2018新标准大学英语二ALL summary

更新时间:2023-09-04 16:03:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



U1 AR1

This passage talks about the difference between the universities in the past and the universities today.

In the past going to college or university was a more interesting experience. Some colleges were well-known for its student demonstrations and strikes. In Europe, students protest the Vietnam War. In France, students managed to launch a general strike to bring about the redignation of president de Gaulle.

Instead of the heady atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more serious. College has became a means to an end, an opportunity to improve their prospects of being competitive in the employment market and not an end in itself. U2 AR1

The passengers stopped at a small station at down. A bulky woman was in deep morning. Her husband tried to console his wife for the departure of their only son to the front. One of the travellers ventured that their children belong to the country. A fat man interrupted their discussion, he claimed that their children’s love of the country is greater than their love for their parents. Finally when the fat man realized that his son was really dead-gone forever, the man became very upset and was unable to continue his story. His face became distorted as he sob at the loss of his only son.


U2 AR2

The result of the study suggest that the roots of empathy can be traced to infancy. Infants feel sympathetic distress even before they fully realize that they exist apart from other people. A one year old child may also imitate the distress of someone. AT around two and a half years, children may grow out of motor mimicry when they are able to differentiate their own feelings from others’comfort. To be more empathetic, children need to be disciplined to behave with empathy rather than criticized for their behaviour.

U3 AR1

I think soccer is a sport that you can not get excited about if you didn’t grow up with it and it is a good time to blow the whistle on the so-called beautiful game. For one thing, soccer is a game of chance. The scoring system says it all as most finals are 0-0,1-0 or 2-1 and it’s a matter of luck to be ahead when time runs out. Besides, goals are the best illustration of the chance nature of this game as ninety percent of goal shots failed. For another, soccer is a sport in which strategies and regulations are so obscure. There is no universal interpretation of the offside rule. And the only one referee can not commit most of the infractions.

U3 AR2

As walking in the Stadium Australia, I was attracted by the Olympic


gold medal which made me feel so close to the realisation of my childhood dream and I’m so exhilarated, but I tried to keep composed. When I heard the shouts of encourage and the cries of hope I felt unified with the crowd. The race began. The first lap was good but mental and physical fatigue were starting ti crush me. Just one lap to go and Prokhorova set the pace. To be the champion, I tried my best to stay her and kept encouraging myself. With the roar of the crowd, I finished, And as I crossed the line I was sure that I’d just made it, but negative thoughts didn’t leave my mind until I saw my name in lights. I felt a tingle through the whole of my body and the moment that will stay with me for the rest of my life.

U4 AR1

The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue impressively and chill guests of wind with a taste of rain.Trying doors as he went, cost his watchful eye adown the pacific thoroughfare, made a fine picture of a guardian of the peace.

Then he saw a man stood in the doorway. The man who named Bob waiting for a friend because of a promise which made twenty years ago.The man said that he had been succeed, he hoped his friend Jimmy has done half as well because he thought Jimmy was a kind of plodder. The police left and hoped he could meet Jimmy.


After a while, Jimmy came, and they chatted happily. With electric lights, the man realized that it’s not Jimmy. The fake Jimmy said Bob has been arrested and his colleague asked him to give a note to Bob. It said, “I noticed that you’re the wanted man when you struck the match. I can’t arrest you by myself so I got a plain-clothes man to do the job. ”The police was Jimmy.

U4 AR2

Identity theft refers to stealing information about someone that makes it possible to use their bank account or credit card. With an informal and conversational tone the author persuades readers into actions against the threats of identity fraud in our daily life. According to the author we make the thieves’ job easy by leaving our mails unprotected, using ball pens for checks and forms, throwing documents containing our personal information in the trash,leaving our computer on and so on. So we should look for different ways to protect ourselves and change our mindset. Identity crime is very likely to happen at any time, to any of us.We can take precautions to improve the chances of avoiding this crime, though it will never go away.

U5 AR1


U5 AR2

To escape from Nazi persecution of the Jews,Anne and her familly members emigrated from Germany to Holland. However, in 1940 the


Germans invaded,and occupied Holland. So quickly did the persecution of the Dutch Jews begin there that the Franks and another Jew family,the Van Pels went into hiding in the secret annexe. For the next two years, eight people of two families were confined to just six small rooms and could never go outside.

Under such harsh circumstances,Anne continued to her diary, which she started a few weeks before they moved to the hiding. Her diary was the account of the day-to-day activity in the annexe-the suffering, but her dreams and aspirations were still there. The diary voiced a declaration of her principles and of the right to human dignity so profoundly that it was viewed as the voice of Holocaust.

In August 1944,the hiding place was stormed,and Nazi officers arrested everyone. They were taken to concentration camps. Out of the eight people in hiding,Otto Frank was the only survivors, and when he found his daughter’s diary after the war, he arranged for its publication in recognition of her courage. Anne’s writing would be a support and comfort to the world after her death. Part I

U5 AR2

The passage describes that everyone should have some hobbies. A gifted American psychologist believed that worry is a spasm of the emotion.One can only gently insinuate something else into its


convulsive grasp. The most proper thing that make undue grip relaxes is just some hobbies. Proper hobbies give benefit and relief to us, so select rather than do all what you like.

Rational, industrious and useful human beings are divided into two classes: those whose work and pleasure are separate and those whose work and pleasure are one. To both classes, the need of change is essential, but the second class moat need the means of banishing their works at intervals from their minds.

U6 AR1

Do you get the impression that you were born unlucky? Have you convinced that there is a force making mishaps occur at the worst possible time? We all like to believe the Murphy’s Law. Part of the explanation of bad luck is mathematical, but part is psychological. But what is bad? Somethings are only marginally bad, some are extremely bad. It depends on the circumstances. If you are in no hurry, the train arriving five minutes later is neutral, but it is bad if you are late for an important meeting. Another important reason is that one bad event can remain alive and kicking for many months. Your mind will in already on a low from the first bad event and then leap to connect the subsequent misfortunes as part of series.We also will ignore those which don’t follow the law. As for why bad events might cluster together, it is related to probability and independence. For example, anybody who is made


redundant is bound to suffer some depressions. That will lower physical resistance, making the person close to illness. The writer also gives two examples,one is Map reading misfortunes, the other is the lights are always red when I’m in a hurry. They all explain why there is Murphy’s Law.

U6 AR2

The passage describes how to get students to learn about science. With the rapid development of modern communication systems, students are just not used to reading books anymore. There are also other methods to get them learn about science. In campus bookstore, Chemical formulas set to music to make them easier to remember, relativity is explained in a video game and cartoons is used to learn obscure scientific subjects. But the methods of generating interest have become conventional. So a physics professor has come up with a method—to learn science from the mistakes in science fiction films. The writer use a few examples, such as The Day the Earth Caught Fire, Aliens and Superman, to prove that there are a lot of mistakes in science fiction films. For learning about science, students just have to sit back, relax, enjoy the film,and sock up a bit of science at the same time.

