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? 代词在高考中的考查重点: 1.人称代词主格与宾格的用法; 2.名词性和形容词性物主代词的用法;


4.指示代词this, that, these, those的用法; 5.表示两者和多者的不定代词的比较; 6.some,any的用法辨析; 7.each, every的用法辨析;

8.(a) little,(a)few,a bit的用法辨析;

9.替代词it, that, (the) one(s), those的用法辨析;

10.another, (the) other(s), else; the rest的用法辨析;

11.every-,some-,any-,no-与thing,-one,-body构成的复合不定代词的用法。 【2012全国II】9. Sarah made ______ to the airport just in time to catch her plane this morning.

A. herself B. this C. that D. it 【答案】D


【解析】此处it是形式主语,代替后面的不定式短语。句意:Sarah今天早上成功地及时到达了机场赶上了她的航班。 2012四川卷

2. New technologies have made ____ possible to turn out new products

faster and at a lower cost.

A. that B. this C. one D. it 【答案】 D


【解析】题干为固定句型:make + it + adj. + to do。其中it作形式宾语,替代动词不定式to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost。句意为:新兴科技已经使得更快地、以更低的成本生产新产品成为可能。

【2012江西卷】23.My brother would like to buy a good watch but was available from that shop. A.nothing B.none C.no one D.neither 【答案】B

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【解析】此处 nothing指物,什么都不是;none既可指人也可指物,强调“每一个”;no one只能指人;neither表两者都不,故此题选B。

【2012重庆卷】21.-John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday? -_________.I’ll be off to London then.

A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None 【答案】B


【解析】根据答语“I’ll be off to London then.”可知,约定的星期三或者星期五对John来说,都不行。在选项中B选项是“两者都不”之意,符合语境。因此,正确答案为B选项。

【2012北京卷】 If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand, could you get for me?

A. one B. such C. this D. that 【答案】A


【解析】根据句意:如果你去报摊上买今天的报纸,给我捎回一份好吗?one作“一个”,“一本”,“一件”等解,用来代替上文提到过的paper。相当于a copy of paper. 【2012浙江卷】5. ____________________________________ Studying Wendy's menu, I found that many of the items are similar to______ of McDonald's. A. those B. ones C. any D. all 【答案】A 【考点】代词

【解析】 those=that ones, 代指前面的many of the items,表示复数、特指,被of McDonald’s修饰,符合语境。Ones表示复数、泛指;any任何一个;all全部,均不符合语境,故排除。

【2012江苏卷】23. Sophia waited for a reply, but ____ came. A. either 【答案】D

【考点】代词辨析—neither/ none

【解析】句意为:Sophia等候答复,但没有任何答复。根据转折连词but可知,此处应用表示否定意义的代词,所以排除A项和B项。neither意为“两者都不”;none意为“三者或三者以上都不”。根据前半句中的“a reply”提示可知,故选D项。

【2012陕西卷】13. No matter where he is, he makes _____a rule to go for a walk before breakfast.

A. him 【答案】D


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B. another C. neither D. none

B this C. that D. it

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【解析】所填词做使役动词make的形式宾语,真正宾语是to go for a walk,选D。

【2012全国新课程】31. Larry asks Bill and Peter to go on a picnic with him, but of them wants to, because they have work to do. A. either B. any C. neither D. none 【答案】C



【2012山东卷】21. When you are done with the book, just give it to Lucy or Helen or __________. A. whoever

B. wherever D. however

C. whatever 【答案】A


【解析】此处whoever是代词,意为:任何人,无论谁。它作to的宾语。句意:你看完书后,把书给Lucy或Helen,或谁都行。 2011全国卷II,11

I got this bicycle for ; My friend gave it to me when she

bought a new one.

A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing 答案D


解析句意为“我没花钱就得了这辆自行车;我的朋友买了一辆新车,就把这辆给了我。”根据后面“gave it to me”可判断没花钱,nothing表否定,for表示交换。因此选D。 2011北京卷,34The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase . A. them B. those C. it D. that 答案考点



解析句意为“由于当地政府的努力,大城市里的就业率持续升高。”it代指前面交代过的“the employment rate”,是单数,而them和those是复数。因此选C。 2011天津卷,1

We feel our duty to make our country a better place.

A. it B. this C. that D. one 答案A 考点解析



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宾语,代指“to make our country a better place”。 因此选A。

2011上海春招,26They produced two reports, ______ of which contained any useful suggestions. A. either B. all C. none D. neither 答案D


解析句意为“他们提供了两份报告,没有一份报告含有任何有用的建议。”neither两个都不;either两者之一,但后半句里的“any useful suggestions”与否定连用;all与none指三个或三个以上,与前面的“two reports”不相一致。因此选D。 2011山东卷,24

The two girls are so alike that strangers find ________ difficult

to tell one from the other. A. it B. them C. her D. that 答案考点



解析句意为“这两个女孩长得很相像,不熟悉的人很难将她俩区分开来。”it在此句中充当形式宾语,代指“to tell one from the other”。 因此选A。 2011福建卷,21

We have various summer camps for your holidays. You can choose

____ based on your own interests.

A. either B. each C. one D. it 答案考点



解析句意为“在你们的假期里,我们这儿有各种暑期夏令营,你们可以根据自己的兴趣任选一个。”one代替单数可数名词,表泛指,相当于“a/an + 单数名词”。这里泛指某个summer camp夏令营。因此选C。

2011安徽卷,22Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made_____ almost an overcoat for her.

A. them B. her C. itself D. herself 答案C

考点考查反身代词的用法。 解析句意为“令人惊叹的是,Susan美丽的长发垂到她的膝盖下面,就像一件外套似的。”反身代词itself指的是前面提到的beautiful hair。而them,her和herself指的都是人。因此选C。

2011浙江卷,7Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation as ________ else.

A. anything B. something C. anywhere D. somewhere 答案考点



解析句意为“人们喜爱幽默,所以,在谈话中或者别的什么地方的幽默都受人欢迎。”疑问副词anywhere与else连用,表示(除了in conversation的)其他任何地方,表示场合的。而anything和something是表示超越场合的事物。因此选C。

2011四川卷,3There is in his words. We should have a try. A. something B. anything C.nothing D.everything 答案考点



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解析句意为“他的话有些道理,我们应该试一试。”something 指不简单的事、可观的成绩、有些地位的人。因此选A。

2011重庆卷,27——Silly me! I forget what my luggage looks like. ——What do you think of over there?

A. the one B. this C.it D.that 答案考点



解析句意为“——我真傻!想不起来自己的行李是什么样子的。——你看看那边的是不是你的?”指示代词that指时间与空间上较远的事物,over there交代了空间上的远距离。this指时间与空间上较近的事物,the one和it都特指前面曾经交代过的事物。结合语境,选D。


——Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear?

—— one?

A.Other B.Every C.Another D.More 答案考点



解析句意为“——亲爱的,可不可以到厨房里给我拿一块巧克力来?——还要吃一块?”another 与数词连用时,数词放在another的后面,如another three chairs; other和more与数词连用时,数词放在它们的前面,如one more apple, two other boys;every指每一个,含义与all接近。因此选C。

2011湖南卷,24I knew that _____ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director.

A. something B. anything C. everything D.nothing 答案D


解析句意为“我知道没有什么能够阻止他;他决不会放弃做一名导演的念头。”根据后面“never give up”可知前面相应地也要用否定性的不定代词nothing。因此选D。 2011辽宁卷,27——Would you like tea or coffee? —— , thank you. I've just had some water.

A. Either B. Both C. Any D. Neither 答案考点



解析句意为“——你是想喝茶还是咖啡?——谢谢你,都不想喝。我刚才已经喝了水了。”通过后面“I've just had some water”可以判定是拒绝tea 和coffee。neither“两者中哪个都不”,其所指范围是两个人或物;either表示“两者中的任何一个”;both“两个都”,修饰可数名词,统指两者;any用于肯定句,作“任何的”解。因此选D。

2011江西卷25Why don’t you bring _____ to his attention that you’re too ill to work on?

A. that B.it C.his D.him 答案考点解析





〖10福建〗When you introduce me to Mr. Johnson, could you please say for me?

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A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing



〖解析〗句子的意思是当你向Mr. John介绍我的时候, 你可以为我说一些好话吗? A. everything 所有的;B. anything 任何事;D nothing 什么也没有 C. something表示一些, 某些

〖10上海〗If our parents do everything for us children, we won’t learn to depend on

A. themselves B. them C. us D. ourselves 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗主语为we, 因此应为ourselves. depend on oneself:自力更生。根据句意, 选D。 〖10安徽〗You are a team star! Working with_______ is really your cup of tea. A. both B. either C. others D. the other 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗句意为 “你是球队明星!与他人合作必须是你喜欢做的事。”习语 “one’s cup of tea”意为 “the type of thing or person that you like”。

〖10山东〗Helping others is a habit, _______ you can learn even at an early age. A. it B. that C. what D. one 〖答案〗D

〖考点〗本题考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗句意应为”帮助别人是一种习惯, 一个你在很小时就能学会的习惯。”空格处与前句中的habit构成同位关系, 所以选择D项。句中you can learn even at an early age是省略了关系代词that 的定语从句, that在定语从句中作learn的宾语使用。

〖10天津〗 in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to the Palace Museum.

A. Anything B. Nothing C. Everything D. Something 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗nothing用于句中表示否定意义, 而其他三个词则表示肯定意义。句意:我一生中什么都没有我第一次参观故宫给我的印象更深刻。

〖10陕西〗The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.

A. that B. this C. it D. one 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗所填词用于比较状语从句中, 指代句子的主语cost, 即指代不可数名词, 用that。This指代下文即将提到的事物;it指代 “同一物”;one指代 “同类中的一个”之意。 〖10四川〗On my desk is a photo that my father took of when I was a baby. A. him B. his C. me D. mine 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗take a photo of sb意为给某人照相, 此处应用人称代词的宾格。正确答案为C。

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〖10全国Ⅱ〗Neither side is prepared to talk to ______unless we can smooth things over between them.

A. others B. the other C. another D. one other 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗Neither含有 “两者都不”之意, 一方对应另一方, 故用the other指 “两者中的另一个”。

〖10重庆〗He had lost his temper and his health in the war and never found of them again. A. neither 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗由 “his temper and health”可以排除C项和D项, 由后面的never表否定, 选either, never either是全部否定, 相当于neither。

〖10重庆〗To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions had used the products. A. whatever

B. who

C. whichever

D. which



〖解析〗这儿_______ used the products。是个宾语从句, 从句中缺少主语, 并且指人, 所以用whoever.

〖10浙江〗 that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction. A.One B.All C.Everything D.Anything 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗分析四个选项的意思, 根据语境:重要的是你正在努力并且朝着正确的方向前行。从而判断此处选择all意思最合适。

〖09山东〗I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face ________ day like that.

A. other B. another C. the other D. others 〖答案〗B

〖考点〗本题考查与other 相关的单词的区别, 〖解析〗由题意知:我昨天一整天感到很糟糕, 以至于我今天早晨决定我不会面对那样的一天。是指在未来的日子中的一天, 故用another.

〖09陕西〗Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer_______of them. A. other B. any C. none D. some 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗所填词与not构成全部否定, 四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any, 等于none, 表全部否定, 故选B。

〖09上海〗-Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

-But _____ of them are in fashion now .

A. all B. both C. neither D. none

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B. either C. each D. all

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〖解析〗由but可知后句句意发生转折, 前句中so many clothes表示 “多数”故应选D。 〖09全国I〗One of the most important questions they had to consider was of public health A. what 〖答案〗C

B. this C. that D. which


〖解析〗句意为:他们必须考虑其中最重要的问题是公共卫生。考查that作代词, that 作代词, 往往用于特指, 相当于 “that+名词”, 它也只能代替事情不能代替人。

〖09陕西〗Jane was asked a lot of questions, but she didn’t answer of them. A. other B. any C. none D. some 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗所填词与not构成全部否定, 四个选项中只有any与not可以构成not any, 等于none, 表全部否定, 故选B。

〖09四川〗I like this house with a beautiful garden in front, but I don’t have enough money to buy__________.

A. one B. it C. this D. that 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗意思是:我喜欢这个前面有一个美丽花园的房子, 但是我没有足够多的钱去把它买下来。第一句话中的this house表明在该语境中是特指的用法, 所以答案为it, 表示特指。该题容易误选one, 要注意的是one表示泛指。

〖09浙江〗-I’ve read another book this week.

-Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts. A. this B. that C. there D. it 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗句中 “not how much you read”足以做动词count的主语, 所以选D使之构成强调句型。

〖09全国II〗Charles was alone at home, with looking after him. A. someone B. anyone C. not one D. no one 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗根据句子提供的信息alone可知没有人照顾他。故用代词no one。

〖09全国II〗The CDs are on sale! Buy one and you get completely free. A. other B. others C. one D. ones 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗句子可以还原为Buy a CD and you get a free CD。one替代a+可数名词单数。 〖09重庆〗Over the past 20 years, the Internet helped change our world in______ way or another for the better.

A. any B. one C. every D. either

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〖解析〗one or another的用法 “无论如何”。 在过去的二十年里, 互联网在这样或那样的方面帮助我们的世界变得更好。

〖09江苏〗Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with ______ of their parents. A. those B. one C. both D. that 〖答案〗D

〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗代are expected

〖08全国I〗—Which of the two computer games did you prefer? —Actually I didn’t like ______. A. both of them them

B. either of them

C. none of them

D. neither of



〖解析〗考查部分否定与全部否定。I didn’t like either of them.相当于I liked neither of them.。

〖08全国I〗The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ______ spoken in England. A. which B. what

C. that

D. the one



〖解析〗that用来代替前面出现的the English。

〖08安徽〗The two girls are getting on very well and share _______ with each other. A. little B. much C. some D none


〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗句意为:这两个女孩现在相处得很好, 她们互相分享很多东西。much作代词时, 意为 “许多”, 而some只是 “一些”。

〖08福建〗—How do you find your new classmates?

— Most of them are kind, but _______is so good to me as Bruce. A. none B. no one C. every one D. some one 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗but表示前后语意转折, 根据语境应排除C、D两项;no one仅指人, 表示泛指;none既指人又指物, 用none时要有一定的范围, 本题中暗含 “none of them”的意思。 〖08湖南〗Our nerghbors gave _____ a baby bird yesterday that hurt ______ when it fell from its nest.

A. us,it B. us,itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves, it 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗句意为:昨天我们的邻居给了我们一只雏鸟, 这只雏鸟从窝里摔下来时受了伤。第一空给 “我们”, 应用us;第二空 “鸟伤到了自己”, 故用反身代词itself。

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〖08山东〗Make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and ______ before you leave. A. something B. anything 〖答案〗C


C. everything

D. nothing

〖解析〗句意为:在你离开之前, 确保你带好护照、票以及所有的一切。something指某件东西;anything任何一件东西, 强调个体;everything强调整体, 由句意可知C项正确。 〖08江西〗Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals _______after an injury? A. himself B. him C. itself D. it 〖答案〗C



〖08辽宁〗—Could you tell me how to get to Victoria Street? —Victoria Street? ______ is where the Grand Theatre is. A. Such 〖答案〗C

B. There

C. That

D. This


〖解析〗句意为: “你能告诉我怎么去维多利亚大街吗?” “维多利亚大街?那是Grand Theatre所在的地方。”用that替代上文的Victoria Street。

〖08陕西〗He doesn’t have _________ furniture in his room --just an old desk. A. any B. many C. some D. much 〖答案〗A

〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗否定句中, 修饰不可数名词furniture, 用any。句意, 他房子里没有任何家具, 只有一张旧桌子。 〖08四川〗The manager believes prices will not rise by more than _____ four percent. A. any other B. the other C. another D. other 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗句意为:经理认为价格不会按高于另外4%的比例上涨。any other表示 “??中任何其他的??”, 在同范围中比较, 如:China is larger than any other country in Asia.(中国比亚洲的其他任何国家都大。)the other表示 “两者中的另一个??”, 如:I have two dogs.One is white and the other is black.(我有两条狗。一条是白的, 另一条是黑的。)another表示 “三者以上的另外, 又一个”, 后接数词, 如:another week(另一周, 再一周), another two weeks(另外两周)。other表示 “另外的, 其他的”, 表泛指。 〖08浙江〗—I’d like some more cheese. —Sorry, there’s ______ left.

A. some B. none C. a little D. few 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗根据答语 “Sorry”可知cheese没有了。a little表肯定, 意为 “有一点”;few表否定, 但用来修饰可数名词。

〖08北京〗It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which _____ of the parents spoke the language.

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A. none B. neither C. both D. each


〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗由于hard表示 “困难的”, 而parents又暗示空格处所填代词应表达的数量概念是 “两个”, 故空格处用neither表示否定含义。

〖08天津〗To know more about the British Museum, you can use the Internet to go to the library, or _______.

A. neither B. some C. all D. both 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗句意为:要想了解更多大英博物馆的信息, 你可以使用因特网或者去图书馆, 或者两种方式都用。both指 “两者都”。

〖08重庆〗—Could we see each other at 3 o’clock this afternoon? ---Sorry, let’s make it __ time.

A. other’s B. the other C. another D. other 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗another day 改天;another time 改个时间。 〖08上海〗—Do you want tea or coffee?

— ______, I really don’t mind.

A. none B. neither C. either D. all



〖解析〗根据I really don’t mind.表明茶和咖啡, 两者选择任何一种。 〖07全国II〗___ felt funny watching myself on TV. A. One B. This C. It

D. That



〖解析〗it为形式主语, 真正的主语为动名词短语watching myself on TV。

〖07上海〗The mayor has offered a reward of $ 5000 to ______ who can capture the tiger alive or dead. A. both B. others

C. anyone

D. another



〖解析〗句意为:市长向任何可以活捉老虎或抓回死老虎的人悬赏5,000美元。anyone任何人, 表泛指。

〖07山东〗_______ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. A.This B.That C.What D.It 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗他不停地改变他的想法让我很烦恼。这是一个主语从句, the way he keeps changing his mind 是主语从句, it是形式主语。

〖07北京〗He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones.

A.any B. some C. few D. many

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〖解析〗由于句中用了转折连词but, 所以要填few与前面的many相对比。

〖07福建〗The book is of great value. can be enjoyed unless you digest it.

A.Nothing 〖答案〗A





〖解析〗句意为:这本书很有价值。除非你认真读了, 要不然你欣赏不到什么(只有你认真读了, 你才能欣赏到一些东西)。unless如果不;除非, 与前面否定的复合不定代词nothing构成双重否定表肯定。

〖07湖南〗To save class time, our teacher has ________ students do half of the exercise in class and complete the other half for homework.

A. us B. we C. our D. ours 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗has后跟复合宾语, 其宾语为us, 宾补为do..., 句中students作us的同位语。 〖07江西〗—What do you think of the performance today?

—Great! But a musical genius could perform so successfully. A.All B.None C.Anybody D.Everybody 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗none but...除??之外没有别人, 因此肯定了but后的词a musical genius “音乐天才”。

〖07江西〗I don’t mind her criticizing me, but that I object to.A. it B.that

is how she does it C.this




〖解析〗It is+被强调部分+that+其他, 强调句可去掉it is与that还原句子。本句相当于..., but I object to how she does it。被强调部分是宾语从句, 因此, 用it引导该句式。

〖07陕西〗—There is still a copy of the book in the library. Wall you go and bottow ?

—No, I’d rather buy in the bookstore. A.it;one 〖答案〗A





〖解析〗第一空指代前面的a copy of the book, 就那一本, 为同句同物, 用it;而第二空指到书店去买一本, 泛指某一本, 为同名异物, 用one。 〖07 四川〗Little joy can equal ________ of a surprising ending when you read stories. A. that B. those C. any D. some 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗joy为不可数名词, 用一个代词代替时, 须用that, that代替不可数名词, 且要

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〖07天津〗He didn’t make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held. A. this B. that C. it D. these 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗句意为:他没有把何时何地召开会议搞清楚。句中 “when and where the meeting would be held”为make的真正宾语, it为形式宾语, clear为宾补。

〖07 辽宁〗The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than ____ in the newspaper.

A. it B. those C. one D. that 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗that代替前面的不可数名词information, it代指同名同物, B、C代指可数名词。 〖07 浙江〗—He got his first book published. It turned out to be a bestseller. —When was _____?

—_____ was in 2000 when he was still in college.

A. that; This B. this; It C. it; This D. that; It 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗句意为: “他的第一本书出版了, 并且成了一本畅销书。” “那是什么时候?” “那是在2000年他还在上大学的时候。”指代上文中提到的事情用that;it可以指时间、天气、距离等概念。

〖07 重庆〗Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _______ left in the house. A. anything B. everything C. nothing D. something 〖答案〗A



〖07上海春〗Treat to a glass of wine to help you relax at the end of the day. A.one 〖答案〗D


C.you D.yourself


〖解析〗一天的紧张(工作)之后, 喝杯红酒, 有助于放松一下自己。

〖06全国Ⅰ〗If I can help_______, I don’t like working late into the night. A. so B. that C. it D. them 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗if I can help it意为 “如果我有办法”, 表示有办法做某事, 或有办法控制某个局面。所提供的情景I don’t like working late into the night说明如果有办法, 不喜欢工作到深夜。so意为 “这样”, 常用于省略句中, 代替上文中的动作。that用于代替上文的内容。

〖06北京〗— Which driver was to blame?

— Why, _______ ! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.

A. both B. each C.

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either D. neither



〖解析〗neither意为 “(两者)都不”。根据所提供的情景It was the child’s fault, clear and simple.可判断出两个司机都不应该受到责备, 因为是孩子的过错。both表示 “(两者)都”, 两个司机都应受到责备, 与所提供的情景矛盾。either意为 “两者之一的;(两者之中)随便哪一个的;两者中任何一方的”, 其意思是两个司机中的任何一个都应受到责备。each意为 “每一个”, 表示多于两个, 与下文中的two parked car矛盾。 〖06上海〗I made so many changes in my composition mat only I could read it. To ____ else, it was hard to make out. A.





someone D. anyone 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗由题意可知, 该空格处应指 “除我之外的任何一个人”。表示 “任何一个人”用anyone.

〖06上海〗Both sides have accused of breaking the contract ___. A. another B. neither D. each 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗the other的意思是 “对方”, 全句意为 “双方都指控对方违反合同”。 〖06江苏〗My most famous relative of all, _______ who really left his mark on America, was Reb Sussel, my great-grandfather.

A. one B. the one C. he D. someone 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗the one作同位语, 指代上文中的my most famous relative of all。one作代词表示泛指, 泛指某人或某物。he作主语, 不作同位语。someone意为 “某人 “, 泛指某人。 〖06湖南〗As the busiest woman in Norton, she made_________her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town.

A.this B.that C.one D.it



〖解析〗it作形式宾语, to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town作真正的宾语。不定式短语作宾语时, 需移置宾语补语之后, 在原来宾语的位置上用引导词it作形式宾语, 构成 “make + it + 形容词或名词+不定式短语”结构, 从而使句子保持平衡。

〖06安徽〗Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting, addressed ________ to ________ and then posted it at the nearby post office.

A.it; her B.it; herself C.herself; her D.herself; herself 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗address作动词的意思是 “在??上写姓名住址”, addressed后接it, 作直接

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the other C.

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宾语, 代替上文中的postcard。to后接herself, 作间接宾语, 表示把postcard寄给她自己。

〖06重庆〗My grandma still treats me like a child. She can’t imagine______ grown up.

A.my B.mine C.myself D.me 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗me是人称代词宾格, 作imagine的宾语。因为主语是she, 所以不能用反身代词作宾语。

〖06安徽〗You may drop in or just give me a call. ______ will do. A.Either B.Each C.Neither D.All 〖答案〗A

〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗either用作代词, 意为 “(两者之中)任一、任何一个”。根据所提供的情景You may drop in or just give me a call.可判断出只有两种可能性, 其中的任何一种都是可以的。each和all都表示多于两个可能性, 与提供的情景不相符合。neither意为 “两者都不”。

〖06天津〗We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have ____ one this month.

A. the other B. some C. another D. other 〖答案〗A

〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗句意为:上学期我们举行了一次野餐, 很有趣, 所以这个月我们再举行一次吧。one代指picnic。another表 “再一, 又一个”;other表 “别的, 其他的”;one...the other表 “一个??, 另一个”。

〖06辽宁〗I hear _____ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball.

A.quite a lot B.quite a few C.quite a bit D.quite a little 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗由于boys为复数可数名词, 所以用a few修饰; 若用a lot, 则应改为a lot of。注意:quite a few的意思是 “相当多” “不少”, 不是 “相当少”, 如:Quite a few people came to the lecture. 有相当多的人来听讲。We drank quite a lot of wine. 我们喝了不少葡萄酒。

〖06四川〗Of all the books on the desk, ____ is of any use for our study. A.nothing B.no one C.neither D.none 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗在所有桌上的书里没有一本对学习有用。none表示 “全都??不”, 多与of 构成短语 none of。 none也可单独使用做主语。no one只能之人, 不能指物, neither指 “两个??都不行”。

〖06福建〗---Who called me this morning when I was not? ----A man calling______Robert.

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A. his B .himself C his D.不填 〖答案〗B

〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗反身代词作calling的宾语, 反身代词作动词的宾语表示称自己为Robert。calling的逻辑主语是a man, 所以要用himself。him作宾语表示称另外一个人Robert。

〖06浙江〗If you can’t decide which of the two books to borrow, why don’t you take ______? I won’t read them this week.

A. all B. any C. either D. both 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗这道题首先要弄清前后句的逻辑关系。根据后一句 “这周我不读(这两本书)”, 含义是你可拿走。表示 “都”的意思的是both和all, 但是由于是两本书, 所以用both。 〖06山东〗____ team wins on Saturday will go through to the national championships. A. No matter what B. No matter which C Whatever D. whichever 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗No matter which不能做主语, 只能当让步状语从句的引导词;whichever可做主语和状语;此句要用主语, 应用whichever...

〖05广东〗I think he’s just going to deal with this problem ______ day.

A. next B. other C. following D. another 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗我想他打算改天再来对付这个问题。本题选项中another 意为 “另一个、再一个”, 可以跟一般名词连用, 但如果复数名词前有数词或few, several 等词时, 也可用another 修饰, 表示 “另多少个”。other意为 “其余的, 其它的”;

〖05湖北〗First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from .

A.everyone else B.the other C.someone else D.the rest 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗在表达的时候, 要把自己和别的人分开。else用在不定代词之后, 有把自身排除在外的含义。句中是和其他每个人都不同的品质。

〖05湖南〗You will find as you read fiats book that you just can’t keep some of these stones to ______. You will want to share them with a friend.

A. itself B. yourself C. himself D. themselves 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗宾语从句的主语是you, 要用反身代词yourself。

〖05江苏〗I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than________ in the city. A. ones B. one C. that D. those

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〖解析〗that指代上文中的the air。因为air是不可数名词, 不能用one 或those指代。另外, 在比较状语从句中, 常常用that指代单数名词, 用those指代复数名词。

〖05江西〗Cars do cause us some health problems —in fact far more serious _______ than mobile phones do.

A.one B.ones C.it D.those 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗ones代替 health problems;one表单数(泛指), 不合题意;it表单数(特指);those为指示代词, 前不可再用修饰成分。

〖05全国Ⅲ〗The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _______ didn’t help.

A.it B.she C.which D.he 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗but连接并列句, it指代医生向Vera提建议这件事。

〖05全国I〗We haven’t enough books for _____; some of you will have to share . A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗根据所提供的情景 “some of you will have to share”可判断出书籍不够每人一本。根据后句迟到的信息, 可知为部分否定。nobody =not anybody 是全部否定。

〖05全国I〗The chairman thought ____ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.

A. that B. it C. this D. him



〖解析〗本题考查了it作形式宾语的用法, 真正的宾语是 “to invite...meeting, “it后面的形容词necessary作宾语补足语。

〖05上海〗No progress was made in the trade talk as neither side would accept the conditions of_________.

A. others B. the other C. either D. another 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗the other另一方。因为谈判是两方, 所以要用the other表示 “另一方”。 〖05浙江〗We’ve been looking at the houses but haven’t found _________ we like yet.

A.one B.ones C.it D.them 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗one指代上文提到的house。因为house是可数名词, 所以要用one指代。ones表示许多房子。

〖05重庆〗— Victor certainly cares too much about himsely.

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— Yes. He’s never interested in what ______ is doing.

A. no one else B. anyone else C. someone else D. nobody else



〖解析〗no one else意为 “没有其他的人, 不符合题意;anyone else意为 “其他任何人”; someone else意为 “另外的某人”;nobody else意为 “没有其他的人”。根据前后的语境, 句意为:他从不关心其他人在做什么。因此选anyone else。

〖05天津〗I prefer a flat in Inverness to ______in Perth, because I want to live near my Mom’ s.

A. one B. that C. it D. this 〖答案〗A



〖05安徽〗I don’t think we’ve met before. You’re taking me for ______. A. some other B. someone else C. other person D. one other 〖答案〗B

〖考点〗考查代词的用法。 〖解析〗else放在不定代词后, 表示 “其他的”。根据所提供的情景 “I don’t think we met before”可判断出把 “我”当成了其他人。

〖05浙江〗The old tower must be saved, _______the cost. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D . wherever 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗该句的意思是 “这古老的塔必须挽救了, 无论花什么代价”。补全句子应为 “whatever the cost is”, whatever作表语。 〖05江苏〗I’m moving to the countryside because the air there is much fresher than ____ in the city.

A. ones B. one C. that D. those 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗本题中than的比较对象是前面的air, air是不可数名词;而 one, ones, those都来代指可数名词。that既可指可数又可指不可数。

〖05福建〗I made a call to my parents yesterday. To my disappointment, of them answered it.

A.either B.none C.neither D.nobody 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗neither表示 “(两者)都不”。根据to my disappointment可判断出父母亲都没接电话。

〖04全国I〗I like _____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

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A. this B. that C. it D. one 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗英语中like, love, hate, dislike等动词后面不能直接带宾语从句, 通常在这些动词后面加it, 然后带相应的从句。

〖04全国I〗—Do you like _____ here?

—Oh, yes. The air, the weather, the way of life. Everything is so nice. A. this B. these C. that D. it 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗it的特殊用法, 常用在口语或非正式文体中。这里指代下文中的The air, the weather, the way of life。

〖04全国III〗We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen. So Peter made ___ from some wood.

A. it B. one C. himself D. another 〖答案〗B


〖解析〗句意为:我们需要为厨房添个橱柜, 所以Peter用我们所拥有的木头做了一个。代词one替代上文的名词a cupboard,非特指的指代, 正合题意。it应指代上文提到的同一事物, 为特指, 故不可。C项离题意太远, D项指 “又”, “再”的意思, 亦不可。 〖04湖北〗It was_____back home after the experiment.

A. not until midnight did he go B. until midnight that he didn’t go C. not until midnight that he went D. until midnight when he didn’t go 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗强调not?until?(直到?才?)引导的时间状语或时间状语从句时, 其结构是It is not until?+ that?。

〖04福建〗It was with great joy _____ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.

A. because B. which C. since D. that 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗强调结构, 被强调的部分是介词短语with great joy(作状语)。

〖04上海〗Why! I have nothing to confess. _____ you want me to say?

A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that



〖解析〗强调结构的特殊疑问句, 被强调的部分是疑问词what(作动词say的宾语)。 〖04北京〗The foreign minister said, “_____ our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”

A. This is B. There is C. That is D. It is 〖答案〗D


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〖解析〗it作形式主语, 真正的主语是其后面的that引导的主语从句。 〖04江苏〗--- How long are you staying?

--- I don’t know. _____. A. That’s OK B. Never mind doesn’t matter



〖解析〗it depends为习惯用语。意思是:“看情况而定。”it指 “情况、形势”, 也可以说 “Things depends”

〖03 NMET〗—There’s coffee and tea; you can have _____. —Thanks.

A. either B. each C. one D. it 〖答案〗A


〖解析〗either用于肯定句时表示 “(两者中)的任一个”。因为只有coffee和tea可供选择, 所以要选either。

〖03NMET〗---Susan, go and join your sister cleaning the yard. ---Why____? John is sitting there doing nothing. A.him B.he C.I D.me 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗在自由对话中, 常用人称代词的宾格代替主格, 例如:Who can drive a bus? ---me.谁会开车?---我。

〖03上海〗It is these poisonous products_____can cause the symptoms of the flu, such as headache and aching muscles.

A. who B. that C. how D. what



〖解析〗强调结构, 被强调的部分是名词these poisonous products(作主语)。

〖03上海〗It is pretty well understood_____controls the flow of carbon dioxide in and out the

atmosphere today.

A. that B. when C. what D. how 〖答案〗C


〖解析〗it为形式主语, 真正的主语是其后面的what引导的主语从句(因主语从句中缺少主语, 用what引导)。 〖03上海春〗It was because of bad weather _____the football match had to be put off.

A. so B. so that C. why D. that 〖答案〗D


〖解析〗强调结构, 被强调的部分是介词短语because of bad weather(作状语)。


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C. It depends D. It

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1.【2012届河北省普通高考模拟】31 .The air of hills is cooler than___________of plains.

A. that B.one C.those D. ones 【答案】A 【解析】考查代词的用法。此处that指代不可数名词the air,其后有后置定语of plainsman。句意:山上的空气比平原的凉爽。

2.【2012届保定市高三第一次模拟】25. He is_______stupid. In fact he is quite smart.

A. anything but B. nothing but C. more than D. no more than 【答案】A

【解析】考查不定代词的用法。此处anything but意为:一点也不。句意:他一点也不傻,事实上,他很精明。

3.【2012届保定市高三第一次模拟】33.First the car broke down,and now I can't find my keys!if it’s not one thing,it's_______.

A. another B. other C. the other D. others 【答案】A


4.【2012届北京海淀区高三一模】31. ---You seem busy these days.

---Yes. I’m looking for a house. It’s really not easy to find _____ with a garden.

A. this B. one C. it D. that 【答案】B

【解析】考查代词题。本题的A选项和D选项基本可以视作同义选项排除,真正考察的区别也就是one和it这对常考代词的区别。it指代前面一个确定的名词概念,而one则指代前面名词范围中不确定的某一个。这里前面的a house明显不是某所确定的房子,说话者只是在找房,并没有确定哪一所,所以应该是B选项one。

5.【2012届江西省上饶市第一次高考模拟】22.How wonderful it will be that whoever

is in need of a job can get . A.it B.that C.one




6.【2012届四川省成都石室中学高三二诊模拟】3.Knowledge from real life isn't easier

to forget than ___ achieved from textbooks. A.it B.that C.one D.those 【答案】B



7.【2012届河南省郑州市高三第二次质量预测】22. Mr. Robert didn't choose any of the three jackets because he found _______ of them satisfactory. A. all 【答案】C

B. either

C. none

D. Neither

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8.【2012届江西省六校联考】24. The agreement was made quickly as both sides were satisfied with the conditions of _____.

A. another B. others C. the other D. either 【答案】 C


9.【2012届江西省六校联考】29.9. 11 is a special date, ,I think,that will be remembered by the Americans forever. A.what B.it C.which D.one 【答案】D


10.【2012届江西省六校联考】32. Eventually, she has recognized ____, whatever happens

and however bad ____ seems today, life still goes on and everything will be better


A.that; it 【答案】A

【解析】考查代词。that 引导宾语从句;it指代情况。 11.【2012届甘肃省高三第一次高考诊断】20.---Three tickets for Friday night, please. ---Sorry, but we’ve got ____ left. A.none B.no one


B.it; that C.it; what

D.that; what

D.not any 【答案】A


12.【2012届贵州师大附中高三年级检测】10. —What about the monthly test? Is it easy? —Yes, but I don’t think ______ pass it. A. somebody B. anybody everybody 【答案】D

C. nobody


【解析】考查代词的用法。句意:---月考怎么样?简单吗?---是的,但我认为不是每个人都能通过考试。此处not everybody意为:不是每个人,是部分否定。 13.【2012届山西太原五中4月月考】32. ---Who is knocking at the door? --- _______.

A. They are the children B. There are the children

C. It is the children 【答案】C

D. D. That is the children

【解析】考查代词的用法。此处it指身份不明的人。句意:谁在敲门?---是孩子们。 14.【2012届山西太原五中4月月考】33. It is our hope that ______ of us will be left behind. A. nobody 【答案】D

B. no one

C. every one

D none

【解析】考查代词的用法。句意:我们中没有人被落下是我们的希望。此处none of us意为:我们没有人。

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15.【2011届江苏省苏、锡、常、镇四市高三调研测试(一)】34. Mistakes will happen. Accept __________ and learn from________.

A. it; them B. them; it them


C. it; it D. them;


16.【2012届吉林省吉林市高三第二次模拟】32. Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the

pupils except ________who had already had them. A. ones B. the ones C. some D. the others 【答案】 B.

【解析】考查不定代词。the ones代替the pupils。

17.【2012届山东省菏泽重点高中高三下学期4月模拟】30. He didn’t make _____ clear when and where the meeting would be held. A. this 【答案】C

B. that

C. it

D. these

【解析】考查代词的用法。此处 it作形式宾语,when and where the meeting would be held



18.【2012届广西桂林市、崇左市、百色市、防城港市高考联合调研】23.Be patient! You

will find a bank on side of the street. A.neither B.both C.either





19.【河南省郑州市2012届英语信息卷(三)】2. Building a new school is one thing, while keeping it running smoothly is quite ______. A.the other B.another C.neither D.others 【答案】B


20.【2012届浙江杭州重点高中原创模拟】18. Li Na has made _______ of herself in the world of tennis since she became a tennis player. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything


【解析】考查代词的用法和固定用法。make something of oneself 意为“取得成功”句意为:李娜自成为网球选手以来,已在网球世界取得了巨大成功。根据句意选B。

23. 【2011·江九江六校第三次联考】—Have you finished all your exercises? —Yes, ___ is left. As a matter of fact, they are as easy as ABC.

A. nothing B. not one C. none D. neither 【答案】C


22. 【2011·山东师大附中第七次质量检测】 For quite students,their teacher’s

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advice is more important than of their parents’.

A.few;one B.a little;some C.a few;that D.a lot;many 【答案】C

【解析】考查代词的用法。此处quite a few意为:许多;that代替advice。句意:对于许多学生来说,老师的建议比他们的父母的更重要。

22. 【2011·东北三校第二次联考】The school’s Drama Association will be giving a

big show tonight and two next week.

A.another B.other C.else D.more 【答案】D 【解析】考查代词的用法。此处another修饰数词置于数词前,more置于数词后,故用more。

22. 【2011·唐山市二模】7.I want to buy a pair of sports shoes, _____ at a proper price, but of good quality. A.that B.one 【答案】B


19. (阳泉市2011届高三调研考试) He said he had called me to return home, but I didn't receive _________.

A. one B. it C. anyone D. anything



17. (北京朝阳2011届高三一模) I'd appreciate _____if you would like to teach me how to use the computer. A. that B. it C. this D. one 【答案】B

【解析】主要考查代词。译文为:如果你愿意教我们如何使用这台电脑,我将会重视它。“它“在这代指”“如何使用电脑”这件事,所以用it来代替,故选B。 22. 【2011·江苏省四市第一次调研】Mistakes will happen. Accept __________ and learn from ___________.

A. it; them B. them; it them


C. it; it D. them; C.those


【解析】考查代词的用法。此处one是a pair of sports shoes。句意:我想买一双运动

【解析】本题考查代词,从句意入手:会有错误发生的,那就接受这个局面吧,还要从这些错误中学习。此处it指“某种情况”。 (2011·唐山市摸底)19.Why don’t you bring to his attention that you are to ill to go on working? A.One B.it C.that D.this B考查代词的用法。此处it指代后面的宾语从句。

(2011·重庆师大附中第一次月考)25.Of all the books on the desk, ________ is of any

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use for our safety.

A. nothing

B. no one

C. neither

D. none

D考查代词的用法。此处none意为:没有一本书。Nothing什么都没有;no one 没有一个人; neither两者都不。

(2011·河北正定中学第一次月考)9.The young mother saw her baby fall to the ground,

brought her heart to her mouth.


B.and which

C.and that


C考查并列句的用法及代词的用法。此处and为并列连词;that为代词。 (2011·唐山市摸底)9.Rising from to a position of power, Mr.King is still working very hard.

A.nothing B.everything C.something D.anything A考查不定代词的用法。句意:从一无所有升到权力职位,金先生一直在努力。

(2011·浙江温州十校联考)4.We needed a new cupboard for the kitchen.So Peter made _____ from some wood we had. A.it


C.himself D.another


(2011·浙江温州十校联考)18.I would appreciate ________ if you could teach me how to use the computer.

A.that B.this C.it C考查代词的用法。此处it指代后面的宾语从句。


22. (2011·浙江学军中学第一次月考)--How much salt did you put in the soup?

—I’m sorry to say, ______. I forgot

A.none B. no one C nothing D. no A考查代词的用法。语境:---你在汤里加了多少盐?---对不起。我没加盐。我忘了。此处none意为:没有盐。

23. (2011·浙江学军中学第一次月考)This design is ________ satisfactory.So you’ll

have to try your best to better it.

A.nothing but B.anything but C.all but D.everything but

B考查固定短语的用法及含义。此处anything but意为:一点也不。句意:这个设计


(2011·浙江杭州西湖中学检测)31.-Did you have any trouble with the customs officer?

-________ to speak of.

A. No B. Nothing C. None D. Neither

C考查代词的用法。语境:----海关官员那里你有什么麻烦吗?----没有(麻烦)可说。此处none表示no trouble。

(2011·云南昆明一中第一次月考)4.He is very smart and can be hidden from him.

A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

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(2011·湖南长沙一中第一次月考)29. likes money, but money is not______. A.Everyone; everything B.Anyone; anything C.Someone; nothing D.Nobody; everything A考查不定代词的含义。句意:每个人都喜欢钱,但是钱不是一切。

(2011·湖南长沙一中第一次月考)30.—Who has eaten all the cake, Jim?

—Oh, must be your two pet dogs. A.it B.they C.that


A考查代词的用法及强调句型。此处为强调句型的省略形式,其原为It must be your two pet dogs (that have eaten all thecake).

(2011·湖南长沙一中第一次月考)31.—Then have you no money at all?

— , madam. A.Nothing B.No one




(2011·四川成都市摸底)24.You may just give me a call or drop in, will do. A.Either B.All C.Each D.Neither A考查代词的用法。句意:你可以给我打电话或拜访我,两者任何一种形式即可。此处either意为:两者中的任何一个。 (2011·四川成都市摸底)30.The headmaster didn’t make clear when and where the sports meeting would be held. A.this B.that C.it D.one C考查代词的用法。此处it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是when and where the sports meeting

would be held。

(2011·湖南雅礼中学第一次月考)32.--Which of the two films do you prefer? -- To tell you the truth, I don’t like _________. A.neither of them B.both of them C.either of them D.none of them


(2011·黑龙江哈师大附中第二次月考)22. here?

--Yes, but I’d like to buy ________ made in Shanghai. A. one

B. that

C. it

D. the one

--Would you like to buy a car


(2011·黑龙江哈三中10月考)24. ---Did your parents come to see you last week? ---They had meant to, but it turned out that ____ of them could spare some time to.

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A. none B. neither C. either D.



(2011·广西桂林中学第一次月考)22. —Is that a book on painting? If so, I want to borrow . —Yes, it is.

A. this B. it C. one D. the one B考查代词的用法。此处it表示“同一指代”,其指代上文提到的那本书。 (2011·河南郑州四中第一次调研)22. It is a strange phenomenon that some young people

today think it is their parents’responsibility to earn money and_______ to spend it.

A.them B.they C.their D.theirs D考查代词的用法。此处theirs相当于their responsibility。

(2011·河南郑州四中第一次调研)26.______ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

A. This B. That C. What D. It D考查代词的用法。此处it作形式主语,真正的主语是the way,he keeps changing his mind是the way的定语从句。

(2011·福建福州三中第一次月考)39.The information on the Internet spreads much more rapidly than in the newspaper. A.that B.it C.those D.one

A考查代词的用法。此处that指代不可数名词the information;that用于比较句型其后

有后置定语。 (2011·福建福州三中第一次月考)40.Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly left in the house. A.nothing B.something C.anything D.everything


什么东西。 (2011·福建福州三中第一次月考)42.The manager believes that prices will rise by

more than 4%. A.any other B.the other C.another C考查代词的用法。Another放在数词前表示另外的,外加的

meeting would be held. A.these B.this


(2011·福建福州三中第一次月考)35.He didn’t make clear when and where the



C考查代词的用法。此处考查it作形式宾语,when and where the meeting would be held是真正的宾语。 (2011·广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)32.I hate when the weather along the

Changjiang River becomes freezing cold without heating inside.





A考查代词的用法。此处it指代“when the weather along the Changjiang River becomes

freezing cold without heating inside.”。

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(2011·浙江温州八校返校联考)37.If I can help ________ , I don't like working late into the night. A.so B.that C.it D.them

C考查代词及固定短语的用法。此处I can help it意为:我有办法。句意:如果我有办法



1. (2010年海淀区三模)

Thousands of Haitians cheered as the Chinese medical team arrived,many of even

cried with joy. A.those 答案:B

C此题考查whom引导的非限制性定语从句。句意:当中国医疗队到达的时候,数以千计的海地人欢呼雀跃,许多人甚至欣喜若狂。 2. (2010年海淀区三模)

Low-carbon lifestyle is of environment. can be










enjoyed from it until you have a deep under, standing of it,however. A.Something B.Nothing C.Few D.Much 答案:B

考查不定代词的用法。句意:低碳生活方式对改善世界环境有很大益处。可是,直到你对此有了更深刻的理解之后才能得益于此。 3. (2010年重庆市高考仿真试卷三)

—There is only 15 minutes left for work.What shall we do?

—My God! There are always not any taxis when you want _______. A.one 答案:A

考查代词的用法。此处one表示“同类指代”。 4. (安徽省蚌埠市2010届高三第三次质检)

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep from themselves. A.it B.one C.those D.them 答案:A


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B.it C.that D.any

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5. (安徽省铜陵市第三中学2010届高三第二次月考)

--- Bob isn’t feeling very well. He has caught a cold.

---Everybody seems to have ________ because of the sudden change of the weather. A. one B. it C. that D. another 答案:A

考查代词的用法。此处one表同类指代;此处指感冒。 6. (河北省正定中学2010届高三下学期第二次考试)

If I can help ____, I don’t like working late into the night.

A. so B. that C. it D. them 答案:C

考查固定习语。I can help it意为:有办法。句意:如果有办法,我不喜欢工作到深夜。 7. (河南省郑州智林学校2010届高三下学期模拟测试二)

On stepping into the room this morning I was astonished to find the floor covered with______ looked like tiny insects.

A. that B. something C. what D. anything 答案:C

考查宾语从句的连接词。With后为宾语从句,what在宾语从句中作主语。句意:我惊讶的发现地板上为看起来像小昆虫的东西所覆盖。 8. (湖南省长沙市一中2010届高三第九次月考)

The whole nation is in great happiness, as we have worked another wonder, ______ several generations of sports people have been working for. A. one B. it C. that D. those 答案:A

考查代词的用法。此处one是another wonder的同位语,其后带定语从句“several generations of sports people have been working for.”。 9. (湖南省长沙市一中2010届高三第九次月考)

The appearance of a super skyscraper in the desert is far beyond our imagination, _________ throws great doubt on the height of the tall building. A. that B. one C. which D. it 答案:C

考查which引导的非限制性定语从句。此处which代替前面整个句子的内容。 10. (江西省九江一中2010届高三适应考试二) –Are you cleaning my room ?

---I can’t help ______.I can’t bear seeing people’s room in a mess! A. it B. this C. anything D. so

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考查固定短语。此处I can’t help it意为:我没有办法。句意:没办法,我见不得人们的房间零乱。

11. (江西省九江一中2010届高三适应考试二)

The role change from husband to father, although difficult, doesn’t seem so great as from wife to mother. A.one B.that C.this D.those 答案:B

考查代词的用法。此处that指代“The role change”,that用于比较句型,其后有后置定语,相当于“the one”。

12. (山东省临沭县2010届普通高等学校招生考试打靶试题) ----Have some oranges, please.

----No, thanks. I’ve just have ________. They’re a little bit sour. A. them B. it 答案:C

考查代词的用法。此处one表示“同类指代”。 13. (山东省淄博市2010届高三二模) —What’s that? It smells great!

—It’s just milk tea. Would you like __________? A. this 答案:D

考查代词的用法。此处some表示“some milk tea”。 14. (陕西省2010届高三西安五校联考)

– What shall we have for dinner tonight?

– Oh, I don’t care.________ will do. A.Anything B.Everything C.Something


B. one

C. it

D. some

C. one

D. none



15. (四川省绵阳中学2010届高三高考模拟)

The film is very humorous but can be enjoyed unless you understand English culture. A.everything B.something C. nothing D.anythingh 答案:[解析]:答案:C考点:不定代词。根据句子意思,应表达否定意思。 16. (四川省绵阳中学2010届高三高考模拟)

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Low-carbon lifestyle is of great benefit to improve the world environment. can be

enjoyed from it until you have a deep understanding of it,however. A.Something B.Nothing C.Few D.Much 答案:[解析]:答案: B考点:不定代词。根据意义为否定。 17. (天津市南开中学2010届高三下学期五月模拟考试)

When ____ comes to saving energy, big changes start with small steps, like turning off the lights.

A. that B. this C. it D. one 答案:C

考查短语。When it comes to意为:当涉及到??

18. (天津一中2010届高三第五次月考)

The man had expected to see all his relatives when in hospital, but _________ came

to see him

While many of his friends offered him their help. A. none B. no one C. someone D. anyone 答案:A


19. (浙江省衢州一中2010届高三下学期第三系质量检测)

Ms. Claire is a strict but kind teacher, _____ I respect and appreciate most. A. that B. what C. one D. which 答案:C

考查代词的用法。此处one是a strict but kind teacher的同位语,其后接了定语从句“I respect and appreciate most”。

20. (北京市八一中学2010届高三月考)

Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their

children compared with of their parents. A.those B one C.both

D.that 答案:D

考查代词的用法。此处that指代“their approach”。 21. (广西桂林市2010届高三第一次模拟考试)

Little Anna's parents walked slowly, one after , through the shallow water of a stream to search for her lost bag.

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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

A. the other B. another C. other D. others 答案:A

考查代词的用法。此处one after the other意为:一个又一个。 22. (河北省冀州中学2010届高三全国高考第一次模拟考试)

Jack is a common person, _______, I think, that will be found everywhere. A. whom B. who C. one D. he 答案:C

考查代词的用法。此处one是a common person的同位语,其后接了定语从句“that will be found everywhere.”。

23. (湖南省湘潭市2010届高三第三次模拟考试)

---The authors of computer viruses are geniuses. ---I agree. They can apply their wisdom to other net technology from human beings

can benefit.






考查定语从句。此处from为介词前置,解题关键:熟练掌握短语benefit from:得益于。。。 24. (江西省省重点学校2010届高三联考试卷)

The customer didn’t choose of the coats and went away without looking at a third one.

A. both B. all C. any D. either 答案:D


25. (江西省十所重点中学2010届高三第一次模拟考试)

From Mum’s love, patience and understanding, I have learned what a huge responsibility ___ is to raise a child. A. it B. that 答案:A

考查代词的用法及感叹句。此句还原为:what a huge responsibility to raise a child(it) is.此处it为形式主语。

26. (山东省胶州市2010届高三上学期期末考试)

We should never forget the severe snow storm in early 2008 and the sufferings

caused to the southern Chinese people. A.they 答案:B

考查定语从句及代词的用法。此处sufferings是先行词,it caused to the southern Chinese

people.是定语从句,先行词作cause的宾语,it指the severe snow storm。

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C. this D. one

B.it C.what D.that

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27. (陕西省西安铁一中2010届高三第二次月考)

We couldn’t eat in a restaurant that day because ____ of us had ____ money on us.

A.all ; no B.any; no C. none; any D. nobody; any 答案:C

考查代词的用法。句意:那天我们没能在饭店吃饭,因为我们没有一个人带着钱。 28. (陕西省延安中学2010届高三第三次模拟考试)

Because they hadn’t booked a room in advance, there were _____ left when they arrived

at the hotel.


B.no one




考查代词的用法。此处none指没有一间客房。 29. (上海市十三校2010届高三下学期联考)

There is a remarkable difference between the short poems that were written in English around the year 1500and written around 1600. A.that 答案:C

考查代词的用法。此处those指the short poems,其后有后置定语written around 1600。 30. (四川省成都市龙泉中学2010届高三第五次调研考试) The world financial crisis created new unease about the risks of the global economy. So the

business and political leaders were not the only______talking about the subject. A.one 答案:B


31. (四川省成都树德协进中学2010届高三二诊热身)

He didn’t make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.

A. this B. that C. it D. these 答案:C

考查代词的用法。此处it为形式宾语。 32. (银川一中2010届高三第一次模拟考试)

We all know the weather in the south is much warmer than __________ in the north. A. it 答案:B

考查代词的用法。此处that用于比较句型,且其后有后置定语in the north。 33. (云南省2010届高三下学期模拟试题)

B. that

C. what D. one







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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

—Wow! You’ve got so many clothes. —But _____ of them are in fashion now.

A.all B.both C.neither D.none

答案:D 考查代词的用法。由题干中的but可知这里对上文意思的转折,排除答案A、B;

neither 是对两者的否定;none是对三者或三者以上的否定,依据题干中so many


34. (云南省昆明三中2010届高三第七次月考)

Talking about buying computers, I prefer a computer less than 8,000 yuan to ______ over the amount.

A. this B. it C. that D. one 答案:D

考查代词的用法。此处one表同类指代,是泛指。 35. (重庆一中2010届高三下学期第一次月考)

—What do you think of the meal we have just had? —It is well worth is charged for it.

A.that B.which C.what D.how many 答案:C



1. (安徽省利辛二中2010届高三上学期第四次月考)

The old lady is said to have three children ,two of studying abroad. A whom B them C all D who 答案 B

考查代词的用法。此处two of them studying abroad为独立主格结构。此题易错选whom,因此处不是定语从句故A错。

2. (甘肃省兰州一中2010届高三12月月考)

Sometimes he found _______very hard to fall asleep at night, so he went to see the


A.him 答案 D


3. (河南省豫南九校2010届高三上学期第三次联考)

If I can help ______, I prefer living in Hangzhou because the weather here is better than ______ of Zhengzhou.

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B.this C.that D.it

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A.that; that B.it; that C.that; one D.it; it 答案 B

考查代词的用法。第一空考查习语“I can help it”我有办法;第二空that指代“the weather”。

4. (江西省九江一中2010届高三上学期第三次月考)

When you go outing with your sisters, you must see _____ they are safe. A. everything B. that C. it D. yourself 答案 B

考查宾语从句。此处是that引导的宾语从句。 5. (浙江省慈溪中学2010届高三第二次月考)

Alone in a deserted house, he was so busy with his research work that he felt


A. nothing but B. anything but C. all but D. everything but 答案 B

考查习语的含义。此处anything but意为:一点也不。决不。 6. (四川省内江六中2010届高三第四次月考) ______ likes money, but money is not ______.

A. Everyone, everything B. Anyone, anything C. Someone, nothing D. Nobody, everything 答案 A

7. (江西省白鹭洲中学2010届高三第三次月考)

Recently Yao Ming has agreed to terms of a five-year contract extension with the Houston Rockets and ____, as reported, is worth more than ﹩75 million A. it B. which C. one D. he

答案 A

8. (安徽省两地三校2010届高三上学期元旦联考)

So difficult did I find ____ to work out the problem that I decided to ask my partner for help. A. myself

B. us

C. it

D. that

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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

答案 C

9. (湖南省长沙市一中2010届高三第六次月考)

Jim’s house was broken into. _______ valuable has been left in the house. A. Anything 答案 C

10. (江苏省南京师大附中2010届高三12月阶段测试) --Mum, have you seen my U-Disk?

--____________ you bought last Sunday? I'm afraid I haven't seen ________. A. The one; one one; it 答案 D

11. (天津市五校2010届高三上学期期中联考)

——There are a dozen pens in this house, but I can hardly find

one now.

——Keep looking. is sure to turn up.

A. One B. It C. That D. This 答案 A

12. (河南省新野三高2010届高三上学期第三次月考) —What is the best job in your opinion?

—I think the best job is ______ which uses your skill in doing something together with interest in the subject. A. that one 答案 D

13. (安徽省2010届高三上学期一轮复习名校联考(三))

Yesterday I had a word with the CEO of the company, ___ who used to teach at Beijing


A.one 答案 B

14. (河南省驻马店高中2010届高三摸底考试)

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B. Everything C. Nothing D.Something

B. That; one C. One; it D. The

B. it C. one D. the

B.the one C.that D.it

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—Has anything new been discussed on that problem so far? — __________, and more will follow, I think.

A. Little B. Much C. Few D. All 答案 B

15. (吉林省长春市2010届高中毕业班第一次调研测试)

Gradually, you will realize that the things that matter are that can’t be bought with money.

A. these 答案 B

16. (辽宁省东北育才学校2010届高三第一次模拟)

What I need is nothing but a book, _________ that can help to kill the time tonight.

A it B that C one D the one 答案 C

17. (陕西省宝鸡中学2010届高三上学期第一次月考)

---Can you persuade him out of the foolish idea? --_____is no point in doing so he will never change his mind. A. It As: C. This D. There 答案 D

18. (上海市六校2010届高三联考)

Of the most popular campus singers in their school this year, ________ came from Senior Three. A. none 答案 A

19. (陕西省户县三中2010届高三第二次月考)

Although he is wise and intelligent, he fails to be elected as the manager. After

all, _____ men can be masters.

A. not every B each C all D not all 答案 D

20. (河南省长葛市第三实验高中2010届高三第四次月考)

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B. those C. ones D. some

B. no one C. nothing D. both

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— May I take your order?

— I haven’t seen the menu yet. May I have _____, please? A. this 答案 D

21. (山西省四校2010届高三上学期第二次联考)

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has ______. A. anything something 答案 C

22. (河南省焦作十一中2010届高三上学期第四次月考)

Why don’t you bring _______ to his attention that you’re too busy to do it?

A. this 答案 D

23. (内蒙古巴彦淖尔市中学2010届高三上学期期中考试) -Wow! You’ve got so many clothes.

-But _____ of them are in fashion now .

A. all B. both C. neither D. none 答案 D

24. (陕西省西安铁一中2010届高三第二次月考)

We couldn’t eat in a restaurant that day because ____ of us had ____ money on us.

A.all ; no B.any; no C. none; any D. nobody; any 答案 C

25. (四川省南充高中2010届高三第六次月考)

surprises us most is that she doesn’t even know the difference between the two lies.

A. What; where 答案 A

26. (安徽省安庆市示范高中2010届高三四校元旦联考)

-As we all know, reading gives our minds only materials of knowledge.

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B. that C. the one D. one

B. nothing C. everything D.

B. that C. what D. it

B. All; which C. What; that D. That; where

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-Yes. It’s thinking that makes _____ we read ours. A. that 答案 B

27. (山东省聊城冠县一中2010届高三上学期阶段性检测)

______ amazed me most was that the young boy who had lost both arms in an accident

could handle a pen with his feet.

A.That 答案 D

28. (浙江省新安江中学、寿昌中学、严州中学2010届高三上学期联考) While these were good students,_______ had a score above 60.

A.someone B.none C.everyone D.no one

答案 B

29. (湖南省衡阳八中2010届高三第五次月考)

The chief manager has decided to put _________ he thinks is energetic, clever and has good qualities in the position of the leadership of the company. A. whomever B. whoever C. who D. whom 答案 B

30. (吉林省通化市第一中学09-10学年高三第三次月考)

Research shows people with pets in the home visit the doctor less often and experience less sleeping problems than ________without a pet friend.

A.ones B.those C.the ones D.that 答案 B



_____ occurred to me that the murder happened ____ a rainy day. A. What; in 答案 D

2.(宁夏省银川实验中学2010届高三英语第一次月考) — What is ______ like being a sailor? — Wonderful.

A.one B.that C.this

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B. what C. which D. it

B.It C.Which D.What

B. What; on C. It; in D. It; on


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答案 D


I would appreciate if you come to my grandma’s birthday party and say

“Hello” to her. A. that 答案 B

B. it

C. you

D. her

4.(贵州省兴义市清华实验学校2010届高三9月月考) There is no student _______ wants to go to university. A. that 答案 D


_________ enters the computer rooms should take off his shoes in order to keep them clean enough.

A. Who B. Whoever C. What D. Whatever 答案 B 6.(辽宁省沈阳二十中2010届高三上学期第一次月考)

The Professor in the end decided to give the prize to _____ he believed had a good sense of English. A. who 答案 C


Is ________ three hours ________ the boy ________ family is poor to come to school on foot?

A. it;that; whose

B. it; that it takes; whose

D. it; when; that

B. anyone

C. whoever D. whomever

B. who

C. whoever D. but

C. it for; that it takes; whose 答案 B


Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a trip in a small town to in so large a city as New York.

A.this B.one

C.it D.that

答案 B 9.(广西省玉林高中、南宁二中2010届高三上学期联考) I am dreaming of buying my own house.I like ___ which faces south and has a garden in the front.

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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

A. 答案 D

B.that C.the one D.one


The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him, _________? A. did they didn’t it 答案 D

11.(山西省平遥中学2009年 9月高三高补摸底考试)

---What do you think of Obama’s address to the nation?

--- I like ____ of what he said. His success has proved that the American dream can be turned into a reality. A. many 答案 C


Mr. Green has two sons, one of _____ working as a bus driver now. A. who B. whom C. them D. whose 答案 C


_______ was clearly evident that the international company was in serious financial difficulties. A. This 答案 C


The boy dived into the water and after __________ seemed to be a long time,he came up


A. what B. that C. it D. which 答案 A 15.(安徽省合肥168中学2010届高三第一次月考) Mr. Zhang gave all the books to all the students except ____ who had already taken them.

A. these B. ones C. the ones D. the others 答案 C


Little Anna’s parents walked slowly, one after , through the shallow

B. That

C. It

D. What

B. few

C. much

D. little

B. didn’t they

C. did it


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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

water of a stream to search for her lost bag.

A. another B. other C. others D. the other 答案 D


The wrong you’ve done her is terrible, for _________ you should make an apology to her.

A. this 答案 B


Mr. Smith gave the tickets to all the students except _______ who had already seen the movie.

A. the ones B. ones C others . D. the others 答案 A


“Do you have a computer?” “Yes, I have .” A. it 答案 D


It was a matter of would take the position. A. who

B. whoever

C. whom

D. whomever

B. this

C. that

D. one

B. which

C. what

D. that

答案 A 21.(江苏省启东市2010届高三上学期第一次调研考试)

It was not who is right but what is right _______ is of importance. A. which

B. it

C. that

D. this

答案 C 22.(江苏省泗洪县楚天外国语学校2010届高三第一次检测) She has three brothers, _______ is a doctor.

A. all of them B. none of them C. all of whom whom 答案 D


--- The price is fine with me. How would you like _____ paid? --- Well, it is up to you.

D. none of

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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

A. one B. it C. that D. this

答案 B 24.(安徽省濉溪县2009届高三上学期第一次月考)

Sometimes advertisements make _______ possible for companies to sell the customers ______ money cannot buy.

A. /; that B. it; what C. that; which D. /; whose

答案 B 25.(安徽省濉溪县2009届高三上学期期末考试)

The Internet is an important channel of learning more information, but many people use it for ______ purpose than to send and receive e-mails.

A. another B. no other C. other D. none 答案 B


It was for a lifetime of unselfish work among the sick natives ___________the old doctor deserved to be honored.

A. who B. that C. which D. whom 答案 B 27.(河南省武陟一中2010届高三第一次月考)

—Was ____ Bill, _____ played basketball very well, ______ helped the blind man cross the road?

—Yes, of course. He is always ready to help others.

A. it; that; who B. this; who; that C. which; that; that D. it; who; that 答案 D


________ seems to have been a strong competition in China for school leavers to enter college or university.

A. It B. That C. There D. Here 答案 C


We should also care about the children from the earthquake-stricken area after_______seemed to have returned to normal.

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A. it B. what C. that D. Which 答案 B 30.(安徽省桐城六中2010届高三第二次模拟月考)

Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a trip in a small town to in so large a city as New York. A.this 答案 B


—I haven’t found any money though I’ve searched the drawer bottom up. —Then. I’m afraid there is left. A.

B.no one




C.it D.that

答案 C 32.(河北省衡水中学2010届高三第三次调研考试)

The number 9.11 is a special number, ___, I think, that will be remembered by the Americans forever. A. what 答案 D


_______ is known to all, he is admitted to a key university. A. It 答案 D


I’ve got used to the Chinese food. But I don’t like _____ when a Chinese host keeps serving

me the food I don’t like. A. it those 答案 A


The price system is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as _____of a great number of services. A. the one B. that C. ones D. those 答案 D

B. that

C. this


B. What

C. Which D. As

B. it C. which

D. one

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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc



_______ is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous. A. Such B. This C. That D. So 答案 A


Young man, if you hurry up , I think quite that you will catch the next train.

A. that; probably B. this; certainly

D. you; nearly 答案 C


The Science Museum, ______ we visited during a recent trip to Britain, is one of London’s tourist attractions. A. which

B. what

C. that

D. where

C. it; likely

答案 A 4.(贵州省兴义市精华中学2010届高三第一次月考)

We hope the measures to control house prices, _______are taken by the government, will succeed.

A. which B. that C. what D. they 答案 A 5.(河北省唐山市2010届高三上学期摸底考试)

Cathy was a teacher from Newcastle, ____ is almost as far north as you can go. A. which

B. who C. that D. it

答案 A 6.(湖南省常德市一中2010届高三上学期第一次月考)

After years of observation, __________ became clear to the biologist that each male lion would claim its own territory(领地). A. that B. what 答案 C 7.(江西省安福中学2010届高三第一次月考)

is announced in today’s paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems in accordance with the new theory.

A. It B. That C. What D. As

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C. it D. this

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答案 D


The information will be helpful to will take over the job. A. those 答案 C


As they are retired, Mr. and Mrs. Scott prefer a house in the country to spend their late years

to __ in a large city.

A. which B. it C. one D. that 答案 C 10.(吉林省东北师大附中2010届高三第一次摸底考试)

_______ was not until 2008 that I became devoted to learning the guitar. A. That 答案 B


There is only one football on the shelf. Please go and get ________ for me. A. it B. one C. that D. any 答案 A


— Mr. Green, we’ve made two plans for your travel. Which would you like? — ____. I don’t care. A. None

B. Both

C. Either

D. Neither

B. It

C. This

D. There

B. who

C. whoever

D. anyone

答案 C 13.(山西省运城市2010届高三调研测试3)

Nowadays everything strange is ________ strange. That is to say, any unexpected thing is possible to happen.

A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything 答案 C


The president was expected to make clear to the world that China was ready to work with other countries. A. them

B. its

C. itself

D. it

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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

答案 D


— David, keep _______ in mind that you have to be home by 10 o'clock. — OK, Mom, I will. A. it

B. me C. this D. one 答案 A 16.(重庆市酉阳二中2010届高三上学期第一次月考)

Most people think _______ necessary to learn a foreign language nowadays. A. that B. this C. it D. which 答案 C


The Parkers bought a new house but ___ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

A. they B. it C. one D. which 答案 A 18.(辽宁省东北育才学校2010届高补一模)

_____ is known to us all is that the old scientist, for_____ life was hard in the past, still works very hard in his eighties.

A. As; whom B. What; whom C. It; whose D. As; whose 答案 B


Who is making such a noise? must be the children.

A.It B.They C.He D.You 答案 A


Have we decided to turn to can help us out of trouble? A.whom 答案 D


---Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me the way to the railway station?

---Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself. You are supposed to ask, I’m afraid,

is a native. A. anyone

B. whoever

C. who

D. whomever


C.no matter who


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亿库教育网 http://www.eku.cc

答案 B


______ is known to us all that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo. A. Which 答案 D


is known to us all is that Taiwan belongs to China. As B. It C. That D. What 答案 D


John is not good at music, but when ______ comes to English, he is the best in the class.

A. he B. this C. it D. that 答案 C

25.(四川省绵阳南山中学2010届高三10月月考) — Do you want David or Brown to do it? — _______ is up to the job, I’m afraid.

A. Either B. Both C. None D. Neither 答案 D


The yellow house ____ windows face south is the place ____ I spent my childhood. A. whose, that B. whose, where C. which, where D. where, which 答案 B


is reported in the newspapers, talks between the two countries are making progress. A.It 答案 B


Jack recommended me a few foreign movies, but _______ was to my taste. A. all B. neither C. some D. none 答案 D




B. As C. That D. It

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_______ often happens, people with good eyesight fail to see _______is right in front of them, for they have too much to observe.

A. It / that B. As/ which C. It/what D. As/ what 答案 D

30.(河北省冀州中学2010届高三上学期第一次月考) _______ breaks the law should be punished.

A. Anyone B. Those who C. No matter who D. Anyone who 答案 D



Charles was alone at home, with looking after him.

A. someone B. anyone C. not one D. no one 答案 D


—What do you think of Spain?

—Well, considering its diverse cultures, it is an attractive country,______ worthy of a visit.

A. it B. one C. this D. that 答案 B 3.(贵州省高武中学2010届高三10月月考)

----The exam was easy, wasn't it?

----Yes, but I don't think _____ could pass it. A. somebody 答案 D


---Did you call on any of your old friends when you returned to your hometown? ---_____ of them. They were all very busy. A. None

B. Nobody

C. Both

D. Neither

B. anybody

C. nobody

D. everybody

答案 A 5.(河北省正定中学2010届高三摸底考试)

I’m penniless, dear; I can afford __________ of what you asked for. A. little B. few C. none D. no one

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答案 C


They always give the available seats to _____ comes first. After all, the early bird catches the worm.

A. whom 答案 C


—Which seats shall we take?

—______________! All of them are for the guests. A. None 答案 A


He is honest and warm-hearted_________ is why we trust him. A. It B. That 答案 B


—What about the driving test? Is it easy? — Yes, but I don’t think ____ can pass it.

A. somebody 答案 D


I’ve learned that it is not that a man gives life to a child or even raises the child

decides what kind of relation between them. A.which




B. anybody

C. nobody

D. everybody

C. This D. These

B. Neither

C. Both

D. Either

B. who

C. whoever

D. whomever

答案 B 11.(辽宁省抚顺二中2010届高三第一次月考)

I haven't read ______ of his novels but from the one I have read, I can say he is a promising writer.

A. either B. every C. both D. neither 答案 C 12.(山东省诸城一中2010届高三10月月考)

-Which of the three boards shall I take to my mother? - board as you please.

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