The book report of Steve Jobs_zhaobing

更新时间:2023-07-26 03:24:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


The book report of Steve Jobs

Recently I read《Steve Jobs》,his innovation and work attitude really come as a shock. people consider him as one of the most brilliant and successful entrepreneur in the past decades.I think one of the significant elements to success is innovation and creation.Steve Jobs shows us three principles of innovation in his book The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. In this book report, I will explain and take some examples for each of them.

Principle 1: Do what you love

Jobs said “do what you love” He means one should have courage to follow your heart. Everyone had a dream when he was young, but for many reasons, they gave it up. It is indeed hard for one to preserve his dream. When you spend so much energy and time on one thing, there are such rough moments in time and most people give up. Innovation starts from the interest and passion, without passion and enthusiasm nothing can drive you keeping innovation ideas to something. There is something that we should learn from this principle. Firstly, It is barely possible for anyone who succeed without doing things you love, so find your love before you start anything. Secondly, one must trust his passion and never fear of facing the failure.

Principle 2: Put a dent in the universe

One of his motivating sentences was “let’s make a dent in the universe”.without a bold vision, Jobs and his teams will get nothing but an

empty dream. Every innovation at Apple starts with a big, bold vision and a big bunch of inspiration.What passion to a successful people is what fuel to a car, but vision provides the map of your road. When we want to make a vision and run after it, it is better to make sure that the vision has some common characters such as specific, concise and consistent.

Principle 3: Sell Dreams, Not products

It is well known that Jobs do a market research or investigate before build a new product, differently from others, but he still build great products without focus groups. However, it’s not to say that Apple does not listen to its customers. Actually it seems none can know their customers better than them. There are thousands of electronic corporations in China, but none of them has any style like Apple, they just follow the so called customer’s current need and make a little profit by producing in a fast way. In my opinion, they should pay more attention on customers’ dream rather than their requirements and stop copying from others.

To sum up, I think we should think and digest it differently in our own way. It can not be denied that Jobs’ story do work on Jobs, but maybe not on you. Maybe some rules work on you but not all of them, then, you still can not become Jobs. So, create our own principles is the right way to seek for a better future on not only career but also the whole life.

