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学号: 姓名: 得分: 一、名词解释: 1. 国际结算:

2. 国际贸易结算与非国际贸易结算: 3.狭义票据与广义票据: 4.承兑、背书、追索权: 5.汇票、本票、支票:

二、选择题(将所选正确答案的字母序号填写到题前的括号内) ( )1.狭义票据包括下列哪几项: A. 汇票 B. 提单 C. 支票 D. 本票 ( ) 2.下列可采用过户转让的票据有:

A. 股票 B. 提单 C. 本票 D. 人寿保险单 ( ) 3.下列可采用流通转让的票据有:

A. 股票 B. 本票 C. 支票 D. 大额定期存单

( ) 4.汇票的当事人中,对汇票可享有充分权利的当事人有: A.款人 B. 被背书人 C. 背书人 D.出票人

( ) 5.汇票的当事人中,对汇票付款承担责任的当事人有: A. 承兑人 B. 背书人 C. 出票人 D. 被背书人

( ) 6.How many basic parties are there in a bill of exchange? 在一张汇票中有多少基本当事人? A. Drawer B. Drawee C. Payee D. Indorser

( ) 7. What bills are invalid?什么票据是有效的?

A.“Pay to M Co. or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.” B. “Pay to M Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.”

C. “Pay to M Co. out of the proceeds in our No. 1 account the sum of one

thousand US dollars.”

D.“Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.” ( ) 8. What bills are negotiable? 什么票据是可 流通的? A. Pay to John David only

B. Pay to John David not transferable C. Pay to the order of ABC Co. D. Pay to ABC Co

( ) 9. Which bills are required endorsement when transferred in the following

items?下列哪些票据在转让时需要背书? A. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary or bearer. B. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary or order. C. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary only. D. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary.

( ) 10. Which bills aren’t required endorsement when transferred in the


items?下列哪些票据在转让时不需要背书? A. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary or bearer. B. A Bill of Exchange is payable to bearer. C. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary. D. A Bill of Exchange is payable to Mary only. 三、判断正误并说明理由

1.如果背书有:“Pay Bank of China for account of BC”,字样,中国银行可以将这张汇票再予以转让。

2.如果一张汇票是这样背书:“Pay ZZ Company on arrival of goods to Shanghai”,这项背书是无效的。 3.远期汇票必须首先提示承兑。



6.参加承兑就是参加付款,二者没有区别。 四.简答题







1.根据给出的条件填写一张汇票。 No. 30189999

Drawer: Continental Co., London. Drawee : Bank of Europe, London Payee: Bank of Australia, London. Sum: GBP 1,250.00 Date of issue: 01 April, 1998. Tenor: at 90 days after sight

2.如果收款人要将该票据转让给:“Bank of New Zealand, Auckland”,请做一个限制性背书。如果条件是:“on delivery of B/L No.113”,请做一个条件背书。

3.以上述票据而言,:“Midland Bank Led .London”为指定付款人,承兑日期是1998年4月3日。请付款人做一个承兑,并写明到期日。

