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新东方新概念面授课笔记(1-30) lesson 1

Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles (to) south of London, they were not taken seriously. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the des criptions given by people who claimed宣称 to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking

blackberries saw ?a large cat? only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed观察 at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits it. Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of about ?cat-like noises? at night and a businessman on a fishing trip saw the

puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? As no pumas had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed成功 to escape. The hunt went on for several

weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.

New words and expressions puma 美洲狮

spot 看出,发现 evidence 证据

accumulate 积累,积聚

oblige 使…感到必须 hunt 追猎,寻找 blackberry 黑莓 human being 人类

corner 使走投无路 trail 一串,一系列 print 印痕 cling(clung) 粘

convince 使…信服 somehow 反正

disturb 令人不安

Notes on the text

l Britain English & America English 1. [?:]→[?] class half advance

2. [i]→[ ] because believe 3. [ ]→[?] dog dollar popular

4. [r] 卷舌(除在前面) forty water sister

l puma

├mountain lion ├cougar └panther

rattlesnake(响尾蛇) ┌jaguar 美洲虎 └cheetah 猎豹

l spot 点,发现(点)

I can spot a thief in the crowd. recognize (短暂)认出 identify 确认(ID)

UFO-Unidentified Flying Object confirm 确认 detect 侦察

l evident 明显的 └sure (主观) proof 证据

witness 证人,亲眼见

affirmation (抽象)肯定 That?s for sure! 肯定的

l accumulate (抽象) assemble 组装

amass (大块)聚集 accelerate 速度 collect

gather 聚集 l oblige

obligation 义务 I must I ought to I have got to I?m forced to

I?m obliged to 理应 ┌hunt for 找寻 ├go for 喜欢 ├go after 追求 ├chase 追赶 ├seek 寻觅

├pursue (抽象)追求 └search for 寻找 l blackberry

strawberry *莓 l human beings 可复数 individual 个人

l at large 逍遥的 (a criminal at large)

├in general 大体上 ├in detail 详细地

└largely 在部分地

l 朗读


2.重读;只要不是介词都可重读;只要强调都可重读 3.陈述句;句尾降调 l cat-like ├child-like

├womanish sissy女人希希的 ├motherly 亲属的象 └friendly 加ly

l nevertheless虽然如此,但是… ├therefore (so) 因此 ├however 然而

└moreover 更为甚之 l life in the army ├check in/out 检查 ├look into 调查

├investigate (对已发生的事)调查 └examine (仔细)检查 l 口语

A lot you know 你知道的真多 Allow me 让我来吧

A little too far 有点过份 Anything you say! 你说了算

A promise is promise! 一诺千斤 A deal! 一言为定 l be cornered to

be trapped in 逼到…里面 l trail―to rail 轨道 ├trace 痕迹 └print

l be clung to l convince sb. convincing 让人信服

I convinced him of his honesty.

What he did convinced me that he is a responsible man. l [口语]┄[写作] believe convince (太主观)

know understand I see I?m clear

I think In my opinion to my knowledge personally

as far as I know l somewhat 有点

anyhow 总之,无论如何

l It is disturbing to think that upset (弱化)

annoyed (长期)烦恼的

l He has no experience, so he failed.

└Lack of experiedce, results into his failure. l It?s a cute boy. It表孩子,cute同smart

l The search proved difficult. proved=(was) 表肯定 many a good many a great many a number of numerous ┐

countless ┴无数的 much a great deal of a great amount of a couple of(几个)days for years (几年) l For her it?s fur 爱她就买裘皮

I found the brid killed.

I found the paper clinging to the tree. 粘附

With his head held high, he came into the room. (holding, held) l go fishing 钓鱼 ├cast a fly 垂钓 ├go angling 钓鱼 └catch fish 捕鱼

l the puma up a tree动态上树 at 地点 in 在里面

l the lady has ┐ own ┤a car. Possess ┤拥有

be in possession of┘

in the possession of 被拥有 ┌in charge of

└in the charge of 被管理 must have done 推测

l Men are created ___. A. equally

B. equal√ 形容词做主语补足语

Subordination 英语从句


1. The death notices tell us about people who have died during the week.

2. The man (whom) you spoke to just now is my friend.

3. The building whose lights are on is beautiful. 灯亮的大楼

4. Please find a place whice we can have a private talk in.

5. The knee is the joint where the thighbone meets the large bone of the lower leg.

6. He still remembers the day when he went to school. which is beautiful.

7. It is no need telling us the reason why you didn?t finish it in time. 无需做

8. He has three sons, two of whom died in the war.

9. Mr. Smith, whose wife is a clerk, teaches us English.

10. In the Sunday paper there are comics, which children enjoy.

l As is known to us, he is a good man. 同位语(Appositive):

l 能接同位语从句的名词有:belief(信仰),fact,idea,doubt,rumor(谣言),evidence(证据),conclusion(结论),suggestion(建议),problem,order,answer,discovery(发现),explanation(解释),principle(可能性),truth,promise(承诺),report(报告),statement(声明),knowledge(知识),opinion(观点),likelihood(可能性)。(主要跟人主观产生的思想观点)


1. He is the man about whom we have heard so much about.久仰 2. The shelf on which you put those books on has collapsed. 3. From whom did you receive a letter from? 4. This is the road by which we came by.

5. Where is the pencil with which you were playing with?

1. What are you looking for(at)? 2. Where is your mother going to? 3. Whom has the letter been sent to? 4. This is the house I was born in. 5. What does your decision depend on?

1. The woman saw ?a large cat? no more than five yards away from her.

2. A puma will not attack a human being unless it feels itself to be in a trap. 3. A business man on a fishing trip is probably someone who fishes for pleasure. 4. A private collector is a man who collects on his own.

5. The accumulating evidence made the experts think the animal was a puma. 6. People said they and seen the puma.

7. On being observed, it immediately ran away.

8. Pumas never attack a human being except when they are cornered.

9. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal could only have been a puma.

Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one

Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another, but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since.

One night, however, our vicar woke up with s start: the clock was striking the hours! Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one o?clock, but the bell

struck thirteen times before it stopped. Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer. 同位语

?Whatever are you doing up here Bill?? asked the vicar in surprise.

?I?m trying to repair the bell,? answered Bill. ?I?ve been coming up here night

after night for weeks now. You see, I was hoping to give you a surprise.?

?You certainly did give me a surprise!? said the vicar. ?You?ve probably woken up everyone in the village as well. Still, I?m glad the bell is working again.? ?That?s the trouble, vicar,? answered Bill. ?It?s working all right, but I?m

afraid that at one o?clock it will strike thirteen times and there?s nothing I can do about it.?

?We?ll get used to that, Bill,? said the vicar. ?Thirteen is not as good as one, but it?s better than nothing. Now let?s go downstairs and have a cup of tea.?

New words and expressions equal 等于 vicar 牧师

raise 募集,筹(款) torchlight 电筒光

Notes on the text

l One and one is two equals equal pay for equal work同工同酬 the two girls are of equal height. l vicar

├father 教父,圣诞老人 ├priest 牧师 ├clergyman 牧师 ├minister 牧师

└missionary 传教士

l Her smile is evidence of her happiness. l take

┌take it seriously

├take sth. into account 考虑 ├take it easy 别着急 ├take one?s time 慢慢来

└take one?s time about doing 认真做某事 l raise 1.提高,升起 raise price

raise one?s head 2.养育

raise children

raise cattle 牛群 3.筹集 raise money

4.引起怀疑 raise doubts

5.raise one?s spirits 使人振奋 ├raise the roof 大怒后的感觉

└raise one?s eyebrows at sth. 感到惊讶 l be always doing 有感情色彩(抱怨) l one(名词)or another 这个那个 l 代替get:获得

├acquire (抽象) ├obtain

└achieve 获得(成就) l I?m to have my hair cut. l used to be(do) 过去常常

strike the hours 报时,no report ┌day after day 一天又一天

├day in day out 日复一日 ├year in year out

└day and night 日以继夜 He works____, and sleeps____. A. by day, by night √

B. during the day, at night √ l ever since 从那以后

l with a start 吓了一跳 ├in surprise 吃惊

├you scared me 你吓我一跳 └you are scaring me

l 只要人身体任何部位发生的动作,可把该动词加ing,放在前面作状语。 Looking at his watch

Shrugging his shoulder, he left.(耸耸肩) Thinking of my boss, I want kill him. l Before在句中翻译成“然后” being Armed with a torch. 必须省 装配,幽默用法

l ____from the earth, the moon is very bright. A. Seeing B. Seen √月亮被看起来很亮 l 如何引起话题:

1. What? up? What?s new?

2. Wow, I can?t imagine that you can repair bicycle. (见人候车) l 只要在发出的光线中都用in. In the torchlight. Sit in the sun. In the moonlight.

l Caught sight of = see l 英语中的文化方位词: ┌ . over there ├ .

│ up there ├ .

│ up here ├

│ . down there ├

│ . down here └ me . he 位置 well ┐

you know ┼ 连接词 and ┘

l I only wanna gave you a surprise. (托辞) You did give me a surprise. 讽刺上面的托辞 l still放在句首,后有逗号 相当于however然而(弱)

That?s the trouble. 问题就在这

I can do nothing about this. 对此我无能为力 l have a cup of tea

l get used to ┌doing └sth.


1 I left home very quickly so as not to miss the rain. 2 I suppose I shall finish this eventually.

3 In the early morning there was not a person to be seen. 4 Shall I write with a pen or with a pencil? 5 They haven?t many interests which they share. 6 Why is that little girl crying?

1. In the past the big clock always struck the hours.

2. It was not until the thirteenth stroke that the bell stopped. 3. The vicar asked Bill what he was doing in the church tower. 4. ?I have mended it all right, but I?m afraid…? 5. We?ll get used to hearing that, Bill.?

1. Money which is collected for a cause is known as a fund. 2. A grocer is a man who runs a shop. run a school经营

3. ?I?ve been coming here every night for weeks now. 4. ?Just the same, I?m glad the bell is working again.? ┌Just the same ┐ ├All the same ┼然而 └However ┘ Yet放在句首时不能用?,?

Phrases with in.

l ?Whatever are you ding up here Bill?? asked the vicar in surprise. l Please write in ink, not in pencil. l We have a great deal in common.

l The swimmer seemed to be in difficulty有困难, but he managed to reach the shore in the end.

l I didn?t feel well so I spent the day in bed.卧床 l We have received fifty applications in all.总共 l The thieves were disturbed and left in a hurry. l I can?t borrow any more money; I?m already in debt. l Mary?s in love with a sailor.

l There wasn?t a person in sight.看不见 l He didn?t realize that he was in danger. l The little boy was in tears.哭 l in despair 绝望的

l in every respect每个方面 l in poor health身体不好 l in high spirits情绪激动

Lesson 3 An unknown goddess

Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous, for it enjoyed a high level of civilization. Houses – often three storeys high – were built of stone. They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.

The temple which the archaeologists explored was used as a place of worship(朝圣之地) from the fifteenth century B.C. until Roman times. In the most sacred room of the temple, clay fragments of fifteen statues were found. Each of these represented a goddess and had, at one time, been painted. The body of one

statue was found among remains dating from the fifteenth century B.C. Its

missing head happened to be among remains of the fifth century B.C. This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved. It was very

old and precious even then. When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman. She stood (was) three feet high and her hands rested on her hips. She was wearing a full-length skirt which swept the ground. Despite her great age, she was very graceful indeed, but, so far到目前为止, the archaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.

New words and expressions goddess 女神

archaeologist 考古学家 Aegean 爱琴海的 explore 考察 promontory 海角

prosperous 繁荣的 civilization 文明 storey 楼层 drainage 排水 worship 崇拜

sacred 宗教的 fragment 碎片 remains 遗迹

classical 古文化的 reconstruct 修复 rest 倚放 hip 屁股

full-length 拖地长的 graceful 优雅的 identity 身份

Notes on the text

l Tips for listening听力方法 1.concentration集中 2.Catch key words (n,v) 3.skip 跳词 4.forget

5.crazy English简短笔记(三字母内) l God 上帝 god 男神

she-tiger 母老虎 goddess

woman-teacher female

l arch-aeolog-ist古的 人

l explore 探索(任何) ├explode 爆炸

├expect 以为(期望) ├expedition 探险 ├employ 雇佣 └employee 被雇佣 explore ┌outer space

├possibilities可能性 └ancient temple古庙 l prosperous修饰经济 ├wealth 富有的 ├abundant 充足的 ├flourishing 兴旺的 ├thriving 兴隆的

├booming 火的迅猛发展的 └adequate 充足的

l Beijing enjoys a high level of civilization l worship(非理性) ├admire 敬佩 ├adore 爱戴 └respect 尊敬

l 代替some time ago: ├a head of time提前 ├at one time曾几何时 ├once曾经

├at a time 一次 ├each time每一次

├for the time being暂时

└I quit the job for the time being The river is 3000 meters long. l 习语

1.Leave me alone. 烦着呢 2.It?s almost done. 快完了 3.Move your ass. 让开

4.Piss off! ≈Get lost. 滚开 小解

5.He burns when he sings 热情似火在何时 6.See ya = see you later

7.We got no ties.我们已没关系 8.Shut ****ing up. (强烈) “F”word. 脏话

l beneath 紧贴的下方 ├below 下方 └under 正下方

l It depends! 看情况而定 l 阅读,读题时间占30% on doing 一…就

on being observed, it immediately ran away. except that 除了

except when 除了当…时 no more than = only

l sacred神圣的(可修职业) ├divine神的 ├mystic神秘的 ├blessed神佑的 ├religions宗教的 └holy神圣的

sacred ┌career ├room


l remains遗迹,遗体 ruins废墟

l classic精典的

└classical古典的(未必精) ┌economic与经济学有关的 └economical节约的

┌historic有历史意义的(event) └historical历史的 ┌electric有电的 └electronic电子的

l construct(抽象虚的)建设

construction of socialism社会主义建设 l rest…on 搭在…上

├Her eyes rest on the picture. ├rest with +sb由某人决定

└This great decision rests with your mother. hips只能用复数

l at full speed全速前进 ├be fully convinced全服了 ├full grown完全熟了 ├be full of 全是

└make full use of 充分利用 These papers are full of lies. His speech is full of lies. l graceful优雅的 ├elegant优雅的

├gentle ┬温柔的 ├tender ┘ └naive可爱的 l identity

establish identity验证身份 l B.C.

Before Christ [ai]

l 只要名词的主语能翻译成带“一”,后就用单数 Each of them has been abroad.

Neither of them is teacher. 没有一个 Either of them works hard. 两者之中一个 Both milk and water are important. (both后用复数)

l represent代表(具体)

├A stands for Angel代表(抽象) ├delegation代表团

└on be half of(身份)代表 l date from ┐

└trace by ┴追溯(时间) You must be a teacher. must have been

even than即便在那时

l I?m┌surprised ┐to find ├shocked ┤ ├amazed ┤ ├thrilled ┤ └petrified ┘

(平淡)吃惊的;震惊的(不好的事);惊奇的(好的);惊喜万分的;惊呆的 l Turn out to be原来是

The graceful girl turn out to a thief

l strange-looking普通 ├odd-looking古怪

├good-looking ┐可修男人 ├smart ┘潇洒,聪明 ├ungainly相貌平平

└modern-looking时髦的 l 文化差异:

1.对外国人不要过度关心,不要劝他多穿衣或脱衣 I appreciate your consideration. 谢谢你的关心 (concern) 2.大街上不要随便帮别人

l Despite+名词(尽管…)

You may remain in your seat because of your advanced years.你可在座位上不动因为年事已高

so far 迄今为止

Despite he great age, he is very energyed indeed.

l 补充口语习语 1.be nuts about

=be crazy about感兴趣 You?re out of mind. You?re nuts.

You?re turkey. 火鸡 You?re insane. 精神病 你这傻瓜

2.Don?t beat around the bush.别拐弯没角 3.I?m all ears.(eyes)我正在听着呢 4.cut corners偷工减料

5.beat one?s brains out挖空心思 6.back up = support 支持 I?ll back you up.


1. The city had once known prosperity.

2. The temple has not been used as a place of worship since(现在完成时)Roman times.

3. The found to their surprise that the goddess turned out to be… 4. In spite of being very old, she was very graceful.

5. So far(现在完成时), the archaeologists have not been able to discover her identity.

*impossible的主语永远是“it”不能指人。 6. In the most holy room of the temple…

7. The head was carefully preserved. It was in good condition. *well done烧熟

*conserved动物保护 *maintained维持

8. The goddess proved to be a very modern-looking woman. *appeared看上去是,但不是 *proved是

9. But, until now the archaeologists have been unable… 现在完成时

Lesson 4 The double life of Alfred Bloggs

These days, people who do manual work often receive far more money than people who work in offices. People who work in offices are frequently referred to as ?white-collar workers? for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to work. Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. This can give rise to curious situations, as it did in the case of Alfred Bloggs who worked as a dustman for the Ellesmere Corporation.

When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning, he left home dressed in a smart black suit. He then changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before returning home at night, he

took shower and changed back into his suit. Alf did this for over two years and his fellow dustmen kept his secret. Alf?s wife has never discovered that she married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just found another job. He will soon be working in an office. He will be earning onle half as much as he used to, but he feels that his rise上升 in status is well worth the loss money. From now on, he will wear a suit all day and others别人 will call him ?Mr. Bloggs?, not ?Alf?.

New words and expressions manual 体力的 collar 衣领

sacrifice 牺牲,献出 privilege 好处 dustman 清洁工 corporation 公司 overalls 工作服

shower 淋浴,阵雨 secret 秘密 [i:] status 地位

Notes on the text l manual体力的

└physical外在的,身体的 ┌mental脑力的,心想的 └intelligent聪明的 ┌spiritual精神的

└psychological心理学的 l white collar管理 blue collar体力

gray collar服务行业 l sacrifice

I sacrificed a weekend with my friend.

He sacrificed a great deal for educational undertakings. 教育事业 l privilege

I?m privileged to be here to make a speech. (演讲白) l corporation公司 ├enterprise企业

├state-owned国有企业 ├joint venture合资公司 ├company不生产的办公处 └firm商行(钱交易)

l overalls工作服 overall = general

overall impression总体印象 overall evaluation总体评介 l shower阵雨,淋浴 take hower动词

l secret girl沉默的 l status在的地位 social status社会地位 position个人的地位

l lead a double life婚外恋 second person第三者 l These days最近 ├Lately

├recently放动词后 └Nowadays现如今 l far +比较级 ├a little +比较级 ├a lot +比较级 └even +比较级 far more money

l be referred to as被叫做

Nurse is often referred to as angel in white. l for this reason some

the simple简单

He came here late for the simple reason that got up late. l Such is human nature, that…这就是人之常情 men like to be praised his men随从 men包括男和女

l If you dream it, you can do it. If you do it, you can love it. If you love it, you can enjoy it. If you enjoy it, you can make it.

To love what you do, is to obtain what you love. l give rise to引起 work for工作

He is dressed in a black suit穿着 Before doing做…之前 l fellow citizen同胞 ├fellow worker一同工作 └fellow guest一同坐客的人 l will never

A:He is rarely a kind person. 系动词 副词放后 B:He __.

√A. rarely is B. is rarely 单用时副词放在前因为它后不能空

l The plane will be flying at the speed of 500 kilometers per hours. 将来进行表猜测

l well worth很值得不用very others前无the=别人

take the trouble不谦麻烦

make the trouble找麻烦

I was in tears all night.一晚在哭 l in secret秘密的 └in surprise惊奇的 this这一切 ┌course

├bring about

├lead to ┬导致 ├result into ┘

└give rise to(消极)引起 └problem

└curious situation奇怪的情况 Exercises


1. They usually wear a collar and tie to work.

2. Alf was so embarrassed he did not say anything to his wife. 3. He told her that he worked for the Corporation and no more… 4. Before he returned home at night, he took a shower…△ 5. His earnings were only half the amount they used to be…

6. Manual workers often receive much higher wages than people who work in offices.

7. His workmates kept his secret.

8. His rise in status more than更加的 compensates for the loss of money. 9. He wanted to be addressed as(称呼) ?Mr. Bloggs?, not ?Alf?.

Lesson 5 The facts

Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their

readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed被叫 by a well-known magazine to write an article on关于文章用 the president?s palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article

began: ?Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president?s palace.? The editor at once sent the journalist a fax instructing伴随动作 him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.

The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. Meanwhile与此同时, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He set the journalist two more faxes, but received no reply. He sent yet another fax informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to(=didn?t) reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had

originally been written. A week later, the editor at last received a fax from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax *in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president?s palace. *所有文字节目及纸上的信息都用“in”

New words and expressions editor 编辑 extreme 极端

statistics 统计数字 journalist 新闻记者

president 总统 palace 王宫 publish 出版 fax 传真 impatient 不耐烦的 fire 解雇 originally 起初

Notes on the text

l editor

┌edit v.编辑 ├compile 编制 ├compose 组成

└com-pose (一起)-(位置) └(文字)→作文 └(音符)→作曲 └(图案)→作图 l extreme

┌extremely 极奇的 ├particularly特别的 ├especially尤其是 ├absolutely绝对的 └强调副词

go to extreme走极端

He always go to extremes to criticize to government. l journalist文章记者 ├reporter电视台记者 ├photographer摄影记者 └correspondent电台记者

l presidential election总统选举 palace museum故宫 summer palace

winter palace圆明园 fax sth. to sb. sent sb. a fax

l I?m impatient to see you.急不可耐看你 ├I can?t wait to see you. ├I?m anxious to see you. ├I?m eager to see you. └I?m out of patience. ├out of control ├out of order └out of mind

l hire租赁(短暂) └employ(长期) For Hire待租

l original起源的,新颖的 l give给:

┌provide sb. with sth.提供 ├offer sb. sth.

├present sb. with sth.表尊敬

└He presents me with information.

l reputed有名望的

├well-known world-known ├popular受欢迎的 └famous著名的 l 听力难点:


├change one?s mind改变主意 ├refuse to do拒绝做某事 └fail to未能,没有

My mother wrote me a letter, instructing me to buy her a bicycle. 伴随动作加ing

l set out to de着手做某事 ├begin to do

└set about doing着手

I set out to prepare the lunch. l 与此同时

├at the same time ├meanwhile

└in the meantime

l turn to变(本质完全) ├grown old年龄的变化 ├go bad专指食物

├go much has changed

└get impatient人变的不耐烦 You have changed a lot. The rice get burnt. 饭糊了 l yet another = another l inform sb. That通知 ├I informed him her death. ├inform against sb. 告发 └be well-informed消息灵通 l punctually 及时的 l 代替简单词 ┌as well →too ├as well as →and └fail to →don?t l 倒装


1.地点、表地点的副词:in, out, down, there, here, off, over, away… 句子倒装。 The girl jumped down. Down jumped the girl.

In front of the door stands an old man. (主语是人称代词时不倒装) Down she jumped.

2.否定词在句首时须倒装:neither, nor, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, not, never, not only, barely, at no time, nowhere以及所有带“no”的词组。 By no means is he a good teacher. 他无论如何不是好… Not only…but前倒后不倒 Jack could not swim. Neither could Tom.

Never have I seen such a good movie. l 补充口语习语

1. drop sb. a line随便写封信吧 Drop me a line.

2. be down and out穷光蛋 I?m broke. 我很穷

3. eat one?s words收回所说 take back sb. said

4. I felt it left out. 受冷落 a little bit

5. flunk out不及格“糊乱考的”

6. get off on the wrong foot.干事不顺利

I heard her singing while cooking. 与主语一致 doing下跟以下词 ┌on doing… 一…就

├in doing… 在做什么事 ├Before doing… 做某事前 ├After doing…

└While doing…做某事过程中 Exercise

1. Having read the first sentence, the editor refused to publish the article. 2. The magazine was about to go to press.

3. He sent the journalist two faxes, but did not receive a reply. 4. He informed the journalist he would be fired unless he replied. *unless现在时表将来时


5. He informed the editor of his arrest while carrying out his instructions. 6. Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their public with unimportant facts and statistics. *public company上市公司

7. The magazine would soon go to press. It would soon be printed. 8. The poor man had been arrested. He was very unfortunate. 9. He had at last been given permission to send a fax. Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab

The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time此时 of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr. Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since eight o?clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a

background of black velvet. After gazing(=admiring) at the display for several minutes, Mr. Taylor went back into his shop.

The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the

jeweller?s. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the windows of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr. Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began

throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a

fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr. Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.

New words and expressions smash-and-grab 砸窗抢劫 arcade 街道

Piccadilly 街名

jewellery 珠宝(无复数) necklace 项链 ring 戒指 background 背景

velvet 丝绒 headlight 前灯 blare (汽车)嘟嘟声

staff 全体工作人员 raid 偷袭 scramble 爬行

fantastic 非常大的 ashtray 烟灰缸 Notes on the text l five-foot wall └five-year-old boy l It sounds great. ├perfect好极了 ├fantastic ├fabulous ├amazing ├incredible

├smashing棒极了(口语) ├astonishing └superb极好的

l grab(动作)抢夺 └rob(犯罪行为)抢劫 l grasp掌握

├clasp(紧紧)抓住 ├hold tight抱住

├seize抓住(机遇等抽象) └clutch抓牢某物(无法移动) l ring环,圈 ├拳击场

├1st ring road ├nose ring鼻环

└ring up / ring off打电话 l surrounding(具体)环境 ├environment(抽象)环境 ├atmosphere气氛

└cultural background expensive shop高档的 l sb. is empty空虚

├room be empty没有家具,空 └the street is empty没有人 l admire欣赏的动作 appreciate能力的欣赏 l window display

window shopping只看不买 l Both of复

├None of单,没有一个 ├Most of复 ├Some of复 └There of复

None of them is here.

I?d like to take a picture on a background of the Great Wall. l stave at无感觉看着 ├glare at瞪着

├gaze at凝视/admire └glace at扫一眼 l break美妙用法 ├break one?s heart

├break the ice打破僵局 ├break the silence ├law-breaker违法者

├storm broke out journey ├A day breaks天亮了 └As day breaks, 随着 l headlight rearlight尾灯 l 全体人员

├faculty教职员工 ├crew船员,乘务员 ├staff工作人员

├membership会员资格 └members全体成员 l raid(突然)袭击 ├air-raid

├attack(力量)攻击 ├assault(污辱)攻击

├accuse sb. of doing控诉 ├curse咒骂

├insult(语言)污辱攻击 └abuse漫骂

l scramble快速爬,钻 ├climb低->高,速度无关 ├creep漫漫爬行,横向 └crawl蠕动

l trumpet(吹)喇叭 ├horn(汽车)喇叭 └loudspeaker扬声器 come to a stop停

l jeweller珠宝商 jeweller?s珠宝店 职业人加“?s”是相应店

┌the barber?s男性理发店 ├the hairdresser?s女理发店 ├the butcher?s肉店 └the chemist?s药店

l stay at the wheel方向盘 wheels轮子

l A hits B. 揍了,打了 ├A beats B. 打败

└A is stuck by B. 被击中 l be busy doing忙于做某事 help oneself自便(吃饭)

help oneself to sth. 自顾自找东西 l within(时间)之内 ├less then少于

nephew 侄子

bounce 弹起 pavement 人行道 stick 卡住 brigade 旅 grease 润滑油

Notes on the text

l appreciate(表能力)欣赏

The college students can?t fully appreciate the works by Luxun. I appreciate you (what you did) a lot. 感激 appreciative letter感谢信 ┌pocket money长辈给孩子 └beer money妻子给丈夫 l tornado龙卷风 ├typhoon台风

└rattlesnake响尾蛇 ┌thrifty(美德)节俭的 ├miserly吝啬的 ├economical经济的

└closefisted花钱舍不得的 零头 ┌niece侄女 └nephew侄子

l stick n.棍子 v.卡住 ├chopsticks筷子 ├lipstick口红 └old stick老顽固 ┌stick to坚持不动摇 ├stick by支持=support ├stick at认真做某事

└stick together齐心协力 l grease(给容易)润滑油 ┌candy糖果(美) └sweets糖(英)

cracker(英)饼干(美)鞭炮 ice box冰箱 fill up填满

l quite few相当多=a lot of ├a few一些

├very few非常少(有) ├too few太少了(有) └few没有(表否定)

find one?s way there= exist存在 l If I were you, I would leave. = Were I you, 虚拟省if倒装

Had I got up earlier I would have caught the train. for safekeeping= keep it safe l 补充习语

1. Just look at you.瞧你的德行 2. She is a understudy.替身 (男)fallguy替身

3. Just look what I found.看这是什么

4. Let me get you a drink.请你喝个饮料吧

5. May I present you AAA.让我介绍AAA l find one?s way=exist存在 ├in the way挡路 ├in this way这样

├in a way某种意义上来说 └on his way home回家路上

Instead he became an armyman (soldier). 相反

Instead of becoming an artist, he becomes an armyman. He became an armyman instead. l undress使…脱光 ├throw off快速脱下

└take off经济腾飞,脱衣

With the take off of China economy. l 递进关系 ├Moreover ├What?s more ├Further more

└More importantly ┌armies of大批的

├a group of有意识分出来的

└a crowd of一群人(没有规律) ┌fight flood抗洪

├fight fire→fire fighter └救火 救火队员

Please make a sentence with the word “make”. Please make a sentence using the word “make”.

Special difficulties

1.We drove up to the farmhouse. *有动感up to

2. The children ran up the garden path to greet their father. 3. I didn?t like my composition so I tore it up. *tear up撕碎 4. He has built up a large collection of stamps. *树立built up energy

1 If I can save up enough money, I shall go abroad. 2 The steamboat sails up the river.

3 It was very cold so I button up my coat before going out. 4 Eat up what is on your plate and I?ll give you some more.吃光 5 I went up to a policeman and asked him the way to the station. 6 He wraps the fish up in a piece of newspaper.

7 My watch has sopped because I forgot to wind it up.上发条

8 It takes children a long time to learn how to do up their shoelaces. *use up用光 *hang up挂断 *add up加起来 *divide up分掉 *dividend分红


*come to one?s rescue来救某人 =come to rescue sb.

1. Fifty pence is not much to pay for a bar of chocolate. *plenty不用于否定句中

*I have much to do *I have a lot

2. I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him he should save it.在托福中省should

3. He was going to go to the sweet shop when he dropped his fifty pence. 4. He could not find his fifty pence anywhere nor could he get his arm out. 5. A lady put soap and butter on his arm.

6. With some children, small sums last a long time. *are very durable耐用的

7. A crowd of people gathered in a circle and a lady… *in turn反过来

8. George was well and truly stuck. *strictly严格

*well and truly确确实实 *hardly几乎不

9. George was not too distressed by his experience. *distressed不安的 =depressed

Lesson 16 Mary had a little lamb

Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in the tiny village of Perachora in southern Greece. One of Mary?s possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. She kept it tied to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every evening. One evening, however, the lamb was missing. The rope had been cut, so it was obvious that the lamb had been stolen.

When Dimitri came in from the fields, his wife told him what had happened.

Dimitri at once set out to find the thief. He knew it would not prove difficult in such a small village. After telling several of his friends about the thief, Dimitri found out that his neighbour, Aleko, had suddenly acquired a new lamb. Dimirti immediately went to Aleko?s house and angrily accused him of stealing the lamb. He told him he had better return it or he would call the police. Aleko denied talking it and led Dimitri into his backyard. I was true that he had just bought a lamb, he explained, but his lamb was black. Ashamed of having acted so rashly, Dimitri apologized to Aleko for having accused him. While they were talking it began to rain and Dimitri stayed in Aleko?s house until the rain stopped. When he went outside half an hour later, he was astonished to

find that the little black lamb was almost white. Its wool, which had been dyed black, had been washed clean by the rain!

New words and expressions prize 珍爱的 tie 拴

theft 偷盗行为steal accuse 指控 deny 否认 ashamed 惭愧 apologize 道歉 dye 染

Notes on the text

l precious (本身具有价值)珍贵的 ├valuable(内在价值)主观词


├prize(情感上有价值)珍爱的 └dear价格高,贵的

l He accused me stealing of his wallet. ┌abuse滥用,漫骂 ├amuse使好笑 ├accuse控诉 └curse咒骂

I denied (doing) robbing him of his wallet. = I denied that I robbed him of his wallet. l What a shame! 遗憾 What a pity!

┌shameful真丢脸performance ├ashamed害羞


I?m ashamed of doing… l apology道歉 n. ├apologize v. └apologetic adj.

┌I apologize to sb. for sth. ├make an apology to do… └I?m apologetic to sb. l color着色 └dye染

color light彩灯 ┌property财产 ├possession财物


keep sth. done让…保持状态

I kept the bird buried.把鸟埋了 ┌in the field └on the farm

l 有生命力的不能用lost只能用missing表失踪 ┌cut across走近路 ├cut out关掉 ├short cut捷径

├cut grass割(断)* ├cut hair

├cut down one?s head └cut oneself割伤了 l It?s clear that…

├It is self-evident不言而喻 ├Needless to say不用说

└There is no doubt that不用置疑

l had better不用于口语“建议”是上级对下级不满的口气 ┌I suggest you (should) come │here earlier ├I would rather you came here │earlier └I would sooner you…

It is true that…but…(转折)

It is true that she is a charming lady, but she is cold-hearted to others. It is true that China is a developing country, but she has great potential(潜力) for development. l be afraid of ├be aware of意识到

└be armed with

由be引导的词组将be省掉然后将其它成分放句首做状语 Afraid of being late, I got up early.

Aware of my mistakes, I apologized to him. l act = do(在阅读中见到)

将要It?s going to rain.= It?s to rain. be to = be going to

He is leaving.用进行时表将要

He is on the point of going abroad. He is to go abroad. He is about to abroad. stay at home = stay home l 补充习语

1. So that?s how it?s done.原来如此 2. be in season旺季 sth. is in season

3. Jump to it! 快点(做事) 4. keep house操持家务 5. She is a lefty. 左撇子

6. He is a soft-touch.耳根软的人,容易听信 7. fast talker巧舌如簧的人(贬义) l pillow talk枕边风

├She is my all-in-all.心肝宝贝

├rough diamond(粗糙的钻石)│内秀的人 ├wet blanker(湿毯子)扫兴的人 ├black sheep败家子 ├black horse一匹黑马 └Mr. Right白马王子

Special difficulties

It would be advisable for you to leave now.最好 = You had better leave now.

It would not be advisable for you to telephone him. = You had better not telephone him. It would be better…

┌get an early night晚上早睡 ├be on night上夜班

├have a good night睡好觉 └have a later night睡的晚


1. Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in Perachora, in a tiny village in southern Greece.


2. – was a little white lamb which had been a present from her husband. *presented by

3. On her husband?s return, Mary told him what had happened. *on one?s return在某人回来

4. – it would not prove difficult in a village of so small a size. *such a beautiful girl = so beautiful a girl

5. He told him if he did not return it, he would call the police. *will前doesn?t / would前didn?t

6. One of Mary?s most valued possessions…

└in there minute三分之后

He will come back after this Sunday. after(时间点)之后

He will come back in there years. in(时间段)之后 while正当 /Just as


Write these sentences again giving the correct opposites of the words in italics:

1. He was extremely polite. *im- p开头

2. I agree with you. *dis- 思想有关开头

3. His handwriting is quite legible. 工整的 *il- l开头

4. This report is accurate. inaccurate

5. Have you locked the door? *un- 动作有关开头

6. Have you learnt these regular verbs? *ir- r开头

1. The expensive shops in a famous Piccadilly arcade were just opening. *Beijing street不加“?s”

2. He gazed at盯了一下 the display for several minutes before re-entering his shop.

3. Using bars made of iron, the thieves smashed the shop window. 4. He and his staff began to throw furniture out of the window.

5. Had he not been so busy taking the diamonds, he would have felt the blow. 6. To make the car ?roar down the arcade?, the driver must have accelerated. 7. Two others另两人, their faces covered with black stockings, jumped out. *overlooked by忽略

8. Meanwhile, Mr. Taylor was upstairs. *For the time being暂时 *Meanwhile与此同时

*As it happened当它发生时 *For a while一会儿

9. Chairs and tables were hurled into the arcade.

Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies* 残钞鉴别组

*Has it ever happened to you? Have you ever曾经 put your trousers in the washing machine and then remembered there was a large bank note in your back pocket? When you rescued your trousers, did you find the note was whiter than white? People who live in Britain needn?t despair绝望 when they make mistakes like this (and a lot of people do)! Fortunately for them, the Bank of England has a team called Mutilated Ladies which deals with claims from people who fed(幽默) their money to a machine or to their dog. Dogs, it seems, love to chew up money!

A recent case concerns Jane Butlin whose fiancé, John, runs a successful furniture无复数 business. John had a very good day and put his wallet

containing £3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane

went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the

microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiancé?s wallet as well. Imagine their dismay when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes

turned to ash! John went to see his bank manager who sent the remains of wallet and the money to the special department of the Bank of England in Newcastle:

the Mutilated Ladies! They examined the remains and John got all his money back. ?So long as只要 there?s something to identify, we will give people their money back,? said a spokeswoman for the Bank. ?Last year, we paid £1.5m on 21,000 claims.?


*Damaged bank notes. The Queen?s head appears on English bank notes, and ?lady? refers to this.

New words and expressions mutilate 使残缺不全 chew 咀嚼

fiancé 未婚夫 microwave 微波 oven 炉灶 safekeeping 妥善保管 Newcastle 英国港市 identify 鉴定 spokeswoman 女发言人

Notes on the text

l Mutilated Ladies

l chew over the matter考虑斟酌 chew out sb. 斥责某人,骂 l make out解释出来 ├take it into进行考虑 ├=consideration

├figure out解决,考虑出来 └think hard使劲想 l fiancé未婚夫 fiancée未婚妻

l microbiology微生物学 ├microfilm微缩胶卷 ├microphone


└macroeconomy宏观经济 l verify核对 confirm证实 identity鉴定 l spokeswoman spokesperson发言人

l 写作中不能用疑问句、否定句开头。*动词不能重复。

*每个句子开头词不要重复。 l save(性命)救

├salvage(在水中)救,捞 └rescue(东西)救

salvage sunken ship沉船 l commercial电视广告 Fly your own way. (ads.)

l feed on以…为食

Spiders feed on insects. 蜘蛛 昆虫

I fed insects to spiders. feed …to 喂给 l use up用光 eat up

chew up嚼碎

l correspondent记者

一般-ant结尾的词表人,上词例外 l 口语习语

1.You can?t treat me this way. 别这样对待我

Don?t be so rude. 别那么粗鲁 2.I bet…我敢打赌 3.Just cool it. 冷静 calm down

4.Let go of me. 放开我

5.Keep me informed别瞒着我 6.On second thought转念一想 l A case concerns一件关于…

A boy who succeeded in passing all examinations through his hard work. A piece of furniture无复数 have a good day做事很顺利 go horse-riding骑马运动 dismay惊愕

so long as只要

只要在介词运用时,只要后面可译为“根据”“按照”就用“on” The book on how to improve your memory.

He offers us some advice on how to face challenge. 面对挑战

Special difficulties

1. His business is a success. He runs a successful business. 2. He?s a bit of 有点a fool. He often makes foolish decisions. 3. She has a lot of energy. She?s very energetic.

4. The clock strikes at intervals间隔 of an hour. It strikes at hourly intervals.

5. You didn?t take any care with this. You were completely careless. *Exercise

1. You won?t feel any pain. The operation is completely painless.

2. I admired the beauty of the countryside. The countryside is so beautiful. 3. I visit my mother every day. My mother expects daily visits. 4. Don?t behave like a child. Don?t be so childish!

5. She?s a wonderful athlete. That explains why she?s so athletic.


1. Have you ever forgotten a large bank note in the pocket of your trousers…? 2. If you live in Britain, you needn?t despair.

3. John is Jane Butlin?s fiancé, and runs a furniture business. 4. The wallet contained £3,000 from the day?s business.

5. John put his wallet into the microwave oven to keep it safe.

6. John runs a furniture business. He is in charge of the business. *in the charge of被

7. Jane discovered that the £3,000 had become ash.

*turn to

8. The remains were dispatched派送 to the Mutilated Ladies. *conveyed传递 *carried带

9. People can get their money back provided there is something to identify. *provided+句子=if假如

Lesson 8 A famous monastery

The Great St. Bernard Pass connects Switzerland to Italy. At 2,473 meters, it is the highest mountain pass in Europe. The famous monastery of St. Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh century, lies位于 about a mile away. For hundreds of years, St. Bernard dogs have saved the lives of travelers crossing the dangerous Pass. These friendly dogs, which were first首次 brought from Asia, were used as watchdogs even in Roman times. Now that既然 a tunnel has been built through the mountains, the Pass is less dangerous, but each year, the dogs are still sent out into the snow whenever a traveler is in difficulty. Despite the new tunnel, there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.

During the summer months, the monastery is very busy繁华, for it is visited by thousands of people who cross the Pass in cars. As there are so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure. In winter, however, life at the monastery is quite different. The temperature drops to –30o and

very few people attempt to cross the Pass. The monks prefer winter to summer(,) for they have more privacy. The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure. The only regular visitors to the

monastery in winter are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. These young people, who love the peace of the mountains, always receive a warm welcome at St. Bernard?s monastery.

New words and expressions monastery 修道院 St. Bernard 地名 pass 关隘 watchdog 看门狗 rashly 莽撞地 enclosure 围场 monk 僧侣 privacy 清静 skier 滑雪者 Easter 复活节

Notes on the text

l monastery在山上建的修道院 ├abbey城市中大教堂

└temple太阳穴,山腰的寺院 St. – saint/seint/圣,街道 I?m no saint. 我也有七情六欲 l pass away死了

├pass over不理他,忽略 ├pass out晕过去 ├pass down传下去

├pass by时间的流逝,经过

└pass to传给我,递给我 l doorman看门人 watchdog

gatekeeper只看门不开门 goal-keeper守门员

l 有sh尾音的,表速度、声音的快速 ┌rush冲出去 ├dash冲出去 ├rash莽撞 ├clash撞击


rash hour上下班的高峰期 l dare devil胆大包天的 ├venture some敢于冒险 ├reckless大意的 └rashly莽撞的

l connect A to B. 把A和B连起来 l found(有情感色彩正式的)建立 ├establish(抽象)建立 ├construct(任何)建立 ├build up树立(信心等) └set up搭建 set up a tent

be used as 被用作

l My father is a doctor.

My father proves to be a doctor. My father works as a doctor. My father serves as a doctor.

l “less”在句中译为“不那么”“没那么”。 The Pass is less dangerous. l Now that…既然 Since…(表原因)

l faculty全体教职员工 ├capability能力

└capacity能力,承载量 l empty mind没有思想 └noble mind高尚思想 break one?s promise ┌peer at眯眼看 └peep at窥视

l Despite+名词

├In spite of+名词或doing └尽管

l During+静态名词 不能+doing

During in doing During the weekend During the journey l by car交通工具 ├in a car一辆 └in cars很多辆 l stall圈 └enclosure围场


