Unit 3 One World

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Unit 2 Dealing with cultural differences

1.What do cultural differences mean? 2.How can we deal with cultural differences?

3.What should we do before visiting other countries to avoid


Answer: People from different countries speak different languages,keep different value systems,and have different ways of looking at things.So,a persons cultural background influences what

he considers to be good manners or bad manners.

Understanding can only be reached if we are willing to treat people

from other cultures with regard and as equals.

If you want to yisit other countries,you must understand that people living in varied cultures handle many small daily things differently.It is helpful for you to ask your foreign friends about their everyday

customs.Also a certain amount of small talk about the weather,family,and personal hobbies is expected before getting

down to business with your foreign associates.

1.How do peoples cultural backgrounds influence their way of


2.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize

cultural differences?

3.How can failure to recognize cultural differences hinder


Answer: Different cultures may have different ways of responding to compliments .A persons cultural background influences what he considers to be polite or rude .Some cultures consider it polite not to take something the first time it is offered.But, some are not. Failure to recognize cultural differences at the root of many everyday misunderstandings and irritations among people of

different counties or races.

Those who are uninformed about cultural differences may be have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures.Inability to recognize cultural differences can make

communication difficult.

1.How do people's cultural backgrounds influence their way of


2.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize

cultural differences?

3.What does \

Answer: A person's cultural background influences what he/she considers to be good manners or bad manners.Different cultures may have different ways of responding to compliments.Some

cultures consider it polite not to take something the first time it is offered.Failure to recoguize cultural differences lies at the root of many everyday misunderstandings and irritations among people of different countries or races.Those who are uniuformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures.Culture shock is a painful experience we undergo when me encounter entirely different ways

of life in another culture.

Unit 3 One World

1.In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World?

2.Do you think people in the world are largely similiar? Why or why not?

3.Do you know any traditions of other peoples in the world? First, human nature is essentially the same everywhere and the world in which we live gives birth and nurtures the human race. Second, people in the world are largely similiar, because all have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to

work. We also need to love others and be loved. Third, the world is made beautiful by the rich diversity of cultures and traditions.People in different countries have different traditions. For example, in America, people celebrate Chrismas and Hallowens; In brazil(巴西),people celebrate Carnival(狂欢节). However, we all seem to celebrate certain days, such as New Year's Day,

Mother's Day, Children's Day and so on.

1.What are the traditions of birthday celebrations in some English-speaking countries such as Britain and the U.S.? How do they differ from the Chinese ones?

2.Do you consider your birthday one of the most important days in your life? Why or why not?

3.What do you think is the best way to celebrate your birthday? In some English-speaking countries, people celebrate birthdays with a cake topped with lighted candles, the number of which represents how old a person is turning. What's more, cakes ,lights and candles are often associated with the celebration of a person's birthday in many Western countries. But in China, special noodles are served for lunch in honor of the birthday person. I regard the birthdays as very important since they represent the growth of our lives. And remembering birthdays can help us treasure our lives and not fitter them away. For my part , my birthday is often celebrated with a big cake tapped with

lighted candles and a lot of food.

Unit 4 Explaining processes

Q1:What is the purpose of an oral presentation?Do you have to give oral presentation to your classmates and teachers sometimes? Q2:How can we make our presentations more effective?

Q3:If you have difficulties operating certain equipment,what would you do?

A1:We often have oral presentations to our classmates and teachers.To some degree,our performance in oral presentation will form an important part of overall assessment of our work.

We usually make some presentations to share the knowledge we studied with our classmates and teachers.

A2:To make our presentations more effective,we should organize information and ideas correctly.

In addition,the use of charts,photos and computer graphics can help us to get our message across and at the same time make our presentations clear.

A3:If we don’t know how to operate some modern piece of equipment,the best policy is to get someone who has the expertise to demonstrate to us how to operate it step by step.

Q1:Do your teachers use an overhead projector in class?What are its functions?

Q2:Do you know how to operate machines like the computer,the copier,and the overhead projector?

Q3:Can you explain to someone in simple English how to operate a machine or perform a task?

A1:Yes,my teacher usually use an overhead projector to show the pictures,sentences and text about class to us for study.

A2:Of course.We need and have to know how to use them because of the pressure of society.

A3:Yes,i believe we can do it with the basic knowledge of English.

Unit 5 Memory

Question one

What is memory,what do long-term memory and short-term memory

mean and how can we improve our memory? Answer:Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available

for later use or the process by which people store and retrieve

information.Everyone has a long-term and a short-term memory.A short-term

memory is temporary,as it is stored for a very short time in the brain.A long-term memory is permanent,as it is stored for a very long time in the brain.Memory is like a muscle,the more it is used,the better it gets.The more it is neglected,the worse it gets.Whether you can remember things well or not depends on how often you recall them.To stimulate our memory,try to use our memory to the utmost.Don’t try to memorize all the facts,but focus your

attention on what you consider more important.

Question two

How good is your memory,what techniques do you use to help you remember things and how important is a good memory in learning

English? Answer:I have got a photographic memory,I can exactly remember names,dates and telephone numbers.Sometimes I can recite the poem from

memory.First,there are many things we can do to help us remember things,such as keeping a dairy,buying postcards, taking photos and making video films.And then,learning new skills could sharpen our memory.What’s more,it is impossible to concentrate if you are tense or nervous, try to relax and you will remember things.Afterwards,associating facts with images.Seeing figures with the ‘mind eyes’ is a very efficient way to memorize a large quantity of information.Last,to have a good memory,we must allow the brain to have enough sleep and rest.To learn a foreign language well, a good memory is a


Unit 6 Wealth

Q1 :What is your attitude toward wealth? Q2 :What is the importance of wealth?

Q3 :How to be a wealthy people?

In my opinion, all that you own is your wealth. There is no doubt that wealth is

very important to us. In daily life,

we need money to purchase necessities. Besides, money is also referring to

good education or traveling. Or we can

even say that we cannot do anything without money. To be a rich man, what

we can do now is working hard to

reserve enough knowledge so that we may have the opportunity to develop in

the future society. In that case,

it will be possible for us to become a rich man.

Q1 :Is money a kind of wealth? Q2 : What is the importance of money?

Q3:The relationship between money and happiness.

Money, in some ways , is a representation of wealthy. Nowadays, we cannot

do anything without money. And the modern life may

be sett on the basis of money.

Money can buy certain comforts and offer some security, but it is not the

answer for everything. Money can brings you

food ,but not appetite; medicine, but not health. Happiness does not depend

on the amount of money you have. A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.

Unit 7 Anti-smoking

Question 1:Why do some young people pick up smoking?How harmful is

smoking to smokers?

Answer:Some young people may have picked up smoking out of

curiosity.Smoking is known as a fatal cause of lung cancer.Smoking is also found to be associated with other types of cancer.It’s not only a waste of money but is also a danger to one’s health.You run a greater risk if you are a chain smoker.Studies shows that cigarette smoker are much more likely to die

from a heart attack than nonsmokers.

Question 2:Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers?In what way?In what

places do you think should ban smoking?

Answer :Inhaling secondhand smoke can also cause lung cancer because cigarette smoke pollutes the air of an enclosed area.In my opinion ,smoking should be prohibited in all public places like elevators and air-conditioned offices,restaurants and cafeterias.At least set up a separate area for smokers.

Unit 8 Aging

Question1 What the meaning of aging? Question2 What is the right attitude toward aging? Question3 What should we do when we are old?

Answer:Aging is the process of growing old.People over 65 years old are generally consider eldely, and aging comes to evevryone after they reach a

certain age. Aging offers no less opportunity than youth ,though in different forms.An elderly person may remain young at heart .Old pepple are an asset of society .

They are more experienced and responsible.

Many elderly pepple have difficulty remembering recent events but may retain vivid memories of what happened to them a long time ago. A healthy diet can

slow down aging.. Quitting smoking and drinking ,living a simple life ,exercising regularly ,and maintaining an optimistic view aging can add


Unit 9 war

Question one:

1.What is your favorite book or movie about war?How does it affect you

and your attitude toward war?

2.What do you think are the cause of war? 3.Do you think war can be avoided?How?


My favorite movie about war is .I think the war is a human tragedy.And in peacetime sons bury fathers,but war violates the order of nature and fathers bury sons.War breaks out because of ethnic or religious conflicts,because of territorial or economic disputs,because of ideological differences.In fact,throughout history,most wars have been waged to protect

the economic interests of superpowers.I don't think war can be

avoided.Becuase we will never be able to get rid of war as long as there are countries that want to dominate other countries through the use of force.

Question two:

1.What damage does war do to mankind?

2.Have you visited a war cemetery or a war memorial?If you have,how

did you feel? 3.Is war a constructive way to resolve conflicts?Why or why not?

Answer:War is a human tragedy.Millions of people die and families fall apart as a result of war.And war is costly in money,resources and human lives.In war,everyone loses,throughout human history,war has always been the greatest source of pain and suffering.Yes,I have visited a war cemetery.I think it's the unpalatable truth for the fathers bury sons.I think war isn't a constructive way to resolve conflicts.In my opinion,conflicts should be resolved through

peaceful means or at the negotiation table.

Unit 10 Addiction

Q.1 : What is addiction ?

Q.2 : What are the things people can easily get addicted to ? Q 3 : What harm can addiction to drugs do to people ?

Answer : An addiction is the crave to do something because one cannot stop doing it.One can be addicted to cigarette/drugs/the Internet.Drug addiction often leads to serious health disorders ande sometimes to death.Drug abuse harms not just the abusers,but also their loved ones,their family and society at large.A drug addict will resort to crime and violence/any means to get money to

buy drugs.

Q.1:Why do you think some people, especially young people, take


Q.2:Why is it so difficult for drug addicts to quit taking drugs?

Q.3:What can we do to prevent or reduce drug abuse?

Answer:Young people may try drugs out of curiosity. Drugs have strong addictive power. Those who try may get addicted within the first few uses. Drug abuse can cause physical and psychological dependence on the drug. In order to prevent drug abuse, we can launch drug education programs to teach young people about the risk involved, we can set up more rehabilitation center

to help those who are addicted to quit drugs.

