language talk show

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Language Talk Show STEVE JOBS

时间: Nov. 15, 2011 制稿人 刘弈畅 播音 刘弈畅 张烨霏 A: ALAN B: VLY

A: Hello, everyone ! I am Alan. B: I am VLY.

A: Welcome to our Language Talk Show. Today, we will have an interesting and meaningful topic.

B: Wow! What is it? Something about us or other things?

A: Neither. But maybe all of us will be interested in it . In the first place, I will ask you some questions . B: Go ahead, please

A: How do you think about the electronic installations? Such as telephone or computer?

B: Er…I think they not only bring convenience to the people but also improve the quality of our life. All in all, our life becomes more and more comfortable . A: Yeah- Maybe what you say is rational. Let us put it aside. How much do you know about the Apple Inc ?

B : Yeah. I know a little bit. It famous for Ipod. ITunes Ipad and Iphone. A : You say it. But how do you estimate the products of it?

B: Generally speaking. The products of Apple is really of high quality. It has almost changed my life so that I cannot live without it. It really becomes an important part of my life.

A: Yes. The products of Apple has changed the world, hasn’t it ? Ok, would you like to say something about your feelings?

B: Alright. My mother and I use it to keep in contact with others. Similarly, my father can not handle official business without it. And so do other people


A: Well, all of the convenice and comfort is the inventor of apple bring to us. B :Yeah, a great man ,Steve Jobs.

A: Sure . And that is today’s topic ----Steve Jobs . Music

B :Welcome back everyone! Here’s Language Talk Show. This is VLY

A:I am Alan. And we’re talking about one of the world famous man---Steve Jobs B: Yeah-. So where shall we start ?

A: We talk over something about Jobs just now.

B: Ok. Next, we will have a further understanding of Jobs.

A: Well, as we all know, Jobs was born on.Feb.24, 1955 and was adapted by Paul Steve and Clara Jobs. But I don’t ensure he has brothers and sisters.

B: Yeah. Besides, he really has a sister Mona. Simon. Apart from that, Alan, do you know of his college life?

A: Sure, VLY. After graduating from high school, he only stayed in college for about 6 months. Then he dropped out of school due to some personal factors. A: Oh , the degree of education can not decide the steps to success.. B: I can not agree any more.

A:VLY. Have you ever heard about other famous people like Jobs didn’t finish their school?

B: Yeah .Some other famous people such as Einstein, Bill Gates, they could not finish their school but dropped out. However, they achieved great success. A :What we can believe without any doubt is that their success is partly related to their talent, However, as we all know, not all the gifted can succeed in the end. Diligence also plays a very important role in life.

B: Yeah. I agree. Jobs is such a person as I appreciate very much , who has positive attitude to the society and responsibility for the people around him . A :You got it. No one can achieve success easily.

B: Of course. Jobs underwent a lot of difficulties. For example, in Jobs’ early life ,he


live in basement and almost have nothing at all.

A;OH. That really so bad. But I think he hold on to the last, didn’t he?

B: Yes. Each time he almost touched the edge of impasse. Only by relaying on his straight faith, positive attitude as well as a perfect mastery of his knowledge did he walk out of them. Finally ,he headed for success.

A: As an old saying goes ―Chance favors only the prepared mind\

B: To the point. Jobs is well worth respecting and emulating for his lofty character. A: Yeah , that’s right. All of us teenage should take him for our example. B: Yeah. that is true. Ok, let us take a little break. Music

B: Hello , everyone! Here is Language Talk Show. This is VLY. A: And This is Alan. Now ,we are going back to talk about Steve Jobs.

A: Alan. I heard about something interesting about Steve. Are you willing to share with me ?

B: Sure, what’s that?

A: Take it easy. From the outside ,Steve is slender,who likes wearing jeans,black pullovers and a pair of running shoes B: Wow, How casually he wears!

A: Er ,this is not the point… In fact, Jobs is known as highly stressful workaholic with passion. He is keen on technology.

B: But some people say he is an arrogant and paranoid man, sometimes with a little dictatorship. For example, Apple Inc is originated from Job’s rejecting other’s opinion. He Just pursues his own set of ideas. A: Um ,and then Apple was born… B: Nobody Is Perfect!

A: Er. That’s right. After all, he made great contributions to the world. What he has done greatly influenced the USA, and even the whole world.

B: Whatever he does, he just wants perfection. I believe that his staff can


understand him. A;I hope so.

B: Yes,and just because of this,his concise design and style attracted thousands of fans. He is a legend!

A: So he is! But you must be a little bit tired, a short break here— Music

A: Welcome back here to our Language Talk show. I am Alan .As to Jobs, we have known a lot.

B: Yes. But to everybody’s sadness, he left us forever on Oct.6, which is a great loss to the world.

A: Mm,People around the world are in deep sorrow. As Carol Bartz, the former CEO of Yahoo said, it’s the ultimate sadness. Jobs was sometimes feared, but always revered. In fact, it’s easy to please everyone, but he kept to his principles. B: Yes, he is a man of principle. He is deserved to be learnt from.

A: In addition, President Obama said Steve was among the greatest of American innovators – brave enough to think differently, bold enough to believe he could change the world, and talented enough to do it.

B: You can say that again. Lenovo CEO on Jobs’ death, he said he admired his spirit, his creativity and his passion. He not only changed the technology industry, he changed the world and made the world better.

A: yeah,that is,Jobs changed the way each of us sees the world. While we all feel this enormous loss, I am confident that we will take to heart the lessons Steve taught us about innovation.

B: You said it . Jobs Will Be Remembered for Generations. His spirit will carry on, and it will inspire all of us to achieve more. As a university student, we should learn from Jobs to be innovative and study hard to serve our motherland! A: I can’t agree any more.

B: Bet you may tired. let us have a cup of tea.



A: Welcome back. This is language talk show. I am Alan. B: I am vly .

A: VLY since we have talked a lot of Steve Jobs ,do you think what it is the most important things that Jobs left us?

B:en, it is hard to say . but, from my point of view, his Innovative concept point out a new road for the electronic field. Als ,it promotes other industries’ development. A: Well, Vly, how do you feel now?

B: Really impressive! And I really think we should remember Jobs forever. Put him in our heart.

A: of course! It is necessary for us to learn the good characters from Jobs.

B: Sure I will. I hope the talented like Jobs can spring up after the time of Steve Jobs.

A: En ,at the same time, we all sent our sincere blessing to the world that life will became more and more well-being and desirable .

A: Yeah! You just got the right idea. And now, it’s time to say goodbye. Thanks for your listening. B: This is VLY! A: This is Alan! A&B; Bye ~


