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Never spare the parson’s wine, nor the baker’s pudding.

(不吃白不吃)牧师的葡萄酒,不喝白不喝;面包师的布丁,不吃白不吃。 Visits should be short, like a winters day, lest you’re too trouble some hasten away. 到别人家中去拜访,要像冬季的白天那样短,免得被人嫌弃和追赶。 A house without woman & fire-light, is like a body without soul or sprite. 没有妒火和老婆,男人是白活着。 Light purse,heavy heart. 轻不过钱包,重不过心。

He’s a fool that makes his doctor his heil. 只有笨蛋才会让医生做自己的遗产继承人。

He’s gone, and forgot nothing but to say farewell to his creditors. 他去了,什么都没有落下,但是忘了和债主说再见。 Love well, whip well.

越是爱(他),越要揍(他)。 Hunger never saw bad bread. 在饿鬼眼中,没有面包是馊的。 Great talkers, little doers. 语言的举人,行动的矮子。

Relation without friendship, friendship without power, power without will, without effect, effect without profit, & profit without virtue, are not worth a falto.


Eat to live, and not live to eat.

吃饭是为了活着,活着却不是为了吃饭。 The favour of the great is no inheritance.



Beware of the young doctor & the old barber 最不可靠的人是年轻的医生和年老的理发师。 To lengthen your life, lessen your meals. 少吃肉,多长寿。

The proof of gold is fire, the proof of woman, gold; the proof of man, a woman. 烈火才能试验黄金,黄金才能试验女人,女人才能试验男人。 He that lies down with dogs, shall rise up with fleas. (吃得咸鱼抵得渴)与狗睡在一起,身上必定有虱子。 Distrust & caution are the parents of security. 多注意安全,少一些风险。 Tongue double, brings trouble.

(言多必失)舌头动的快,麻烦来得多。 Take counsel in wine, but resolve after wards in water. ()酒中想出的办法,水上作出的决定。 He that drinks fast, pays slow. 喝酒喝得快,付帐慢慢来。 A good wife lost is god’s gift lost.

对一个好妻子不负责任,就是扔弃上帝的礼物。 Hi is ill cloth’d, who is bare of virtue. 品质恶劣者如破衣服。

The heard of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. 笨蛋的心在口中,智者的口在心上。 Man & melons are hard to know. 人心善恶的难测如西瓜难辨生熟。


He’s the best physician that knows the worthless of the most medicines. 只有明白大多数药物无用的大夫才是好大夫。 A fine genius in his own country, is like gold in the mine. 天才只活在自己的王国,犹如金子在山中藏着。 There is no little enemy. 没有微不足道的敌人。

He has lost his boots but sav’d his spurs. (弃车保帅)丢了马靴,但保住了马刺。 Cheese and salt meat, should be sparingly eat. (心急吃不到热豆腐)奶酪和咸肉只能细爵慢咽。 Doors and walls are fools paper.


There is neither honour nor gain, got in dealing with a villain. 与流氓和无赖做生意,是既无信誉又无收益的事情。 The fool hath made a vow, I guess, never to let the fire have peace. 笨蛋许的愿,往往是让火不要熄灭。 Snowy winter, a plentiful harvest. 寒冬之雪使万物繁荣。

Nothing more like a fool, than a drunken man. 世上最大的笨蛋是酒鬼。

God works wonders now & then; behold! A lawyer, an honest man! 上帝制造出奇迹,瞧!老实人和律师。 In nocence is its own defence. 天真者无邪。

Time eateth all things, could old poets say; the times are changed, our times drink all away.


Never mind it, she’ll be sober after the holidays.


Would you live with ease, do what you ought, and not what you please. 想过得好,懂得放弃是第一要义。 Better slip with foot than tongue. 足底不稳胜过舌头打滑。

You cannot pluck roses without fear of horns, nor enjoy affair wife without danger of horns.

采摘美丽的玫瑰会刺手;娶美丽的老婆容易惹事。 Without justice, courage is weak. 不正义,勇无力。

Many dishes many diseases, many medicines few cures. 饭吃多了易染病,药吃多了病更深。

Where carcasses are, eagles will gather, and where good laws are, much people flock thither.


Hot things, sharp things, sweet things, cold things; all rot the teeth, and make them look like old things.

正是那些烫的、辣的、甜的和冷的东西坏了你的牙齿,使它变成无用的东西。 Blame-all and praise-all are two blockheads. 笨人乱怪人,蠢人瞎拍马。

Be temperate in wine, in eating, girls & sloth, or the gout will seize you and plague you both.



No man was glorious, who was not laborious.


What pains our justice takes his faults to hide, with half that pains sure he might cure’em quite.

隐瞒过错劳神伤心,改正过错轻而易举。 In success be moderate. 成功者戒骄。

What one relishes, nourishes. 吃得香,营养富。 Fools multiply fooly. 笨蛋干蠢事。

Beauty and folly are old companions. 漂亮与无智是一对老搭档。 Hope of gain, lessens pain. 减轻劳动苦伤的是收获的希望。

All things are easy to industry, all things difficult to sloth. 勤者无难事,懒惰事事难。

If you ride a horse, sit close and tight; if you ride a man, sit easy and light. 骑在马上要紧贴马背,驾驭别人则要给他自由。 Don’t think to hunt two hares with one dog. 一只猎狗追不到两只兔子。 Who pleasure gives, shall joy receive. (施比受快乐)奉献者得到快乐。

Where there’s marriage without love, there will be love without mardage. 只要有没有爱情的婚姻,就有没有婚姻的爱情。


Be neither silly, nor cunning, but wise. 不愚蠢,不精明,但要做个明白人。 Jack little sow’d little, & little he’ll reap. 小杰克不劳作,无法得到小收获。

All things are cheap to the saving, dear to the wasteful. 节省时什么都是便宜的,浪费时什么都是昂贵的。 Would you persuade, speak of interest, not of reason. 空讲道理,不如谈谈利益。

Haapy’s the wrong, that’s not long a doing. 祸福相依,朝夕难料。

Don’t value a man for the quality he is of, but for the qualities he possesses. 不看缺点看优点。

Bucephalus the horse of Alex and hat as lasting fame as his master. 亚历山大大帝的马与他一样万古长青。

Do good to the friend to keep him, to your enemy to gain him. 是挚友的留住他,是敌人的争取他。

A good man is seldom uneasy, an ill one never easie. 善良使人快活,坏心眼让人不安。

Teach your child to hold his tongue, he’ll learn fast enough to speak. 教你的孩子学会沉默,也就是教他怎样开口说话。 He that can not obey, can not command. 不懂服从,难以施令。

An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince. 一个愚钝的农夫胜过所有邪恶的地主。 As charms are nonsence, nonsence is a charm.


魅力毫无用处,糊涂难以求得。 An egg today is better than a hen tomorrow. 明天的一只鸡不如今天的一个蛋。

He that is rich need not live sparingly, and he that can live sparingly need not be rich. 有钱的不必装清贫,清贫的不必装有钱。

If you would be reveng’d of your enemy, govem yourself. 假如遇到报复的敌人,只有冷静和克服能救你。 A wiched hero will turn his back to an innocent coward. 邪恶英雄瞧不起无知懦夫。

Laws like to cobwebs catch small flies, great ones break away before your eyes. 法网恢恢,只逮住小虫蝇,大的破网而去,把你气得半死。 As sore places meet most rubs, proud folks meet most affronts. 肿痛之处容易磨破,骄矜之人容易树敌。 When it is fair be sure take your great coat with you. (未雨绸缪)晴天出门带雨衣。

He does not possess wealth, it possesses him. 不是他左右财富,而是财富左右了他。

Avarice and happiness never saw each other, how then should they become acquainted. 贪心和幸福是一对死敌。

The thrifty maxim of the wary dutch, is to save all the money they can touch 谨慎的荷兰人遵守这样的节俭格言,挣到几钱存几钱。 He that waits upon fortune, is never sure of a dinner. (守株待兔)专等上苍恩赐,就要常饿肚子。

A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one. 有知识的笨蛋比没有知识的笨蛋还要笨蛋。


Marry your son when you will, but your daughter when you can. 找老婆可以慢慢挑选,嫁女儿则要越快越好。

He that knows nothing of it, may by chance be a prophet; while the wisest that is may happen to miss.

无知者一不小心成了先知,智者一不小心成了愚人。(智者千虑,必有一失) Reader, farewell, all happiness attendthee: may each New Year better and richer flnd thee. 亲爱的读者,愿幸福与你常在,愿你一年更比一年如意和富有。 Look before, or you’ll find yourself behind. (不进则退)不进步,则退步。

Bad commentators spoil the best of books, so god sends meat(they say) the devil cooks. 蹩脚的评论家歪曲伟大的作品,因此上帝送来魔鬼烹调的晚餐。 Approve not of him who commends all you say. 拍马求欢者的话不可掉以轻心。

By diligence and patience, the mouse bit in two the cable. 老鼠咬断电缆,凭的是锲而不舍。 Full of courtesies, full of craft. 表面不慌不忙,心中雷声火响。

A little house will fill’d, a little field will till’d, and a little wife well will’d, are great riches.


Old maids lead apes there, where the old batchelors are turn’d to apes. 光棍变成傻瓜是因为处女终身未嫁。 Some are weatherwise, some are otherwise. 有些人审时度势,有些人闭门造车。

The poor man must walk to get meat for his stomach, the rich man to get a stomach to his



穷汉为充饥奔波不止,富人为消化散步不停。 Eyes and priests, bear no jests. 眼睛和牧师容不得欺骗。 The family of fools is ancient. 全家都是傻子,一定是因为遗传。 Necessity never made a good bargain. 急用的就是最好的。

If pride leads the van, beggary brings up the rear. 骄傲做先锋,卑劣压阵脚。

There is many witty man whose brains can’t fill their bellies. 自以为聪明的人头上往往戴着马屎的光环。 Weighty questions ask for deliberate answers. 提问题要提的深入,答问题要答得简洁。 Be slow in chusing a friend, slower n changing. 选择朋友和放弃朋友一样要慎重考虑。 Pain wastes the bady, pleasures the understanding. 疼痛伤身,享乐耗智。

The cunning man steals a horse, the wise man lets him alone. (蠢人出手,聪明人出口)蠢人偷马,智者自笑。 Nothing but money, is sweeter than honey. 没有什么比金钱更贵的东西了。

Humility makes great men twice honourable. 谦虚受人尊敬。

Keep the shop, & the shop will keep thee.



The King’s cheese is half wasted in parings: but no mattet, is made of the peoples milk. 国王削奶酪时白丢了一半,那奶酪是用人民的牛奶做的,不过如此。 Sloth and silence are a fool’s virtues. 傻瓜的可贵之处是迟缓和少语。

Of learned fools I have seen ten times ten, of unlearned wise men I have seen a hundred. 糊涂蛋随处可见,聪明人成千上万。

Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead. 三个人守不住秘密,除非另外两个人已经不在人世。 Poverty wants somethings, luxury many things, avarice all things. 贪婪索取一切,包括贫穷和富有。 A lie stands on leg, truth on.


There’s small revenge in words, but words may be greatly revenged. 嘴巴无法报复,但报复可以出自嘴巴。

Great wits jump(says the poet )and his head against the post. 诗人喜欢说英雄所见略同,我却认为反对者也不少。 Denv self for self’s sake. 节制者获益。

Tim moderate fare and abstinence much prizes, in publick, but in private gormandizes. (表里不一)汤姆表面节衣缩食,背地里大吃大喝。 It is better to take many injuries than to give one. 不得志时忍气吞声,得志便又猖狂。 Opportunity is the great bawd. 机遇是值得争夺的东西。


