英语学习阅读材料(A4打印版) - 1800705

更新时间:2023-03-08 04:56:09 阅读量: 外语学习 文档下载



The team I work in just had 2 new interns, and I happen to be their supervisor .


After today's lunch break, I saw that one of them was reading things on her smartphone, maybe on some social network, I guessed.


I went to her and said \Do you have time to finish it for me?\

我走过去问她:“我这正好有一份文档要翻译,你有时间帮忙完成一下吗?” That document was not in her assigned workload. But I thought I could let her challenge herself a little bit with it, seeing that she seemed to have time. 这份文档并不在她的工作量里面,不过我看她似乎有空,就打算让她用这锻炼一下。


I didn't quite know what to say back then. After a while I mumbled \Yes.\

我当时突然不知道说什么好,愣了一下说道:“哦,对。” And I turned around and left. 然后便转身离开了。

I recalled the time when I was an intern for the first time. I, too, managed to finish my workload so fast, just like her.


So I asked my supervisor \于是我就问我的主管:“还有什么其他的事需要我帮忙吗?”

And she happened to have a plan to make. But she didn't have time. So she let me do the research and make a draft for her.


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I was not very familiar with the job but still tried to carry it out based on my understanding and make it as professional as possible.


And my supervisor was really satisfied with the draft. Later, she told me \

主管对这份草稿很满意。她事后说:“你帮我省了不少事,我不用从头做起。” And she told me in details how should I have done the plan differently. I learned a lot about the operation in the process.


After that, she had come to trust me like completely. 在那之后,她开始给予我完全的信任。

I got my current job all because of her recommondation. 而我现在的这份工作,也多亏了她的引荐。

Yes, I was just an intern with a low salary. But I bought a better future with my extra labor.


There's a kind of poverty called short-sightedness. 有一种“贫穷”叫短视。 ==


It's not easy to live and work in a big city, 'cause the competition is so fierce and you can barely balance your job and your life.


It's not easy to live in a small city, 'cause everyone around you will think they have a say in how you live and you're basically living your life for others.


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I live in one of the busiest city in the world and I just had a dinner with a former classmate several days ago.

我住在全球最繁忙的城市之一,几天前我刚刚和以前的同班同学吃了饭。 She gave up. And she had decided to go back home. 她放弃了。她决定要回老家。

\“悲哀啊。”我当时想。不过我没有阻止她,因为这是她自己的选择。 I, on the other hand, have a well paid job. So my life is quite good in my point of view.

而我,有一份薪水不错的工作。所以在我看来,我的生活还挺好的。 But I, too, had my tough days in the first few years after I came here. 不过,我曾经也一样,在刚来这座城市的那几年也曾过着艰辛的日子。 And even now, sometimes I got overwhelmed by the workload. 而即使现在,有时候我也觉得被工作压得喘不过气来。 But I conquered them. And they made me stronger. 但我战胜了它们。而且,它们让我变得更强了。 I know it's hard to live in such a big city. 我知道在大城市生活不容易。

And I know it's also hard to live in a small city like my hometown, just in a different way.


But I chose here because it has the very thing that I cherish the most: the freedom to live my own life.

但我选择了这里,因为这里有我最珍视的东西:过自己生活的自由 ==

9 Signs You’re Successful—Even If It Doesn’t Feel Like It

If you’re ambitious, you’re bound to feel like a failure from time to time. Lofty goals lead to inevitable moments when you aren’t yet living up to your expectations.

We live in a world that reinforces this feeling. Though most people won’t admit it—other than the guy with the ‘He who dies with the most toys

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wins’bumper sticker—in the back of our minds, we equate material possessions with success.

It’s a shame we fall prey to materialistic thinking because we certainly know better. A study by Strayer University found that 90% of

Americans believe happiness is a bigger indicator of success than power, possessions, or prestige. Digging a little deeper, 67% defined success as “good relationships with friends and family,” and 60% said it is loving what you do for a living. Only 20% stated that monetary wealth determines success.

But saying and doing are two very different things.

When it comes to success, our eyes often lead us astray. It’s hard not to feel like the most successful people are those with the biggest houses, the most expensive cars, and the most influential friends. Regardless of what you achieve, there’s always someone with more, and this can make you feel like you’re losing. The problem isn’t your lack of toys; it’s believing that toys indicate true success.

Real success is about who you are and how far you’ve come. If you ever worry that you’re not as successful as you should be, you may be

evaluating yourself against the wrong criteria. Sometimes you just need a reminder as to what you’ve really accomplished in life. The success indicators that follow will help you do just that.

You’re no longer the center of the universe. We all know “successful” people who act like they’re the center of the universe. It’s their world and the rest of us just live in it…right? That’s not success. True success

requires the ability to feel empathy—to realize that other people’s feelings and dreams are just as important as ours, and we cannot succeed without them.

You stay positive. Hope and optimism are essential components of a happy life. If you dwell on the things that go wrong, you become bitter and resentful. When that happens, you fail—no matter what you may have

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achieved. Real success means always seeing the bright side and believing you have the power to make even the worst situations better.

You know that failure isn’t forever. You’ve learned that the only people who never fail are those who don’t try. When you fail, you don’t automatically assume that you’re a failure. Instead, you embrace each failure as an

opportunity to learn something—and then you move on. If you still struggle with this at times, know that you’ll never experience true success until you learn to embrace failure. Your mistakes pave the way for your success by revealing when you’re on the wrong path. The biggest breakthroughs

typically come when you’re feeling the most frustrated and the most stuck. It’s this frustration that forces you to think differently, to look outside the box and see the solution you’ve been missing.

You keep things in perspective. Sometimes bad things happen. It’s part of life. For most of us, however, our very worst day would seem like a vacation to somebody who has real problems—like not having enough to eat, or trying to survive a civil war. Locking your keys in the car—or even getting passed over for a promotion—aren’t that bad once you learn to develop perspective. If you’ve mastered the ability to keep your problems in perspective, mark it down as a huge success.

You ask for help when you need it. Refusing to ask for help, no matter how much you’re struggling, is a sign of emotional immaturity. Asking for help means that you no longer feel like you have something to prove by being perfect. It shows you aren’t afraid of people discovering your weaknesses and you understand no one succeeds alone.

You realize that life isn’t a zero-sum game. It’s not a see-saw, either. Just because somebody else achieves a big success, that doesn’t mean you suffer a loss in equal proportion. You just didn’t win that particular time. One sure sign of success is the ability to celebrate others’ achievements with sincere enthusiasm.

You can tell the difference between drama and excitement. Remember the days when stable relationships were boring, and you quickly got tired of

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anyone who treated you as they should? If that kind of “drama” is a thing of the past, congratulations. If you prefer stability and depth to drama, you’re succeeding.

You no longer care what other people think. You only worry about what other people think when you still feel like you have something to prove. Conversely, you know you’ve “made it” when you don’t worry about that anymore—when you’re true to yourself and your principles, and satisfied with your life. You know you’ve made it when you understand that other people’s opinions are just that—opinions. They have no effect on reality. They don’t change who or what you are.

You accept what you can’t change and change what you can. There’s a difference between pessimism and practicality. If there’s a hurricane

headed your way, there’s nothing you can do to stop it. But once you accept that the hurricane is coming, you can start working to mitigate its effects. If your company downsizes and you get laid off, every moment you spend in denial just delays whatever is waiting over the horizon. You’re able to move on only when you start exploring your options and making plans to change what you can. Taking responsibility for changing the things you don’t like about your life is one of the biggest indicators of success. Bringing It All Together

There’s no sense in feeling like a failure just because you think you should have a better job, a bigger house, or a nicer car. Real success comes from the inside, and it’s completely independent of circumstance.

What are some other indicators of true success? Please share your

thoughts in the comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me. ==

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