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26.There is ___________“r”in the word“art”. A.a B.an C.the D. / 27.The glass _______ water soon. A.fill with B.is full with C.will be filled with D.filled with

28.It was ______ bad weather that the pilot(飞行员)could ______ fly in the sky. A.such, hardly B.such as, / C.such a, hard D.so, be hard 29.Let’s go to the park, ________? A.will you B.do we C.shall we D.may we 30.There are trees on ________ side of the street. A.either B.both C.every D.all 31.Neither you nor I ______ wrong , _______? A.are, are you B.is, am I C.am, are we D.am, are you 32.The farmers are ________ in autumn. A.the busiest B.busier C.busiest D.more busy 33.He is _______ of the two.

A.the stronger B.stronger C.the strongest D.more strong 34.Is the football ________ ? A.Tom’s and Bill’s B.Tom’s and Bill C.Tom and Bill’s D.Tom and Bill 35. Would you mind ________ your bike ? A.use B.to use C.using D.used

36.It’s raining heavily . But ________ of the farmers are picking up the apples ________ the trees. A.Every, in B.None, in C.None, on D.Some, in 37.He has _________ for an hour. A.got up B.up C.been got up D.been up 38.I don’t know if he ________ if it ________ tomorrow. A.comes, will rain B.will come, rains C.will come, will rain D.comes, rains

39.Oh, dear! The key ________ the door ________ in the room. A.with, forgot B.to, is left C.by, forgot D.with, is left 40.I think the older people must be ________ politely. A.talked about B.said with C.told about D.spoken to 完形填空


Marc sat next to me when we were in Hill Junior School. He had a serious 36 in communicating with people. One always had to guess what he was saying. 37 , most of my classmates did not like to be with him because his hands and shirts were always 38 . I tried to let him know the importance of being clean by 39 him several times a day to wash his hands. But he just could not understand.

One day, our teacher Miss West walked up to Marc. 40 saying anything, she took Marc to the

washroom. Slowly, Miss West washed his 41 and told him that he should keep himself clean. She did that every day for one month. 42 , Marc understood.

Miss West’s love has given me a good example to follow when I 43 my job. I always remember to teach my students by showing them the right 44 to do things. And most important of all, I always remember to give them 45 to learn and to grow up.

( )36. A. question B. problem C. accident D. hobby ( )37. A. Instead B. However C. Besides D. Except ( )38. A. dirty B. clean C. new D. old

( )39. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling ( )40. A. With B. Without C. After D. Above ( )41. A. face B. feet C. shirts D. hands ( )42. A. At last B. At first C. Such as D. So far

( )43. A. did B. am doing C. have done D. am going to do ( )44. A. ways B. answers C. time D. food

( )45. A. more advice B. less advice C. more time D. less time

【主旨大意】好的老师对学生的一生都有影响。 36B有严重问题,用problem

37Cinstead代替,however 然而 besides除。。。。。。之外还有except 除。。。。。。之外,根据题意,应选C

38 cooco.net.cn 可圈可点Net组卷网 A,同学不喜欢和他在一起,因为他脏 39D tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 40B without saying没说什么 41D wash hands 洗手

42A at last最后;at first 起初such as例如;so far到目前为止 43B 我正在做的 44A正确的方法

45Cmore time 更多的时间


Wang Ling,a middle school girl,felt angry with her parents after 1 a boy's phone call.\called me to discuss homework. We talked 2 just a few minutes before my parents got mad,\girl.\strange at all because puppy love(早恋) becomes a big headache for both parents and schools. They worry about that puppy love will be bad for study.Her school makes it a rule 4 any talk or any physical contact(身体接触) between one boy and one girl alone.Many students say they understand why parents and teachers are so nervous about puppy love.But some think they 5 too far.\and we know what to do.\girls can learn from each other.\from 7 riends with boys.\make 8 own decision.Soon Jiang found that she didn't like him 9 because the boy was not as 10 as what she had thought before. And she did worse and worse in her subjects because she spent much time with him.At last she understood the worry from schools and most parents about puppty love (1) A.to get B.got C.getting D.gets (2)A.since B.for C.at D,in

(3)A.that B.if Chow D.whether

(4)A.not to allow B.to not allow C.to allow not D.not allow to (5)A.had gone B.were going C.would go D.are going (6)A.hardly B.more hardly C.hardest D.hard (7)A.makes B.made C.making D.make (8)A.hers B.she C.herself D.her

(9)A.any more B.no more C.no longer D.not long (10)A.better B.good C.well D.best 1c2b3d4b5b6d7c8d9a10b



The word “day” has two meanings. When we talk about the number of days in a year, we are using “day” to mean 24 hours. But when we talk about day and night, we are using “day” to mean the time between sunrise and sunset. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. Always one half of the earth is having day and the other half night. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the spinning(旋转) of the earth. At the equator(赤道) day and night are sometimes the same length. They are each twelve hours long. The sun rises at 6 in the morning and sets at 6 in the evening. For six months the North Pole is tilted(倾斜) toward the sun. In those months the Northern Hemisphere(半球) gets more hours of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. Days are longer than nights. South of the equator nights are longer than days. For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight. Days are longer than night. North of the equator nights are longer than days. Winter is the season of long nights. Summer is the season of long days.

56. When the Western Hemisphere is having day, the Eastern Hemisphere is having ______. A. both day and night B. day C. neither day nor night D. night

57. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by ______ of the earth. A. the pushing B. the pulling C. the spinning D. the passing 58. At the equator day is as long as night ______. A. sometimes B. never C. usually D. always

59. When the North Pole is tilted toward the sun, the Northern Hemisphere gets _____ sunlight. A. less B. more C. all D. no 60. When it is winter in China, ______.

A. the USA is tilted toward the sun B. the South Pole is tilted away from the sun C. the North Pole is tilted toward the sun D. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun DCABD


Sherlock Holmes is not a real detective or even a real person, but people send letters to him at his address in London even though he cannot possibly receive them! I think people write to him because the books about him make him seem so real and because he is so clever at solving crimes. Detectives need to be able to notice tiny details and use logic(逻辑) to discover who did the crime and why they did it. Sherlock Holmes knows how to do all these things.

Pictures of Sherlock Holmes always show him wearing a strange hat, smoking a pipe and looking carefully through a magnifying glass(放大镜), trying to find clues. Clues are important in solving crimes, but I think Sherlock Holmes also uses his imagination and his knowledge of science to catch criminals.

For example, in my favourite story, The Hound(猎犬) of the Baskevilles, he investigates(调查) the

mysterious death of the Lord(勋爵) of Baskeville. Using science, he discovers that the murderer used a large dog to chase the lord. He finds where the dog was hidden in the forest around Baskeville House. Holmes discovers who the murderer is by reading about the history of the Baskeville family. By doing this, he finds out that the first Lord of Baskeville from a long ago had a secret son. The grandson of this secret son wanted to kill all the Baskeville family so he could become the new lord. At the end of the story, Holmes makes the murderer stand beside an old picture of the first lord so everyone can see how similar they look.

I love the Sherlock Holmes stories because as Holmes is investigating the crime, you can try to

discover who the criminal is too. I always try to imagine myself playing the violin like Holmes does while he is thinking about a case. In my imagination, I am Sherlock Holmes. 51. What must a detective be able to do according to this passage? A. Act like a criminal. B. Notice tiny details and use logic. C. Wear a strange hat. D. Have good imagination. 52. What did Sherlock Holmes wear?

A. A magnifying glass. B. A strange hat. C. A pipe. D. A stick. 53. Where did Holmes find the dog in the story The Hound of the Baskevilles? A. In London. B. In Baskeville House. C. In the forest. D. In England. 54. How did Holmes discover who the murderer was?

A. By reading about the history of the Baskeville family. B. By hiding in the forest around Baskeville House. C. By following the dog. D. By chasing the lord.

55. Why does the writer like reading the Sherlock Holmes stories? A. He likes to try to guess who the murderer is. B. He likes to dress up as Sherlock Holmes. C. He likes to play the violin. D. He likes to read stories and use his imagination. BBCAA

A young man walked into an office in London. Over the door were the words SCROOGE AND

MARLEY. Mr Scrooge was the young man’s uncle. Everybody in London knew Mr Scrooge. He was very rich but also very mean(吝啬). The most important thing in his life was money! Mr Marley was dead. “Good morning, Uncle. Merry Christmas.” “Pardon? Did you say Merry Christmas?” “Yes, Uncle, I did. Tomorrow is Christmas Day.” “I don’t like Christmas,” said Scrooge, “People spend money at Christmas. I hate spending money!”

“Come and have dinner with us tomorrow.” said Scrooge’s nephew. “No,” Scrooge answered. “But it’s Christmas.” said the young man. “No, I will not pass the day singing and dancing like an idiot(白痴),” said Scrooge. “Very well, Uncle,” and the young man went out. In the corner of the office there was a man working. This was Bob. He was a very nice person. He had a big family and he worked very hard for Mr Scrooge, for a little money. He was very cold because old Scrooge never bought much wood for the fire. He was wearing a coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves!

At six o’clock Bob went to Mr Scrooge. “Excuse me, sir. Tomorrow is Christmas Day, can I stay at

home?” “Stay at home,” shouted Scrooge. “I don’t pay you to stay at home!” “But it is Christmas,” said Bob. “Very well,” said Scrooge, “But you must work double hours on Boxing Day!” “Yes sir, certainly sir, Merry Christmas, sir.” “Get out!” shouted Scrooge. “Christmas! Everybody talks about Christmas!” said Scrooge. “It’s just an excuse not to work. People want money too. Always money! For doing nothing!” Scrooge put on his hat and coat and left the office. 56.When did the story happen? A.On a Sunday. B.On a Saturday. C.On Christmas Day. D.On Christmas Eve. 57.Who was the head of the office? A.Bob. B.Mr Scrooge. C.The young man. D.Mr Marley. 58.Which day does the words “Boxing Day” mean?

A.25th of December. B.24th of December. C.26th of December. D.30th of December. 59.Why did not Mr Scrooge go to his nephew’s home for dinner? A.Because he was afraid of spending money. B.Because he had too much work to do. C.Because Bob was working in the corner of his office. D.Because Mr Marley died. 60.Which of the following sentences is wrong?

A.Mr Scrooge thought the most important thing in his life was money. B.Bob worked very hard, but he got a little money.

C.Christmas Day was just an excuse for Bob not to work.

D.Bob was so cold that he had to work in the coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves. DBCAC

A young man walked into an office in London. Over the door were the words SCROOGE AND

MARLEY. Mr Scrooge was the young man’s uncle. Everybody in London knew Mr Scrooge. He was very rich but also very mean(吝啬). The most important thing in his life was money! Mr Marley was dead. “Good morning, Uncle. Merry Christmas.” “Pardon? Did you say Merry Christmas?” “Yes, Uncle, I did. Tomorrow is Christmas Day.” “I don’t like Christmas,” said Scrooge, “People spend money at Christmas. I hate spending money!”

“Come and have dinner with us tomorrow.” said Scrooge’s nephew. “No,” Scrooge answered. “But it’s Christmas.” said the young man. “No, I will not pass the day singing and dancing like an idiot(白痴),” said Scrooge. “Very well, Uncle,” and the young man went out. In the corner of the office there was a man working. This was Bob. He was a very nice person. He had a big family and he worked very hard for Mr Scrooge, for a little money. He was very cold because old Scrooge never bought much wood for the fire. He was wearing a coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves!

At six o’clock Bob went to Mr Scrooge. “Excuse me, sir. Tomorrow is Christmas Day, can I stay at

home?” “Stay at home,” shouted Scrooge. “I don’t pay you to stay at home!” “But it is Christmas,” said Bob. “Very well,” said Scrooge, “But you must work double hours on Boxing Day!” “Yes sir, certainly sir, Merry Christmas, sir.” “Get out!” shouted Scrooge. “Christmas! Everybody talks about Christmas!” said Scrooge. “It’s just an excuse not to work. People want money too. Always money! For doing nothing!” Scrooge put on his hat and coat and left the office. 56.When did the story happen? A.On a Sunday. B.On a Saturday. C.On Christmas Day. D.On Christmas Eve. 57.Who was the head of the office? A.Bob. B.Mr Scrooge. C.The young man. D.Mr Marley. 58.Which day does the words “Boxing Day” mean?

A.25th of December. B.24th of December. C.26th of December. D.30th of December. 59.Why did not Mr Scrooge go to his nephew’s home for dinner? A.Because he was afraid of spending money. B.Because he had too much work to do. C.Because Bob was working in the corner of his office. D.Because Mr Marley died. 60.Which of the following sentences is wrong?

A.Mr Scrooge thought the most important thing in his life was money. B.Bob worked very hard, but he got a little money.

C.Christmas Day was just an excuse for Bob not to work.

D.Bob was so cold that he had to work in the coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves. DBCAC

