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冀教版初中英语八年级下册电子课本+翻译 Unit 1 Lessons 1-6 Spring Is Coming! 第一单元 第1-6课 春天来了! Lesson 1 How's the Weather? 第1课 天气怎么样? Good morning, everyone. 大家早上好。

I'm Danny Dinosaur on the radio. 这是丹尼·戴诺在为你广播。 What's the weather like today? 今天的天气怎么样?

Here's the weather report. 现在是天气预报。

Today is Friday, February 28. 今天是2月28日,星期五。 It will be snowy and hot. 今天下雪,天气很热。

Danny! When it snows,it's not hot. 丹尼!下雪的时候,不是热。 It's cold. 是冷。

OK, it's not hot. 好的,不是热。

It's not snowing,but it is cloudy. 没有下雪,是多云天。 What's the temperature? 温度是多少? Let's see. 我看看,

It will reach 10℃ during the day. 今天将达到10℃。 It's quite warm today. 今天非常暖和。 Spring is coming. 春天要来了。

Is it going to rain, Danny?



Yes!There will be a shower this afternoon. 是的!今天下午会有雨。

Maybe there will be a thunderstorm. 可能会有暴风雨。

I hope not!I'm scared of thunder! 我希望没有!我害怕打雷! Wow! What strange weather! 哇!这么奇怪的天气!

Now talk about the sunrise and the sunset. 现在说是太阳升起和落山的时间吧。 This morning,the sun rose. 今天早晨,太阳升起。

This evening,the sun will set. 今天晚上,太阳将落山。 No,no!Tell us the exact time! 不,不!告诉我们具体的时间。 The sun rose at 7:25 this morning 太阳今天早晨7:25升起,

and it will set at 6:09 this evening. 今天晚上将在6:09落山。

Lesson 2 It's Getting Warmer! 第2课 天气变暖和了! Dear Jenny, 亲爱的珍妮: Today is March l. 今天是3月1日。

Spring has arrived in Shijiazhuang. 石家庄的春天已经来临了。

The temperature was l0℃ this morning. 今天早晨的温度是10℃。

This afternoon, it reached 15℃. 今天下午,温度将达到15℃。

It was quite warm and the air was fresh. 天气非常暖和,空气很清新。

I need neither my heavy winter coat nor my boots now!


我现在不需要穿冬天的厚重外套和靴子了。 On my way to school this morning, 今天早上在去学校的路上,

I saw some winter jasmine blossoming. 我看见了一些迎春花在盛开。

Here, people believe the blossom of this flower always tells the coming of spring,


so we call winter jasmine \所以我们把它称为“迎春花”。

The days are getting longer and the sun rises earlier in the morning. 白天变得越来越长,太阳越来越早的升起。

The warm sunshine feels good after the cold winter days. 在冬季过后,温暖的阳光让人感觉很舒服。

Every morning,I see lots of people exercising in the park. 每天早晨,我看见许多人在公园里锻炼身体。 Some practice Tai Chi.Others sing and dance. 有人在打太极。有人在唱歌跳舞。

Children run around or play on the swings. 孩子们在周围跑,或者在荡秋千。

We will have a school basketball game next week. 我们下周将举行一个篮球比赛。

My class is also planning a field trip to the countryside. 我们班还计划去郊区郊游。

We will plant trees,enjoy the beautiful flowers and play games. 我们将种树、赏花、做游戏。 Wow!I can't wait. 哇!我等不及了。

What's the weather like in Canada? 加拿大的天气怎么样?

What do you like to do in spring? 你春天想做些什么? Wang Mei 王梅

Lesson 3 The Sun Is Rising 第3课 太阳升起来了


The sun is rising,spring is coming. 太阳升起来了, 春天快到了。

The snow is melting,come with me. 雪在融化,和我一起来。

Climb the hillside,the weather is warming, 爬山,天气变暖了, The wind blows gently, 风轻轻地吹, Through the trees. 穿过树木。

One by one, the flowers blossom. 一个接一个,花儿盛开了。 Enjoy them one by one. 一个一个地欣赏它们。

The sun is rising,spring is coming, 太阳升起来了, 春天快到了。 See it bring,the season's change. 看它带来了什么,季节的变化。 Lesson 4 The Spring City 第4课 春城

When we think of spring, 想起春天,

we think of a season of fine,warm weather and clear,fresh air. 我们就会想到一个美好而温暖的季节,有着干净清新的空气。

We think of new life,green plants and budding trees all around us. 想到新生活,有绿色的植物,萌芽的小树围绕我们。 Everyone longs for spring. 每个人都渴望春天。

Spring is a short season in many places around the world. 春天在世界上很多地方都是一个短暂的季节。

But in my hometown, it feels like spring nearly all year round. 但是在我的家乡,似乎一年四季都是春天。

The weather here is neither too hot nor too cold. 这儿的气候不是太热也不是太冷。

The average winter temperature is 15℃. 冬天的平均气温是15℃。


In summer it never gets too hot. 在夏天,它从不会太热。

The average temperature is 24℃. 平均气温是24℃。

The city gets about 1 000 millimetres of rain every year. 这个城市的年降水量大约是1 000毫米。 There's plenty of sunshine too, 这儿还有充足的阳光,

with about 2250 hours of sunshine every year. 每年的日照时间大约2 250小时。 Because of the spring-like weather, 由于类似春天的气候

you can find hundreds of beautiful flowers and trees anytime of the year, 一年四季你能随时看到上百种美丽的花草树木。 Can you guess my hometown? 你能猜到我的家乡吗?

Yes,it's Kunming-\是的,它是昆明——“春城”。

Lesson 5 Babysitting on a Spring Day 第5课 在一个春天当保姆

Danny is babysitting his cousin Debbie on the playground. 丹尼在操场上照顾他的表妹黛比。 Brian is with them. 布莱恩和他们在一起。

Thank you for helping me,Brian. 布莱恩,谢谢你帮我。

This is my first time babysitting. 这是我第一次当保姆。 You're welcome,Danny. 丹尼,不用客气。 But where is Debbie? 但是黛比在哪儿?

(Danny, turns around. Debbie is on the monkey bars.She is climbing very high.)(丹尼转身。黛比在栏杆上。她爬得非常高。) Hold on,Debbie!Don't fall off! 抓住,黛比!不要摔下来!


(Danny runs towards Debbie.) (丹尼跑向黛比。) Come down, please! 请下来!

I want to climb higher! 我想爬得更高! Come down,Debbie. 黛比,下来。 You're too high up. 你爬得太高了。

Let's play on the swings instead,OK? 我们去荡秋千,好吗? Danny will push you. 丹尼帮你推秋千。 OK, I love swings! 好的,我喜欢秋千!

(She climbs down,runs to the swing and climbs on.) (她爬下来,跑向秋千并爬上去。) Push me,Danny!Push me up higher! 推我,丹尼!把我推得更高! OK.(He gives her a push.) 好的。(他推了一下。) (She laughs.) Push harder! (她笑。)用力推! Can I give you a push? 我可以推你吗?

No, I want Danny to!Higher,Danny! 不,我要丹尼推!丹尼,更高点! (He is tired and hot.) (他又累又热。)

It's time to stop swinging,Debbie. 黛比,该停下来了。 (She gets off the swing.) (她从秋千上下来。)

Let's run!Let's play catch.Or soccer? 我们跑步吧!我们传球玩。或者踢足球?


(Danny runs towards Debbie.) (丹尼跑向黛比。) Come down, please! 请下来!

I want to climb higher! 我想爬得更高! Come down,Debbie. 黛比,下来。 You're too high up. 你爬得太高了。

Let's play on the swings instead,OK? 我们去荡秋千,好吗? Danny will push you. 丹尼帮你推秋千。 OK, I love swings! 好的,我喜欢秋千!

(She climbs down,runs to the swing and climbs on.) (她爬下来,跑向秋千并爬上去。) Push me,Danny!Push me up higher! 推我,丹尼!把我推得更高! OK.(He gives her a push.) 好的。(他推了一下。) (She laughs.) Push harder! (她笑。)用力推! Can I give you a push? 我可以推你吗?

No, I want Danny to!Higher,Danny! 不,我要丹尼推!丹尼,更高点! (He is tired and hot.) (他又累又热。)

It's time to stop swinging,Debbie. 黛比,该停下来了。 (She gets off the swing.) (她从秋千上下来。)

Let's run!Let's play catch.Or soccer? 我们跑步吧!我们传球玩。或者踢足球?


