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Book 3



Gender and Society




Think and Discuss

Exploring the ThemeAnalytical Listening

Sharing Your IdeasViewing the World Engaging Further Listening


国际交流英语视听说Unit 1

Gender and Society

Think and Discuss


Think and Discuss

Questions1. What are these people doing?2. What surprises you about this picture? 3. Would you enjoy watching this sports event? Why or why not?

A Sunday sports event in El Alto, Bolivia


Think and DiscussExample Answers


1. What are these people doing?

A man (maybe disguised by a woman) and a woman are in a wrestling ring in Bolivia. They are wearing costumes, and they appear to be fighting.


Think and DiscussExample Answers


2. What surprises you about this picture?

I’m surprised to see a woman in this situation.


Think and Discuss


3. Would you enjoy watching this sports event? Why or why not? Example Answer 1 I think I would enjoy watching this sports event because I like boxing and wrestling and martial arts.


Think and Discuss


3. Would you enjoy watching this sports event? Why or why not? Example Answer 2 I don’t think I would enjoy watching this sports event because I don’t like to see fights.


国际交流英语视听说Unit 1

Gender and Society

Exploring the Theme


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions. 1. Do you think any of the activities shown should be for men or women only? Why or why not? 2. Who do you think should do the activities shown in China, men or women? Why ? 3. Do you think gender (being male or female) is something we are born with or learn? Why?


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

A woman works at a steel factory in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

A man drives a car on a wall made of wooden planks at a show in Kabul, Afghanistan.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

Fishermen from Kamchatka, Russia pull in their net.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

A woman climbs up rock and ice in British Columbia, Canada.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

A woman at a public school in Damascus, Syria teaches a class of young children.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

A Huli wigman from Papua New Guinea paints his face for a dance festival. In the Huli culture, men are objects of beauty.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

1. Do you think any of the activities shown should be for men or women only? Why or why not? Example Answer 1

I think both men and women could do any of the activities in the pictures.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

1. Do you think any of the activities shown should be for men or women only? Why or why not? Example Answer 2

I think some of the activities are better for men because they require physical strength; for example, fishing and icy rock climbing.



g the Theme

Gender and Society

1. Do you think any of the activities shown should be for men or women only? Why or why not? Example Answer 3

I think some of the activities are better for women because they require patience and beauty; for example, teaching and wearing makeup.


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

2. Who do you think should do the activities shown in China, men or women? Why? Example Answers

Traditionally, fishermen and factory workers in China were men, and women usually taught young children in schools. In the 20th century, however, people began doing jobs outside of their traditional gender roles—especially women, who began to work more outside of the home. Now it’s generally true that anyone who is qualified for a job can do the job.To be continued >>>


Exploring the Theme

Gender and Society

2. Who do you think should do the activities shown in China, men or women? Why? Example Answers (Continued)

On the other hand, men in China don’t usually wear makeup, like the man in Papua New Guinea, and I’m not sure anyone should drive a car on a wall or climb up icy rocks. Those activities just look dangerous to me.

