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一、英文写作要求及范文 (一)信函

1. 求职信 letter of job-application 一封求职信大体可以包括以下几项常见的内容: 1) 起首说明写求职信的缘由和动机:在大多数情况下,求职信是针对招聘广告而写的,首先要说明何时从什

么媒介获得什么职位招聘广告的消息。 2) 介绍个人的情况:如年龄学历工作经历和业绩及特别技能。 3) 说明离职的原因(适合在职或失业人员):雇佣期满,原公司倒闭,想获得更富有挑战性的工作等。 4) 证明人(2-3位) 5) 结尾:请求用人单位安排面试,说明可以参加面试的时间和联系方式。 6) 客套话:

给读信人留下良好的印象。 例: 敬启者: 本人希望应聘昨天在《羊城晚报》广告栏招聘的美容产品女直销员之职。 本人是广东邮电职业技术学院市场营销专业大学三年级学生。在过去两年里,兼职销售

过雅芳的产品。本人的教育背景和所获得的一些实际经验将使我能胜任该职位。 请随时随意打电话给我,我很乐意在您方便的时候前来面谈。号码是:xxxxxxx。如获贵

公司的试用,本人将竭尽全力,让贵公司满意。 敬请留意随函附上的个人简历一份,和照片一张。 证明人:如需要即提供

王芳 dear sir: i wish to apply for the position as a salesgirl advised in yesterday’s yangcheng

evening news for the direct selling of your beauty products. please feel free to call me. i’d be willing to set an appointment with you any day at your convenience. my number is xxxxxx. should you give me a trial, i will do

my best to give you satisfaction. enclosed please find a resume and 1 photograph. references: available upon

request. sincerely yours, wang fang 写推荐信,必须注意以下几点:不能言过其实;应开门见山;被推荐人的个人品行不能

遗漏或表示怀疑。 例: .亲爱的格林先生: 本月14日来信收到,获悉贵公司要招聘一名秘书,特此介绍李兰应聘此职。李兰是暨南大学毕业生,精通中英文,她有三年的秘书经验,是个能力强,精力充沛的年轻人。我相信


如能给李小姐一个面视的机会,我将非常感激。 总经理: 李明 dear mr. green, it will be greatly appreciated, if you will give miss li a chance for an interview. truly yours, (li ming) li ming general manager 3. 介绍信letter of introduction 通常包括如下几个方面:1)被介绍人的姓名2)介绍的理由或目的3)其他有关情况。 例:

亲爱的布朗先生: 我们十分乐意地以此函把上海钢铁公司的主任马·史密斯先生介绍给你们,该公司是我们业务上的朋友。史密斯先生将去马萨诸塞州建立新的联系。如蒙你们给他帮助,将视为是

给我们的帮助,不胜感激! 此致 敬礼!

销售经理: 肖华 dear mr. brown, we have great pleasure in introducing to you, the bearer of this letter, mr. ma

smith, a director of shanghai steel works, one of the business friends of ours. mr. ma is entrusted with the task of visiting massachusetts, to establish new connections and we should greatly appreciate any assistance you may be able to give

him, which will be considered as a personal favor to us. truly yours, (xiao hua) xiao hua

sales manager

4. 建立业务关系 establishment of business relations 主要内容应包括与什么公司建立什么业务往来,为什么。 例: 亲爱的先生: 感谢你们在业务上的合作。我们环球贸易公司殷切期望扩大各种轻工业产品的贸易,可是在美国的加州,我们没有良好的业务关系。因此,请你们介绍几位该地区对上述商品感兴

趣,能力最强,信用最可靠的进口商。 此致谢意,候复。 市场部经理:林新华 dear sirs,

we thank you for your cooperation for our business. yours respectfully, lin xinhua

lin xinhua,

marketing manager 写投诉信的目的不但在于表示不满,还包括反映情况,希望能够得到重视,并使问题得到解决。 例:


我们不得不对发货时间为1月9日,货号为456的一批钢笔提出申诉。 很显然,这批钢笔并不令人满意,很多都有毛病,有些一写就漏水,有些一写就出现墨

水渍。因此,我们 要求把仍未出售的150支钢笔退还给你们,要求用与你们的销售代表留下来的同样质量的钢笔来调换。

请你们尽快处理这个问题。 此致 敬礼! 销售经理: 李华 dear sirs, we are therefore writing to ask you to accept return of the unsold balance, amounting to 150 pens in all, and to replace them by pens of the quality your sales representative had left with us. please give this matter your immediate attention.

sincerely yours, li hua

sales manager 亲爱的先生们, 你们1月9日关于货号为456的一批钢笔的投诉引起了我们极大的关注。感谢你们提出

此事以引起我们的注意。 我们测试了你们所提到的同批生产的钢笔,它们确实有问题。问题在于一台机器的故障


我们打算用156支质量良好的钢笔来调换未出售的150支。多出来的6支免费赠送。 市场部经理: 马力 dear sirs, we have tested a number of pens from the production batch you refer to and agree that they are not perfect. the defects have been traced to a fault in one of the

machines and this has now been put right. we are arranging to send you 156 pens of good quality to replace the unsold balance

150. the extra 6 pens sending to you are free of charge. faithfully yours, ma li

marketing manager 6. 感谢信 letter of thanks 通常,人们对别人的关心、支持、馈赠和招待等表示感谢。写感谢信要写得真挚,令收

信人读后感到愉快,亲切。 例: 亲爱的怀特先生, 我刚回到广州,现在才有机会给你和你的同事写信,表示我们深深的谢意。我们在纽约

期间,受到了你们的热情招待。 这次到贵公司访问,使我茅塞顿开。我期盼着将来有机会再次访问贵公司。 我们很希望

你们早日来广州,让我们有机会回报你们。 请代我问候布朗先生。在我们整个访问期间,他对我们非常友好。 你真诚的朋友:李明 dear mr. white, since i have just returned to guangzhou, it is only now that i get the opportunity to send you and your associates a message of deep thanks for the warm reception during

our stay in new york. we do hope that you will give us, on an early occasion, an opportunity to

reciprocate(回报) by visiting us here in guangzhou. kindly send my greetings to mr. brown who was so kind to us during our entire stay.

sincerely yours, li ming 7. 邀请信(letter of invitation) 邀请信一般要包括邀请的内容、事由、时间、地点,最后表示盼望对方出席。 例: 亲爱的大卫·.郭铭基先生: 听说您将于下月访问北京。我想趁此良机邀请您到广州来参加会议。该会议正好是你在

中国逗留期间举行。如果您能就有关全球化的问题发表演讲,我们将感到很荣幸。 我们将为您提供飞机票,住宿和饮食。能否参加,请尽早通知我们。 此致 敬礼!

你真诚的朋友:王森林 dear mr. david komansky, i was told that you would visit beijing next month this year. may i take the opportunity to invite you to participate in a meeting in guangzhou that coincides to be held during your stay in china? we would feel greatly honored if you can give

a speech on globalization. yours sincerely,

wang senlin 8. 祝贺信letter of congratulations 祝贺信包括以下内容:1)如何获得消息;2)什么消息;3)获得消息后的激动心情;4)表达祝贺。 例: 亲爱的大卫: 我非常高兴听说你最近荣升为公司研发中心总经理。我早就知道你施展自己的非凡才华只是早晚的问题。 经过多年的努力后,你终于实现了自己的理想。希望你在今后的工作中取

得更大的成绩。 致以最衷心的祝贺! 你真诚的好友:李劲 dear david, i’m glad to hear the good news that you were recently appointed general manager of the research and development center. i know it would be only a matter of time before

your unusual abilities were recognized. it’s fine to know you have achieved the goal you’ve been working towards all

these years. i wish you the greatest possible success in the future. my heartiest congratulations! sincerely yours, li jin 9. 道歉信letter of apology 道歉信要写得及时,态度要诚恳,用词要谦逊。一般先向对方表示歉意或内疚,同时说

明原因,提出弥补的方法,通过道歉,以取得对方的谅解。 例: 李明因得重病,今晨不能上班,向经理写一封致歉信,并附上医生证明书一份。恐怕数天后才能上班。 dear sir, i trust that my enforced absence will not trouble you any serious inconvenience.

with renewed regrets, i ask to remain, yours respectfully,

li ming 10. 证明信letter of certification 证明信是证明一个人的身份、经历或某件事情的真相或文件。提交的对象为单位(或公司),称号、格式固定化。开头一般为“兹证明......”由于它是一种证明文件,内容要客观,文体也须与之配合。作为一般文书发出时,通常会以to whom it may concern(敬启者/至

各位相关人员)的称谓开头。 例: 敬启者: 兹证明张慧小姐曾于2001年6月至2004年9月, 正式任职于知达公司,工作长达三年三个月。她曾任本公司国际部的高级主管秘书,主要负责排定约会、安排部门会议和会议记录、

商业书信的撰写及建档等工作。她因个人原因于2004年10月1日辞职。 知达公司人事部主管:eric陈 to whom it may concern,

yours sincerely,

eric chen director personnel department zhida co., ltd. 11. 预订信 (letter of reservation) 预订信要讲明预订规格,时间要求和预订人的姓名和联系方式。 例: 亲爱的先生, 我将于下个月出差到纽约,想向贵旅馆预订房间,时间是从七月一日起共五天。您在七月的第一周必定相当忙碌,若能为我保留二楼的房间,我将不胜感激。我想预订带浴室的单

人房, 大约两百元美金左右,但若有必要多付一些也无妨。 可能的话,我希望在六月十日前收到你的确认函,发传真到(86-10-23456789)。谢谢。 张先进 dear sir, i’m planning to visit new york next month on a business trip, and would like

to reserve a room at your hotel for five nights from july 1. i’m sure you will be quite busy during the first week of july, but i’m very much appreciated if you could reserve a room on the second floor. i assure(明确

地告诉)that the rate for a single room篇二:英语应用文写作期末试卷 课 程 应用文写作 考试形式 闭卷(90)分钟 考试日期 2010-06-21 阅卷教师 得 分 班 级 姓 名 学 号 part ⅰ directions: examine the following sentences carefully and decide if they are correctly written. if there is error in the sentence, correct them. (20%) 1 looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 2 experts agree that permanently (不断地) modifying eating and exercise habits rather

than merely dieting for brief period are the key to controlling weight. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 3 a volunteer organization, the covington soup kitchen has been feeding needy families

since 1977, annually distributing (分发) nearly a million pounds of food each year. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 4 to be a journalist is my dream because it is challenging and stimulating (催人奋进的).

____________________________________ ____________________________________ 6

the old man went up to the boy and asked what it was happening. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 9 nineteenth-century nihilists (虚无主义者) were concerned with neither the origins

of philosophical (哲学的)thought nor how societal law developed. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ 10 it is likely that the opening of the convention center, previously set for july 1,

would be postponed because of the brick layers’ strike. ____________________________________ ____________________________________ part ⅱ

directions: identify the topic sentences in each of the following paragraphs. if the topic sentence is implied, state the central idea in your own words.(20%)


magnificent 22,000 square feet of green and gold flora (花). from the elevated rear deck of my apartment,i can look out over the swaying (摇摆的) mass of thick,hairy green stalks (梗,柄) and see each stalk thrusting up (竖起;挺出) through the darker heart shaped leaves below and supporting an ever-bobbing (摇晃) imitation of the sun.in this dwarf (侏儒) forest,some of the flower heads measure almost a foot in diameter (直径). though almost all my plants are now blooming,none will top the sixteen feet,two inches reached by hocking’s plant.my tallest is just thirteen feet even,but i don’t think that’s too bad for the first time out.next year,however,will be another matter. i plan to have automatic watering system to feed my babies

______________________________ ____________________________________ central idea: 2 our friendship was the source of much happiness and many memories.we danced and popped our fingers (打响指) simultaneously (同时地) to the soul tunes of the jacksons and stevie wonder.we sweated together in the sweltering (酷热的) summer sun,trying to win the championship for our softball team.i recall the taste of pepperoni (意大利辣肠) and sausage pizza as we discussed the highlights (精彩部分) of our team’s victory.once we even became attracted to the same young man,but luckily we were

able to share his friendship ______________________________ ____________________________________ central idea: part ⅲ directions: suppose you are looking to find a person to share with you a 2-bedroom

apartment . your writing should follow the outline given below. (30%) 1地址:金王府小区;

2交通:地铁站附近,出行便利; 3生活配套:附近有超市、医院、银行等,生活便利; 4详情:4楼,两室两厅,卧室皆朝南;设施全; 5费用:面谈

欲找一性格开朗、易相处的单身女孩合租. 有意请联系:13813800123 ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ part ⅳ directions: write a report based on the following information. write more than

150 words. (30%) ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

____________________________________篇三:英语应用文写作试卷b答案 9. he wants to study for a master’s degree in accounting. 10. li tao is very outstanding in the field of accounting. ii. fill in each of the following blanks with an appropriate word (10x2=20). (6)office (7)help (8)reasons (9)drive

(10)contact (1)dear (2)pleasure (3)school (4)studies (5)plans bradford m. sturgess 1638 baker ln.

san francisco, ca 94129 (415)365-1124 objective

to obtain a challenging position in the field of finance. 共 4 页 第 2 页 education may 2007(expected) bachelor’s degree, business university of san francisco june 2003 high school diploma southwest high school, fort worth, texas experience may 2006-present teller, bank of america, san francisco assisted customers with banking transactions. september 2005-april 2006 clerk, university of san francisco bookstore ran cash register and recorded inventory. skills speak and read intermediate level spanish. work proficiently in word, excel, powerpoint.

references available upon request. 第 3 页 共 4 页 january 23 dear sir: in response to your advertisement in the newspaper of january 15, i wish to apply

for the position of accountant. thank you for your time and attention. sincerely yours, tom smith iv. write a cover letter with the chinese information given below.

(20x1=20) 共 4 页 第 4 页篇四:高等学校英语应用能力考试应用文写作格式总结 英语应用文写作格式总结

常见的应用文格式: 1. 备忘录(memo) 2. 邀请函(invitation) 3. 求职信(a job application letter) 4. 感谢信 5. 通知(notice)/ using guide / proper care of xx 6. 请假条(a leave of absence) 7. e-mail

备忘录(memo): 邀请函(invitation): 感谢信:

e-mail:称谓,正文,同上 请假条: 得到批准)

结束语:i am looking forward to your kind answer. 实用的应用文写作常用句型 1. 常用书信的套语 开头用语 ① i have the pleasure (honor) to inform (tell) you that.. ② i must apologize for my delay in answering your letter. ③ i was really surprised to receive your letter yesterday. ④ it was nice to hear from you again. ⑤ i was sorry to hear that...

⑥ thank you for telling me about... 结尾语

① hope to hear from you soon /as early as possible. ② thanks again for writing about...

③ please give my love/wishes/regards to... ④ i’m looking forward to your early reply. ⑤ i hope you and your family are very well. 2. 祝贺信 开头用语

① it is the most joyful news i have heard for a long time. ② congratulations on your promotion/graduation/success/progress/achievements.

③ i am delighted to hear that... 结束用语 ① i wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world. ② wish you the best

luck and very happiness. ③ please accept my heartfelt congratulations! ④ i would like to express my best wishes and warmest congratulations to you. 3.邀请信 开头用语

① will you do us the favor of joining our party? ② may i take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture?

③ i am writing this letter to invite you to attend.. ⑥ the reception will be held in ...,on dec.12th.. 招待会定于...在...举行 ⑦ we have decided to have a party in honor of。。。 为此我们决定举办一次晚会来纪念。。。 结束用语 4. 申请信 开头用语

① i hope to go to stanford university next year, and get my ph.d. in 2006. 结束用语 ① i shall bring the full details of my testimonials(推荐书) as you request. ②

thank you for your consideration. ③ thank you for your attention to this matter.i lood forward to speaking with you.

5.致谢信 开头用语

① thank you so much for... ② i am most grateful to you for... ③ please accept my profound appreciation for... ④ i warmly appreciate your hospitality.

⑤ i don’t know how to thank you for your kindness to me. 结束用语

① many thanks to you for your...again. ②it was kind and generous of you to do this for me, and i appreciate it more than i can say. 6.道歉信 开头用语

① i am sorry for not answering promptly. ② i am sorry to have put you so much trouble. ③ i must apologize for my delay in answering your kind letter. 结束用语 ① i sincerely hope the postponement of our meeting did not bring you much

inconvenience. ② i sincerely hope you could understand me and accept my apology. 1.感谢信 林去张家住了两天,受到张家的热情款待,林写信表示衷心的感谢。 2006,4, 20 dear zhang: yours truly lin

2.自我介绍\\求职信 你将从计算机工程专业毕业,想进一家外资企业工作。故写信向

企业经理推荐自己,信中要将自己作简介。 april 3, 2004

dear sir/ manager:

my address is : 81, dongfeng road,guangzhou 510000 tel: 12345678 look forward to your early reply.


……. 3.退货申请 上星期在商场买了台洗衣机,刚用了一个星期,机器运转不畅,噪音大。

要求退货。 dear sir, last week i bought a washing machine in your supermarket. it didn’t wok properly/ well after it was used for a week. and it also made a lot of noises. i was very upset.

so i want to return it and get the money back. i do hope you can consider my idea seriously. i know you should provide good

service not before the sale but also after the sale.

truly …… 4.通知

1.周二上午的英语课调到周三上午 2.周三上午的哲学课因老师出差取消 3.周二上午

同学可到图书馆或教室自习。 4.通知人:英语课代表


2006-4-22 everyone in class 3 must pay attention to the following: 1.the english classes on tuesday morning will be transferred to wednesday morning.

the students can go to study by themselves in the library or in the classroom 2. the classes of philosophy on wednesday morning will be cancelled because the

teacher is on business.

english class representative 5. 邀请信 好久不见,邀请两位于2004,12,24 下午6时来吃圣诞家宴,饭后一起去听音乐会,

务请光临。 dear mr. & ms. smith: mr. & ms brown 6.招聘广告 广东省一家从事电脑的合资公司开业,聘一财务分析员。 条件: 英语流利,听懂广州话 有财会或经济相关学科的专科(以上)文凭,熟悉中国财会事务。 联系地址:东方宾

馆(有意者请寄简历及近照两张) wanted 1.fluent english, understanding cantonese. 2.familiar with the chinese financial affair, with the diploma of either finance

or economy, or some relevant faculty. p.s:the applicant should send the resume and two recent photos to the dongfang hotel.

7. 活动通知 你校的学生为来访的美国朋友举办一个晚会,时间4月25晚7:30; 地点: 主楼屋顶。

