
更新时间:2023-05-01 13:02:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1. The Silk Road has been a bridge between the East and the West________ over 2,000 years.()

A at

B for

C in

D from

2. There's no empty table.Would you please share________ with me?()

A you

B your

C yours

D yourself

3. Mum,may I wear this new________ to the party tonight?()

A skirt

B balloon

C fan

D flag

4. My father is very busy.He________ has spare time.()

A always

B usually

C seldom

D sometimes

5. ﹣Must we take the underground to the airport?

﹣Yes,we________.The traffic is very heavy now.()

A must

B can

C may

D would

6. Jim________to hospital at once after he got hurt.()

A sent

B is sent

C will be sent

D was sent

7. The presenter ______ an interview with our monitor at this time yesterday.

A did

B was doing

C does

D has done

8. ﹣________is your family going to BeijingExpo(北京世园会),Lucy?

﹣In August.()

A How

B When

C Where

D Why

9. It's better to ________ your rubbish into plastic, glass, paper and rubber before throwing it away.

A move

B put

C change

D divide

10. Peter won't be surprised because I________him the news already.()

A told

B will tell

C have told

D am telling

11. It is getting dark.Why not________the lights?()

A turn on

B take away

C pick up

D put away

12. —I missed the beginning of the movie, David.

—______ It was so exciting!

A Never mind.

B Hurry up!

C What a pity!

D You're welcome.


13. Dear Laura,

Thanks for your message.Yes, I'm having a great time on my student exchange(交流)programme in France.I was a bit (1)_______before I arrived here, but there was no need to be.My host family is really nice.

They try to make me (2)_______at home.The grandmother knows that I miss Chinese food a lot.So she actually learned how to (3)_______Chinese food! She also has a teenage granddaughter about my age who is really(4)_______.She always talks to me in French to

help me practise.You wouldn't (5)_______how quickly my French has improved.(6)

_______I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn't worry me as it used to.

My biggest (7)_______is learning how to act at the dinner table.As you can imagine, things are very different from the way they are at home.For example, you shouldn't put your elbows(胳膊肘)on the table.(8)_______, I thought that was pretty strange, but now I'm used to(习惯于)it.Another example is that you shouldn't eat anything with your (9)_______except bread, not even fruit.You have to cut it up and eat it with a fork.Another thing is that it's impolite to say you're full.If you don't want any more (10)_______, you should just say, "That was delicious."I have to say that I find it difficult to (11)_______everything, but I'm gradually(逐渐地)getting used to it.I don't find French customs so (12)_______any more.

I'll write again soon and tell you more about my life in France. |Hope you're having a good school year.


Lin Yue


A proud

B excited

C nervous

D disappointed


A stay

B feel

C rest

D study


A cook

B serve

C fetch

D taste


A clever

B shy

C kind

D honest


A discover

B hear

C agree

D believe


A If

B Although

C Because

D Since


A problem

B hobby

C dream

D suggestion


A In fact

B By the way

C So far

D At first


A fork

B fingers

C knife

D chopsticks


A food

B time

C money

D help


A create

B answer

C remember

D repeat


A simple

B strict

C different

D strange



Discover the sights of Salt Lake City on one of our open ﹣air buses! You can get on and off our buses at any stop, giving you the chance to see the sights at your own pace (节



Adult: ﹩33 Student: ﹩29 Child (6﹣12): ﹩17

*Children under 6are free

Don't Forget!

Don't burden (使负担)yourself with too much to carry .However, a few things will make your tour more comfortable .We suggest:

Sunglasses Hat Camera Bottled Water Snacks


Check us out at facebook .com/USBusUtah .

(1)If you get off at Stop ,you can visit________.

A Lion House

B Rice ﹣Eccles Stadium

C Liberty Park

D Natural History Museum .

(2)How much are the tickets for Mr .Smith and his 5﹣year ﹣old son ?________

A $17.

B $33.

C $50.

D $62..

(3)Which of the following is NOT advised to take ?


A Map

B Sunglasses.

C Snacks.

D Bottled water..

(4)The passage is a leaflet of________.

A a field trip

B a city bus system

C a bus tour

D a summer English course.

15. I loved everything about school except for one person: Mildred.

Every day, as we walked home after school, she would step on the backs of my shoes.Then, when I stopped to put my shoes on, Mildred would hit 6me on the back quickly and run away.She scared(惊吓)me.

Soon, my mother found something was wrong.I told her the whole story.My mum told me not to worry and said she had a plan.

The next morning, my mum walked up the hill with me.Just as we got to the top of the hill, we saw Mildred.

"Hello, Mildred, "my mum said quietly.Mildred stopped, standing still. Her hands and face were bright red.Her oversized coat hung open.There were only two buttons(纽扣)on it.

My mother didn't say anything at first.Instead, she buttoned up Mildred's coat and turned the collar(衣领)up around her neck.

"I'm Amy's mother.I need your help, Mildred."My mother's hands held Mildred's as she spoke."Amy doesn't have any brothers or sisters.She needs a good friend at

school, someone to walk up the hill with her after classes are over.Would you be Amy's friend, Mildred? "

Mildred chewed(咬住)on her bottom lip(嘴唇)and nodded."Oh, thank you! "my mother said."I just know you are someone I can depend on."Then she hugged us and left as though nothing unusual had happened.

Mildred and I walked on to school.As I looked over at her, I saw that Mildred was smiling! I'd never seen her smile before.

We walked up the hill each day after school together and pretty soon we became good friends.

I didn't understand my mum's plan at that time.But finally, I came to understand her message: Love never fails.

(1)What made Amy worried about school?________

A Poor grades.

B No clean shoes.

C No good friends.

D Someone unfriendly..

(2)After greeting Mildred,Amy's mum________.

A gave her a loving hug

B asked her for help directly

C held her hands

warmly D helped her to dress properly.

(3)Mildred smiled probably because________.

A Amy and her mum apologised to her

B she felt the touch of love and trust

C Amy agreed to make friends with her

D she wasn't punished so badly as she imagined.

(4)What does the story mainly tell us?________

A Love is always full of magic.

B True love never disappears.

C A mother's love is

always there. D It's never late to share your love..

16. If you look at the top of your phone, you'll usually see a little symbol that says 3G or

4G. The"G"stands for the"generation"of your mobile network.But these symbols will become things of the past after 5G fully arrives.

On March 30th, 2019, Shanghai vice﹣mayor Wu Qing made the first 5G video call on a Huawei Mate X smartphone, CGTN reported.Shanghai has also become the first city in China to start testing 5G networks.

Now, 4G takes about 100 to 200 milliseconds(毫秒)to send and receive data(数据).But 5G will get it down to 1 millisecond or less.This big change will not only make our mobile Internet faster.It can be used in many other ways as well.

For example, 5G will help to make self﹣driving cars safer.Today's self﹣driving test cars have one problem﹣________.When the car"sees"an obstacle(障碍物), it sends this information to a data center and receives instructions.However, it takes time to send and receive this information.With this kind of lag, the cars might crash(撞击)because they don't receive instructions in time.With 5G, this lag will be greatly lowered, making the cars safer, according to CNN.

5G could also be used to power the Internet of Things(IOT).This refers to a large online network that connects all things and people.Fast Internet speeds will be the key to developing this technology.For example, with IOT under 5G, your refrigerator could automatically(自动地)place an order online for eggs when it finds that there are no eggs left inside.

All in all, 5G will shape every type of technology that it touches.And you won't have to wait too long for that to happen.

(1)From Paragraph ②,we can know that________.

A 5G is widely used in Shanghai

B it took lots of efforts to test 5G

C China is working on its 5G networks

D 5G would make it possible to take videos.

(2)Compared with 4G,5G could be________.

A cheaper

B faster

C safer

D busier.

(3)The underlined word"lag"probably means"________"in Chinese.

A 延迟

B 迷路

C 暂停

D 耗电.

(4)The refrigerator is mentioned to________.

A describe the importance of IOT

B encourage people to try the new

product C introduce how to use the Internet of Things D show 5G would make IOT more powerful.

(5)Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?________

A Can 5G Go Far?

B How is 5G Changing Our Life?

C 5G is on the Way

D China

is Leading the World in 5G.




Prepare for Water Day Zero

Last year,Cape Town said it was facing Water Day Zero.That was the date when the city's taps would go dry.It was first expected to arrive in April,2018. Thanks to hard efforts and a rainy season,it has been put off(推迟).(1)_______.And it may hit cities all over the world.

How did Cape Town get into a Water Day Zero situation?The city gets its water from six reservoirs(水库).They usually fill up during the rainy season,from May through August.However,since 2015,the city had been suffering from its worst drought(旱灾)in a century.(2)_______.Even worse,Cape Town's population grew greatly.As a result,the need for water rose.

(3)_______Because of climate change,serious droughts are becoming more and more common.At the same time,people are moving to cities.The United Nations says by 2050,two thirds of the world's population will live in cities.Since 2014,southeastern Brazil has been suffering from its worst water shortage in 80 years.In Mexico City,many of the 21 million people only have running water for half of the day.

Luckily,steps can be taken to avoid water crises(危机).To start with,all of us can do something to save water and slow down climate change.(4)_______At the same time,water pollution must be stopped.

The world now has a chance to stop a series of Water Day Zero crises. If we don't act,many cities may soon face a time when there isn't a drop to drink.

I Ⅳ.情景交际(本题共1小题,每小题10分,共10分)根据对话内容,从所给的七个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整.有两项为多余选项.

18. (At the train station )

A :Thanks for coming with me to the station ,Lingling .

B :No problem .Well ,Dad ,we're a bit early .(1)_______.

A :Good idea .Will you be OK at home with Mum ?

B :(2)_______We' ll be fine . Don't worry .

A :(3)_______

B :I won't , Dad .I can cook some simple dishes . When will you be back , Dad ? A :(4)_______If everything goes well ,I' ll be back next Sunday .

(Announcement : We advise all passengers for Train T27 to Lhasa to go immediately to Plat form 2. Your train is about to leave .)

B : That's your train , Dad! Goodbye!(5)_______

A : Goodbye , Lingling! See you in a couple of days!

B : See you!


19. Little Tom has just celebrated his________ birthday .(nine )

20. I offered my seat to an elderly man ,but he refused________.(

polite )

21. LEGO is one of the________ that can develop children's creativity .(toy )

22. I don't use my mobile phone a lot at night ,as its blue light is________to my eyes .(harm )

23. Mr .Zhang ,your________is excellent !Have you ever studied abroad ?(pronounce )

24. Visitors are asked not________much noise in the National Gallery .(make )

B 、用方框内所给词的适当形式完成下面短文.每词限用一次.(本题共1小题,每小题12分,共12分)


Review of Teahouse

By Li Daming

This year's school play,Teahouse,was a very good choice.It was easy for us to learn about (1)________lives in China about one hundred years ago and see the changes in Chinese society.

Teahouse was (2)________by Lao She in 1957.It tells a story that takes place in a teahouse in Beijing.The story starts at the end of the nineteenth century and (3)________over 50 years later.The play has three acts and shows the lives of common people in China at that time.

The actors' and actresses' clothes and the teahouse (4)________were right for the first half

of the twentieth century.The actors and actresses all did a very good job.Li Nan,the student playing Wang Lifa,was the (5)________.He brought Wang Lifa to life from a young man to an old man.

At the end of the play,the actors and actresses all came out for a curtain call(谢幕)and

the whole theatre (6)________for them.Seeing Teahouse on the stage was wonderful!




Photographing a Black Hole

The whole world felt excited on the night of April 10th,2019.For the first time in history,people saw an image(图象)of a black hole.The picture became (1)________at once.But attention soon turned to a computer scientist,Katie Bouman.Without (2)

________efforts,the historic image wouldn't have been possible.

Black holes are very far away.It (3)________easy to photograph one.It's like taking a photo of an orange that is on the moon.Many scientists had tried.However,none of


These failures didn't stop Bouman from trying.Three years ago,the scientist started working on a special computer programme.Over the years,she has improved the(5)

________many times.Finally,it turned telescope(望远镜)data into the black hole image.Bouman has received lots of praise for her work.The young woman,however,is modest (谦虚的).She says the efforts of her colleagues(同事)were important,too."None of us could do it (6)________,"she told reporters.

Do you want to make history as Bouman did?Set yourself a goal and work towards it.One day,you will make the impossible possible,too.


27. Kids love to run here,there and everywhere.But as we age,we seem to lose the enjoyment of running.This form of exercise,though,offers great benefits(好处)to everyone.It helps with weight control,and it slows down the effects of aging.It helps us relax and increase confidence.Running keeps the heart healthy and muscles and bones strong.It reduces the risk of heart diseases.In addition to health,running has other benefits.You can run almost anywhere:You don't need a gym membership or expensive equipment(器械).For that reason and others,running is a favourite form of exercise for many people.

If you want to run,how can you get started?It is not wise to start exercising when you are not feeling well.If you haven't exercised in awhile,you should check with your doctor.He or she will let you know if you're healthy enough to try running.If your doctor says OK,

you're ready to go!

What's next?

Choose a good pair of running shoes.They don't need to be expensive;they just need to give your feet good support(支撑).

Find a running partner.On days when you don't feel like exercising,he or she can help encourage you.If you can't find anyone who enjoys running,take your dog along.It is always ready to go outside,and the exercise makes it healthier,too.

________Be careful with the traffic and run facing the cars coming towards you.Don't wear headphones while running outside.They stop you from hearing cars,stray dogs(流浪狗),etc.Wear bright clothing in order to be seen easily.

If you're ready to start,why not take part in the next"Let's Run"?The event is to raise money for the children and parents in need.It's a great way to experience the pleasure of running while giving a helping hand to the poor.

(1)What are the advantages of running?(Give two examples)________

(2)What should you do first before you try running?________

(3)What kind of shoes is good for running?________

(4)According to the passage,how can you avoid feeling bored with running?________ (5)What sentence can be put on the line?________

(6)Now you've finished the P.E.exam,will you keep running?Why or why not?


Ⅶ.写 A.句子翻译.(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)

28. 多美的景色啊!我们在这里多待一会儿好吗?

What a beautiful view!________

29. 以前我们学校附近有家书店,我在那儿买过很多书.

________.I bought many books there.

30. 这场篮球赛我们输了,但我们不会放弃.

________,but we won't give up.

31. 一听到这首英文歌曲,我就会想到我的老师.


32. 今年暑假,我要做我感兴趣的事情.



33. 在我们的生活中,规则无处不在,从个人、家庭、班级、校园到公共场所……规则时时约束着我们的言行举止.你认为遵守规则有必要吗?

为什么?近日,你校英文网站正在开展以"Is it necessary to follow rules?"为主题的大讨论.请你写一篇英文短文,结合你的经历和感受,谈谈你的看法.

内容提示:(1)Is it necessary to follow rules?

(2)Share your experience and feeling.






1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. C












14. D




15. D




16. C





17. E,C,A,D

18. D,B,G,A,C

19. ninth

20. politely

21. toys

22. harmful

23. pronunciation

24. to make

25. people's,written,finishes,furniture,best,cheered

26. famous,her,isn't,succeeded,programme,alone

27. Pay attention while you are running.,It helps with weight control,and it slows down the effects of aging./It helps us relax and increase confidence,I should check with my doctor.,Apairofshoesthatcangiveourfeetgoodsupport,Byfindingarunningpartnerortakingad ogalong,Pay attention while you are running.,Yes,IwillBecauserunningoffersgreatbenefitstome

28. What about staying here for more time?

29. There used to be a bookstore near our school

30. We lost the basketball match

31. AssoonasIheartheEnglishsong,Iwillthinkofmyteacher

32. I will do something that I am interested in this summer vacation.

33. There are many rules in our life, such as family rules, traffic rules, school rules,

and so on. But is it necessary to follow rules?【高分句型一】 I think the answer is yes.(我的观点)

Take myself for example. When I was fifteen years old,I thought I was old enough to neglect the traffic rules. So I often rode a bike on the road wearing headphones. One day,

when I was enjoying the music on my bike,a truck suddenly appeared and seemed to lose control. Unfortunately,I was badly hit and got into a coma. However,I was lucky enough to recover in a year.【高分句型二】(我的经历和感受)

So that was the result I got.I have learned an important lesson from that accident, that is,follow all the rules.(我的看法)

