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第 I 卷 (共100分)

I. Listening Comprehension Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.

1. A. In a fruit store B. In a gym C. At a restaurant D. At a watch shop 2. A. 4:30 B. 5:00 C. 5:10 D. 5:15 3. A. Boss and secretary B. Nurse and patient C. Salesman and customer D. Teacher and student

4. A. The tickets are more expensive B. The tickets told online are cheaper C. It is difficult to get tickets on the spot D. It’s better to buy tickets offline 5. A. He wants to be a musician in the future B. He shows more interest in English learning C. He displays great music talent in the exhibition D. He doesn’t make enough efforts in English learning

6. A. He wants to get some sleep B. He needs time to write a paper C. He has a literature class to attend D. He is troubled by his sleep problem 7. A. It looks old B. It looks new C. It doesn’t need painting D. It doesn’t run well 8. A. Extremely dull B. Hard to understand 9. C. Lacking a good story D. Not worth seeing twice

10. A. Plan his budget carefully B. Buy a gift for his mother

C. Ask someone else for advice D. Give her more information 11. A. She didn’t like telling jokes B. She went to school after 9 a.m.

C. She may not have gone to school today D. She may have been late for school

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following dialogue 12. A. He found his TV was broken B. He missed a good TV

C. He felt bored with the TV program D. He lost his meal tickets in the cafeteria 13. A. He lost fifty dollars B. His time was wasted



D. His brain wasn’t very active D. He watched just one program 14. A. Part of the brain is not in use

B. Part of the brain becomes more passive C. It takes longer to process visual information D. It processes complex information less actively

Questions 14 through 17 are based on the following dialogue 15. A. From the newspaper B. From her classmate C. From her friends D. From the man

16. A. Plant more trees in the school yard B. Organize a picnic on Thursday D. Build a parking lot for students D. Protect the natural beauty on campus

17. A. Attend a meeting B. Attend a class C. Visit her friends D. Go to the parking lot 18. A. Lend her pen to the man B. Go to the administration C. Support the students action union D. Give out the handouts

Questions 18 through 20 are based on the following dialogue 19. A. There are numerous languages in the existence B. Most public languages are essentially vague

C. People differ greatly in their ability to communicate D. Big gaps exist between private and public languages

20. A. It is a sign of human intelligence B. It improves with constant practice C. It is something we are born with D. It varies from person to person 21. A. How various languages are related to each other B. How children learn to use language in particular ways C. How private languages are developed from public ones D. How people of different ages create their own languages

II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Wildlife secrets of Nigeria's last wilderness

Researchers from Chester Zoo, working with the Nigeria National Park Service, surveyed over 1,000 square kilometres of the national park. Known (21)____ its mountain rainforests, savannah woodlands and rolling grasslands, it is home to some of West Africa's most endangered animals.

The cameras (22)____ (spot) some animals that have never been recorded before in the area and others, like chimps, (23)____ are rarely seen. Stuart Nixon, the Africa Field Programme Co-ordinator at Chester Zoo, said confirmation of the locations of chimps was an important discovery.\(24)____ (have)the biggest population of this Nigeria-Cameroon chimp, which is the rarest chimp subspecies,\



most important population - that's really (25)____ we need to count it and see what the status of the chimp is right now - that will ultimately affect what we know about this subspecies elsewhere.\

The chimp (26)____ (endanger) across its range in Cameroon and Nigeria. Its total population is down to fewer than 9,000 individuals, of which about 1,000 are thought (27)____(live)to live within the borders of the national park. \traps and to reveal that this park - which is a (28)____(forget)forgotten wilderness, really, for Nigeria - still has a really important reservoir of important species for Nigeria and Africa in general,\said Stuart Nixon.

Chester Zoo is funding guards for the rangers and providing training in wildlife monitoring and protection. \work is helping us learn more about the secrets of one of our last wilderness areas and we must continue to work together to ensure (29)____ survival for future generations. \(30)____ all this beauty were lost it would be a terrible tragedy for all.\

Answers: for/ spotted/which/having/why/ is endangered/to live/forgotten/its/If

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

approach B. architectural C. captured D. complicated E. defensive F. definedG. extension H. houses I. reflect J. shadesK. status

Why India's Pink City' is a Photographer's Heaven

The city of Jaipur is one of India's wonders. It ___31_____ some of the country's most decorative royal palaces-elegant structures designed hundreds of years ago that still attract visitors today. Largely built in the 1700s, Jaipur is surrounded by a city wall and several ____32___ castles. Considered as a commercial center, it was ahead of its time due to the use of grid iron (网格状) city planning.

A romantic dusty pink type-which has _____33____ the city since 1876, after it was painted pink towel come Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert-gives Jaipur its ___34_______ as the \Cheng and Samantha Wong to Jaipur.

Walking in glass skyscrapers for century-old royal palaces and historic castles, the pair-who have 130,000 Instagram followers between them-said that the images they ____36_____in Jaipur received a lot of response online. \happy we were able to show this side of the country.\

For the photographers, one of the city's most fascinating features is the light pink coloring of its buildings. “The first gate you see when you enter are pink,” said Wong. “Once you’re through, everything around you varies in different ______37____ of the color-from bright pinks to reddish browns.\

The building is a(n) _____38_____ of the City Palace, and its windows allowed royal women to



observe street life without appearing in public. One of Cheng's most striking photos shows a straight front of the building and its hundreds of windows. The building's lively coloring also pushed Cheng to take a different ______39____ to editing than with images of other cities. \toned down my usual editing process because the pink was so bright in reality,\the photos to _____40__the actual color I was seeing myself and to maintain its tone.\


III. Reading Comprehension Section A

Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

Concerns about the harm caused bu “too much” screen time—particularly when it is spent on social media—are widespread. But working out what a “healthy”____41___might be is far from easy.

Some negative experiences on social media—like___42____how your appearance compares to others—do affect some children. However, this does not mean that technology use in ___43___is harmful and it is difficult to make claims about how it will affect different people.

Consider the picture painted by a UNICEF review of existing research into the effects of digital technology on children’s ___44___ comforts, including happiness, mental health and social life. Rather than stating that social media was harmful, it suggested a more ____45_____effect.

The UNICEF report highlighted a 2017 stuady that examined 120,000 UK 15-year-olds. Among those teenagers who were the lightest users, it was found that increasing the time spent using technology was linked to___46____ comfort—possibly because it was important for keeping up friendships. ___47____, among the heaviest users of technology, any increase in time was linked to lower levels of comfort. Overall, the UNICEF study suggested that some screen time could be good for children’s mental health.

A broader look at evidence provided by some other high quality studies again suggests the story is not ___48___. An early study in 2013 looked at how the televison and video game habits of 11,000 UK five-year-olds affected them two years later. It is one of few studies actually ___49___ the effects of technology over time. It suggested that, compared with children who watched one hour of televison or less on a weekday, a small increase in conduct problems was seen among those who watched more than three hours each day. Playing electronic games, however, was not seen as leading to a greater ____50____ of friendship or emotional problems.

So how much time should our children spend looking at screens? It is difficult to be ___51___ as different peop;e spend time online in such different ways. A useful comparison might be with sugar. Broadly speaking, people___52_____ that too much sugar can be bad for your health. But the effect it might have can depend on many factors, from the type of sugar to the person and the amount. We would not___53____trust anyone who claims to predict how someone is affected by consuming one gram of sugar. The same could be said for ___54___ usage: the outcomes depend on so many factors that only very____55____predictions are possible.

41. A. amount B. comparison C. experience D. medium

42. A. accounting for B. boasting of C. commenting on D. worrying about 43. A. general B. particular C. private D. public

44. A. domestic B. material C. physical D. psychological 45. A. complex B. dramatic C. harmless D. predictable 46. A. improved B. maximum C. relative D. small



47. A. As a rule B. In contrast C. On the whole D. Worse still 48. A. convincing B. definite C. probable D. true 49. A. estimating B. experiencing C. reducing D. tracing 50. A. connection B. power C. promotion D. risk

51. A. balanced B. independent C. precise D. subjective 52. A. agree B. forget C. object D. remember 53. A. equally B. readily C. reluctantly D. weakly

54. A. emotion therapy B. social media C. TV broadcasting D. video game 55. A. confident B. optimistic C. rough D. wild


41—45 ADADA 46—50 ABBDD 51—55 CABBC

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


The cold northern wind here in the streets of Petersburg strengthens my nerves and fills me with delight. I cannot think of the Pole as cold and empty;in my imagination it is a region of beauty and delight. Who knows what strange landscapes and creatures we may find there. I shall satisfy my curiosity with the sight of an unknown part of the world-and walk where no man has before.Thinking of it, I feel the same joy a child feels when he sails his little boat on a voyage of discovery up his native river.

This voyage was the favorite dream of my early years. My education was neglected, yet I was passionately fond of reading. Uncle Thomas's library contained only books about exploration, which I read day and night. Finally my thoughts comes to the idea of making a voyage of discovery.

Six years have passed since I decided on the present voyage. I can, even now, remember the hour when I committed myself to this great enterprise. I began by making my body used to hardship. I went on whale hunting voyages to the North Sea; I voluntarily endured cold, hunger, thirst, and lack of sleep. I often worked harder than the common sailors during the day. Then, at nights, I studied mathematics, the theory of medicine,and sciences of practical importance for a seagoing adventurer. Twice I took jobs as an officer on a Greenland whaling ship. I felt a little proud when my captain asked me to remain with the ship, so valuable did he consider my services. And now, do I not deserve to achieve some great task? My life might have been passed in ease and comfort, but I preferred glory to every pleasure that wealth placed in my path.

56.What does the author think of the Pole? A.It reminds him of his childhood. B. It must be a region full of surprises.

C. It would fulfil his dream to be an adventurer. D. It's too cold a destination with almost nothing.



57. To realize his childhood dream, the author got _______. A. physically prepared by experiencing great suffering B. spiritually prepared by gaining captain's recognition C. academically prepared by reading books on exploration D. financially prepared by serving on a whale hunting ship.

58. According to the passage, the author is definitely a person full of _______. A. curiosity B. fancy C. perseverance D.pride



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Study level Professional development, Short. Accredited Ref FACE-GUARD

Price£30, was £299 . use code: GUARD90

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