
更新时间:2023-10-14 23:31:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


1.在一些早期尝试使用大气球(回声我和回声II)作为通信信号的无源反射器和一些小实验 卫星发射,第一个真正的通讯卫星,通讯卫星I和II,在七月会推出1963 1962dan。





6.据报道,新的传输和均衡技术将允许数字数据传输在电话通道速度PF 4800位每秒或更高。


8.In the aircraft landing system, the input signal is the relative position of the aircraft and the runway, the system is the aircraft, and the output signal is the aircraft relative to the lateral position of the runway correction.

9.A full duplex data transmission system includes a data processing device originating from the originator and an interface component comprising a buffer and a control unit.

10.Optical fiber is likely to be used first in some dedicated circuits such as transmission data or television, and then experimentally laid over the telephone network in the late 1970s.

11.If there is a signal in the frequency range higher than half of the sampling rate, the spectrum of the sampled signal will produce distortion.

12.Although we can not quantitatively evaluate the reliability of software, we can use the nature of the project to form a method for evaluating the cost of reliability and bit guarantee reliability. 三.

1.Light travels in waves, ripples as the pond, from one peak to another peak distance called wavelength, ordinary white light by many different wavelengths of light, and its wave to each direction of propagation. However, the laser has only one wavelength and all the waves want to move in one direction. They stay in a straight narrow beam of white light, rather than as communication, which is why the light from the laser so strong reason.\\

2.Five industrial cities next to the great lakes will be discharged directly into the lake without waste treatment, and these wastes have a lot of nutrients in water organisms. Because of

excessive absorption of nutrients in aquatic plants, breeding flood, so that fish in the water due to lack of oxygen and suffocation. Five lakes are disappearing due to the deterioration of the ecological environment, water pollution, water species are less and less.



