高中英语 Unit5《First aid》教案(7) 新人教版必修5

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英语:Unit5《First aid》教案(7)(新人教版必修5)

The Second Period Listening

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language目标语言

a. 重点词汇和短语

unconscious, emergency number, reach cupboard, involve, stress and intonation

b. 重点句式

So far we’ve looked at first aid treatments for burns, bleeding, choking ... Stop him from running around as that makes clothes burn faster.

2. Ability goals能力目标

Enable the students to listen for details and catch the specific information of first aid as much as possible.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

Help the Ss learn how to do rescue breathing by listening task. Teaching important and difficult points教学重难点

Listen to the three materials about a first aid quiz and an emergency phone call and the instructions for rescue breathing, then choose the correct answers.

Teaching methods教学方法

Listening and cooperative learning.

Teaching aids 教具准备

A recorder, a projector and a computer.

Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式

Step Ⅰ Revision

Help the Ss to check their homework on page 74. The students’ textbooks

should be closed.

T: Last class we learned some knowledge of first aid. Here I’d like to do a quiz about first aid. Do this first aid quiz in groups. Give reasons for your answers. Mary, which person would you help first?

Read the multiple choices from A to D.

S: C. Gao Yuan who is on the ground without breathing. He is in greater danger of dying than the others because he is not breathing. He needs rescue breathing to start his breathing again.

T: When you are carrying out rescue breathing, where do you check for a pulse? Here are four answers.

S: A. The easiest place to check for a pulse is on either of the carotid arteries, which run down both sides of the neck.


Help the Ss to do the quiz.

Step Ⅱ Listening


T: Before listening, let’s learn some difficult words and phrases. Read them and tell me the Chinese meanings.

unconscious; emergency number; reach cupboard; involve; stress and intonation

Show the following questions on the screen.

Have you ever had to phone an emergency number? Do you know what telephone number you would call in a medical emergency?

What telephone number you would call in a fire emergency?

And what telephone number you would call in a police emergency?

Let the Ss discuss these questions. Give some necessary help.

Ss: 120 is the emergency phone number for the ambulance;

110 for police station;

119 for fire station.

T: OK. When we make an emergency call, what should we pay attention to? Yes, we should re-member to tell where we are, what happened, the telephone number etc. Now, we are going to listen to an emergency phone call. Listen attentively and get the general idea.


Play the tape twice. And then ask the Ss some questions.

T: What can you hear in the listening?

S: The listening presents an emergency phone call in which a woman is asking for an ambulance for her daughter who has had an accident.

T: I play it the second time; you need to fill in the blanks. While you are listening, you’d better make notes of the listening points. Listen to the conversation and complete the table on page 69, pay attention to the key words.

Check the answers.

Make the Ss understand all the four questions. Play the tape and ask them to answer the questions in pairs. And then check the answers with the whole class.

T: Can you remember the phrases the operator used to try and make Mrs Grant feel more relaxed?

S: Now calm down; Now take a deep breath.

T: Are there any other phrases you didn’t understand?


Play the tape again and help the Ss to deal with the difficulties.

Step Ⅲ Listening ( P73)

Pre- listening

T: Now let’s go on to do another listening practice. Please turn to page 73. Here are some pictures of how to do rescue breathing. We call the way CPR. What do you think rescue breathing is?

S: Rescue breathing is when you help someone who has stopped breathing to start breathing again.

While listening

T: Listen to the instructions for rescue breathing, number the boxes for the correct order. Write an instruction under each picture. Now discuss the order in groups. Number the boxes to show the correct order of the pictures. Write an instruction under each picture.

Ss: 7-5-2-4-8-6-1-3

1 check if conscious

2 put into recovery position

3 clear airway

4 check if breathing

5 blow into mouth and watch for breathing

6 check pulse

7 continue rescue breathing

8 put into recovery position


T: Now let’s look at the pictures, can you use them as guide to tell each other how to do rescue breathing.

Ss: 1. We should call for help, then check whether unconscious.

2. We should put the person into the recovery position.

3. We may clear anything in the airway.

4. Then we should check for breathing.

5. Blow into mouth using the mouth- to- mouth method.

6. Check pulse.

7. We should continue breathing at 15 breath a minute.

8. At last when the person breaths again, put him/her in the recovery position.

T: Yes, you are right. Rescue breathing is very important in our daily life.

I hope one day when you need it, you can use it well.

Step Ⅳ Listening (P39)

T: Besides the rescue breathing, there are other ways to do first aids. Now, let’s learn more about first aid. Turn to page 39. Here is a quiz. While you listen to it, you don’t need to catch every detail. Only focus on the topics. Let’s listen to it and answer the questions. What topics does the teacher ask questions about? Circle the correct ones.

Check the answer with the classmates. Ask some students to answer.

Step Ⅴ Homework

1. Search more information about first aid on the Internet.

2. Prepare for reading: FIRST AID FOR BURNS.

