英语人教版三年级下册Unit1 A lets talk

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科目: 英语 班级: 五年级 设计人: 王艳红 时间: 2017 年 2 月 教学内容 共 6课时 Unit 1 My day 领导签字 第 1 课时 课型 新授 课时 目标 1. 能听、说、读、写class, play sports, eat dinner。 do morning exercises, eat breakfast, have…2. 会说句型:When do you do morning exercises/…?并能回答I ...at…’clock. 教学重点: 1. 掌握Let’s learn中的动词短语并能用于回答问询作息时间。 教学重点、难点 2. 掌握单词exercises的正确发音。 教学难点:能用动词短语回答询问作息时间 教法 学法 教学准备 疑探教学 自主学习、合作探究 单词卡、教学光盘 Unit 1 My day ---When do you do morning exercises? eat breakfast 板书设计 have…class play sports 、 eat dinner ---At…o’clock. ---When do you get up/…? ---I get up at….a.m. / p.m. 教学程序 教学过程 Step 1:Warming up热身 1. T: Hello , boys and girls! Welcome back to school!Ss: Hello, Miss.... Nice to see you again. 教学意图 创设情境,T: Nice to see you ,too. 2.T: What time is it? (可以课前在黑板上画一个钟面,张开手臂演示一个时引导质疑。 间) Ss:It’s 9/10/11 o’clock.(注意给学生 强调整点时间后面要用o’clock)反复操练 3.Go over these phrases : wash my clothes, watch TV, do homework, read books, play football. I often wash my clothes/watch TV/do homework/ read books/… . Step2:Presentation新课呈现 1. Use the cards to learn new phrases. 通过师生之间的对话和图片的视觉刺激能够让学生们集中注意力思考问题 教师利用课件出示做早操的图片,引导学生观察图片并提问what is he doing?,学生们用中文说出做早操,教师顺势进行表扬并出示英文表达:Yes,you are right,he is doing morning exercises,now read after me “do morning exercises”, 强调“exercises”的发音,然后找单个同学读、一 排一排地读、开火车读,做到每个学生都能够会读。 用同样的方式教授其他词组:eat breakfast, have…class, play sports, eat dinner(重点强调breakfast的发音)。 2. Let’s chant.(将词组和句子连在一起拍手说出来)Do morning exercises, do morning exercises,I often do morning exercises. Eat dinner, eat dinner I often eat dinner. ... 3. Read these sentences. 1) T: I can swim/play football/play sports….. 2) T: Can you do morning exercises/…? Ss: Yes, I can./No, I can’t. 3) T: When do you do morning exercises /play football/play sports? 4) Ss: At… o’clock.(跟学生强调整点前要 自探新知,引导自学。 通过拍手说词组和句子能够很好地调动学生的积极性,同时对知识进行了巩固,加深印象 用介词at) 反复操练。 4. 学生听录音,分角色读Let’s learn 。 Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建Role- play: 1)Answer the questions. 分小组对话能够发挥T: What time is it? 集体的智慧,更好地掌握新知识 Ss: It’s six/nine o’clock. 合探解疑,共同学习。 T: I get up at six o’clock. When do you get up/go to school? Ss: I get up at 7.a.m/ 7:30. 2) Ask and write. (教师引导学生完成填空,并分小组运用句型进行对话练习) T: When do you get up/do morning exercises? Ss: I get up at….a.m/p.m. 质疑再探,Step4:达标测试(同学们一起做,寻找问题) 一、译成汉语。 A. do morning exercises ( ) B. eat breakfast ( ) C. have English class ( ) D. play sports( ) 通过达标测试能够检验学生们的学习效果,同时能够反映出新问题,以此来解疑答惑,从而巩固新知识。 解疑答惑。 E. eat dinner ( ) 二、选一选,读一读 ( )1.你们常常三点钟上英语课吗? ( )2.我通常六点钟进行体育运动。 ( )3.我们一起吃早饭吧。 ( )4.你什么时候早锻炼? ( )5.我们晚上八点吃晚饭。 A. Let’s eat breakfast. B. When do you do morning exercises? C. Usually I play sports at 6 o’clock. D. We eat dinner at 8 o’clock p.m. E. Do you often have English class at 3 o’clock? 课堂总结,Step5:Consolidation and Homework总结和作业 What do you have learned? 让学生总结本节课所学内容,自由发言,任意一点畅谈收获。 都可以,鼓励学生开口讲话 作业布置 1.Read the words after the tape for five times(跟读录音磁带五遍) 2.Write the words for three times(抄写单词三遍) 教后感

