Unit 1 College culture

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Unit 1 College culture Vocabulary and structure 1 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in the box. characterize industrial launch frustration issue profound prospect denounce protest destruction ultimately bracelet emphasize opportunity gender 1 2 1The manager decided to _____________ a sales promotion. 2The fate of a nation is _____________ dependent upon the quality of its people and its 3Hundreds of people took to the streets to ______________ against police brutalities. 4The 1980s were ____________ by high inflation and high unemployment. 5The question of pay is not an important ______________ at the moment. 6There are far more _____________now for school leavers than there were 50 years ago. 7A charm ____________ is an item of jewellery worn around the wrist. 8He ____________ that all the people taking part in the research were volunteers. 9Scientific discoveries are often applied to _____________ production methods. 10Many species are in danger because of our _____________ of their natural habitat. 11The scientists found no relationship between weight and the students' race or ______________. leaders. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 The __________ and sadness almost overwhelmed me as I felt I was discarded and I thought for sure I would never pick up my pen to write. 13 The mother's behaviour has a(n) ____________ impact on the developing child. 14 China provides the finest ___________ for overseas investors. 15 The president's speech _________________ the killing of hostages by the terrorists. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the expressions in the box. by definition; in descending order; give rise to; make sense; be associated with; pass over; sit up; form an alliance set up; with; bring sb / sth to one's / its knees 1 2

stand for; drop out; keep off; 1I had to ____________ all night writing the report. 2Her name will ever _____________ the women's liberation.

3 Innovation and creativity are, ____________ , not orderly, and not regulated.

4 The coal miners' strike ____ the economy ___________________ .

5 The company ___________ top US companies in the e-commerce industry. 6 The numbers are arranged __________ . 7 The doctor has told me to __________ cigarettes and alcohol. 8 We _________ freedom of speech for everyone regardless of colour, race or creed. 9 Kate and her partner __________ their own printing business. 10 Many students ___________ because they are not prepared for our challenging programme. 11 Read this passage and tell me if it ____________ . 12 Bad conditions would ____________ a lot of crimes. 13 Sex is a subject he prefers to _______________ because it embarrasses him 3 Match the words in the box with their synonyms or antonyms. prospect liberal 1 chief_________________ 8 revolt_____________________ 2 age___________________ 9 outlook____________________ 3 oppressive_____________ 10 fight______________________ 4 conservative____________ 11 exciting____________________ 5 clear__________________ 12 deep______________________ 6 love___________________ 13 enlarge___________________ 7 extreme________________ rebel era clash passion radical heady shrink prime repressive profound obscure 4 Choose the best word to complete the sentences. 1 1Many parents feel ___________ _________ to pay for at least part of the wedding. (a) honoured (b) obliged 2 (c) offered (d) permitted 2The new job is not a promotion as such but it brings good ______________ for the future. (a) priorities (b) proposals (c) purposes (d) prospects 3 3These subjects are remarkably _____________ to the mind of the students. (a) stimulating (b) striking (c) boring (d) extreme 4 4To say that something is inevitable is to _______ that it will occur no matter what precedes it.

(a) assess


(b) assist (c) assert (d) assign

5It is a(n) _____________ feeling to unload the burden that has been weighing us down for


(a) illuminating (b) appealing (c) liberating (d) forbidding

6 We operate in 100 countries with _____________ businesses in Europe, North and South

America, Australasia and Africa.

(a) well-balanced (b) well-built (c) well-founded (d) well-established (a) emotional (b) passionate (c) interested (d) expressive 8 I am able to attend an interview at any time that is ____________ for you. And if

appointed, I can start working within one month. (a) convenient (b) handy (a) primitive (b) perfect business.

(a) competent (b) commercial (c) common (d) competitive

11 The report shows that there have been __________ improvements in some areas in the past ten years.

(a) dreadful

(b) dramatic (c) domestic (d) doubtful

12 His ___________ poses the question of whether we now need a deputy leader.

(a) residence (b) resignation (c) resistance (d) reliance 13 The novel praises the ___________ spirit of the hero against the old society.

(a) rebel

(b) reluctant (c) obedient (d) opposite

(c) proper (c) prime

(d) satisfying (d) private

9 While I had other serious injuries, my legs were my __________ concern. 10 If your prices are ___________ we would expect to conduct a significant volume of

7 We're looking for dynamic individuals with diverse backgrounds and ________________ about doing business


1 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.

1 We will naturally ________________________ (把现代奥林匹克运动与……联系起来)Pierre de Coubertin.

2 Since the end of the Cold War, _____________ (重大而深刻的变化)have taken place in the international situation.

3 It is a formidable task, but we are __________ (决不退缩)

4 No one has yet come up with ______________(一个令人满意的定义)of happiness. 5 It ___________________________________ (买那件贵的外套毫无道理)when these cheaper ones are just as good.

2 Translate the paragraph into English, using the words and expressions in the box.

differ from …to; be assumed to; be responsible for; focus on; rather than;

slow down; up to; assert; take the initiative to do; keep up


3 Translate the sentences into Chinese.

1 Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is a term used to refer to people who were born and grew up during the later years of, and in the decade following the Cold War.

2 Because of the increasing rate of divorce and number of working mums, Gen X got the traits of independence, resilience and adaptability.

3 Gen X saw the inception of the home computer, the rise of videogames, and the Internet as a tool for social and commercial purposes.

4 Every student in College Internship Programme in this university has a story to tell about overcoming adversity.

5 College students from many universities in the city joined the demonstration; they carried a large, blue banner marked with their opposition to the war.

Reading comprehension (Skimming and scanning)

In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions. For Questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked (a), (b), (c) and (d). For Questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.

Binge drinking entrenched in college culture

It's been nearly a year since 19-year-old Samantha Spady was found dead of alcohol poisoning in a fraternity house (美国大学生联谊会会堂)at Colorado State University. Spady's blood alcohol content was 0.436 - five times the legal limit - and investigators say she consumed up to 40 drinks the day before she died.

Spady's death was far from the only alcohol-related campus tragedy last year. Each year, college drinking contributes to an estimated 1,400 student deaths, 500,000 injuries and 70.000 cases of sexual assault or date rape, according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Government and universities are pouring millions of dollars into programmes to crack down on campus \

Many experts studying alcohol use on college campuses say excessive drinking is so deeply established in the culture, only a radical shift in students' attitude towards drinking will help. What is \

Spady's parents, Patty and Rick, have started a group called the SAM (Student Alcohol Management) Spady Foundation, whose mission is to educate students and parents about risky alcohol use.

Patty Spady says she and her husband \homecoming queen and high school class president - about the fact that heavy drinking could be deadly. But she also admits that she wasn't totally aware of the dangers herself.

Binge drinking is commonly defined as having five or more drinks in one sitting, and the number of college students considered binge drinkers - around 44 per cent - has stayed about the same for the past decade. But many college students say that definition of binge drinking seems ridiculous.

Barrett Seaman, a former Time magazine editor, observed student behaviour on 12 college campuses for his recently released book, Binge: What Your College Student Won't Tell You. He found that many students are drinking far more than five drinks over the course of a night.

\Pregaming and other drinking rituals

Seaman, who admits he did his fair share of drinking at Hamilton College in upstate New York in the 1960s, says he was struck by the \

One common ritual he saw was \or apartments and drank massive amounts of alcohol, usually hard liquor, in order to catch a buzz before going out for the evening.

Seaman says that because drinking is illegal for so many college students, they are forced to do it covertly - and often dangerously - because there's no telling when they will get another drink as they roam from party to party.

\(夸耀地)drunk,\has access to alcohol.\

Dr Hoyt Alverson, an anthropology professor at Dartmouth University, had his undergraduate students spend three years studying fellow students' social behaviour at the school. Alcohol, he says, is inextricably linked with social life on campus.

His study indicates that first-year students especially fear being alone in their new environment, and drinking is simply the best and easiest way of \steam... fitting in and getting ahead amongst one's peers.\Harm reduction and \

Colorado State University's Alcohol Task Force kicked into high gear after Spady's death. But the campus didn't disband all fraternities or ban alcohol in general. Instead, CSU and other colleges are hoping that educating students about the harmful consequences of heavy drinking - like sexual assault and alcohol poisoning - will be more successful.

Many colleges' harm reduction programmes include peer-education groups and tips on staying safe while drinking that go far beyond a \students to stick together at parties and never leave a friend behind, and how to recognize if someone is in physical danger from drinking.

CSU is also trying out a \norms\campaign, which attempts to correct students' misperceptions about fellow students' behaviour.

In a sense, social norming is peer pressure in reverse. The theory is that students overestimate how much their peers drink, and that by giving them accurate information about \will encourage them to change their behaviour. And according to the National Social Norms Resource Center, campuses that have used social norms programmes have seen rates of \episodic alcohol consumption\Some call for a culture change

In American culture, college students occupy that vague place between adolescence and adulthood, and in many ways, drinking, partying and breaking the rules are part of this transitional \

So while drinking at college is nothing new, what is new is the way today's students are doing it.

Seaman and Alverson agree that raising the drinking age to 21 has been counterproductive (适得其反). By making it illegal to drink, students' behaviour is repressed and driven underground. Their drinking becomes secretive, intensified and, in many cases, dangerous.

Besides going to several American campuses, Seaman also visited McGill university in Montreal - a college that more than 2,000 American students attend. The drinking age there is 18, and Seaman said the attitude towards drinking at McGill is far more \even among American students.

Both Seaman and Alverson say that changing the drinking age back to 18 would be a good start in changing campus drinking culture. \said. But they also say that a radical behaviour and attitude shift would take time.

1 (a) (b) (c) (d) 2 (a) (b) (c) (d) 3 (a) (b) (c) (d)

1From the passage, we can learn that binge drinking ________ . (a)is a campus tragedy

(b)has changed students' behaviour (c)is something new in the culture (d)causes a lot of campus crimes

2Samantha Spady's parents regret daily because _________ (a)their daughter used to be a good girl

(b)they think they are partly responsible for their daughter's death (c)their daughter never listened to them

(d)their daughter was too young to realize heavy drinking is deadly

3\(a)sit in their dorm rooms or apartments

(b)have their fair shares of drinking before going out of the party (c)make up, in order to be cool before going out for the evening (d)drink massive amounts of alcohol before going out for the party


4 In the sentence \

they forced to do it covertly ...\(a) secretly


(b) openly

(c) illegally (d) madly

5 According to Dr Alverson, first-year students drinking is due to the fact that __________(a) they are under great pressure of the study (b) they feel alone in their new environment (c) it is a way to express their feelings (d) it is a social norm

6 In order to reduce the harm of heavy drinking, CSU _________. (a) disbands all fraternities

(b) tries out a \(c) bans alcohol in general on campus (d) raises the age of drinking

7 What can we learn from Seaman's word \you treat them as adults, they'll act like adults\

(a) Raising drinking age is very important.

(b) Cutting down the drinking age will make students realize they are adults. (c) Respect is more important than restriction.

(d) Drinking age is the key factor for college drinking. 8 The mission of the SAM is to _________________________ . 9 Binge drinking is commonly defined as __________________________ . Reading comprehension (Reading in depth) 1 There is a passage with ten blanks. You are requested to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. College culture is different from high school culture. In high school, student behaviour is often closely controlled. In college, students are assumed to be (1) ____ . In high school, the only way to get out of a class is to drop out of school or create a huge (2) ________________ . In college, students often sign up for extra classes to shop around, and they can drop well into the semester. But if they stop coming they will not necessarily be dropped; many college teachers let non-attending students deal with their own paperwork, or it doesn't get done. Many students who stop (3) _________ and neglect to drop get Fs. In high school, students are forced to stay in school and (4) for cutting class. In college, students choose to come to class - or not. They are considered adults who take the responsibility for the (5)_________of their own actions in terms of grades or later earning power. In high school, teachers often end up being disciplinarians (维持纪律的人). Discipline problems are rare in college, and teachers can focus more on teaching. If discipline problems arise, (6) ________ can quickly and easily be (7)_________from class so the focus on learning is retained. In high school, teachers are under (8) ___________ to teach to tests and to (9) ___________________________________________ state standards. In college, there may be considerable variation between teachers within the same discipline; being (10) ________to many different styles of teaching is part of the experience, and there is wider latitude for teachers to express their views and opinions in the classroom. Colleges value academic freedom. (a) attending (e) common (m) disruptive 2 There is a passage followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked (a), (b), (c) and (d). You should decide on the best choice. (b) fuss (f) adults (n) prevented (c) discipline (g) pleasure (k) pressure (o)exposed (d) established (h)consequences (1) punished students 10 The theory of \(i) conventional (j) removed It takes a very delicate balance of social life and academics to be successful in college. This isn't an easy task and even more difficult for freshman. The sudden influx (大量涌入) of personal freedom when it comes to their academic responsibilities seems fantastic at first. A day full of classes can easily be followed by two days with only two classes. This large amount of free time is a fool's paradise of postponement (延缓) to those who aren't used to a college schedule.

There are a few things to keep in mind to help balance school life with social life. Following these tips can help you keep your college life manageable.

Don't get behind. Do your homework when it is assigned to you, even if you don't have to be back in that class for two days. It's easiest to do the work while the day's class is still fresh in your mind. College life is unpredictable. You never know when something will crop up so don't wait till the last night before completing your work. It's hard to get ahead when you start out behind.

Join groups and get a tutor. Search out study groups for each of your classes and attend them regularly. This gives you the best of both worlds. Although you are not in a structured classroom you are still studying. You are getting something accomplished in a more relaxed, social environment. Killing two birds with one stone.

Choose your room carefully. Some colleges have rooms that are designated to one group or another. These are usually less wild and centre more on academic success than the more general dorms. You may also have the option of staying in off campus housing. Living away from the crowds of campus will afford you with more study and quiet time. You are less likely to be interrupted by a drunk neighbour or toga party.

Don't forget the library. Studying in the library can be a time saver. You don't have to go far for study or class resources and a professor is never far away. There aren't any temptations in the library and you are able to study for long periods of time uninterrupted.

Keeping your goal in mind may be the best incentive to keep a healthy balance between school and fun. Flunking out of (退学) college is no fun and leaves a lasting impression on the rest of your life.


1What is the characteristic of college schedule?

(a) You always have a day full of classes. (b) You always know what will happen. (c) You always have a day with only two classes. (d) You have large amount of free time.


2What does the phrase \

(a) Arouse.


(b) Happen. (c) Rise. (d) Start.

3Why should you do your homework when it is assigned to you?

(a) Because you have to be back in that class the next day. (b) Because it will take you more time if you do it later. (c) Because you can recall the day's class easily. (d) Because you have no time to do it later.


4What is the advantage of studying in the library?

(a) It can save you a lot of time. (b) You can find the books you need conveniently. (c) You can study in a quiet environment. (d) It can save you money. 5 5What is the most important thing you should do to keep a balance between academics and social life? (a) To join groups and get a tutor. (b) To keep your goal in mind. (c) To choose your room carefully. (d) Not to get behind. Cloze There are ten blanks in the passage. For each blank there are four choices marked (a), (b), (c) and (d). You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. As the Beatles represent the most important English contribution to rock in the 1960s, Bob Dylan is the most important American (1) _______. This is true in spite of the fact that he has never reached the top sale list of the record industry in the (2) ______ the Beatles have. Bob Dylan (3) from the popular folk movement during 1962 and 1963. His first two records, Bob Dylan and The Freewheeling Bob Dylan appeared in those years and (4) _________his national reputation. This (5) _________ grew slowly, and was helped by his appearance around New York City and at college concerts. As early as 1962, Dylan became known for the quality and quantity of his song-writing. And Dylan's material has reflected a social (6) _______ and has always involved (7) ________ against injustice. It has (8) _____ a broad trend of similar songs in the present-day market. These elements, in (9) _________with Dylan's particular sound, have made him one of the most remarkable (10) _______ in the history of rock. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (a) singer (a) balance (a) emerged (a) formed (a) frame (b) contributor (b) course (b) derived (b) set (b) confidence (c) actor (c) air (c) differed (c) established (c) reputation (c) reform (c) vote (c) aroused (c) harmony (c) persons (d) writer (d) way (d) stemmed (d) enjoyed (d) emotion (d) life (d) declaration (d) continued (d) combination (d) people (a) awareness (b) problem (a) argument (b) protest (a) acquired (a) mixture (b) followed (b) accord (b) features 10 (a) figures


For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled The Prevalence of Digital Products Among College Students. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese.

1 数字化产品(computer, mobile phone, MP3, digital camera etc)在大学生活中的普及 2 数字化产品在大学生活中的作用 3 数字化产品对大学生的影响

Unit 1 Key

Vocabulary and structure 1

1 launch 2 ultimately 3 protest 4 characterized 5 issue 6 opportunities 7 bracelet 8 emphasized 9 industrial 10 destruction 11 gender 12 frustration 13 profound 14 prospect 15 denounced 2

1 sit up 2 be associated with 3 by definition 4 brought... to its knees 5 has formed alliances with 6 in descending order 7 keep off 8 stand for

9 have set up / are setting 10 dropped out 11 makes sense 12 give rise to 13 pass over 3

1 prime (synonym) 2 era (synonym) 3 repressive (synonym) 4 liberal (antonym)

5 obscure (antonym) 6 passion (synonym) 7 radical (synonym) 8 rebel (synonym) 9 prospect (synonym) 10 clash (synonym) 11 heady (synonym) 12 profound (synonym)

13 shrink (antonym) 4

1 (b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c) 6(d) 7(b) 8(a) 9(c) 10(d) 11(b) 12(b) 13(a) Translation 1

1 associate the modern Olympics with 2 major and profound changes 3 determined not to shrink from it 4 a satisfactory definition

5 doesn't make sense to buy that expensive coat 2

Though college cultures differ from campus to campus, there are some similarities. For

instance, students are assumed to be adults. They are responsible for solving their own problems, and faculty focus on resolving problems with students rather than their parents. If you need help or need a teacher to slow down in class, it's up to you to assert yourself and ask. Some college classes move quickly, and you need to take the initiative to keep up. 3

1 X—代,通常缩写为Gen X,指出生并成长于冷战末期到冷战后的十年间的一代人。 2 由于离婚率上升和职业母亲的增多,Gen X一代人具有独立意识强,坚韧和适应能力强的性格。

3 这一代人见证了家用电脑和视频游戏的问世,也亲历了互联网作为社交和商业工具的发展过程。

4 参与这所大学的“大学实习生项目”的每位学生都能说出一段自己如何克服困难的故事。

5 来自这座城市多所大学的大学生们参与了这次游行;他们举着蓝色的大旗,上面写着抗议这场战争的标语。

Reading comprehension (Skimming and scanning) 1(d) 2(b) 3(d) 4(a) 5(b) 6(b) 7(c)

8 educate students and parents about risky alcohol use 9 having five or more drinks in one sitting

10 giving students accurate information about \

Reading comprehension (Reading in depth) 1

1(f) 2(b) 3(a) 4(1) 5(h) 6(m) 7(J) 8(k) 9(d) 10 (o) 2

1(d) 2(b) 3(c) 4(a) 5(b)


1(b) 2(d) 3(a) 4(c) 5(c) 6(a) 7(b) 8(c) 9(d) 10 (a)


