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Part one:

1)The phenomenon is called convergence, and its study forms an important chapter in modern analysis.

2)One of the achievements in outer space exploration in the 20th century was the awareness that there might be life in the space.

3) Inexperienced as he is, he is able to design so complicated a circuit.

4) Elasticity is defined as the tendency of a body to return its original state after being reformed.

5) Accurate in operation and high in speed, computers are able to save a lot of time and human labor.

6) In this case there is no assurance/guarantee that this circuit is tuned to that


7) Over the ten years since this book was published, significant changes have been

seen in electronics.

8) To visit these records, all users need to do is launch the browser to pay a visit to the


9) None of the ordinary windows can withstand so large a force. No ordinary windows can withstand so large a force.

10) The distance of the earth from the moon is as great as 240,000 miles.

11) It is necessary to determined under what condition it is that this equation is true. 12) The most fundamental operation in physics, the process of measurement will be

discussed briefly in this chapter.

13) For this series to converge, x must be less than 1.

14) Upon substituting these values into/in Eq.(1-5), we have the following result 15) Sending a signal from one place to another is what is called transmission. Part two:

1. The Atlantic was so dangerous for the Americans to send enough men and war materials across.

2. Only if the force is known as a function of time can this integral be evaluated. 3. By power is meant the speed, or rate, of doing work. 4. (On) Being heated, the air in the bottle expands / will expand.

5. The introduction to the ability of the refrigerator to freeze is made.

6. This paper describes the properties of and the algorithm for this type of problem. 7. The resistance of a conductor depends not only on the material of which the conductor is made, but also on the size and temperature of the conductor. 8. Engineers are busy in designing a new type of computer. 9. Distance equals speed multiplied by time.

10. This is due in part to the fact that earth is not spherical.

11. Many of the principl es of a receiver apply also to a transmitter. 12. The rate at which work is done is referred to as power. (The rate of doing work is referred to as power.)

13. This demand is difficult to meet at the temperature of 40℃. 14. This is so small a signal that it cannot make transistor Q4 conduct. 15. The voltage across the resistor is a few tenths of a volt. Part three: Translation: 1)

在影像内容的创造和分配方面,这个时代的数字多媒体带来许多优势。但拷贝和编辑的容易性也方便了未经授权使用、占有和误传。 2)

已经为各种应用开发了许多种类的水印。水印可以是有形的也可以是无形的。 通过观察容易检测到有形的水印,然而为观测者设计成透明标志的无形的水印用信号处理技术才能检测到。 3)

不可见或透明的标志使用人类视觉系统的特性来最小化水印图像中知觉失真。 4)





1. Content providers embed the watermark into an image.

2. A robust mark is designed to resist attacks that attempt to remove or destroy the mark. Such attacks include lossy compression, filtering, and geometric scaling.

3. Fragile marks are not suited for enforcing copyright ownership of digital images; an attacker would attempt to destroy the embedded mark and fragile marks are, by definition, easily destroyed. 4. global positioning system (GPS)

5. no additional information is necessary for authenticity verification. fragile watermarking can determine which areas of a marked image have been altered and which areas have not, as well as estimate the nature of the alterations.


