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英文名称:College English (Listening and Spoken) 学 时 数: 96学时 课程编号:050202B 学 分 数:6学分


一、 一、 课程的性质、目的和任务

“大学英语听说课”是我校依据高教部颁发的《大学英语课程教学要求》中提出的培养学生的英语综合能力, 特别是听说能力的教学目标,以及社会对大学生英语应用能力要求不断提高的形势下, 面向全校非英语专业大学本科生开设的一门公共必修课。使学生在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。该课程分为英语听力和口语两部分,在大学本科第一学期、第二学期和第三学期开设。通过本课程的学习,使基础较好的学生能够达到该大纲的较高要求,一般基础的学生能够达到该大纲的基本要求。


等 级 教学任务 听 主要内容 能听懂英语讲课及简短会话和基本要求 谈话,抓住中心大意和要点。 语速为100wpm。 讲32学一次课 时 /周 主要辅导 学时教学 答疑 分配 方式 比例 CE1 能听懂英语讲课及简短会话、 较高要求 谈话和讲座,抓住中心大意、 要点和有关细节,领会作者观 点和态度。语速为120wpm。 1、新视野听说教程 (1册) 具体内容 2、《大学英语听力分级教程》(上)Unit 1-Unit 10 能进行简单的日常会话,能就 基本要求 教材内容作简短回答和复述, 能就熟悉的话题做简短发言。 表达思想基本清楚。 能进行日常会话,能就教材内 容展开讨论和复述,能就熟较高要求 悉 的话题展开谈话。表达思想基 本清楚。 《大学英语口语分级教程》 说 Unit 1 My family Unit 2 Hometown Unit 3 Sports Activities Unit 4 Leisure Time Unit 5 Plans For Future 具体内容 Unit 6 Language Study Unit 7 Festivals and Special Occasions Unit 8 Food and Eating Habits Unit 9 Personal Description Unit 10 Campus Life 能听懂英语讲课及简短会话、 基本要求 谈话和讲座,抓住中心大意、 要点和有关细节,领会作者观 点和态度。语速为120wpm。 能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话 听 和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、 较高要求 篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节 目,语速为每分钟135词左 CE2 右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。 1、新视野听说教程 (2册) 具体内容 2、《大学英语听力分级教程》(上)Unit11-Unit 20 能进行日常会话,能就教材内 说 容展开讨论和复述,能就熟基本要求 悉 的话题展开谈话。表达思想基 本清楚。 讲 课 32学一次时 /周 能和英语国家人士进行一定程 度的交流,能够掌握一定的会较高要求 话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。 《大学英语口语分级教程》 Unit 11 Job Hunting Unit 12 Trip Unit 13 Weather Unit 14 Shopping Unit 15 Music 具体内容 Unit 16 My Gift and Meaningful Objects Unit 17 Environment Unit 18 Modern Technology Unit 19 Media Unit 20 Education 能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话 听 和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟基本要求 悉、 篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节 目,语速为每分钟130词左 右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。 讲 课 32学 一次时 /周 CE3 能基本听懂英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内英语较高要求 广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟150词左右,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和相关细节。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的专业课程。 1、新视野听说教程(3册) 具体内容 2、《大学英语听力分级教程》(下)Unit 21-Unit 30 说 能和英语国家人士进行一定程 基本要求 度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。 能就一般或专业性话题较为流利、准确地进行对话或讨论,能用简练的语言概括较高要求 内容较长、语言稍难的文本或讲话,能在国际会议和专业交流中宣读论文并参加讨论。

具体内容 《大学英语口语分级教程》 Unit 21 Changes Unit 22 Transportation Unit 23 Friendship and Relationship Unit 24 Internet Unit 25 Wild Life in My Country Unit 26 Clothing Unit 27 Social Problems Unit 28 Wealth and Health Unit 29 Part-Time Job Unit 30 Going Abroad Unit 31 Steps to Success Unit 32 Unforgettable Experience








1、《新视野大学英语》听说教程1-4外语教学与研究出版社 2001年底1版 2、《大学英语听力分级教程》上、下册。孙力主编。吉林科学技术出版社出版。2002年 3、《新编大学英语》1、2、3、4册。浙江大学编著。外语教学与研究出版社。1999年4月


2004 至2005 学年度第 一 学期

04级各 班《 大 学 英 语 听力 》课程授课计划

一、 一、 说明


通过这一学期的英语教学,培养学生具有一定的听、说能力。重点提高学生的听力水平使学生达到大学英语一级水平,进一步提高学生运用英语的综合能力。 2.2.学时数分配情况:

教学计划 上学期 规定的总 已进行的 学 时 学时数 2×16×4 0 本 学 期 的 学 时 分 配 总 计 32 理论教学 32 实 验 习题课 测 验 设 计 下学期 尚余的 学时数 2×16×3 课内外 比例 1:3 3.3.主要教学参考书及资料:

《新视野大学英语听说教程》第一册 《大学英语听力分级教程》 《新视野大学英语》教师用书 《大学英语口语分级教程》 《现代英语用法词典》


4.4.成绩考核方式和及格标准: 成绩考核方式:听力为闭卷考试。

及 格 标 准: 听力+ 口语=100分,60分为及格。




? ? 在教学中不断探索教学规律,推广教改成果,坚持集体备课,细致批改作业,

及时进行讲评,定期对学生进行阶段水平考试。 ? ? 进行听力、口语训练,注意与学生互动。 ? ? 开展丰富多彩的第二课堂活动,完善教学效果


总教学周15周。 “十一”放假一周。

课 堂 教 学 周 别 星期 时数 教 学 内 容 教学方式 课外作业 布置作业题数 做听力课后练习,预习Unit 1 Section A 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习,预习Unit 3 Section A 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习,预习Unit 5 Section A 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习,预习Unit 7 Section A 做听力课后练习, 复习及作业所需时间 3小时 完成情况 一 听力 2 听力 Unit 1及口语训练 听力 Unit 1——Unit 2及口语训练 听力Unit 2 及口语训练 听力 Unit 3及口语训练 听力 Unit3----Unit 4及口语训练 听力Unit 4及口语训练 听力 Unit 5及口语训练 听力 Unit5----Unit 6及口语训练 听力 Unit 6及口语训练 听力Unit 7及口语训练 听力 Unit 7----unit 8及口语训练 听力 Unit 8及口语训练 听力 Unit 9及口语训练 听力课 Unit 9---及口语训练 讲授 二 三 听力 听力 2 2 讲授 讲授 3小时 3小时 四 听力 2 讲授 3小时 五 六 听力 听力 2 2 讲授 讲授 3小时 3小时 七 听力 2 讲授 3小时 八 九 听力 听力 2 2 讲授 讲授 3小时 3小时 十 听力 2 讲授 3小时 十一 听力 2 讲授 3小时 十二 听力 2 讲授 做听力课后练习, 做听力课后练习,预习unit 9 Section A 做听力课后练习, 3小时 十三 听力 2 讲授 3小时 十四 听力 2 讲授 3小时 十五 听力 2 总复习 答疑 总复习 3小时 院(系)院长(主任): 课程负责人: 任课教师:

Lesson Plan Unit 1

Lesson Plan Designer: Xv Xiaoying

Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking Class:

Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following two aspects.

1. 1. Listening: Students should learn to be accustomed to college listening class, for example, how to understand a conversation, get used to long passages. After learning the article, they can put their knowledge into listening.

2. 2. Speaking: Students learn to describe his or her own family, about his or her father, mother and about themselves. They will learn to use simple and understandable English to express himself or herself. Teaching Content:

1. 1. Listening: Unit 1, Listing Text Book 1

1) 1) Learning New Words 2) 2) Listening practices

2. 2. Speaking: Unit 1, Spoken English for College Students

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing one’s family.

Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or resources: Sound lab.

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each part will take 50 minutes.

I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (50 min). a) New words at page 5.

b) Section A: 20 words in our article

c) Section B: 20 sentences. Students will answer the question after what they have heard. d) Section C: 3 passages and followed by 15 true or false questions. e) section D: 3 passages and followed by 15 questions. 2.The second period: Speaking practice, (50 min). a) Section One: Essential Vocabulary b) Section Two: Useful Sentences

1. 1. I love my family very much and I get along well with my family members. 2. 2. I have an extended family.

3. 3. My great parents live together with us.

4. 4. My gather is a worker/ farmer/doctor/engineer/factory director/manager director﹍ 5. 5. My mother works in a hospital/railway station/factory/supermarket﹍ 6. 6. We live together.

7. 7. Our relatives live in﹍and I miss them very much.

8. 8. My mother has retired. My father is due to retire this year. 9. 9. My elder sister works, but she is still single. c) Section Three: Possible Questions and Answers A: where were you born?

B: I was born in ﹍which is beautiful seaside city. A: When did you move to﹍

B:I moved to ﹍in 1991when my parents transferred their job A: Who are the members of your family? B: My parents, a younger sister, and i. A: What are your parents doing?

B: They are farmers and still work to support our family. A: What did your parents do before they were retired?

B: My father was a businessman and my mother was an accountant. A: Do you have any brothers or sisters? What are their jobs?

B: Yes, I have a brother who works in a shoe factory and a sister who is a primary school student. d) Section Four: Example Paragraphs

Example I

I have a medium-sized family, my parents, my elder brother, a younger sister, and I. My father and my mother are both retired. Now they run a broth in down town area. My younger sister is a senior school student, who works hard. My elder brother who has graduated from Beijing University is now working in a big company as a department manager. He is very sociable and popular with his colleagues. He usually sends money to me. Every member of my family cooperates well. We love each other.

Example 2

I was born in﹍,but moved to﹍when I was 16. my parents are both doctors, and were assigned to work in a hospital there. They are both retired now. I came to Shanghai in 1993 to study economic at Fudan University, where I met my girlfriend. We got married after we graduated, and still lived there. I also have an elder brother who lives in﹍with his wife and a younger sister who still lives in﹍with our parents.


I dream of a large family, because I believe that I can find more advantages. Among brothers and sisters, I can earn about the true intellectual of understanding people: patience, forgiveness, sharing, receiving, trust , faithfulness, prudence and friendship.

The family is the building block of society. When I have matured within the home, I am ready to go out into the world.

e) Section Five: Partnership Activity

Work with your partner to talk about your family according to the following subtopics: 1. 1. One of your family members who has had the most influence in your life. 2. 2. One of your family members whom you love most.

3. 3. How the family environments shape a person’s character and future. 4. 4. The pressure you might feel from your family. 5. 5. The generation gap between you and your parents. f) Section Six: Debate Activity

Divide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con: Family environment is essential to our success in the future.

G) Section seven: picture Talking

Describe the picture and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. The words given below are for your reference.

h) Section eight: language tips Offering suggestions

A: what’s wrong?

B:I am bored. What can I do? A: Why don’t you watch TV?

B:I can’t. it is broken. Anyway, there is nothing good on tonight.

A: Oh dear. Well, how about coming to the cinema with me, then? We can go to the Odeon. B: That is not a bad idea. Ok If you pay for me.

A: Oh! Well, in that case, what about going to a disco? B: Good idea! And I will pay for you ! let’s go! A: Right then! Assignment Projects:

Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus. Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)

Lesson Plan Unit 2

Lesson Plan Designer: Huang Xuemei Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking

Class: Class1,2 of Law2004, Mineral Resources Engineering2004, Measurement and Survey


Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

?Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following three aspects.

3. 3. Listening: Students should master some skills in listening, for example, how to grasp the key words in listening to the conversation between two or more people. Usually the key words are the subject nouns and the predicate verbs.

4. 4. Speaking: Students learn to describe various changes in our hometown, transportation, our way of life, technology and about themselves. They will learn to use comparative degree and superlative degree to describe the changes. Teaching Content:

3. 3. Listening: Unit 2, Listing Text Book 1

1) 1) Understanding Words 2) 2) Understanding sentences 3) 3) Understanding passages

4. 4. Speaking: Unit 2, Spoken English for College Students

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing hometown. Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or resources:

Sound lab.

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part One is listening and Part Two is speaking. Each part will take 50 minutes.

I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (Unit2 A Busy Weekday Morning )(50 min). a) Understanding Words: Listening Task1 b) Understanding Words: Listening Task2 c) Understanding sentences: Listening Task1 d) Understanding sentences: Listening Task2 e) Understanding passages: Listening Task1 f) Understanding passages: Listening Task2

2.The second period: Speaking practice, (50 min). a) Section One: Essential Vocabulary b) Section Two: Useful Sentences

1. 1. My hometown is a beautiful ancient city.

2. 2. My hometown is located in the northeast of China. 3. 3. There are many historical sites.

4. 4. My hometown is famous for its parks.

5. 5. My hometown is surrounded by beautiful hills. 6. 6. My hometown is near the sea, in a bay.

7. 7. The major industries are oil and automobile manufacturing. 8. 8. There are many opportunities in my hometown.

9. 9. It stands beside a wide beautiful river at the foot of low green hills. 10. 10. My hometown is a small village deep in mountains.

11. 11. After an absence of one year I find my hometown completely changed.

12. 12. Tourism is our new business. We are planning to develop this smokeless industry. 13. 13. Though I am far from it now, I often think of my hometown. 14. 14. Well it’s clean but maybe it’s too quiet.

15. 15. My hometown hasn’t experienced too many changes. It’s stayed the same.

c) Section Three: Possible Questions and Answers 1. 1. Whereabouts is your hometown?

A: My hometown is … It is situated in… province, which is in the northeast of China. B: My hometown is a small village ,which belongs to… province. 2. 2. Could you tell me something about your hometown?

A: My hometown’s a small place, just outside of … It takes about half an hour to get there. The people there are mostly farmers. But it’s quite peaceful place and I like it.

B: Well, my hometown is a big city. It is …,the capital of…province. It is famous for the beautiful scenery and some historical sites. It’s really a busy city. The pace of life is fast and I enjoy the life there.

3. 3. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

A: My hometown is coastal city neat the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches.

B: My hometown is right near the Song Hua Jiang River, and it’s kind of a flat area, with

mountains in the distance.

C: Ok, my hometown is surrounded by beautiful hills. There is a very famous one, that it is

Mt.Qian. If you let me to recommend a place to visit in my hometown, it must be Mt.Qian. 4. 4. What are the people like in your hometown?

They’re very friendly but a bit conservative. People still hold on a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think people there are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they’ll always try to help you out of find someone else who can.

5. 5. Do you think your hometown is a good place for a young person to live?

A: yes, I do, because it’s got a lot of opportunities and the entertainment facilities ate quite good. You can get a decent job here if you have some skills and you can make a lot of good friends if you have a good personality. Welcome you to choose my hometown go live after graduation.

B: No, I think if you’re young, you’d be better off going to a bigger city with more opportunities. I think my hometown is more suitable for an older crowd, who enjoy a more peaceful life. Younger people get bored with the way things are here. 6. 6. Do you like your hometown, and tell me why or why not?

A: Yes. Although it may not have as many opportunities, I think the people there are industrious, warmhearted and hospitable and the place is very beautiful.

B: To be frank, I don’t really like my hometown that much. I mean, perhaps there are many people who are happy to live there but I just find that the pollution problem is just too bad, and to me its doesn’t seem like a good place to live.

7. 7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in your hometown?

I think the biggest advantage is that it’s a place where you can find a good job with a

good salary, if you try very hard. Also, the people are quite kind and generous. The main disadvantages are the traffic and pollution problems. If you stay in my hometown you will know that these are the two things that everyone here hates the most.

d) Section Four: Example Paragraphs Example 1

My hometown---Qingdao, lies at the southwestern tip of Shandong Peninsula. It is surrounded with mountains on its three sides. Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city with agreeable climate. However about one hundred years age, it is only a fishing village. Now red bricks and green trees are the features of it. Qingdao attracts thousands of visitors every year. Not only the scene is nice, but also the people are excellent. Moreover Qingdao is famous for beer and seafood. Anyone who comes here wants to taste them. I love my hometown.

Example 2

My hometown is a very small mountain village in the north of China. It is beautiful and far from cities and noise. In the past it was very poor and cut off from the outside world. Now everything has changed. People lead better lives and get more chances to see the world. Example 3

My hometown is a middle-sized city. I love my hometown. When my study approaches

the end, I am eager to return to my hometown as soon as possible. I was born there and grew up there. I am familiar with everything there: rivers, mountains, culture, people, way of life, etc. I saw the changes there these years with my own eyes. This is the place I always think of wherever I go. I cannot forget the friendship with my young players. I cannot forget the laughter and sorrow I experienced there. In a word I love you---my hometown!

e) Section Five: Partnership Activity

Work with your partner to talk about your hometown according to the following subtopics: 1. 1. The basic details(location, size, main features) of your hometown 2. 2. The interesting things to see in your hometown. 3. 3. the best season in your hometown.

4. 4. Something that your hometown is famous for. 5. 5. A famous person from your hometown.

Divide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con: Living in the city is better than living in the countryside city.

Assessment: Assess students learning of this unit by the following methods.

Assignment Projects:

Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus.

Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)

Lesson Plan Unit 3

Lesson Plan Designer: Gao Hui

Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking

Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School

Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching

Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的

课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following three aspects.

5. 5. Listening: Students should master some skills in listening, for example,

how to grasp the key words in listening to the conversation between two or more people. Usually the key words are the subject nouns and the predicate verbs.

6. 6. Speaking: Students learn to describe various kinds of sports activities in daily life

and talk about the sports they like. They will learn to use useful sentences and expressions.

Teaching Content:

5. 5. Listening: Unit 3, Listing Text Book 1

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) 2) Listening practices

6. 6. Speaking: Unit 3, Practicing Conversational skills

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing sports activities. Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or resources: Sound lab.

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each par will take 50 minutes.

I. The first period: Understanding Words and sentences, (50 min). a) Listening Task 1:Choose the right meaning for each word. b) Listening Task 2:Fill in the missing words.

c). Listening sentences and choose the correct answer. 2.Understanding Passages, (50 min). a) Listening Task 1: T or F questions

b) Listening Task 1: 3 passages followed by 15 questions 7. 7. The third period: Speaking practice, (50 min) 1. 1. Section one: Essential Vocabulary b) Section two: Useful Sentences

1.I like playing basketball,/table tennis,/volleyball. 2.I am fond of swimming, skating, and boating as well. 3.We like to play basketball as well as football. 4.I prefer to do Taijiquan.

5.I prefer swimming to skating.

6.I feel like jogging in the morning and strolling along the street in the afternoon. 7.I’m fond of playing basketball very much.

8.People like swimming because they can keep in shape by practicing 9.Whenevey I join the game, I feel relaxed and excited.

10.Playing can make your body strong, and you can release your tension & burden. 11.Friendship first, competition second.

12.I should exercise more because I’m out of shape.

c) Section Three: Possible Questions and Answers

a) a) What do you like doing in your spare time? b) b) I like playing basketball & chess. A. A. What is your favorite sports game? B. B. My favorite game is table tennis. A. A. Why do you like table tennis most?

B. B. Because the rule of it is easy to follow & it is easy to find a place to play


A. A. Why most people in your country like table tennis?

B. B. They treat it as good way to strengthen their bodies, and an excellent

means of entertainment.

A. A. What is the reason why you like…?

B. B. The reason is that I fell excited and relaxed when I take it up.

d) Section Four: Example Paragraphs

Example 1

My favorite sports game is basketball, because it can make me strong, and I can get to know more new friends. Every day after afternoon’s class, my classmates and I

will play on the play court. We run and sweat. By practicing, we perfect our skills. In addition, we even become strong in personality. We cooperate well with each other. Last year we got championship title in the campus competitions.

Example 2

I am a football fan. Whenever there is a football match, I will always be a spectator and I also play it in my spare time. Playing football makes me fell excited and when you run on the playground, and compete with other, you feel a real stimulation. We try to win the game, and we develop an idea to be the beat. I like it.

Example 3

Game should provide a way to bond friendships and to relax. After all, not everybody can win. If I made two or three good moves or a partial victory during the course of a game, it was enough for me. One of the strengths of sport, and particularly of team games, is that the playing field can cultivate teamwork and a sense of belonging to a group. There is an English expression that says that the British Empire was built “on the playing-field of Eton”.

Example 4

Sports provide people with both exercise and enjoyment. They are also a source of entertainment. Different people like different sports. Some people choose a sport for the type of exercise it offers. For instance, weight-lifting requires a lot of strength, while gymnastics requires graceful coordination. Others choose a sport for the type of participate with team members, while running tends to be an individual sport where you do not participate with a team. As for those who choose not to participate in a sport, they may well enjoy it as spectators.

e) Section Five: Partnership Activity

Work with your partners to talk about sports according to the following subtopics:

1. 1. The benefit or advantages of talking up a particular activity. 2. 2. The relationship between sports activities and you studies. 3. 3. The sport you like best.

4. 4. Your opining of Chinese football.

f) Section Six: Debate Activity

Divide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con Chinese football team will be the champion of the World Cup someday.

Assessment: Assess students learning of this unit by the following methods.

Assignment Projects:

Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus. Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)

Lesson Plan Unit 4

Lesson Plan Designer: Liu yi Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking

Class: Mechanical Automation: 2004-3.4 Electronic Automation: 2004-1.2 Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching Syllabus of

the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes.

(达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Title of the lesson: Unit 4 How to Make a Good Impression, New Horizon College English Book 1

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following two aspects.

7. 7. Listening: Students should learn to be accustomed to college listening class, for example, how to understand a conversation, get used to long passages. After learning the article, they can put their knowledge into listening.

8. 8. Speaking: Students learn to describe his or her own family, about his or her father, mother and about themselves. They will learn to use simple and understandable English to express himself or herself. Teaching Content:

8. 8. Listening: Unit 4 “Leisure Time”, Listing Text Book 1

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) 2) Listening practices

9. 9. Speaking: Unit 4, Spoken English for College Students

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing one’s family. Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or resources: Sound lab.

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each part will take 50 minutes.

I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (50 min). a) New words at page 5.

b) Section A: 20 words in our article

c) Section B: 20 sentences. Students will answer the question after what they have heard. d) Section C: 3 passages and followed by 15 true or false questions. e) Section D: 3 passages and followed by 15 questions. 2.The second period: Speaking practice, (50 min). a) Section One: Essential Vocabulary b) Section Two: Useful Sentences

1. 1. . A hobby I enjoy is collecting telephone cards because the pictures are interesting.

2. 2. I like to read love stories because I feel that they’re always so moving. But I don’t read

them often because I have no time.

3. 3. I like to relax by playing computer games b/c they’re fun.

4. 4. I like going mountaineering in my leisure time, because it is the excitement I like. Just

the mountain and me and the speed too.

5. 5. One of my hobbies is playing card. This is the chance to make friends. I am a fairly

sociable sort of person. I enjoy playing in a team. And we have a really good social life as well.

6. 6. I enjoy cooking. So if I am not working I something invite friends to my home for


7. 7. I prefer to read or listen to music. By the way I like classical music very much. 8. 8. I like to walk around old parts of the city and take photographs.

9. 9. On weekends, I like to log on to the Internet to do some chatting with my cyber friend c) Section Three: Possible Questions and Answers . 1.what do you do in your spare time?

A: I’m a big football fan, even though I’m not good at playing football myself.

But I love to watch the football match on TV whenever I get a chance. I also play ping-pong and volleyball whenever I can. In a word I like sports.

B: I like to play on the computer and surf the Internet. Once I get on the Internet, I find that time really passes very quickly. I make a lot of friends through Internet. Some of them are foreigners. So I also can practice my English there. I also like to go for walks and read novels on ancient Chinese history.

C: I like being with a group of people. It’s livelier and I feel more at ease, especially when I feel that my friends are also having a good time.

D: I’m kind of an indoor type of person, so I guess I like reading most. I’m interested in reading all kinds of books and newspaper or magazine articles, especially those on current issues. I just want to be informed of what’s going on in the world.

E: I prefer being with my friends and family. I’m kind of an outdoor type. I like to go swimming or play badminton with my family or friends during weekends or holidays. If I have a longer vacation, I usually travel to further away places all over the country.

F: I like to go shopping and just spend time walking around outside, if the weather is nice. If I don’t have much money, I still like to go window-shopping and I almost get as much pleasure out of that!

2. A dialogue about interests and hobbies (Ⅰ) Sandy: what are your hobbies, Sandy?

Billy: I play chess, and I like taking pictures. Sandy: But it’s an expensive hobby, isn’t it?

Billy: Yes I guess you are right. I have spent a lot on it. What do you like to do in your spare time? Sandy: I am fond of fishing and hunting. In summer I like swimming best. Billy: Do you play tennis?

Sandy: Yes, but I am not very good at it. I play just for the fan of it. Billy: Shall we have a game together some day? Sandy: Yes, that’s nice. Let’s fix it for this Sunday. Billy: OK

2. A dialogue about interest and hobbies (Ⅱ) A: Do you have any hobbies?

B: My hobbies are traveling and collecting stamp. A: What sports are you interested in? B: What’s your favorite sport?

A: I like fishing best. That’s good means of relaxation. A: Are you keen on music?

B: Yes, I am keen on light and classical music. A: Which do you like better?

B: I prefer classic music. It is a real enjoyment to listen to classical music. A: Do you like reading?

B: Yes, I like reading bestseller. They keep me relaxed. A: What about the movies?

B: I like movies especially documentary and foreign movies. But I don’t like watching TV because I think watching TV is a waste of time. But I like watching news report every evening. I occasionally watch serials

d) Section Four: Example Paragraphs Example 1

Hobbies are hot topics that are talked so much by people. A hobby is something we like to do in our spare time. It might be stamps collection, or making model airplanes. It also might be growing flowers, fishing, or reading, writing, eating and drinking. Almost everyone has something to do during his or her spare time for enjoyment. Some don’t cost anything at all while others are very expensive. Some people think money is not important, but the pleasure it give us is.

Most people take up a hobby for pleasure, friendship, or to develop new interests. People of almost any age can enjoy hobbies of their own, enjoying a good hobby for a while after hard work helps people relax. Example 2

Almost everyone loves music and music is everywhere. We can hear it in a restaurant, in an airport, in supermarket and so on. And we also can enjoy music at home when we are tired or want or be relaxed. Music is important. Music can give us a better feeling about ourselves and about everything around us. When we feel sad, music can cheer us up. When we are exhausted, music can make us energetic. Music can also help us work faster and with pore energy. In a word, life without music is impossible. We cannot live in a world without any music. Example 3

Chinese chess is my favorite indoor hobby. Everybody says I am a fan of Chinese chess. Indeed, I like it best. Playing chess requires real skill. It requires thinking power to calculate each move. It requires exciting mental activities and that’s why so many people love Chinese chess. I like it partly because it give me real excitement I can nowhere find, and partly because it refreshes my mind. I hope that more and more people will like Chinese chess. Example 4

As for me, I like best to spend my leisure time in surfing on the Internet. I can make friends through internet. Now I have many cyber friends. And also you cannot fancy there’s so large an amount of information on the Internet, much of which we cannot know from the present textbooks but is more popular and important. It is said that whoever control the Internet will conquer that world in the future.

e) Section Five: Partnership Activity

Work with your partner to talk about your leisure time according to the following subtopics:

1. 1. The different hobbies between girls and boys. 2. 2. Your hobbies and why you like it /them.

3. 3. What do your family most like to do during your leisure time? 4. 4. Your favorite books. 5. 5. Your favorite music. f) Section Six: Debate Activity

Divide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con: Outdoor hobbies are better than indoor hobbies. g) Section seven: picture Talking

Describe the picture and then give your comment on what you see in the picture. The words given below are for your reference. 1. 1. An illiterate person 文盲 2. 2. stove 炉子

3. 3. individual license 个体营业执照 4. 4. tea egg 茶蛋 5. 5. head 户主 6. 6. delicious 美味 h) Section eight: language tips Are you free tonight? A:29823

B:Hello,Val. It’s Dave here. Are you free tonight? A:Dave! Yes, I am. Why?

B:Oh,good. Would you like to come to the cinema with me? A:Oh,yes,I’d love to. What’s on? B:Oh it’s an Old James Bond film. A:Great!

B:I’ll come round seven then.Bye A:Bye.

Assignment Projects:

Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus. Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)

Lesson Plan Unit 5

Lesson Plan Designer: Wangyijiao

Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking of New Horizon College English Class: Computer 2004.3&2004.4 Mechanical Engineering 2004.5&2004.6 Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CET1 described in the Teaching

Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的

课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following three aspects.

9. 9. Listening: Students should master some skills in listening, for example,

how to grasp the key words in listening to the conversation between two or more people. Usually the key words are the subject nouns and the predicate verbs.

10. 10. Speaking: Students learn to describe various changes in our hometown,

transportation, our way of life, technology and about themselves. They will learn to use comparative degree and superlative degree to describe the changes.

Teaching Content:

10. 10. Listening: Unit 5, Listing Text Book 1

1) 1) Learning New Words 2) 2) Listening practices

11. 11. Speaking: Unit 5, Spoken English for College Students

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing changes. Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or resources: Sound lab.

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each par will take 50 minutes.

I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (50 min). a) New words at page 54&55.

b) Section A: Understanding words. Doing the exercises of listening task1 and listening task 2. c) Section B: 3 Understanding sentences. d) Section C: Understanding passages

2. The second period: Speaking practice, (50 min).

a) Section One: Practicing Conversational Skills b) Section Two: Discussing the Text.

Speaking Task 1

Think again about the text you have read in Passage A, Unit 5. Can you tell the class about its main idea? Please have a try! Speaking Task 2

Discuss the following questions in class, using as many of the given words and expressions as possible.

1). What is the effect of AIDS on the American people?

Kill be infected with be diagnosed with Rural communities constitute in the late 1970s 2). How does the owner of a beauty shop educate people about AIDS?

Hand out clients show videos Keep…around books and other publications on the job

3). What are some of the techniques the South Carolina AIDS Education Network has developed in an attempt to win the war against AIDS?

Speak to literacy rate pass out Train teenagers redefine “at risk” make up

c) Section Three: Expressing Yourself

1. What changes have taken place in your hometown in the last 20 years?

Well, I'm pretty young but my parents always complain that my hometown’s traffic is much worse and they say prices are a lot higher. But I think on the positive side, life is better, Houses are in better condition and there are much better shops and cleaner conditions in the restaurants.

2. Has your life changed in the last 10 years and if so, in what ways?

I think my life has changes. It’s a bit more comfortable than it used to because my parents have more money than they used to have. I think I am a bit more responsible than I used to and am not quite as carefree.

3. Is there anything you’d like to change in your life?

Yes, my dependence on my parent. Right now I'm quite dependent on them for money and so I hope I can be more independent in the future and one day be able to support them instead of their always supporting me.

4. How different is your life from the lives of your parents?

It's very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more

comfortable life than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can't really imagine life like that, so I'm grateful that I have a better life than my parents did. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives.

5. Has tourism changed China very much?

Yes, very much in the last 10 years. Each year we are getting more tourists

coming to China since the open door policy. People see more foreigners, and are used to the sight of them now. China is becoming more cosmopolitan and people are getting to know more about the outside world.

6. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China?

Yes, a lot. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get from places in the city. But now in big cities, there are more bus lines, so it’s a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines and that makes things faster. There are also more taxis in cities and more people are also using that as a mode of transportation.

7. Possible dialogue

A: What changes have taken place over the last 20 years?

B: Well, my hometown has seen a big increase in the number of big department stores and shopping complexes.

A: Do you think the changes are positive?

B: On the whole yes, but I think it has increased the gap between rich and poor. A: Why?

B: Because overall prices have risen and wages are only increasing for the highly educated.

A: Can you give me some examples to illustrate what you mean?

B: Well for example, if you are a taxi driver your wage has remained the same in the last five years, but if you are a computer programmer, your wage had skyrocketed. d)Section Four: Listening, Taking Notes and Retelling Integrated Task 1

Listen to the following story twice. The first time, please just listen. The second time, use the spaces below to take some notes on what you have heard about SOAP.

1). Background information about SOAP: It is one of the organizations that is devoted to combating the growing number of AIDS cases. 2). Educational lectures. 3). Peer education.

4). Speaking to their community. Integrated Task 2

Work in small groups. Listen to the story again, answer the following questions, and then retell the story in your own words.

1). How does SOAP speak to its community in a way they can hear?

2). How does SOAP train young and middle-aged workers to educate their peers? 3). How does SOAP hold educational lectures?

e) Section Five: Listening, Discussing and Role-playing Integrated Task 1

The following conversation took place between Sami and Eva about the subject of AIDS. Listen to it carefully. It will be read to you twice. Integrated Task 2

Work in pairs, trying to answer the following questions concerning the conversation you have just heard.

1). What does Sami think about AIDS?

2). What does Eva say about AIDS in China?

3). How does Sami respond to the AIDS problem in China?

4). What does Eva say about the difficulty concerning AIDS education in China?

f) Section Six: Debate Activity

1. 1. What war does this passage describe?

2. 2. What should people do in order to win the war against AIDS?

Assessment: Assess students learning of this unit by the following methods. Listening comprehension test of Band 4, June 1996,

Assignment Projects:

Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus. Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)

Lesson Plan unit 6

Lesson Plan Designer: Xv Xiaoying

Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking Class:

Student entry level: Students at the level of CE1

Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching

Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的

课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following three aspects.

11. 11. Listening: Students should master some skills in listening, for example,

how to grasp the key words in listening to the conversation between two or more people. Usually the key words are the subject nouns and the predicate verbs.

12. 12. Speaking: Students learn to describe their experience in learning a foreign

language; also they need to learn to explain the importance of the foreign language.

Teaching Content:

12. 12. Listening: Unit 6, Listening Text Book 1

1) 1) Learning New Words 2) 2) Listening practices

13. 13. Speaking: Unit 6, Spoken English book for College Students

1) 1) Learning New Words

2) Learning useful sentences and paragraphs needed for describing changes. Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or resources: Sound lab.

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each par will take 50 minutes.

I. The first period: Listening comprehension, (50 min). a) understanding sentences. b) understanding passages. c) discussing the text.

2.The second period: Speaking practice, (50 min). a) Section One: Essential Vocabulary

b) Section Two: Useful Sentences

1. 1. Learning a second language is tough. It takes a lot of persistence.

2. 2. It’s important to learn English well because these days many jobs require English


3. 3. However I think what’s even more important is that your knowledge and understanding

of culture is really improved.

4. 4. I just wish English wasn’t too difficult. I often confused some grammar rules. 5. 5. English is the kind of language, which is better learned by practice than by study.

6. 6. English seems so much different from Chinese. When you listen to it, it is difficult to

catch the individual words.

7. 7. Perhaps the best way to learn English is to just expose yourself to a lot of English and

then give yourself a lot of chance to use it. 8. 8. It opens your mind to a new culture.

9. 9. I think the best way to study it is to learn by using it.

10. I usually try to create something in my mind to use the new vocabulary. c) Section Three: Possible Questions and Answers

1. 1. Why are more and more people interested in learning English.

To begin with, the knowledge of English will make your work and life much more convenient. Good English also means chances and opportunities. With the open door policies adopted, there are more and more foreign companies in china. In the fierce competition at the job market, a candidate who can speak English has a distinct advantage over those who can’t. 2. 2. Do you think a good command of English is helpful to your future work?

Yeah. With English band 4 and band 6 certificates, we can easily get a job when we graduate from college. And we are more likely to succeed in our career if we have a good command of English.

3. 3. Which skill do you think is the most important for a college student, listening, speaking,

reading or writing?

I think, first of all, the four skills are interrelated with one another. The improvement in each aspect will help improve a learner’s overall language skills. But among them, I think reading is the most important because reading makes up the major part of an English exam. If you want to do well in an English exam you have to improve your reading skills. 4. How do you understand the importance of spoken English?

Well, we know that our country has entered WTO successfully; we will have more chances to

know the outside world. More and more foreign business and tourists have come to china. If

we are good at spoken English, we will have more friends and more opportunities. In the meanwhile English is becoming the world’s universal language. A good English speaker will find it much more convenient to travel abroad and to appreciate cultures of different countries. In a sense, spoken English is more practical than written English.

5. I have a problem getting the courage to communicate. What should I do?

It is difficult to develop this in a second language. Develop it best by telling yourself positive things about your ability to communicate.

6. 6. What is the best way to build my vocabulary?

The best way to do this would be to focus on building vocabulary as you read and in many different contexts. 7. Possible dialogue

Mack is talking to his friend Don about language study M: Hi, Don! How are you doing in your English class?

D: I am not improving. Tell me how come your English is so good? M: Well, I have an American girlfriend.

D: Aha! That’s it. Now I know what to do. (He runs off) M: Hey, come back! I was just kidding!

d)Section Four: Example Paragraphs

Example 1

English is an international language. Therefore, it is necessary for us to learn it. It can be rewarding or just a waste of time. It is up to you. It depends on how you study it. Here are some tips about learning English. First, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You will learn from them. Second, you must not be shy. Be thick-skinned and speak up! Finally, you must be patient, remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Example 2

Our aim to learn, I think, is to master more academic knowledge but also to master the way to learn. Then what’s the better way of learning? Of course different people have and should have different ways and there is no real shortcut. I think, first, in the class we must keep our attention concentrated on the teacher’s lectures, trying to understand everything and also memorize them. Secondly if we have something we are not sure or have some trouble in understanding the lecture, ask ourselves and think it over by ourselves then we go for the help from our teacher or classmates. Thirdly we should finish our assignment in time. We shouldn’t leave today’s work till tomorrow. Finally, read as many reference articles and books as possible. Only in this way can we learn well. Example 3

A test of spoken English will be included as an optional part of the college English test (CET). Many people believe a test of spoken English is necessarily because spoken English is an important part of the language. Only when one speaks fluent English can we really master the language. A test of spoken English will stimulate students to improve their oral English. So such a test is necessary. And I intend to take it if possible. e) Section Five: Partnership Activity

Work with your partner to talk about language study according to the following subtopics: 1. The importance of spoken English. 2. The difficulties in learning English. 3. The best way to study English.

4. How English helps scientists or engineers with their research and projects.

f) Section Six: Debate Activity

Divide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con: Grasping the knowledge of grammar is most important in English learning.

Assessment: Assess students learning of this unit by the following methods. Listening comprehension test of Band 4, June 1996,

Assignment Projects:

Ask students to attend the English corner of the campus. Reflection/Teaching Diary:( Omit) (After class)

Lesson Seven Unit 7

Lesson Plan Unit 7

Lesson Plan Designer: Jiang Ling Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking Class: Biology 2004, Environmental Science 2004

Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School Time available of the whole unit: 2 periods (100min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the Teaching Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的—级别的课程教学内容的基本要求,参见教案首页:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音和语速基本正确。)

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following two aspects.

1. 1. Listening: Students should master some skills in listening, for example, how to find out the exact word from a series of words, how to grasp the main idea of the sentences, and how to understand the main idea of passages.

2. 2. Speaking: Students learn to describe the various festivals and special occasions in China and western countries. They should grasp all the essential vocabulary concerning this subject. They are also supposed to know some knowledge about background information. Teaching Content:

1. 1. Listening: Unit 7, Listening Text Book 1

1) 1) Understanding Words 2) 2) Understanding Sentences 3) 3) Understanding Passages

2. 2. Speaking: Unit 7, Step towards Proficiency in Spoken English for College Students

1) 1) Essential Vocabulary 2) 2) Useful Sentences

3) 3) Possible Questions and Answers 4) 4) Example Paragraphs 5) 5) Partnership Activity 6) 6) Debate Activity Teaching Methods:

Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation. Facilities or Resources: Sound lab

Instructional procedures and time allocation:

The Lesson will be divided into two parts. Part one is Listening and part two is Speaking. Each part will take 50 minutes.

I. Part One: Listening Comprehension (50 minutes)

1. 1. Choose the right meaning of each word from each sentence 2. 2. Fill in the missing word in each sentence.

3. 3. Decide the correct answer after listening to 10 sentences. 4. 4. Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. 5. 5. 3 passages and followed by 15 questions

II. Part Two: Speaking Practice (50 minutes) 1. 1. Essential vocabulary 2. 2. Useful sentences:

1). Spring festival is a time when people give out red packets of money to people. 2). During our National Day, many people buy flags to show their love to the motherland.

3). May Day is the time of year when people have a week off and go traveling. 4). On April Fool’s Day people play tricks on each other.

5). Valentine’s Day is a time for p0eople send cards, flowers, and chocolate to their sweethearts.

3. 3. Possible questions and answers 1). What do you do during the Spring Festi8val?

I usually go back to my hometown and spend a week in my parents’ home. We eat delicious food, visit family and friends, and watch TV. I also like to try to contact my high school friends and see how they’re doing and what they’re up to. We give

each other presents and we buy ourselves new clothes to wear for the new year. 2). Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country?

National Day, which is on October the First, is a big holiday. We get three days off and there are a lot of fireworks displays. There are large flower pictures and other types of flowers decorating the city, and some of the larger cities hold parades. 4. 4. Example Paragraphs

1). My favorite holiday is the Spring Festival. When the Spring Festival comes, I can go home to be reunited with my family and friends. I love to travel on the trains with all the other happy people and I love to arrive back in my hometown. On the eve of the Spring Festival, the whole family gathers together to have dinner and to talk. After dinner, I receive money from the elders in my family that I can use to buy all kinds of nice things. The elder members of the family usually watch TV and the young set off firecrackers. This year there were many families who bought fireworks. We enjoyed the beautiful colors and all the noise. During the Spring Festival, everybody seems much friendlier to each other than usual. Everybody says “Happy New Year”. I think the Spring Festival is an important traditional holiday when people feel close to their family and are kind to their friends and neighbors.

2). The Spring Festival is always a big distraction, and for days before and after nobody can get any work done. I find myself enjoying it less and less. First, firecrackers are dangerous. Every year many children have their eyes hurt or even blinded. Even worse sometimes fires are started and whole buildings get burned down. Second, the rich food is unbearable. When I eat them, I feel they are tasteless. Lastly, we are too busy every day to have friends and relatives to call on. And there ate lots of useless conversations and greetings. 5. 5. Partnership Activity

1). Why do Chinese people celebrate Spring Festival? 2). Which festival in the West is equivalent to Spring Festival? 6. 6. Debate Activity

Divide the class into two groups and argue the following matter pro and con: Chinese people will celebrate Christmas in the future. Assessment:

Ask the students to do some exercises after class. Assignment Projects:

Ask the students to attend the English corner of the campus.

Reflection/Teaching Diary: (Omit) (After class)

Lesson Plan Unit 8

Lesson Plan Designer: Zhao Jie Type of the lesson: Listening and Speaking

Student entry level: Students at the level of Senior Middle School Time available of the whole unit : 2 periods(100 min) in total

Instructional goals: Help students reach the level of CE1 described in the

Teaching Syllabus of the Course for Listening and Speaking of College English, Anshan University of Science and Technology, which is displayed at the beginning of the Lesson Planning Notes. (达到鞍山科技大学大学英语听说课程教学大纲规定的CE1级别的课程教学内容的基本要求, 参见教案首页: 听力:听力:能大概听懂英语国家人士讲话和讲座,能基本听懂题材熟悉、篇幅较长的国内广播或电视节目,语速为每分钟130词左右,能掌握中心大意抓住要点。口语:能和英语国家人士进行一定程度的交流,能够掌握一定的会话策略,能基本表达个人意见、情感、观点等,能基本陈述事实、事件、理由等,语音、语调基本正确。).

Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the

following three aspects.

13. 13. Listening: Students should master the new words and expressions in the unit and some skills in listening, for example, how to grasp the key words in listening to the conversation between two or more people. Usually the key words are the subject nouns and the predicate verbs. In the part of understanding passages, students can have general ideas about the passages.

14. 14. Speaking: Students learn to describe Chinese food and eating habits from hometown and give their impression. They can also describe some Chinese cultures in English.

Teaching content

14. 14. Listening: Unit 8, NEW HORIZON COLLEGE ENGLISH BOOK 1

1) 1) Learning New Words 2) 2) Listening practices

