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八年级英语(下) Unit6创优检测卷





Ⅱ.听短对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5分) ( )6.What are they talking about?

A.Hou Yi Shoots the Suns. B.Yu Gong Moves a Mountain. C.Nu Wa Repairs the Sky.

( )7.What does the girl think of the emperor?

A.Interesting. B.Funny. C.Silly.

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( )8.Who got married to Jane?

A.John. B.Mike. C.Alan.

( )9.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a park. B.At school. C.In a clothes store.

( )10.Do they like Hansel’s stepmother?

A.Yes,they do. B.No,they don’t. C.She is kind.

Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话听两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 ( )11.What did the boy do last Sunday?

A.He played games. B.He went to the zoo. C.He saw a film.

( )12.How was the film?

A.It was boring. B.It was very fun. C.It was too long.

听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。 ( )13.What is the boy doing?

A.He is buying a book. B.He is telling a story. C.He is reading a story.

( )14.What does the boy think of the story?

A.Long B.Easy. C.Interesting.

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( )15.When can the boy finish reading the story?

A.Tomorrow afternoon. B.This afternoon. C.This evening.

Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确的答案。短文听两遍。(10分) ( )16.When did the Browns go to the cinema?

A.Last week. B.Last month. C.Last night.

( )17.How old was their daughter?

A.Six months old. B.Eight months old. C.Ten months old.

( )18.Who stopped them when they walked in?

A.A shop assistant. B.A security man. C.An office worker.

( )19.What did Mr. Brown think of the movie?

A.Relaxing. B.Interesting. C.Boring.

( )20.Why did they want to let their daughter cry?

A.To get their money back. B.To give her something to eat. C.To wake her up to see the movie.



( )21.—How is Nancy getting on with her lessons?

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—She won't catch up with others _____ she studies harder. A.after B.unless C.as soon as D.since

( )22._____,there was a handsome young man falling in love with a beautiful girl.

A.Once upon a time B.Sometimes C.Once a time D.Long time

( )23.What a nice day! We should go climbing _____ watching TV in the hotel.

A.because of B.instead of C.together with D.out of

( )24.When I saw the old bike,it _____ me of my grandfather.

A.reminded B.thought C.put D.returned

( )25.Catherine got married _____ a policeman twenty years ago.

A.with B.for C.to D.in

( )26.We all like the Monkey King because he is ______ cute and lovely.

A.a lot B.a lot of C.a little bit D.a lots of

( )27.When I walked by,I heard Jim _____ in his bedroom.

A.to sing B.sing C.singing D.sang

( )28.Don't be silly.You'll never turn yourself _____ Ultraman(奥特曼).21cnjy.com

A.to B.over C.into D.on

( )29.If she keeps _____,she'll finish it soon.

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A.worked B.to work C.working D.work

( )30.I didn't go to bed _____ my mother came back home last night.

A.since B.until C.when D.as

( )31.The scarf which is _____ silk _____ soft and comfortable.

A.made from;feels B.made of;feels C.made in;smells D.made up of;smells

( )32.The shoes in the shop don't _____ me, because they are either too large or too small for me.

A.fit B.use C.try D.feel

( )33.We should care for _____ because they need help.

A.the weak B.a weak C.the rich D.a rich

( )34.Ma Yun,the Chairperson of Alibaba Group,has made much money _____ the Internet.

A.through B.along C.across D.towards

( )35.—I'm very sorry,Allen.I can't find your favorite CD.

— _____ ,Tom.I'll go and buy another one. A.Never mind B.Don't say that C.Sure D.You are kidding


Yesterday Princess Eva was happy.She went to a great party.The weather was sunny,and the food was 36 .There were a lot of

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