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Michael Jordan and Me

Ⅰ Objective ? Understanding the Text: Michael Jordan and Me ? Practical Writing: Address Format

Ⅱ Time Arrangement ? About two periods of class will be used for the analysis and

discussion of the passage

Ⅲ Related Information 1. Michael Jordan: (1963—) American basketball player, who got the nickname \Jordan\for his powerful slam-dunk. He was the NBA's \Valuable Player\(MVP) six times (迈克尔·乔丹(1963—)美国篮球运动员,因其有力的快速灌篮而获“飞人乔丹”的雅号。曾6次获得NBA总决赛“最有价值球员”称号). For more information, please visit the following website

2. NBA season: the conventional games held every year with the 29 NBA teams. The season also includes the NBA playoffs and NBA finals (每年举行一次的NBA常规赛,此外还有季后赛与总决赛). If you want to get more information about the NBA season, you may visit the following website Ⅳ Emphasized Points ? Key Words

(1) competitive (2) spirit (3) defense (4) opponent (5) performane (6) definitely (7) available (8) influence (9) wonder at

(10) practice doing something (11) give a hand (12) tear down Ⅴ Text Comprehension ? Sentence Analysis

1. He's the NBA's No. 1 player...

Meaning: Michael Jordan is the best player in the NBA…

2. It's these truths that form the deepest connection between Michael and me. (Para. 1)

Meaning: My close connection with Michael is based on these facts about him.

3. After coaching him for eight seasons, I still wonder at Michael's love for the game that moves us, even in practice games.

Meaning: I have been his coach for eight NBA seasons and still want to know how much Michael's love for the game that moves us, even in practice games.

season: n. [C] a sporting activity (体育比赛的)赛季

The football season is from August to May. 足球赛季是从8月到第二年的5月。

even: adv. (used just before the surprising part of a statement, to add to its strength用于表示意外的词语前以加强语气) which is more than might be expected 甚至;即使

She makes things even worse than they were. 她使情况变得甚至比以前还糟。

The man didn't even call his mother on her birthday. 这个人甚至在他母亲生日那天也没有给她打电话。

4. When he first came to the NBA back in 1984, his outside shooting was not perfect, and he began to practice shooting hundreds of shots each day. Meaning: When Michael was chosen to play for the NBA in 1984, his outside shooting was not good enough. He therefore began to practice shooting very hard each day.

back: adv. towards or in an earlier time 以前;过去;追溯至

I still remember clearly the first time I met him, back in 1978. 我还清楚地记得第一次见到他是早在1978年。 Looking back on it, he did a good job. 现在回头看,他干得还不错。

5. He had to study his opponents, learn their usual moves, and then try hard to learn the skills necessary to stop them.

Meaning: He had to study the players on the other teams, learn their

favorite ways of playing, and then try hard to learn how to stop them. the skills necessary to stop them = the skills that are necessary to stop his opponents opponent: n.

1) [C] a person who takes the opposite side in a game, competition, etc. (比赛、竞争等中的)对手;敌人 He defeated his opponent in the election. 他在竞选中击败了对手。

There is little chance his opponent will win the game. 他的对手获胜的可能性很小。

2) [C] a person who opposes someone or something 反对者

She was the strongest opponent to the president's foreign policy. 她是总统对外政策的最强烈的反对者。 He is a firm opponent of the view. 他是这一观点的坚决反对者。

6. Michael thinks the other way.

Meaning: Michael doesn't think talent is all he needs for success, which is different from what many young people think.

7. Whilst he is very competitive, he always respects the other players, whether they are on his team or on the other side.

Meaning: Although he likes to compete with others and win, he always respects all the players, whether they are his teammates or his opponents. whilst: conj.

1) although 尽管

Whilst they are not roommates, they get along well with each other. 尽管他们不是室友,但相处得很好。

Whilst I disagree with you on this matter, I respect your choice. 尽管在这件事上我与你意见不同,可我还是尊重你的选择。 2) while; during the time that 当 …… 的时候;与 …… 同时

Whilst we were having dinner, he came over to visit us. 我们正在吃饭的时候,他过来看我们。

I heard a lot about the brave soldier whilst I was still in elementary school. 我在上小学时就听到许多有关这个勇敢的战士的事迹。 whether: conj.

1) no matter if…(or)…(often used with \ 不管 …… (还是 …… )(常与 “…or”连用)

Whether you stay at home or go out, I am going to be with you.


I will love our country all the same, whether it is poor or rich. 不管我们的国家是贫穷还是富裕,我都会一如既往地热爱它。 2) if…or not 是否

Please tell me whether (or not) you want to go with me to the party. 请告诉我你是否想和我一起去参加晚会。

Whether she has won or lost has not been known yet. 她是输是赢还是个未知数。

8. This is an act of leadership.

Meaning: What he does on the court shows he has the true qualities of a leader.

The word \refers to what has been said in the previous sentences (Whilst he is very competitive, he always respects the other players, whether they are on his team or on the other side. Often, he gives a hand to an opponent who falls down. He is definitely not the type of player who would try to build himself up by tearing someone else down).

9. Through his outstanding performance on the court, he has won love and respect from both his teammates and opponents.

Meaning: As a result of his excellent job on the court, he has received love and respect, not only from the players on his own team, but also from his opponents. through: prep.

1) as a result of; because of 由于;因为

Through hard work, he won popularity among the students. 由于工作勤奋,他在学生中很受欢迎。

Our success came through the dedication of our teacher. 我们的成功归功于我们老师的勤奋工作。 2) by means of 通过;经由

Through this book, they found the valuable reference. 通过这本书,他们找到了有价值的参考信息。 He got this job through a friend. 他通过一个朋友找到了这份工作。

VI Writing Personal Letters 信封上的收信人的地址包括收信人的姓名、地址(按次序为门牌号、街道名、城市名、国家名)和邮政编码。应该注意的是:收信

人的姓名、街道、地址的首字母都需要大写。称呼“Mr.”或“Ms.”可写可不写。头衔或职称写在人名之后。当信函需要第三者收转时,则需在收信人的名字下方写上收转人的姓名,并在其姓名前面写上C/o(care of 的缩写,相当于“请收转”)。 Ⅶ Homework

? Finish exercises behind the text

