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Time Allotment: Section A (6 periods):

1st---2nd period:

1.Pre-reading activities (theme-related questions for warming up; cultural notes; useful words and expressions )

2.While-reading activities (topic sentences; language points explanation; difficult sentences)


1.While-reading activities; 2.Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; main idea; text structure;)

5th---6thperiod: exercises

Unit One Section A Toward a Brighter Future for All

Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.

1 下午好! 作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。 你们所取得的成就是你们自己多年努力的结果,也是你们的父母和老师们多年努力的结果。 在这所大学里,我们承诺将使你们学有所成。

1 Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. (Para. 1)

Meaning: Your entering this university is an important success. This success is due to many years of your hard work, and many years of your parents’ and teachers’ hard work.

2 Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible. (Para. 1)

Meaning: Here at the university, we promise to make your educational experience as worthwhile as possible.

rewarding: a. giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit 值得的;有意义的;有回报的

Our journey to the orphanage was a very rewarding experience. 我们的孤儿院之行非常有意义。 Word formation note: 形容词后缀-ing

1. -ing加在某些及物动词后,构成形容词,主要用于表示事物的性质或特征,或某物或某事给人的感觉、情感、印象等。这类词包括welcoming, charming, discouraging, disgusting, frightening, alarming, surprising等。例如: a welcoming smile 热情的微笑

a charming house on the outskirts of the town 在城镇郊外的一栋漂亮的房子 an alarming increase in housing price 房价的惊人增长

A surprising number of men stay bachelors. 有相当多的男子仍然是单身。


2. -ing加在不及物动词之后,构成形容词,表示某事或某人仍然处于某种状态。例如: a recurring problem 反复出现的问题 his aging mother 他那日渐苍老的母亲

He wore his hair in the prevailing fashion. 他的头发理的是当时盛行的发型。 Q1. What are your expectations of college education?

Q2. How will you make the most of this marvelous opportunity and exciting new experience? Q3. What will you do to ensure that the journey you begin at this university today leads you toward a bright and successful future?

2 In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. \Dad, \take a picture of me handing him an alarm clock.\clock woke me up every morning in college. It is still on my office desk.

在欢迎你们到来的这一刻,我想起自己高中毕业时的情景,还有妈妈为我和爸爸拍的合影。 妈妈吩咐我们:―姿势自然点。‖ ―等一等,‖爸爸说,―把我递给他闹钟的情景拍下来。‖ 在大学期间,那个闹钟每天早晨叫醒我。 至今它还放在我办公室的桌子上。

3 In welcoming you to the university, I am reminded of my own high school graduation and the photograph my mom took of my dad and me. (Para. 2)

Meaning: When I am welcoming you to this university, something I remember is my own high school graduation and the photo my mom took of my dad and me.

3 Let me share with you something that you may not expect. You will miss your old routines and your parents' reminders to work hard and attain your best. You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school, and your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry! But know this: The future is built on a strong foundation of the past.

让我来告诉你们一些你们未必预料得到的事情。 你们将会怀念以前的生活习惯,怀念父母曾经提醒你们要刻苦学习、取得佳绩。 你们可能因为高中生活终于结束而喜极而泣,你们的父母也可能因为终于不用再给你们洗衣服而喜极而泣! 但是要记住:未来是建立在过去扎实的基础上的。

4 You will miss your old routines and your parents’ reminders to work hard and attain your best. (Para. 3)

Meaning: You will miss your usual life patterns and your parents’ reminding words that you should work hard and achieve the best you can.

reminder: n. [C] sth. that makes you notice, remember, or think about sth. 起提醒作用的东西 The cold served as a reminder that winter wasn’t quite finished. 寒冷的天气提醒人们冬天还没有过去。

5 You may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with high school, and your parents may have cried tears of joy to be finally finished with doing your laundry! (Para. 3)

Meaning: Perhaps you were so happy that you cried because at last you finished high school, and perhaps your parents were so happy that they cried because eventually they wouldn’t have to do your laundry any more!

Note: Pay attention to the humor the president creates by contrasting the different responses from children and their parents — they all cried, but for different reasons! may have done sth.: used for talking about past possibilities

She might have changed her mind and decided not to come. 她可能已经改变了主意,决定不来



finished: (not before noun) no longer doing, dealing with, or using sth. 结束了的 Are you finished with my tools yet? 我的工具你用完了吗? Collocation note:

1. do是最常见的表示―做‖的动词,说明某人进行某项行动、活动或任务,常和事情或工作搭配。例如:

Today I have a lot of work to do. 我今天有好多工作要做。

2. do也常常和表示锻炼或劳动等方面的名词或动名词连用,表示做与家务有关的事情。例如:

do physical exercise/the dishes/one’s cooking 进行锻炼/洗碗/做饭

6 But know this: The future is built on a strong foundation of the past. (Para. 3)

Meaning: But you should know that your future can only be attained when it is built on a solid past.

4 For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other. Here you are surrounded by great resources: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest — from the arts to science, to community service and so on. You will have the freedom to explore and learn about new subjects. You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions. I want to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity.

对你们而言,接下来的四年将会是无与伦比的一段时光。 在这里,你们拥有丰富的资源:有来自全国各地的有趣的学生,有学识渊博又充满爱心的老师,有综合性图书馆,有完备的运动设施,还有针对不同兴趣的学生社团——从文科社团到理科社团、到社区服务等等。 你们将自由地探索、学习新科目。 你们要学着习惯点灯熬油,学着结交充满魅力的人,学着去追求新的爱好。 我想鼓励你们充分利用这一特殊的经历,并用你们的干劲和热情去收获这一机会所带来的丰硕成果。

7 For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other. (Para. 4)

Meaning: For you, the next four years in university will be different from any other period of time in your life.

8 Here you are surrounded by great resources: interesting students from all over the country, a learned and caring faculty, a comprehensive library, great sports facilities, and student organizations covering every possible interest — from the arts to science, to community service and so on. (Para. 4)

Meaning beyond words: Here the president is introducing to students the many resources available on campus: interesting schoolmates, knowledgeable and helpful teachers, a big library, great sports equipment, various student organizations, etc. All these will help make students’ campus life colorful and fulfilling.

learned: a. (fml.) learned people have a lot of knowledge because they have read and studied a lot 有学问的;博学的

My advisor is a very learned person and she could answer any question I asked. 我的导师是一位非常博学的人,她能回答我提出的任何问题。

caring: a. thinking about what other people need or want and trying to help them 关心他人的;乐于助人的


The school provides a caring environment for students. 学校为学生提供了充满关怀的环境。 9 You will have the freedom to explore and learn about new subjects. (Para. 4) Meaning: You will have the freedom to examine and learn about new subjects.

10 You will learn to get by on very little sleep, meet fascinating people, and pursue new passions. (Para. 4)

Meaning: You will learn to manage with very little sleep, meet very interesting people, and find new interests. on: prep.

1) eating or drinking a particular type of food or drink in order to stay alive 靠…生存

Using a cave as shelter, the man survived on wild berries and raw fish. 这个人以山洞为住所,靠吃野果和生鱼活了下来。

2) using a particular type of fuel or electrical power in order to operate 靠…运行

Why can’t we make a car that runs on water? 我们为什么不能制造出靠水力行驶的汽车呢? 11 I want to encourage you to make the most of this unique experience, and to use your energy and enthusiasm to reap the benefits of this opportunity. (Para. 4)

Meaning: I want to encourage you to do all you can to take advantage of this special experience, and to use your energy and passion to benefit from this chance.

12 You may feel overwhelmed by the wealth of courses available to you. (Para. 5)Meaning: When facing the large number of courses that you can take at college, you may not know how to choose. wealth: n. [U] a large supply of useful things 大量;众多;丰富

I was impressed by the wealth of choices available in college. 大学里有这么多的选择,这让我印象深刻。

13 You will not be able to experience them all, but sample them widely! (Para. 5)

Meaning: You will not be able to take all the courses, but try as many different courses as possible to see what they are about.

14 Challenge yourself! (Para. 5)

Meaning: Try taking some courses that may be difficult for you, so you can test your skills or abilities.

challenge: vt. test the skills or abilities of sb. or sth. 考验…的技术/能力;激发;激励 The work is too easy. The students are not being challenged enough. 作业太简单,没有让学生得到充分发挥。

15 Don’t assume that you know in advance what fields will interest you the most. (Para. 5) Meaning: Don’t think that you already know what fields will be most interesting to you. Usage note: assume, suppose

1 assume指把一件尚未证实的事作为事实或真相,含有较强的武断成分。凡肯定与事实或真相不同的情况下,一般用assume。

例如:Some people assume that there is life on the other planets when they see UFOs. 有些人看到了不明飞行物就想当然地推测其他的行星上有生命。

I assume you always get up at the same time. 我想你总是在同一个时间起床。

2 suppose表示有一定根据的猜想。在口语短语中,I suppose和I guess用法相同,但suppose更常见于英国英语,guess更常见于美国英语。例如:

I suppose he left home at a very young age. 我猜他很年轻的时候就离开家了。

Let’s suppose that they had not helped us. What would have happened? 假定他们不曾帮助我们,会发生什么情况呢?


16 You will not only emerge as a more broadly educated person, but you will also stand a better chance of discovering an unsuspected passion that will help to shape your future. (Para. 5)

Meaning: You will not only grow and develop into a more broadly educated person, but you will also be more likely to find a passion you don’t know you have, which will help you to shape your future.

Note: When in college, the student is accumulating a variety of experiences. In essence he is growing and developing. At the end of this experience, the student will emerge, like the caterpillar (毛虫) that undergoes metamorphosis (蜕变). While emerge may not literally mean ―evolve‖, there is a feeling or sense of ―evolving‖ here.

unsuspected: a. existing without your knowledge 未知的;未被想到的

A previously unsuspected bone disease caused his disability. 一种前所未闻的骨头疾病导致了他的残疾。

Word formation note: 形容词后缀-ed

-ed加在某些及物动词之后构成形容词,表示某人已受到…的影响/干预等。例如: I was frustrated. 我感到懊恼。

a group of very excited children 一群非常兴奋的孩子 I got bored with my job. 我对工作感到厌倦了。

2 -ed加在少数不及物动词之后构成形容词,表示该动作已经完成。例如: a retired teacher 一位退了休的老师

My yard is covered with fallen leaves. 我家的院子里铺满了落叶。

3 后缀 -ed和后缀-ing的不同以后缀-ed结尾的形容词(如ashamed, delighted, excited, frightened, interested, moved, pleased, surprised, worried等)通常用于说明人的心理或精神状态;若修饰事物,则多为air(神态), appearance, cry, face, voice, mood等显示某人情感状况的名词。以后缀-ing结尾的形容词(如delighting, exciting, frightening, interesting, moving, pleasing, surprising, worrying等)主要用于说明事物的性质或特征;若用于形容人,则表示此人具有此性质或特征。例如: He is frightened. 他很害怕。 He is frightening. 他很吓人。

He has a frightened look on his face. 他脸上带有惊恐的神情。 He has a frightening look on his face. 他脸上的神情很吓人。

I read an interested expression on his face. 我看到他脸上露出一种感兴趣的表情。 I read an interesting expression on his face. 我看到他脸上露出一种有趣的表情。

17 A wonderful example of this is the fashion designer, Vera Wang, who originally studied art history. (Para. 5)

Meaning: A very good example to show the importance of trying something you have never tried before is the fashion designer, Vera Wang, who at first studied art history.

Meaning beyond words: Here the president is citing Vera Wang as an example to show the importance of trying something new and challenge yourself, which may bring about unexpected benefits.

18 Over time, Wang paired her studies in art history with her love of fashion and turned it into a passion for design, which made her a famous designer around the world. (Para. 5)

Meaning: Gradually, Wang combined her studies in art history with her love of fashion and developed it into a passion for design, which made her a famous designer around the world.


pair: vt. put two people or things together 使成对;配对

You will look wonderful if you pair this dress with high heels. 要是用高跟鞋来配这条连衣裙,你看上去就棒极了。

6 Here at the university, it may not always be pleasant to have so many new experiences all at once. In your dorm, the student next door may repeatedly play the one song, which gives you a giant headache! You may be an early bird while your roommate is a night owl! And still, you and your roommate may become best friends. Don't worry if you become a little uncomfortable with some of your new experiences. I promise you that the happy experiences will outweigh the unpleasant ones. And I promise that virtually all of them will provide you with valuable lessons which will enrich your life. So, with a glow in your eye and a song in your heart, step forward to meet these new experiences!

在大学里,一下子拥有这么多新鲜体验可能不会总是令人愉快的。 在你的宿舍楼里,住在你隔壁寝室的同学可能会反复播放同一首歌,令你头痛欲裂! 你可能喜欢早起,而你的室友却是个夜猫子! 尽管如此,你和你的室友仍然可能成为最要好的朋友。 如果有些新的经历让你感觉不那么舒心,不要担心。 我保证快乐的经历会多于不快的经历。 而且我保证几乎所有这些经历都会给你带来宝贵的经验教训,从而使你的生活更加丰富多彩。 所以,带着热切的目光和欢乐的心情,去拥抱这些新的体验吧!

19 You may be an early bird while your roommate is a night owl! (Para. 6) early bird: n. [C] (infml.)

1) sb. who gets up early in the morning 早起的人

My mom is an early bird — she always gets up at 5 in the morning. 我妈妈喜欢早起,她总是早上5点就起床。

2) sb. who arrives somewhere or does sth. before other people do 早到的人;捷足先登者

Go down to the store as early as you can because it is the early bird that catches the worm. If you get there after 10 o’clock, the best stuff will have been sold out. 你要尽可能早点去这家商店,捷足先登嘛。要是你10点钟之后才赶到,好东西可就都卖完了。

night owl: n. [C] (infml.) sb. who enjoys going out at night or does not go to bed until it is late 夜猫子;惯于晚睡的人

He is indeed a night owl; he never goes to sleep before midnight. 他是个真正的夜猫子,从来不在半夜之前睡觉。 Sentence structure note:


I like the mountains while my little sister prefers the seaside. 我喜欢山,而我妹妹喜欢海滨。 while的另一个意思是―虽然;尽管‖,相当于although。例如:

While there was no conclusive evidence, most people thought he was guilty. 虽然没有确凿的证据,大多数人还是认为他有罪。

20 Don’t worry if you become a little uncomfortable with some of your new experiences. I promise you that the happy experiences will outweigh the unpleasant ones. (Para. 6)

Meaning: Don’t worry if you don’t feel very happy with some of your new experiences. I promise you that there will be more happy experiences than unpleasant ones.

outweigh: vt. be more important or valuable than sth. else 比…更重要;比…更有价值 The advantages of the new policy outweigh the disadvantages. 这项新政策利大于弊。

21 And I promise that virtually all of them will provide you with valuable lessons which will


enrich your life. (Para. 6)

Meaning: And I promise that almost all of your experiences, pleasant or unpleasant, will give you valuable lessons that will make your life better and more enjoyable.

22 So, with a glow in your eye and a song in your heart, step forward to meet these new experiences!(Para. 6)

Meaning: Therefore, with the excitement and enthusiasm that I know you must have in your heart, I encourage you to go forward from here and face this new part of your life!

Note: Here the president is speaking figuratively. The expression a glow in your eye and a song in your heart implies the excitement and enthusiasm of the students.

23 We have confidence that your journey toward self-discovery and your progress toward finding your own passion will yield more than personal advancement. (Para. 7)

Meaning: We firmly believe that this educational process will help you learn a great deal about yourself. And it will help you find your own passion. This will not only bring about personal advancement, such as a prestigious job and better position, but also help you become a complete person.

advancement: n. [C, U] (fml.) progress or development in your job, level of knowledge, etc. 进步;进展

There is plenty of room for personal advancement within the company. 该公司内部有足够的晋升空间。

Note: Advancement is like getting a raise or a better title. But college education enables one to do more than that; it is about becoming a complete person.

24 We believe that as you become members of our community of scholars, you will soon come to recognize that with the abundant opportunities for self-enrichment provided by the university, there also come responsibilities. (Para. 7)

Meaning: We believe that once you join our group of scholars, you will soon come to realize that while the university offers you so many chances for personal development, there come duties as well.

Meaning beyond words: After elaborating on all the opportunities and benefits that a university education is to bring to students, the president is coming to another topic: responsibilities that students are to take.

25 A wise man said: ―Education is simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another.‖ (Para. 7)

Meaning: A wise man said that education is truly the spirit and heart of a society because it passes from generation to generation.

simply: add used to emphasize what you are saying 实在;根本;简直

He simply won’t accept the committee’s decision. 他根本不会接受委员会的决定。

26 You are the inheritors of the hard work of your families and the hard work of many countless others who came before you. They built and transmitted the knowledge you will need to succeed. (Para. 7)

Meaning: You inherit the fruit of the hard work of your families and of many other people who were before you. They built and passed on to you the knowledge which you will need in order to succeed.

27 Now it is your turn. (Para. 7)

Meaning: Now it is time for you to acquire knowledge and pass it on.


28 What knowledge will you acquire? (Para. 7) Collocation note:

有的学生用learn knowledge来表示―学习知识‖,但是这个搭配在英语中是错误的,正确的表达应该是 acquire knowledge。其他可以和knowledge搭配的动词还有gain, absorb, build up, accumulate, use, apply, possess, develop等。 Usage note: acquire, attain

1 acquire多指经过努力逐步获得才能、知识等,也可用于表示获得财物。该词强调―一经获得就会长期持有‖的含义。acquire常与ability, education, knowledge, fortune, information, habit等词以及与其词义相近的词汇搭配使用。例如:

We want people to acquire the habit of using public transportation. 我们希望人们养成使用公共交通的习惯。

2 attain是正式用语词汇,指经过不懈的努力取得结果,常用于表示达到某一目标。attain常与level, standard, goal, target, position, perfection, proficiency, excellence, fitness, mastery, maturity等词以及与其词义相近的词汇搭配使用。例如:

The salesperson attained his sales goal for the month. 这名销售员完成了当月的销售目标。 8 We take great pleasure in opening the door to this great step in your journey. We take delight in the many opportunities which you will find, and in the responsibilities that you will carry as citizens of your communities, your country, and the world. Welcome! 我们很高兴能为你们人生旅途中这一重大阶段开启大门。 我们很高兴你们将获得许多机会,也很高兴你们将作为社区、国家乃至世界的公民承担起应有的责任。 欢迎你们!

29 We take great pleasure in opening the door to this great step in your journey. We take delight in the many opportunities which you will find, and in the responsibilities that you will carry as citizens of your communities, your country, and the world. (Para. 8)

Meaning: We are very happy to open the door to this next great step in your journey. We are delighted that you will find many different opportunities and many responsibilities, which you will shoulder as citizens of your communities, your country, and the world. Critical thinking train

What role do you think a university education will play in your life?

Do you think a university education can change a person's life? In what way and why?

How do you think about those successful people such as Bill Gates who dropped out of university?

How do you understand the statement \What are you going to do at university in order to sample widely and challenge yourself?

Unit 2 Section A A Child’s Clutter Awaits an Adult’s


A. Key words 1. await vt.

①wait for sth. 等待,等候

e.g.1) The little boy was still awaiting his father’s return when the clock struck 11. ② it will happen to you 将降临到…头上

e.g. The biggest surprise awaiting the birthday girl is that her father is flying to London for her



2. polish n. 上光剂,擦光剂

The girl was told by her parents to remove the polish from her nails because she was too young for make-up.

3. match v. ①属于同一双;成对 e.g.1) Your socks don’t match.

② 相配;相称

e.g. She wore a green silk dress and hat to match. 4. comic n. 连环漫画册

With the combination of pictures and text, comics are a good way to get children to begin their adventures in reading.

adj. 滑稽的;好笑的

Even misfortune in his personal life was used by him in creating his comic movies. 5. historical a. 基于史实的;历史上的;历史学的

historic a. 历史性的,有重大历史意义的;建筑/地方古老的

6. stuff vt. 填,塞(满)

Don’t stuff anything else in the bag, or it will burst.

n. 各种物品

I don’t known how we are going to get all this stuff into the car. 7.plague n. ① ~灾

The city is under threat from a plague of rats.

② 瘟疫,疫病

We wish to have a world free of plagues and famines. 8. strain vi. 使劲拉,使劲推

The dog strains the rope fastened to its neck.

vt. 拉伤,扭伤,损伤

I strained a muscle in my back when playing tennis.

n. 焦虑;紧张

We know that a long time without change can lead to boredom, and physical and mental strain. B. Lead in

There is no friendship, no love, like that of the parent for the child.

— Henry Ward Beecher (American clergyman, social reformer) While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. — Angela Schwindt (American home-schooling mom) 1. Survey: How close are you and your parents?

? I have been missing my parents a lot since I left for college. ? I often chat with my parents.

? I like sharing my joys and sorrows with my parents. ? I always remember my parents’ birthdays. ? I know about my parents’ hobbies.

? My parents allow me to make my own decisions. 2. To what extent are you close to your parents?

? be like friends;


? never keep secret from them; ? ask them for advice;

? give me directions about life …

3. Watch a video clip and answer the following questions. 1). What happened to the father and the son?

2). Is there any conflict or disagreement between you and your parents? And what should we do to settle the conflict or disagreement? C. Main ideas and Structure

The text depicts a mother’s responses to her daughter’s fight for independence through detailed description of the mess left behind by the daughter. Part1 :General situation & my responses (Paras. 1 - 4)

Part2: The mess left by the daughter and my responses (Paras.5-12) Part3: Concluding part (Paras. 13 - 22) D. Detailed study of the passage

1). my teeth ached to show extreme annoyance

I hate the scrape of chalk on the blackboard; it makes my teeth ache. 2).impersonal a. 无人情味的;无个人色彩的

Hospitals always seem such impersonal places-rows of identical beds in dull gray rooms. Before then many children were cared for in large orphanages. 3).file vt. 把…归档/存档

Please file those letters by arrival date.

4).Sb. catch oneself doing sth. 用于表达“突然意识到自己在做某事”。 When she caught herself Smaking the same mistake as he did, she blushed. 5)content n. (~s) ① the things inside a box, bag, room I emptied the contents of the fridge into boxes. ② the things that are written in a letter, a book. She kept the contents of the letter a secret.

③ a list at the beginning of a book or magazine I can’t find it in the contents.

6)The more …, the more ….用于表达“越?? 越??”。

The longer you read this book, the more you get into its rhythm and mood. 7)earn sb. sth. 博得;赢得;获得

Mother Teresa earned herself worldwide fame by her untiring work for the poor.

In the process of knowing the world, we earn ourselves better knowledge about our own merits and demerits.

8)tighten v. (身体某一部分)变得僵硬 His mouth tightened into a thin, angry line.

vt. 使变紧,使更牢固

The number plate on the car came loose and had to be tightened. E. Summary of the main ideas and key expressions

Despite my objection, my daughter has left home for independence. While I am happy with my freedom from 18 years of_______________, I worry if she can take good care of herself.

She left me a _________ to clear up. Both her bathroom and bedroom are a(n)________________ of clutters — empty tubes of toothpaste, nail polish, and mismatched socks. With an ill grace, I


begin to _________ drawers, sweep shelves clear, and clean the sink. I _________ the desk contents into a box and, before throwing them away, will give her six months to collect her belongings. Since I love books as much as she does,

I _______ them onto a single bookshelf to deal with later. I separate the clothes and shoes into two piles: one for _________ , the other for trash.

As I turn the bed over, a large brown envelop marked “DO NOT THROW AWAY” catches my eyes. Inside it are all the memorable things we gave her. All of a sudden, I feel very __________. With an about-turn in mind, I reverse myself and put back all the items ______________ , as they are no longer a mess to my eyes. Just as all these tokens of her childhood will await her return, so will we, ______________. 1 倒车 2 省油的实用型汽车 3 成功了 4 免于/摆脱了 5 做完?? 6 按年代和主题归类 7 右上角 8 扔掉 9 将房间搞得一片狼藉 10 扔在一边 11 将硬币投进洗衣机 12 免费提供 13 改变主意/态度 14 收拾 15 抑制住眼泪 16 热情地

Unit 3 Section A College Life in the Internet Age

1 The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into

a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 24 hours a day.


1 大学校园长久以来都是学术之地,也是新技术的前沿。现在随着手提电脑和智能手机的大量出现,

加上每天 24 小时不间断的网络连接,大学校园正在转而进入电子设备的新时代。

1 The college campus, long a place of scholarship and frontiers of new technology, is being transformed into

a new age of electronics by a fleet of laptops, smartphones and connectivity 24 hours a day. (Para. 1)

Meaning: For a long time, the college campus has been a place to provide education and produce most

advanced new technology. But it is now being completely changed into an electronic-age hot spot by the wide

use of laptops, smartphones, and access to the Internet 24 hours a day. Scholarship: n. [U] the knowledge, work

or methods involved in serious study 学问;学识;学术研究 This book series is regarded as a magnificent workof scholarship. 这套丛书被认为是学术巨著。 frontier: n. [C, usu. pl.] the most advanced or recent ideas about sth. (思想的)前沿;(知识的)新领域 They were very excited about their work on the frontiers of medicine,for they were developing a medicine that might be able to cure lung cancer. 他们对自己在医学研究新领域的

工作感到非常兴奋,因为他们正在研发一种可能治愈肺癌的药物。 electronics: n. [U] 1) electronic equipment

or equipment with electronic parts 电子设备;电子仪器 Storms, thunder and lightning can affect a car’ selectronics. 暴雨和雷电会影响汽车的电子仪器。 2) the science and technology that uses or produceselectronic equipment 电子学;电子技术 He is an electronics engineer, but he likes to write with a pen insteadof a computer. 他是电子工程师,但是他喜欢用笔写字,而不是用电脑打字。 Note: The word fleet is usedmetaphorically here. It is a kind of word play. You could say a fleet of laptops, or an army of laptops, or a host of laptops. For example: He sat in the back yard in the sun, watching a fleet of white clouds overhead. 他坐在后 院晒太阳,看着天上的朵朵白云。

2 On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instantmessaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes. 2 在典型的现代校园里,每幢建筑和大部分室外公共区域都提供无线互联网接入, 学生可以把手提电

脑带到任何地方。 课堂上,她用手提电脑记笔记,有时如果教授的课一点都没意思,她就会给朋友发送即时信息或电子邮件。 在寝室,她甚至会给近在咫尺的室友发送即时信息。 她离不开智能手机,甚至对住在楼上的朋友也要发短信;在从上一堂课去下一堂课的路上她也要用智能手机听音乐。

2 On a typical modern-day campus, where every building and most outdoor common areas offer wireless Internet access, one student takes her laptop everywhere. (Para. 2)

Meaning: On a typical campus nowadays, where wireless Internet access is available in all


buildings and most outdoor public areas, a student can use her laptop at any place.

3 In class, she takes notes with it, sometimes instant-messaging or emailing friends if the professor is less than interesting. (Para. 2)

Meaning: She takes notes with her laptop in class, and sometimes sends instant messages or emails to friends if the professor’ s class or lecture is not interesting.

instant-message: v. exchange written messages over the Internet with people that you know 发送即时消息 She doesn’t like instant-messaging. When she has something to say, she will make a phone call. 她不喜欢发即时消息。有话要说时,她就打电话。

4 In her dorm, she instant-messages her roommate sitting just a few feet away. (Para. 2)

Meaning: In her dorm room, she even sends instant messages to her roommate, who is sitting only a few feet away from her.

5 She is tied to her smartphone, which she even uses to text a friend who lives one floor above her, and which supplies music for walks between classes. (Para. 2)

Meaning: She is so attached to her smartphone that she even uses it to send messages to a friend who lives just upstairs. She also uses it to listen to music when she walks from one class to another. be tied to sth.:1) be related to sth. and dependent on it 和某物联系在一起;依附于某物 Our economy is closely tied to import and

export. 我们的经济和进出口紧密相关。 2) be restricted by a particular situation, job, etc., so that you cannot do exactly what you want 被某事物束缚/约束/限制 Many young mothers are tied to the home and children.

许多年轻母亲被家庭和孩子所牵绊。 text: vt. send a written message to sb. using a mobile phone (用手机)

给…发短信 Her boyfriend didn’t call or text her all day, which made her quite upset. 她的男朋友一整天都没有给她打电话,也没有发短信,这让她很不安。

3 Welcome to college life in the 21st century, where students on campus are electronically linked to each other, to professors and to their classwork 24/7 in an ever-flowing river of information and communication. With many schools offering wireless Internet access anywhere on campus, colleges as a group have become the most Internet-accessible spots in the world.

3 欢迎来体验 21 世纪的大学生活:通过源源不断的信息流,学生之间、师生之间以及学生和课堂作业之间建立了电子化的联系,一天 24 小时,一周 7 天,从不间断。 在许多学校,无线互联网连接覆盖了校园的各个角落,大学整体上也因此成为世界上互联网最普及的地方。

6 Welcome to college life in the 21st century, where students on campus are electronically linked to each

other, to professors and to their classwork 24/7 in an ever-flowing river of information and communication. (Para.

3)Meaning: Welcome to college life in the 21st century. On campus students are all the time — 24 hours a day,

7 days a week — connected with each other, with their professors and with their classwork by electronic devices

in a forever flowing river of information and communication. Note: Literally 24/7 means 24 hours a day, 7 days a

week. If we say something happens 24/7, we mean that it happens all the time, or without stopping.


For example:

Our store opens 24/7; we don’ t even close on Christmas and Thanksgiving. 我们的商店全天候营业,甚至在圣诞节和感恩节我们也不关门。 Word formation note: The prefix ever- can combine with present participles

and adjectives to form new adjectives. Adjectives formed in this way describe something that continually does something, or that always has particular characteristics or qualities. For example: the ever-increasing demand for oil 对石油需求的不断增大 the ever-changing countryside 不断变化的农村 an ever-lasting memory 永久的记忆

7 With many schools offering wireless Internet access anywhere on campus, colleges as a group have become the most Internet-accessible spots in the world. (Para. 3)

Meaning: Because many colleges provide wireless Internet access everywhere on campus, colleges as a whole have become places where the Internet is most widely used in the world.

4 Students say they really value their fingertip-access to the boundless amount of information online, and the ability to email professors at 2 a.m. and receive responses the next morning. \always feel like I have a means of communication — in class and out of class,\says one engineering major.

4 学生们说他们非常看重动动手指就可获得无限的网上信息,还可以在凌晨两点给教授发电子邮件,并能在第二天早上收到教授的回复。 一位工程专业的学生说:―我觉得无论在课内还是在课外,我都拥有一种交流手段。‖

8 Students say they really value their fingertip-access to the boundless amount of information online, and the

ability to email professors at 2 a.m. and receive responses the next morning. (Para. 4)

Meaning: Students say that they really think it very important to have easy access to unlimited amounts of information on the Internet and to be able to send emails to their professors even after midnight and receive their replies the next morning. Fingertip: n. [C] the end of your finger that is furthest away from your hand 指尖

She touched the baby’ s cheek gently with her fingertips. 她用指尖轻轻地碰了碰婴儿的脸蛋。 boundless: a.without a limit or end 无限的;无穷的;无边无际的 He always has boundless energy and enthusiasm. 他总 是有着无穷的精力和热情。

9 ―I always feel like I have a means of communication — in class and out of class,‖ says one engineering major.(Para. 4)

Meaning: ―I always have the feeling that I have a way to communicate with others, whether in class or out of class,‖ says a student majoring in engineering. Means: n. [C] (pl. means) a way of doing or achieving sth. 手段;方法;工具 Homework should not be used as a means of controlling children. 家庭作业不应被当作控制孩子

的手段。 major: n. [C] (AmE) sb. studying a particular subject as their main subject at college or university(大学中)主修某科目的学生;某专业的学生 She’ s a history major, but she really likes engineering. 她是历史专业的学生,但她真正喜欢的是工科。 Usage note:1 feel like 后面可接由 that 引导的从句( that 有时可省 略),意思与 feel as if 相同,表示―感觉好像…‖。例如: Alice felt like (that) she was in a very nice dream. 艾丽斯觉得她好像在做一个美梦。 2 feel like 后面还可以接 sth.或 doing sth. 作宾语,表示―想要(做)某事‖。例如: Do you feel like another drink? 你想不想再喝一杯? He didn’ t feel like going to work. 他不想去上班。


5 Many are using smartphones, not only to create their own dialects when texting, but also to do more seriouswork, such as practicing foreign languages and analyzing scripts from their theater classes. In a university class on the history of American radio, students use smartphones to record their own radio shows. The course instructor said, \adding to students' sense of excitement about the subject.\

encouraged to tape their lectures and post them online. \for a device that could get attention and encourage sophisticated thinking,\says one leading university director.

5 很多学生不仅使用智能手机自创语体发短信,而且也用智能手机来做更正经的工作,比如练习外语、分析戏剧课的脚本等。 在一所大学的有关美国广播电台历史的课上,学生们用智能手机录下他们自己的广播节目。 教授这门课的教师说:―这提高了学生学习这门课的兴奋感。‖ 学校也鼓励教授录下授课内容并发布到网上。 一位一流大学的主管说:―我们意识到,像这样一种能够引起学生关注、并促使他们深入思考的工具也许大有潜力。‖ 10 Many are using smartphones, not only to create their own dialects when texting, but also to do more serious work, such as practicing foreign languages and analyzing scripts from their theater classes. (Para. 5)

Meaning: Many students are using smartphones to send text messages by using their own style of language. They also use smartphones to do more serious work, for example, to practice foreign languages and to analyze scripts from their theater classes.Note: Here the word dialect refers to the language particularly used by young people when they exchange text messages, for example, ―u‖ (you), ―thnx‖(thanks), ―btw‖ (by the way), ―cool‖ (very attractive), ―nuts‖ (crazy), ―chicken‖ (coward) and so on.

11 ―It’s adding to students’ sense of excitement about the subject.‖ (Para. 5)

Meaning: ―It makes students feel more excited about the subject.‖sense: n. [C] a feeling about sth. (对事物的)感觉 They say they are dealing with the problem, but there seems to be no sense of urgency. 他们说他们正在处理这个问题,但是似乎看不出他们有任何的紧迫感。 12 Professors have been encouraged to tape their lectures and post them online. (Para.

5)Meaning: Professors have been encouraged to record their lectures and put them online.tape: v. record sounds or pictures using tape (用磁带)录音,录像 Did you tape the professor’s lecture today? 今天教授的讲座你录下来了吗? post: vt. put a message or computer document on the Internet so that other people can see it 贴;公布 He posted some of his pictures on his website. 他在自己的网站上了贴了几张自己的照片。

13 ―We realized there might be some potential for a device that could get attention and encourage sophisticated thinking,‖ says one leading university director. (Para. 5)

Meaning: According to a director from a leading university, smartphones have the potential to get students’ attention and promote deep and high-level thinking.

6 For most undergraduates, non-stop Internet connectivity is the fuel of college life. More than just toys, these instruments are powerful tools for the storage and management of virtually every kind of information. And as mmore people around the world adopt these instruments, they are becoming indispensable. So, students should use the wonders of the Internet to do homework, review lecture outlines, take part in class discussions and network online with their friends. But in doing so, students must remember to regulate and balance their time. Too much time online can mean too little time in real-life studying or exercising or visiting with friends. Students should not let the Internet world on their computer screens take them away from the real world outside.


6 对于大多数本科生来说,永不间断的互联网是大学生活的动力。 网络工具不只是玩具,而且是储存和管理几乎各种信息的强大工具。 随着世界上越来越多的人使用这些工具,它们已经变得不可或缺。 所以,学生应该运用互联网所创造的奇迹来完成作业、复习讲座提纲、参与课堂讨论、与朋友们进行网上社交。 但是在做这些的同时,学生们必须记住,要控制和平衡好时间。 上网时间过长就意味着在现实生活中学习、锻炼或和朋友叙谈的时间过少。学生们不应该让电脑屏幕上的互联网世界使他们脱离外面的现实世界。

14 For most undergraduates, non-stop Internet connectivity is the fuel of college life. (Para. 6)Meaning: For most undergraduate students, continuous access to the Internet is what supports college life.Note: In the sentence fuel is used metaphorically. In order to produce heat or energy, you have to burn a substance such as coal, gas, or oil. Students also need something, in this case, Internet connection, to get along with their studies and lives.non-stop: a.1) continuing without stopping 不断的;不停的 We had three days of almost non-stop rain. 我们有三天几乎不断地在下雨。

2) going directly from one place to another 直达的 I always took a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Berlin. 我总是乘坐从洛杉矶到柏林的直飞航班。

15 More than just toys, these instruments are powerful tools for the storage and management of virtually every kind of information. (Para. 6)

Meaning: These instruments are not just toys. They are powerful tools to store and deal with almost any kind of information.

16 And as more people around the world adopt these instruments, they are becoming indispensable. (Para. 6)

Meaning: All of these instruments – laptops, smartphones, and wireless Internet access – are becoming essential as more people around the world use them.

17 So, students should use the wonders of the Internet to do homework, review lecture outlines, take part in class discussions and network online with their friends. (Para. 6)

Meaning: So, students should use the amazing functions of the Internet to do their homework, review main points of lectures, take part in class discussions and connect with their friends on the Internet.network: vi. meet and talk to people in order to receive or give information, esp. about business opportunities 交流;沟通;(尤指)建立商业联络 You’ve always got to network and make new contacts. 你总得与人交流,并建立新的关系。 v. connect several computers together so that they can share information (计算机)联网 Our work efficiency will be much improved when all our computers and office equipment are networked. 当我们所有的电脑和办公室设备联网时,我们的工作效率将会大大提高。

18 But in doing so, students must remember to regulate and balance their time. (Para. 6)

Meaning: But in doing so, students must remember to control and balance their time online and offline.

19 Too much time online can mean too little time in real-life studying or exercising or visiting with friends. (Para. 6)

Meaning: If you spend too much time online, you may not have much time in your real life to study, do physical exercise, or talk with your friends. Real-life: a. (only before noun) actually happening in life, not invented in a book 真实的;实际发生的;现实生活中的 This is not an imaginary question.This is a real-life problem. 这不是假想出来的问题,这是实际存在的问题。 20 Students should not let the Internet world on their computer screens take them away from the real world outside. (Para. 6)


Meaning: Students should not get caught up and spend too much time in the virtual world so that they neglect the real world.

7 Colleges began embracing Internet access in the mid-1990s, when many began wiring dorms with highspeed connections. In the past few years, schools have taken the lead by turning their campuses into bubbles of

Wi-Fi networks. In fact, a recent study in the US found that information technology accounted for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s.

7 大学在 20 世纪 90 年代中期迎来互联网,那时许多大学开始给学生寝室接入高速网络。 在过去的几年中,学校率先把校园变成了被无线网络覆盖的世界。 事实上,美国最近的一项研究发现,信息技术

的投入占高校预算的 5%-8%,比 20 世纪 80 年代中期约 2%-3%的投入有所增加。 21 Colleges began embracing Internet access in the mid-1990s, when many began wiring dorms with high-speed connections. (Para. 7)

Meaning: Colleges started to use the Internet in the mid-1990s. At that time many colleges began equipping dorms with high-speed Internet connections.wire: vt. connect a piece of electrical

equipment to sth., or connect the wires inside a piece of equipment 将电子设备连接到;给…接上电线Each of the homes is wired for cable television. 家家户户都安装了有线电视。 22 In the past few years, schools have taken the lead by turning their campuses into bubbles of Wi-Fi networks. (Para. 7)

Meaning: In the past few years, schools have been the first to transform their campuses into places connected with Wi-Fi networks.

23 In fact, a recent study in the US found that information technology accounted for 5% to 8% of college budgets, up from an estimated 2% to 3% in the mid-1980s. (Para. 7)

Meaning: In fact, a recent study in the US found that 5% to 8% of the money that colleges had spent was used for information technology. In the mid-1980s the percentage was estimated to be 2% to 3%.

8 On one campus, students use Wi-Fi to fire off instant messages, review their homework assignments, and check their bank balances. Just nine miles down the highway, another university had been feeling a bit of a

technology inferiority complex. To compensate, it spent tens of thousands of dollars to give every one of its incoming freshmen a free Apple iPad. 8 有一所大学里,学生用无线网络发送即时信息、复习家庭作业以及查看银行账户余额。 而就在沿公路往前九英里处,另一所大学一直有种技术不如别人的自卑感。 为了弥补这一点,该大学花了数万美元给每一名入学新生免费赠送了一台苹果 iPad。

24 On one campus, students use Wi-Fi to fire off instant messages, review their homework assignments, and check their bank balances. (Para. 8)

Meaning: On one campus, students use Wi-Fi to send instant messages, review their homework, and check the amount of money they have in their bank accounts.bank balance: n. [C] the amount of

money sb. has in their bank account 账户余额;银行存款余额 I check my bank balance about once a month. 我大约每个月查一下我的账户余额。

25 Just nine miles down the highway, another university had been feeling a bit of a technology inferiority complex. (Para. 8)

Meaning: Just nine miles down the main road, another university had been feeling inferior and


anxious because they thought their technology was not as good as that of other

universities.inferiority complex: n. [C, usu. sing.] a continuous feeling that you are much less

important, clever, etc. than other people 自卑情结;自卑感 An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle to success. 自卑感对你非常有害,它是成功路上最大的障碍。

26 To compensate, it spent tens of thousands of dollars to give every one of its incoming freshmen a free Apple iPad. (Para. 8)

Meaning: To change their inferior status, the university spent tens of thousands of dollars to give each new first-year student a free Apple iPad.

Usage note: to do, in order to do, so as to doto do, in order to do 和 so as to do 都可以表示―为 了‖,引导目的状语。 1 to do 和 in order to do 在句中的位置比较灵活,可位于句首,也可置于句末,而so as to do 不放在句首。例如: To/In order to hear more clearly, we moved to the front row. 为了听得 更清楚,我们挪到了前排。 2 这三种结构的否定式分别为: not to do, in order not to do 和 so as not to do。当不定式的逻辑主语与句子的主语不一致时,必须用其复合结构。比较: He started early so as not to be late for school. 他早起是为了上学不迟到。 I woke Ben up early so as for him not to be late for work. 我很早把本叫醒是为了让他上班不迟到。

Usage note: every one, everyone1 every one 指―某一组人中的每一个人‖,强调 every single person,而 everyone 表示―每人‖, 含有―整体;全体‖的意义。例如: She turned her attention to her friends. Every one had had a good education. 她把注意力转到她的朋友们身上。他们中的每一个人都受过良好的教育。 He has five children and every one is good at painting. 他有五个孩子,他们个个都擅长画画。 Everyone had the right to vote. 人人都有投票权。 2 every one 可以用于表示―每一件(样)东西‖;而 everyone 不能用于此意。例如: She dusted the books and put every one back in its place.她把书上的灰掸掉,再把每本书都放回原处。 I’ve looked at six houses so far and found something wrong with every one of them. 我已经看过六处房子了,发现每一幢房子都有问题。 3 everyone 只能用于指人,不能指物。 everyone 用作主语时,其谓语动词用单数。例如: Everyone wants to find out what is going on. 每个人都想弄清楚发生了什么事。 Everyone had the right to vote. 人人都有投票权。(强调―人人‖, ―每人都…‖) 4 现代英语中,与 everyone/everybody 对应的主格、宾格和所有格代词通常用 they, them 和 their。例如: Everyone should do what they can to prevent violence. 每个人都应该

尽其所能制止暴力。 Everybody had to bring their own laptops. 每个人都得自带电脑。

9 Some universities even require that all students own or lease a laptop. Some say the focus on technology prepares students for a wired world. \Students expect highbandwidth information, and if you can't deliver it, you're at a competitive disadvantage,\

9 有些大学甚至要求所有学生拥有或租用一台手提电脑。 有人说注重技术可以使学生作好准备面对被网络连接的世界。 一位大学校长指出:―你必须与世界保持同步,学生们期望通过高带宽获取信息。如果你不能提供,你就会在竞争中处于劣势。‖

27 Some universities even require that all students own or lease a laptop. (Para. 9

)Usage note: lease, rent, hire1 lease 指长期租用建筑物、汽车或设备,尤其是供经商所用。例如:If you upgrade computers regularly, it may work out cheaper to lease them. 如果你的计算机要经常升级的话,可能还是长期租用更便宜。 2 rent 指租用别人的房屋。例如: We rented an apartment together. 我们合租一套公寓。 3 在美国英语中, rent 还可以指租用汽车或电


器设备。例如: The TV is rented. 这台电视机是租来的。在英国英语中, rent 和 hire 都可以表示租用汽车或电器设备,但 hire a car 更为常用。

28 Some say the focus on technology prepares students for a wired world. (Para. 9)

Meaning: Some people say if the university gives special attention to technology, it gets students ready for a world connected by the Internet.wired: a. (infml.) connected to, and able to use the Internet (指计算机系统)联网的,连线的 Many colleges now have high-tech libraries and wired dormitories. 许多大学现在都有高科技图书馆和联网的宿舍。

29 ―You have to keep up with the rest of the world. Students expect high-bandwidth information, and if you can’t deliver it, you’re at a competitive disadvantage,‖ states a university president. (Para. 9)

Meaning: A university president says, ―You should manage to do as well as the rest of the world. Students want information that they can access with high-bandwidth, and if you can’t provide it, you are not as competitive as other universities.‖bandwidth: n. [U] the amount of information that can be carried through a telephone wire, computer connection, etc. at one time 带宽

10 Other colleges are straining to stand out from their peers. The race to attract students with the most modern networks and the hottest systems has reached fever pitch. Some business majors are receiving free portable computers. In an always-connected mode, they can get information anytime and anywhere they need. One university is even giving its freshmen new smartphones to enrich the student experience and prepare them for success in a rapidly changing world. 10 其他大学正努力从同行当中脱颖而出。 大学之间用最现代的网络和最热门的系统来吸引学生的竞争已经达到狂热的地步。 一些商科专业的学生可以领到免费的便携式电脑。 在永久在线模式下,他们可以根据需要随时随地获取信息。 一所大学甚至为新生配备了智能手机,以丰富其大学经历,为他们在一个日新月异的世界上取得成功作好准备。 30 Other colleges are straining to stand out from their peers. (Para. 10)

Meaning: Other colleges are trying very hard to do better than their fellow colleges.strain: v. try very hard to do sth. 使劲儿干;竭尽全力做(某事) He spoke so softly. I strained to hear what he was saying. 他说话声音很轻,我费了很大劲儿才听清他在说什么。

31 The race to attract students with the most modern networks and the hottest systems has reached fever pitch. (Para. 10)

Meaning: Universities compete with each other to attract students by providing the most modern networks and the most popular systems, and the competition has become extremely intense. hot: a. (infml.) sth. or sb. that is hot is very popular or fashionable, and everyone wants to use them, see them, buy them, etc. 很受欢迎的;红极一时的 He is one of the hottest young directors in Hollywood. 他是好莱坞最受欢迎的年轻导演之一。

32 Some business majors are receiving free portable computers. In an always-connected mode, they can get information anytime and anywhere they need. (Para. 10)

Meaning: Some students majoring in business are given free computers, which can be carried around easily. Students can get information anytime and anywhere they need because they have access to the Internet at any time.

11 For those who prefer to travel laptop-free, colleges supply several computer labs. And for students who study late into the night, many have set up 24-hour repair shops where students can get their laptops fixed by

the next day and receive a loaner in the meantime.

11 大学还为那些不喜欢随身携带手提电脑的学生提供了若干个机房。 而且,许多大学为那


些熬夜学习的学生开设了 24 小时电脑维修店,电脑第二天就可以修好,而且在电脑送修期间,学生可以使用维修点提供的代用电脑。

33 For those who prefer to travel laptop-free, colleges supply several computer labs. (Para.11) Meaning: For those students who do not like to take a laptop with them, colleges provide several computer labs for them.-free: suffix without sth. you do not want (used with some nouns to form adjectives or adverbs) 无…的 fat-free food 不含脂肪的食品

34 And for students who study late into the night, many have set up 24-hour repair shops where students can get their laptops fixed by the next day and receive a loaner in the meantime. (Para. 11)

Meaning: And for those students who study till very late at night, many colleges have established 24-hour shops where students can have their laptops repaired by the next day; at the same time, they can borrow a laptop from the repair shops while their own laptops are under repair.

12 Colleges around the world have been replacing their computer systems for the past decade, in large part to provide students with the most advanced free system. The anywhere-anytime access has already yielded amazing benefits in education. With the widespread application of computer technologies, we are going to produce a generation of problem-solvers and intelligent thinkers, which is indispensable for the future of the world.

12 在过去 10 年里,世界各地的大学都在更换其计算机系统,主要是为了给学生提供最先进的免费系统。随时随地的网络连接使教育深受裨益。 随着计算机技术的广泛应用,我们将培养出善于解决问题和善于思考的一代人,这对于世界的未来是至关重要的。 35 Colleges around the world have been replacing their computer systems for the past decade, in large part to provide students with the most advanced free system. (Para. 12)

Meaning: Colleges worldwide have been upgrading their computer systems in the past decade, mainly because they want to offer their students the most advanced free system.

36 The anywhere-anytime access has already yielded amazing benefits in education. (Para.12) Meaning: The fact that the Internet is available anywhere and anytime on campus has produced surprising benefits in education.

37 With the widespread application of computer technologies, we are going to produce a

generation of problem-solvers and intelligent thinkers, which is indispensable for the future of the world. (Para. 12)

Meaning: With computer technologies being widely used, we are going to produce a generation of people who are good at solving problems and thinking about things originally. Such a generation is essential for the future of the world.

Unit 4 Section A Heroes Among Us

I. Teaching objectives

By the end of the class, the students are supposed to: Talk about heroism; Understand the text fully;

Apply the phrases and patterns;

Understand the question-example-conclusion pattern and master the paragraph writing skill. II. Teaching method: task-based approach


5. Summary

Text A is an essay on people’s view about what makes a hero. It is pointed out that in the past the word ―hero‖ was reserved for those who performed acts of courage beyond the call of duty or for great leaders, while today heroes can be ordinary people like us. Besides, first responders, whose duty is to rush toward danger, are also heroes, even when their efforts failed to bring about desirable effects. Hopefully, we will also act heroically when circumstances call on us. V. Homework

All the exercises are to be done by the students after class as homework and answers are to be checked in the next class.

Unit Five Cliff Young, an Unlikely Hero

A. Key Words

1. regardless adv. 不管;不顾

They are ready to take action regardless of what will happen in the future. 2. finance vt. 为…提供资金

I managed to finance four years of university tuition with scholarships and part-time job. 3. substantial adj. ① 大量的;多的

Each winner received a substantial cash prize plus a laptop. ② 物质的,材料的

With the development of human civilization and the improvement of living standards, people now care more about the spiritual life than the substantial life. 4. react vi. (作出)反应

The management reacted to the demand of workers by increasing their wages since April. My father never saved money and I reacted against that. 5. alike adv. 两样都(用于强调刚提及的两者)

The new technology lowered costs for factories and buyers alike.

adj. 相同的,相像的

The two brothers are very much alike, not only in appearance but also in thinking. 6. welfare n. ① 幸福,康乐,安康

These organizations have fought very hard for the rights and welfare of old people. ② (政府或组织的)福利救济

The single mother raised her children on welfare. B. Lead in

The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination. — Tommy Lasorda

Victory isn’t defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say, ―I did the best I could; I gave everything I had,‖ then you’re a winner.

— Wolfgang Schadler 1. What sports do you like doing?

I like jogging. When I jog, I listen to music or English. So I don’t feel bored.

I like playing tennis because it is a very exciting sport and it is fun playing with friends. 2. How much time do you spend on sports every day?


I don’t do sports every day, but I try to exercise regularly. On weekends I always manage to spend as much time as I can playing table tennis, going hiking, or doing yoga.

I spend about half an hour doing exercise every morning. Usually, I run on the sports field on campus. But if it rains, I do push-ups (俯卧撑) and sit-ups (仰卧起坐) in my dorm. 3. Do you think playing sports is important to students? Why? Yes. The benefits are listed:

? to have a more healthy body;

? to provide an opportunity to cooperate with each other; ? to have a positive effect on mental health;

? to increase self-confidence and self-awareness; ? to reduce depression and anxiety. C. Background information

1. Do you know any information about Sydney-to- Melbourne Ultramarathon(超级马拉


The time of the first official race: 1983;

The sponsor of the first official race: a shopping center group—Westfield; Another name of the race: Westfield Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon.

2. What is the difference between standard marathon and Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon?

? The distance of the standard marathon: 42.195 kilometers;

? The distance of the Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon: 875 kilometers;

? The Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon was regarded as one of the toughest races in the


3. Who is Cliff Young? ? An Australian farmer;

? The winner of Sydney-to-Melbourne Ultramarathon in 1983 at an age of 61; ? The awarder of the Medal of the Order of Australia ―for long distance running‖; ? The achiever of a world age record in a six-day race in Victoria D Main ideas and Structure

The text is a story about Cliff Young, a legendary runner in Australia.

Cliff Young, an ordinary farmer, won the annual Australian marathon from Sydney to Melbourne in 1983.

Part 1: Cliff Young took part in the Australian marathon in 1983 and finally won it.(Para1-Para10) Part 2: Cliff Young’s life after the race of 1983 (Para 11-Para 13) Part 3: Cliff Young sets a good example for other people. E. Detailed study of the passage 1). under contract 订有工作合约

The company operates the school under contract to the local education authorities. 2). When sb. asserted his intention to do sth., other people reacted with … 用于表达“当某人明确表示自己要做某事时,其他人的反应”。

When these medical workers asserted their intention to give their lives for the public health, the public reacted with surprise and then with respect. 3)keep at it 坚持


I know it’s hard, but keep at it! Don’t give up! 4) insist v. ① 坚称

Laura insisted that she was doing everything to solve the problem.

② 坚持认为;执意要求

She insisted that we not stay at the hotel, but stay in her house. E. Summary of main ideas and key expressions Cliff Young, an Unlikely Hero

The annual Australian marathon is one of the toughest races in the world, a harsh test of __________ for the world’s top athletes. Cliff Young, a __________ 61-year-old famer with rubber boots, was to take part in the race. People first assumed Cliff was there to _________ the race. When they learned of his intention, the athletes around him reacted with ____________ and ___________. The press were _________, focused the cameras on Cliff and shouted questions at him.The marathon started and Cliff was _________________with the strangest running style. Everyone was _____________ the next morning when the news showed Cliff was still in the race. Cliff , though behind others, kept running just like gathering his sheep and trying to __________________. By the fifth night, he had overtaken all the other runners and ________the record by finishing the 875-kilometer race in 5 days, 15 hours and 4 minutes—9 hours faster than anyone before! Cliff Young became ______________________. He distributed his first prize to 5 other runners. Cliff came to ___________ again in 1997, at age 76, when he ran around Australia to raise money for homeless children. He kept running for the rest of his life and never ______________. It was not until the year 2000 when he had _____________ that he stopped running. To this day, Cliff Young remains a ____________ reminder and brilliant example of how ordinary ___________ can inherently achieve remarkable results.

1 严酷的耐力考验 2 为荣誉和奖金而战 3 没有人注意到某人或某事 4 聚集的人群 5 明确表示某人要做某事 6 明显的怀疑 7 把某人远远地甩在后面 8 担心某人的身心健康 9 无意做某事 10 拖曳的步履 11 打破记录 12 受人爱戴的民族英雄 28

