考研英语词汇复习(67): support、stand up for、back up、stand by、 sustain、 uphold

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考研英语词汇复习(67): support、stand up for、back up、stand by、 sustain、 uphold

考研英语词汇复习(67):support、stand up for、back up、

stand by、sustain、uphold


support、stand up for、back up、stand by




stand up for

back up

stand by


support指支持别人的主张、观点、论点、行动等,可指物质、金钱、证据、道义上的支持。动词短语stand up for、stand by 可替代support。back up 侧重指在背后支持。

考研英语词汇复习(67): support、stand up for、back up、stand by、 sustain、 uphold

1) The overwhelming majority of the committee members support/stand up for the proposal the chairman set forth at the meeting.


2) My father got very angry and said it was all my fault, but my mother stood up for me and said it wasn’t my fault.


3) They promised to stand by our administrative reforms of our company.


4) He promises to back up/support our suggestion if we put it to the meeting for approval.




sustain本意是“支撑”、“维持”引申出“支持”。uphold 含义较广,也可指

考研英语词汇复习(67): support、stand up for、back up、stand by、 sustain、 uphold


1) Seeing the branches could hardly sustain the weight of the apples, the old man found some poles with which to support them.


2) It was the hope for better future that sustained me when I was in misery at that time.


3) I’m afraid that these provisions cannot sustain us through the week. We’ll have to ask for assistance.


4) There are eight columns which uphold the big dome.


5) Your praise and sympathy uphold me greatly.


6) I uphold him in his policy of adopting the credit system in our college.

考研英语词汇复习(67): support、stand up for、back up、stand by、 sustain、 uphold


