous for its beer) has also yielded a successful Chardonnay. Local bottling of foreign wines, local production, and if they materialize, long rumored cuts in tariff duties(关税) may soon help bring the joys of wine to greater numbers of Chinese.

For the country’s growing class of the newly ri ch, however, a ridiculously high price tag is all part of the package. In recent years, China’s conspicuous(引人注目的) consumers have made the purchase of overpriced wines one of their favorite ways of showing off wealth, in some cases buying bottles priced at several hundred dollars only to smash them on the floor. There is now a new trend that may strike the world’s wine merchants as an even greater outrage. Some Chinese wine drinkers have decided that a good claret(干红) or Chardonnay goes down more smoothly when mixed with Sprite.

62. Grape wines become more popular than the traditional rice wine in China for all the following reasons EXCEPT that ________.

A. rice wine consumes so many grains that its production has been discouraged.

B. it is believed that grape wine does more good to health than rice wine.

C. drinking grape wine is a symbol of wealth and therefore is a fashion for some people..

D. grape wines are often less expensive and so more people can afford them.

63. The word “frivolous” in Para. 2 proba bly means ________.

A. significant.

B. precious.

C. authentic.

D. unimportant.

64. Mr. St. Pierre and Mr. Carl Crook are cited as examples to show ________.

A. market share of importing grape wines is increasing in China.

B. well-heeled and desperate expatriates like to drink grape wines.

C. Chinese drinkers choose their company’s wine because of their boast.

D. domestic producers also realize the joys of the grape wines.

65. Which of the following is an opinion of the author’s?

A. Domestic producers do not like their foreign counterparts.

B. Local bottling of foreign wines is not encouraged by local government in China.

C. The extremely high tariff duties on wine importing still affect the more popular consumption of foreign wines.

D. Most people are satisfied with the prices of foreign wines.

66. The author sounds ________ in the last paragraph.

A. tolerant

B. angry

C. impatient

D. conspicuous


Christmas was a quiet affair when I grew up. There were just my parents and I. I vowed that someday I’d marry and have six children, and at Christmas my house would vibrate with energy and love.

I found the man who shared my dream, but we had not reckoned on the possibility of infertility. Undaunted, we applied for adoption, and then he arrived.

We called him Our Christmas Boy because he came to us during that season of joy. Then nature surprised us again. We added two biological children to the family—not as many as we had hoped for, but three made an entirely satisfactory crowd.

As Our Christmas Boy grew, he made it clear that only he had the expertise to select and decorate the

Christmas tree. He rushed the season, starting his gift list in November. He pressed us into singing carols, our froglike voices contrasting with his musical gift of perfect pitch. Each holiday he stirred us up, leading us through a round of merry chaos.

Then, on his 26th Christmas, he left us in a car accident on his way home to his wife and infant daughter. But first he had stopped by the family home to decorate our tree.

Grief-stricken, his father and I sold our home, where memories clung to every room, and moved away. Seventeen years later, we grew old enough to return home, and settled into a small quiet house, like the house of my childhood. Our other son and daughter had married and begun their own Christmas traditions in another part of the country.

One day, I heard the doorbell ring. There stood our granddaughter, and in her gray-green eyes I saw the reflection of Our Christmas Boy. Behind her, lugging a large pine tree, came her mother and stepfather. They swept past us in a flurry of laughter; and then decorated the tree.

“You’ll recognize the ornaments,” said my former daughter-in-law. “They were his. I save them for you.”

When I murmured that we had n’t had a tree for 17 years, our granddaughter said, “Then it’s time to have one!”

They asked us to join them the next morning for church and for dinner at their home.

Our granddaughter ordered, “I’m singing the solo and I want you to be there.”

We had long ago given up the poignant Christmas services, but now, we sat rigid in the front pew, fighting back tears. Our granddaughter’s magnificent voice soared, clear and true, in perfect pitch. How her father would have relished that moment!

We had been alerted that there would be a lot of people for dinner---but 35! I could not sort out who belonged to whom, but it didn’t matter. They all belonged to each other. It occurred to me that a true family is not always one’s own flesh and blood. It is a climate of the heart. Had it not been for our adopted son, we would not now be surrounded by caring strangers.

Later, our granddaughter asked us to come along with her to a place she likes to go.

In the foothills there was his grave. As we stood by the headstone in the chilly but somehow comforting silence, we were not prepared for our granddaughter’s next move. Once more that day her voice, so like her father’s, lifted in song, and the mountainside echoed on and on into infinity.

When the last pure note had faded, I felt a sense of peace, of the continuity of life, of renewed faith and hope. The real meaning of Christmas had been restored to us.

67. The author swore that he would ________ when she grew up.

A. give birth to six children at least by marrying

B. crowd her house with energy and love by having more children

C. find a man with the same dream to create a warm home

D. make her house a noisy place by adopting a Christmas boy

68. Why did the author and her husband call their adopted son “Our Christmas boy”?

A. Because they were unable to have a child

B. Because they wished to be blessed by God

C. Because they adopted the boy on Christmas

D. Because the boy was actually a gift for Christmas

69.The author and her husband sold their house in order to ________.

A. show their grief of losing the son

B. stop their sudden grief from the loss

C. flee from their previous memories

D. recover from their great sorrow

70. The author reveals to us that the truth of Christmas lies in ________.

A. a realistic dream bound to come true

B. a happy moment crowded with children

C. a loving family union with an air of a festival

D. a peaceful continuing life with faith and hope




On a visit to Sussex on February 16th, David Cameron announced that, if the Conservatives win the election on May 7th, young people who are out of work, education or training for six months will have to do unpaid community work to get benefits. The speech was part of a pre-election push to show the Conservative Party is tough on welfare reform (though critics insist such schemes rarely promote employment). “The well-worn path—from the school gate down to the job centre and on to a life on benefits—has got to be wiped away,” said the prime minister.

The welfare bill has fallen a bit as unemployment drops. But the main attempt to reform working-age benefits—known as universal credit (UC)—has gone away. In 2011 Mr Cameron said it would be part of “the most ambitious and fundamental changes to the welfare system since it began”. The latest stage of UC was also started from February 16th, but its future is not certain at all.

UC combines six working-age benefits, including tax credits, housing benefit and job-seeker’s allowance, into a single payment. It aims to provide the poorest Britons with a ladder to climb out of welfare dependency by simplifying a system that provides perverse incentives(反常动力) to stay on benefits rather than work. Its champion, Iain Duncan Smith, the secretary for work and pensions, claims it is as much about changing culture as about saving money.

The project has crawled along, hitting many obstacles on the way, such as an overly ambitious timetable that had to be reset in 2013 and an IT system that had to be abandoned, costing tens of millions of pounds. Mr Duncan Smith debated often with George Osborne, the harder-nosed chancellor of the exchequer(财政大臣).

Other problems have come from technical complexities, such as linking th e tax system’s computers with those at the department for work and pensions. Critics say that moving all claims online is foolish when many people do not even have access to a computer. Similarly foolish, they say, are plans to pay benefits monthly rather than weekly to people who cannot budget, and to give housing benefit to applicants who may waste it rather than directly to the landlords of their government-funded housing. Defenders say the poor need to be given more responsibility. “The current benefits system is just ‘process and pay’,” says Christian Guy, Mr Duncan Smith’s former speechwriter, now head of the Centre for Social Justice. “UC makes the assumption of ambition.”

This week’s limited demonstration will mean that 250 job centres—roughly one in three—will offer UC. But these numbers refer to a system used for single recipients with no dependents. The bigger “digital” system, covering complex applicants with children, has not yet been tested. “The reason this week’s

announcement means nothing is that we are still not sure if the system works for most people,” says Jonathan Portes of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. “They’re producing a system they are not going to use.” The government hoped that 1 million people would be usi ng UC by April 2014, but only 64,000 have used it so far.

There is no guarantee it will be carried out in full, even if the Tories form the next government. “I wouldn’t put money on UC continuing under either major party,” says Colin Talbot of the Universi ty of Manchester. Opponents say gains will be the lowest. They accuse Mr Duncan Smith and his team of trying to change the world. Mr Guy contradicts: “At least someone is trying.”



There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard. He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered(蒸蒸日上) under his care. But he knew that his three sons did not like the farm work, and were eager to reach the goal at a single leap.

When the farmer felt that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.” After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money.

They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing. The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had ever given; when it was sold, it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.

And when they saw how much money had come from the orchard, they suddenly understood what the wise father had meant when he said, “There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.”


1. 以30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就“Dig for it, if you wish it.”的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:





1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子。

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。





第一部分:听力(共20小题, 每小题1分,满分20分)

1-5 CBBBC 6-10 ABBAB 11-15 BBABA 16-20 BBACB



21-25DCADB 26-30DCDCD 31- 35BCACA

第二节:完形填空(共20 小题,每小题1分,满分20分)

36-40 CBADC 41-45 ADBDC 46-50 CDADC 51-55 BCABB


56-58 DAC 59-61 ADD 62-66 DDACB 67-70 BCDD


71. trouble/difficulty 72. determination/toughness 73.situation 74. employment 75. called/ named 76. combining 77. accessible 78. doubt 79. regardless 80. better


One possible version:

The story narrates that a dying farmer instructed his three sons to dig for a pot of hidden gold in his orchard, through which they eventually understood their hardworking father’s intention. (31个词)The story sets me thinking we should be dedicated to the goal of life. However, i t’s not uncommon in our life that there do exist many people who are dying to seek a fortune by virtue of luck rather than through steadfast diligence. Anyway, Rome is not built in one day.

Once a young man, Jia Zuosheng, who dropped out of middle school due to poverty, has had an unbelievable craze for English since his childhood. He took his position as a security officer at Tsinghua University, bearing the dream to hone English both at work and during the intervals. Though living in adversity, he eventually realized his dream.

J ust as a saying goes, “Y ou reap what you sow.” It is devotion and perseverance that pay off.


Text 1

M: Will you come with me to get a new computer screen? Mine keeps shutting off. I think it’s time for a new one, anyway. Mine is really old.

W: Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I’ve been meaning to get a new mouse for my computer, and they have both of those at the electronics store.

Text 2

W: Will you grab some peanut butter from the store, please? I want to make some cookies later.

M: Sure thing, honey. I’ll grab some when I get coffee later. I think we’re running low on milk, too.

Text 3

M: He actually said that his company would charge me for his mistake!

W: I can’t believe that! He was the one who dropped the package when he delivered it! That’s just bad service. You should complain about them online.

Text 4

M: Sweetie, sometimes you need to share. You should be nice to Willie and let him play on the swings, too.

Wouldn’t you want him to do the same thing for y ou?

W: That’s not fair! I was here first. Why should he get to have a turn when mine’s not done yet?

Text 5

W: Do you know who Julian Assange is?

M: I’ve never heard that name before. Who is he?

W: He’s been in the news a lot lately, but I’m not exactly sure why he is famous. I’m going to look his name up online.

Text 6

M: Have you seen that new circus in town? It is supposed to be really funny!

W: I didn’t know there was one in town. Aren’t you a little old to be going to those types of things?

M: You are never too old for the circus! Come on, Jill. You should go with me.

W: I don’t know, Todd. It could be really boring. The show is meant for small children.

M: Don’t be silly! We will have so much fun. I promise!

W: How can you be so sure? I can’t even reme mber the last time I went to a circus.

M: My point exactly! Don’t you think it would be nice to just have some simple fun and get away from the office world for once?

W: Well, I guess I’ll go. Only on one condition, though.

M: What’s that?

W: You’re paying!

Text 7

M: Hi, Asha. Is your mother feeling any better?

W: No, I’m afraid not. She’s very homesick. She misses her family and friends back in India.

M: Do you think she will ever move back to India?

W: I’m not sure. It’s very difficult for her, because my father and my sisters all live here in California, so she doesn’t want to leave us.

M: Does she ever go visit her family in India?

W: She goes back once a year to visit her family and friends. But when she’s in India, she misses her family in the United States.

M: It must be very hard for her, to always be torn between two places.

W: Yes, it is. And she’s always telling us not to forget our Indian culture. So, next year, my sisters and I are planning on traveling to India with her for a few months, so that we can all experience the culture together.

M: I think that’s a wonderful idea. She’ll be so happy!

Text 8

M: When was the last time you rode that thing?

W: I think it’s been almost ten years. I dragged it out of my garage just now.

M: Well, it looks pretty old and worn out, but I guess it should be OK to ride.

W: If you say so—you’re the expert. Didn’t you use to work as a bike mechanic?

M: Yeah, just for two years while I was in university, but that was five years ago. Anyway, where do you want to ride?

W: I don’t know. Maybe we could ride to Regent’s Park. How long would that take?

M: About 45 minutes from here. We could also just go to Victoria Park instead. That would be about 15 minutes.

W: OK, let’s go there.

M: Great! Then let’s go…So, how does the bike feel?

W: It’s OK, I guess. But I think I need to stop. I’m too tired.

M: You’re kidding me. We’ve been riding for, like, one minute.

W: Sorry, I guess I’m out of shape. Maybe we can go someplace closer than Victoria Park.

M: OK, let’s go to London Fie lds, then—it’s only five minutes away.

Text 9

M: Well, any luck? Did you see Buster anywhere?

W: No, I couldn’t find him, either. I drove all around the neighborhood. I circled our block three times, hoping he’d show up. No such luck. I’m sorry, Ben.

M: It’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have left the door open. I hope we’ll find him. He is such a huge part of our family. He walks with Lily to school every morning.

W: I’m sure we’ll find him, Ben. I remember when I lost my dog Spot. We looked for ten hours, a nd finally we just gave up. Not long after we got home, Spot showed up at our front door. They know how to get home, Ben. They always do.

M: I hope you’re right, Lucy. Maybe he’ll show up before it gets dark. I just hope he’s okay.

W: He will be, Ben. He h as always been loyal to you and your family. He’s probably just off exploring.

M: If you say so. Let’s walk up Forest Avenue and see if maybe he’s hiding in Mr. Johnson’s yard. He always likes to bark and chase his cat around there.

W: That’s a good idea! See, we’ll find him before you know it. You have nothing to be worried about.

Text 10

Attention, employees! This is an important announcement for all of our staff! Due to construction work in this building, our offices will be closed this Thursday, April 4th, as well as Friday, April 5th. Please do not come to the office on these days. Due to noise and security concerns, the building manager has requested that we temporarily leave the area, so that the construction can be carried out safely and quickly. We expect you to complete your work from home on the days, as it is very important that we do not fall behind schedule. On Monday, April 8th, work will continue in these offices as usual. There will be a work report meeting for all employees at 10:00 a.m. on Monday morning. We encourage you to prepare a brief presentation of the work you completed at home, but this is not a requirement. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office manager, Danielle Wilkins. She will be available this afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., or by appointment. We appreciate your cooperation.

