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一、法的品性 (一)法的特点

Where the law is uncertain, there is no law. 法无定法,则无法。

The letters written stay while the voice flies away. 书写的文字留下了,说话的声音飞走了。

The law does not define exactly, but trusts in the judgment of a good man. 法律并不做(过于)详尽规定,而委诸善良之人进行判断。 It is a miserable slavery where the law is vague or uncertain. 法律一旦模糊或不确定,人们就会陷入可怕的奴役。

If you depart from the law, you will wander without a guide, and everything will be in a state of uncertainty to every one.

如果离开法律,你就会因失去方向而迷茫,所有的事物也都会处于不确定的状态。 Too great certainty destroys certainty itself. 过于确定就会破坏确定性本身。 Too great subtleness in law is reproachable. 在法律中,过于精密并不可取。

That which is capable of being made certain is to be treated certain. 可得而确定者,亦为确定。 All definitions in law are hazardous. 在法律中所有定义都是危险的。

Every definition in law is perilous, and an exception may reverse it. 法律中每一个定义都是危险的,一个例外就可以推翻它。 The practice of fixing and refixing the laws is a most dangerous one. 朝令夕改是最危险的做法。 In time of war, the law is silent. 战争一开始,法律就沉默。

The laws sometimes sleep, but never die. 法律有时会沉睡,但绝不会灭亡。

When the law is effective, the people are prosperous. 法律有效力。国民便昌盛。 Force is inimical to the laws. 武力是与法律不相容的。

The order of pleading being preserved, the law is preserved. 没有诉权,就没有法律。

The law looks forward, not backward. 法律向前看,不向后看。

A new statute should affect the future, not the past. 新法影响未来而不是过去。

The law provides for the future, the judge for the past. 法律为未来作规定,法官为过去做判决。

A new law ought to be prospective, not retrospective in its operations. 在实施过程中,新的法律应规定未来,而不应溯及既往。 Every new law should give a form to future, not to past. 任何新法均不针对过去,而是着眼于将来。

It is clear that laws and ordinances settle the course of future transactions and do not refer to bygone matters, unless their provisions relate expressly both to a past time and matters hitherto pending.

法律和法规之规定将来的事务,而不管过去之事项,这乃自明之理;但是法律明确规定对于迄今未决之过去事项予以适用者,不在此限。 A law is not obligatory unless it be promulgated. 法律不经公布就有效力。

Where there is no law, there is no transgression. 没有法律也就谈不上违法。

Nothing which is inconvenient is lawful. 不合宜者,亦不合法。

Laws are adapted to general persons not to singular ones. 法不是针对个别人而是针对一般人而设计的。

Laws are adapted to those cases which most commonly occur. 法规是针对那些最常出现的情况制定的。

The legislators do not care for those things which rarely happen. 立法者不关心稀罕之事。

Those things which rarely happen are not to be taken into account in the transaction of business without sufficient reason.

在处理事物时,除非有足够的根据,否则就不应当去考虑那些罕有发生的事情。 The law does not care for very small or trifling matters. 法律不计较琐细的事。

The law does not concern itself about trifles. 法律不关心琐碎的事情。 The law aids the ignorant. 法律帮助无知者。

The law aids minors. 法律帮助无知者。 The law aids minors. 法律帮助未成年人。

The law helps persons who are deceived, not those deceiving. 法律帮助受欺骗的人而不帮助行骗的人。

He vainly invokes the aid of the law who transgresses the law. 谁违反法律谁就别指望得到法律的帮助。 Laws are imposed, not on words, but things. 法不是玩弄文字的,而是规定事理的。 All laws are made for human being. 任何法都是为人而设计的。

The wisdom of law cannot be valued by money. 法律的智慧不能以金钱来衡量。 The law does injury to no one. 法律本身不会伤害任何人。 A fiction of law injures no one. 法律上的拟制不会损害任何人。 The law does injustice to no one. 法律不会对任何人不公平。 Where there is a law, there is a penalty. 有法律就有惩罚。 The law punishes falsehood. 法律惩罚不诚实的行为。

Whatever is done in excess is prohibited by law. 行为超过限度,法律就禁止。

The multitude of those who err is no excuse for error. 法亦责众。

The law always abhors delay. 法律总是痛恨迟延。

The law regards the order of nature. 法律尊重自然秩序。

In law, the proximate, not the remote cause is regarded. 法律只究近因,不问远因。

The law requires not what is vain and useless.


The law never requires what is vain and useless. 法律不强制任何人实施无益或无用的行为。 Laws never order what is vain. 法律不做出任何无益的命令。

The law does not arise from the rule, but the rule from the law. 法非源于规则,而是规则源于法。 No man ought to be wiser than the law. 任何人都不会比法律更聪明。

It is wiser to argue with law than to argue with man. 与法相争比与人相争更明智。

The disposition of aw is firmer and more powerful than the will of man. 法律的意志比人的意志更坚强有力。

The disposition of law is more just than the disposition of man. 法律的处置比人的处置更公平。

The custody of the law is stronger than that of man. 法律的监护比人的监护更有力。

The law is the most secure armor with which no one can be invaded. 法律是最安全的盔甲,在法律的保护下,任何人都不会受侵犯。 Laws are easier to be enacted than to be carried out. 造法易,执法难。

Execution is the end and fruit of the law. 实施乃法律的目的和果实。

The effect of the law consists in the execution. 法律的效力在于实施。

The execution of the law causes no injury. 实施法律不会造成任何损害。

The process of the law is a grievous vexation; the execution of the law crowns the work. 法律的过程是令人烦恼的过程;只有法律得到了执行才算完成了工作。 Law arises out of fact; that is, its application must be to facts. 法律源于事实,即实施法律必须以事实为依据。 Simplicity is friend of the laws. 简洁乃法律之友。

The law should be brief so as to be easily understood. 法律必须简洁以便更容易掌握。

The law is to be understood by all. 法律应当被一切人所理解。

The laws consist not in being read, but in being understood. 法律在于理解,而不在于字义。 There is no rule without a fault. 有规则必有缺陷。 Hard cases make bad law. 疑难案件使法律徒具虚名。 No example is the same for all purpose. 不存在可以适用于所有目的的判例。 Every exception itself is also a rule. 例外自身也是一条规则。 There is no rule but what may fail. 任何规则皆有例外。

All rules of law are liable to exceptions. 所有的法律规则都容易有例外。

An exception affirms the rule in cases not excepted. 一个例外在不属于例外的案件中证实了规则。 An exception proves an opposite rule. 一个例外可以证明一个相反的规则。 The exception also declares the rule. 例外也宣告了法律规则。 An exception is always to be put last. 例外总是被放在最后考虑。

Examples illustrate and do not restrict the law. 案例阐明而不是限制法律规则。

Whatever is inserted for the purpose of removing doubts does not hurt or affect the common law. 为了消除疑惑,无论增加什么都不会有损或影响普通法。 Human laws are born, live and die.


It is a perpetual law that no human or positive law can be perpetual. 没有人定法或实在法是永恒的,这一条永恒的定律。 The smallest circumstance may change the law. 最微小的环境变化也可能导致法律的变化。 Common error, repeated many times, makes law.

若让有罪的人逍遥法外,办案的法官就应当受到谴责。 It is the province of a judge to declare the law, not to give it. 法官的职责是宣布法律而不是创立法律。

It is the duty of justices to administer justice to every one pleading before them. 对每一个前来诉讼的人主持公道是法官的职责。

It is the part of a good judge to enlarge his remedial jurisdiction. 扩大司法救助是每一个好法官的职责。 It is the duty of a judge to extend this jurisdiction. 扩大司法管辖权是法官的职责。

It is the duty of a good judge to make precedents which amplify justice. 创造可以弘扬正义的判例是每一个好法官的职责。 It is the duty of a good judge to issue judgments without delay. 及时做出判决是每一个好法官的职责。

It is the duty of a good judge to prevent litigations, so that suit may not grow out of a suit, and it concerns the welfare of a state that an end be put to litigation.

一个好法官有预防诉讼之职,这样就不会因讼生讼,要知道终结诉讼关系到国家的利益。 A good judge decides according to justice and right, and prefers equity to strict law. 一个好的法官根据正义和公平判案,他宁愿选择衡平法而不是严法。

A good judge should do nothing from his own judgment, or from the dictates of his private wishes; but he should pronounce according to law and justice.

一个好的法官不应该仅凭自己的主观判断或个人愿望断案,而应该根据法律和正义宣布法律。 That system of law is the best which confides as little as possible to the discretion of a judge; that judge the best who trust as little as possible to his own judgment.

最善之法,就是给予法官自由裁量权最少之法;最好之法官,就是最少依靠自己主观判断之法官。 That law is the best which leaves the least discretion to the judge; and this is an advantage which results from certainty.

留给法官自由裁量余地越少的法律越好,这样就可以带来法律确定性的好处。 No one ought to depart out of the court of chancery without a remedy. 任何人都不应在大法官法庭中未得到救济就空手而归。 The ignorance of the judge is the misfortune of the innocent. 法官的无知是无辜者的不幸。 Let smiths perform the work of smiths. 行家的工作更可靠。 If you judge, understand.


Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will benighted. 兼听则明,偏听则暗。

Te judge ought to decide according to the allegation and the proof. 法官应该根据指控和证据断案。

It is better to seek the source than to follw the streamlets. 办案要追根求源,而不应舍本求末。 Cease to reign, if you don?t wish to adjudicate. 不愿断案就别把着案子不放。

An innovation always produces various results. 革新通常会带来各种各样的结果。

Every innovation occasions more harm by its novelty, than benefit by its utility. 革新带来的弊端往往胜过好处。

Often it is the new road, not the old one, which deceives the traveller. 使旅行者误入歧途的往往是新路而不是老路。 The oldway is the safe way. 老路是安全的路。 (二)法庭与审判 The court knows the laws. 法庭是谙熟法律的。

Jurisdiction is power introduced for the public good, on account of the necessity of dispensing justice. 司法审判权是为了公共利益和实现正义的需要。 Whatever is done on court is presumed to be nightly done. 在法庭上的所作所为都被推定是正当的。 An act of the court shall prejudice no man. 法庭的所作所为不应歧视任何人。 The practice of the court is the law of the court. 法庭的惯例就是法庭的法律。

In all affairs, and principally in those which concern the administration of justice, the rules of equity ought to be followed.

在所有的事务中,尤其是涉及司法的事务中,衡平法的规则应该得到遵守。 Justice knows not father or mother; justice looks at truth alone. 审判的公平不认父母而只认真理。

The hurrying of justice is the stepmother of misfortune. 审判过于仓促就如同私生子有了后妈。

That which is to be resolved once for all, should be long deliberated upon.


Judgments frequently become matured by deliberation, never by hurried process. 经过审慎考虑的判决常会变得比较成熟,而匆匆而就的判决则绝无可能。 Concerning the death of a man, no delay is long. 关乎人命之审判,延误无关紧要、 Want of finality in law is reprehensible. 法无终局,应受责难。

That justice which justly prevents a crime, is better than that which severely punishes it. 能够恰当地预防犯罪的司法要优于只知严厉惩罚犯罪的司法。 Iniquity is nearly equal to severity. 严酷与不衡平极为接近。

The court has nothing to do with what is not before it. 对于没有呈现在法庭面前的东西,法庭就不能有所作为。 A multitude of ignorant practitioners destroys a court. 大量无知的法律从业者会毁掉一个法庭。

Officers may not examine the judicial acts of the court. 行政官员没有权利审查法庭的司法行为。 A judgement is the saying of law. 判决是法律的格言。

An award is the judgement of a good man according to justice. 判决是由善良之人根据正义所做的裁判。 A judgement should have real effect. 判决应当具有实效。

The latter decisions are stronger in law. 一个后来的判决在法律上更强有力。 Faith or credit is to be given to the last decisions. 最后的判决最有效力。

Follow past precedents and do not disturb what has been settled. 要遵循先例,不要改变过去的判决。

Judgments are, as it were, the dicta or sayings of the law, and are received as truth. 判决就像法律的格言或谚语,应该作为真理而接受。

A verdict is, as it were, the saying of the truth, in the same manner that a judgment is the saying of the law. 陪审团的裁决就是事实真相的权威表达,同样,法官的判决就是法律的格言。 Judgment creates rights, and the interpretation of the law has the forces of law. 判决创设权利,法之解释亦有法之效力。

A judgment is always taken for truth. 判决经常被当作真理来接受。 A thing adjudged must be taken for truth. 法院判决确定之事应该被当作真理来接受。

A judgment ought not to be illusory, it ought to have its consequence. 判决不应该是虚幻的,而应该是能产生实际后果的。

It is not enough that sentence should be given unless it is put in execution. 除非判决能够得到执行,否则就不应下判决。

A new judgment does not make a new law, but declares the old. 一个新的判决并不创造新的法律而只是选不了旧的法律。 He who comes into equity must comes with clean hands. 到衡平法院来起诉者自己必须是清白之身。

The law does not require that to be verified which is apparent to the court. 对法庭认为显而易见的事实,法律并不要求加以证明。 In a trial, credence is given only to those who are sworn. 在审判时,只能信任那些经过发誓的人。 He who makes oath is to be believed in judgment. 发过誓的人受法庭的信任。

In courts or judicial proceedings, infancy is aided or favored. 在法院或法律诉讼中,未成年人应该得到司法帮助或优待。 (三)司法原则

It is wrong for a man to be a judge in his own cause. 在自己的案件中充当法官是非法的。 No man can be judge in his own cause. 任何人都不能充当自己案件的法官。

A person ought not to be judge in his own cause, because he can not act as judge and party. 任何人不得在自己案件中担任法官,因为他不能同时既是当事人又是法官。 A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause. 法官不得在自己的案件中充当证人。 No one ought to be a witness in his own cause. 任何人不得在自己的案件中充当证人。 A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself. 法官不得处罚损害自己的非法行为。

The judge does not demand more than the plaintiff demands. 法官不能出比原告更多的要求。

To a judge who exceeds his office or jurisdiction no obedience is due. 对超越自己职权和管辖权的法官就不应遵从。

An act of a judge which does not relate to his office is of no force. 与其职位无关的法官行为就没有法律效力。

Judgment is to be given according to the laws, not according to precedents. 判决应当根据法律而不应按照判例做出。

The judge in his decision ought to follow the rule when the exception is not made apparent. 如果没有明显的例外,法官的判决应该遵从一般法律规则。 Concerning similars the judgment is the same. 对类似的情况所作的判决也应该相同。 Similar cases should be treated similarly. 类似的案件类似处理。

In similar cases the remedy should be similar. 在相似的案件中,救济手段也应该相似。 A beneficial law affords a remedy in a similar case. 好的法律对类似的案件会提供类似的救济。

Nothing in law is more tolerable than to apply the law differently to the same cases. 法律中没有什么事情比同类案件适用不同的法律更难以容忍的了。 Of disimilars the rule is dissimilar.


When doubts arise, the most generous and benign presumptions are to be preferred. 在有疑问的地方,应该对此作最宽容和最仁慈的推定。

Whenever there is a doubt between liberty and slavery, the decision must be in favor of liberty. 无论何时对选择自由还是奴役表示怀疑,判决都必须偏向自由。

Where the law governing a particular matter is silent on a question at issue, the provision of another law governing another matter may be applied where the underlying principle or reason is the same.

法律对某一事项没有规定,如果所含的原则或理由相同,那么就可以适用规定不同事项的另一法律。 (四)法律解释

The words of a statute must not be departed from. 法律文字不容违反。

The meaning of words is the spirit of the law. 法律文字的意思就是法律的精神所在。 The best interpreter of a statute is the statute itself. 对法律最好的解释者是法律本身。

In the absence of ambiguity, no exposition shall be made which is opposed to the express words of the


如果没有歧义,任何解释都不应该与法律文件中意思明确的词语相反。 It is a bad exposition which corrupts the text. 离开法律文本的解释是危险的解释。

When the words and the mind agree, there is no place for interpretation. 当文字与精神一致时,就不需要解释。

The law is in favor rather of a good than of a bad construction. 法律倾向于从善解释。

The practice of the judges is the interpreter of laws. 法官的审判实践就是在解释法律。

What is reasonable time, the law does not define; it is left to the discretion of the judges. 法律不规定什么是合理的时间,它留给法官作自由判断。 The interpretation of law obtains the force of law. 法律的解释可以获得法律效力。

The voice of legislators is a living voice, to impose laws on things and not on words. 立法者的声音是活生生的声音,它将法律适用于事物却不拘泥于文字。 It belongs to him to interpret who enacts. 法律解释权属于法律制定之人。

The best mode of interpreting laws is to make them accord. 最好的法律解释模式是使法律相互和谐一致。

To interpret and reconcile laws so that they harmonize is the best mode of construction. 解释和协调法律使之变得和谐一致是解释的最好方式。 Statutes made for the public good ought to be liberally construed. 对于为了公共利益而制定的法律应该进行自由解释。 Usage is the best interpreter of things. 习惯法是事物的最好解释者。 Custom is the best interpretor of laws. 惯例是法律的最好阐释者。

The more favorable construction is to be placed on general or doubtful expressions. 应该优先对笼统的或有疑惑的表述做出解释。

A contemporaneous exposition is the best and more powerful in the law. 同时代的解释是法律中国最好也是最有利的解释。 A power is strictly interpreted. 对权力应从严解释。

Statutes derogating from the common law are to be interpreted in a narrow sense.


Laws which derogate from the common law ought to be strictly construed. 对有违普通法的法律应该严格进行解释。

A law should be interpreted with a view to upholding rather than destroying it. 法律解释不应吹毛求疵或莫名其妙。

In doubtful cases the more favorable constructions are always to be preferred. 在疑案中的解释应能服众。

In ambiguous things, such a construction is to be made, that what is inconvenient and absurd is to be avoided.


Laws are to be liberally construed, in order that their intent may be preserved. 为了保持法律的愿意,法律解释应当不拘泥于字面含义。

When the doing of anything is forbidden, then the doing of it either directly or indirectly is forbidden. 凡法所禁止之行为,不论直接或间接地做均在禁止之列。 Unusual clauses always induce suspicion. 不同寻常的条款常常要发生疑问。

An absolute sentence or proposition needs not an expositor. 文字意义完全简明清楚就无须解释。

Where the words are not ambiguous, then intention of the word is not allowed to be questioned. 在用语中不存在模糊性时,不得允许探索用语的意图。

Such things as have a clear interpretation ought to be changed but little. 明确之解释,应尽可能少地加以变更。

The clear provisions shall not be vitiated because of those obscure. 不应当由于某种不确定的规定而否定明确的规定。

It is guessing, not interpretation, which altogether departs from the letter. 完全脱离用语者,是猜测而非解释。

Language is always to be understood according to its subject-matter and the condition of the persons. 人们总是根据语言所涉论题和人们所处的环境来理解语言。 Every interpretation either declares, extends, or restrains. 法律之解释,不外阐明、引申及限缩而已。

The best and surest mode of construing an instrument is to read it in the sense which would have been applied when it was drawn up.

对法律文件最好也是最可靠的解释方式是根据立法意图进行解释。 Words ought to be made subservient to the intent, not contrary to it. 对文字的解释应该服从于其意图而非相反。

In the agreements of the contracting parties, the rule is to regard the intention rather than the words. 对契约双方协议的解释应该看重契约意图而非文字。

General words are to be understood generally, or in a general sense. 对概括的词语只能作概括或广义的理解。 General words are to be generally understood. 概括的词汇应按概括的意义来理解。 A general expression implies nothing certain. 概括的表达没有说明任何确定的东西。

General words may be aptly restrained according to the matter or person to which they relate. 概括性的词语可以根据与他们相关的事或人进行适当的限制。 A general clause does not refer to things expressed. 概括性条款不涉及业已明示之内容。

A general clause does not extend to those things which are previously provided for specialitity. 概括性的条款不能适用于那些在先已经有过特殊规定的事情。 When the substance is extinguished, the incident ceased. 本质问题已经解决,枝节问题也就不再存在了。 Terms of art should be explained from art. 艺术的语言应从艺术角度来理解。 Verisimilitude is not proof. 貌似事实,不足为据。

That which is expressed makes that which is implied to cease. 业已明示的使默示的无效。

What is expressed renders what is implied silent. 业已明示的使默示的失去效力。

Every statute must be so construed and harmonized with other statutes as to form uniform system of law. 为了保持法制的统一,对每个法律的解释都应与其他的法律相协调。 A passage is best interpreted by reference to what precedes and what follows it. 对一个段落最好的解释是根据上下文所进行的解释。 A word is to be understood in the context in which it is used. 对文字应该根据其使用的语境进行理解。

It is improper to pass an opinion on any part of a sentence without examining the whole. 若未审查整个句子,那么对句子中任何部分的意见都不可信。

The meaning of a doubtful word may be ascertained by reference to the meaning of words associated with it.


The expression of what is tacitly implied is inoperative. 只是暗指却没有明说的表达不起作用。

False spelling or false grammar do not vitiate a grant. 拼写错误和语法错误并不影响七月底成立。

An error in the name is nothing when there is certainty as to the person. 若能够确定本人,名字的错误就无关紧要。

Surplusage does not vitiate that which in other respects is good and valid. 冗语赘言无害。

Mere false description does not vitiate if there be sufficient certainty as to the object. 如果描述的客体具有足够的确定性,那么单纯的描述错误就不会构成损害。 The expression of one thing is the exclusion of another. 明示其一即排斥其他。

The mention of one person is the exclusion of another. 提及一人即排斥其他人。

The express mention of one thing implies the exclusion of another. 明确提及一件事就意味着排除另一件事。

The designation of one is the exclusion of the other and that which is expressed prevails over that which is implied.


Relative words refer to the antecedent, unless by such construction the meaning of the sentence would be impaired.

关系词就是意指先行词,除非如果采用这种解释,句子的含义会受到损害。 He who considers merely the letter of an instrument goes but skin-deep into its meaning. 如果只是考虑了法律文件的字面意思,那么对此就只是获得了肤浅的理解。 A thing is named from its principal part. 物以其主要部分命名。

Ames are mutable, but things immutable. 名称是可以改变的,但是事物时不可改变的。 Names are the symbols of things. 名称是事物的符号。

Wills ought to have the broadest interpretation. 对遗嘱应作广义解释。 To write is to act. 写下文字即在行为。 四、 法律程序


A suit is a civil warfare; for as the plaintiffs are armed with actions, and as it were, girded with swords, so the defendants are fortified with pleas, and are defended, as it were, by shields.

诉讼系一场和平战争,原告有诉权武装,犹如持刀剑进攻;被告有抗辩护身,犹如持盾牌防御。 A jurisdiction act by a judge without jurisdiction is void; but a ministerial act, from whomsoever proceeding, may be ratified.


Whichever of two parties has the division, the other has the choice. 双方当事人之间,如果有权做出分配,则另一方有权优先挑选。 He who seeks equity must do equity. 要求公平者必须公平待人。

He who comes into equity must come with clean hands. 到衡平法院来起诉者必须自己清白。 Every action proceeds into its own course. 每一诉讼都按其自身的程序进行。 Legal form is essential form. 法律的形式是至关重要的形式。

When form is not observed, a nullity of the act is inferred. 如果没有遵循法律形式,就可能导致行为无效。 When form is not observed, a failure of action ensues. 不遵守诉讼程序者,必遭败诉。 Hasty justice is stepmother of misfortune. 仓促审判是人为的不幸。

It is the duty of a good judge to issue judgments without delay. 及时做出判决是每一个好法官的职责。

No man ought to be his own judge, or administer justice in cases where his relations are concerned. 任何人不得自己审判自己或与自身有利害关系的案件。

A person ought not to be judge in his own cause, because he can not act as judge and party. 任何人不得在自己的案件中担任法官,因为他不能既是当事人又是法官。 It is wrong for a man to be a judge in his own cause. 在自己的案件中担任法官是错误的。 No man can be judge in his own cause. 任何人都不能充当自己案件的法官。 A judge cannot punish a wrong done to himself.

法官不得处理损害自己的不当行为。 A judge cannot be a witness in his own cause. 法官不得在自己的案件中作证人。 No one ought to be a witness in his own cause. 任何人都不得在自己的案件中充当证人。

The judge does not demand more than the plaintiff demands. 法官不能提出比原告更多的要求。

An issue requires terms of contradiction. (To constitute an issue there must be an affirmative on one side and a negative on the other.)


H who decides anything, a party being unheard, though he should decide right, does wrong. 决定者若只听取一面之词,即使他会正确裁判,也仍然是错误的。

Justice ought to be unbought, because there is nothing more hateful than venal justice; full, for justice ought not to be defective; and quick, for delay is a kind of denial.


No man should not be twice vexed for one and the same cause. 任何人不得因同一案件而受两次处理。

No one is prohibited from making use of several defenses. 不能禁止任何人使用多种的辩护手段, No one is restrained from using several defences. 对任何人都得不得限定抗辩事由。 Similar case be treated similarly. 同样的情况应同样处理。

A plaintiff ought not to be allowed what is not permitted to a defendant. 对被告禁止的,同样适用于原告。 No one is bound to litigate himself. 任何人皆无起诉自己的义务。

No one can be compelled to criminate himself. 任何人都不得被迫自证其罪。

No one ought to accuse himself unless before God. 除了在上帝面前,任何人都不应自我归罪。 No one is bound to accuse himself. 任何人都没有义务控告自己。

None can be forced to incriminate himself.


No one is bound to testify his own baseness. 任何人都没有义务证明他自己的卑劣行为。

No one is bound to expose himself to misfortune and dangers. 任何人都没有义务揭发自己从而使自己陷入不幸或危险的境地。 No one is bound to arm his adversary. 任何人都没有义务武装他的对手。

He ought not to be heard who advances a proposition contrary to the rules of law. 一个人不应该因为提出违反法律规则的观点就受到惩罚。

No one is bound to inform about a thing he knows not, but he who gives information is bound to know what he says.


In doubtful cases the more favorable constructions are always to be preferred. 疑案中的解释应能服众。

When opinions are equal, a defendant is acquitted. 当控辩双方理由持平时,应宣告被告人无罪。

Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened, heed only one side and you will benighted. 兼听则明,偏信则暗。

The opportunity of proof is not to be narrowed. 举证机会不得予以限制。 (二)诉讼规则

The order of things is confounded if everyone keeps not his jurisprudiction. 如果人人皆不遵守管辖时,事情就会乱套。 It is the duty of a judge to extend this jurisdiction. 法官应扩大审判权的管辖范围,不得拒绝受理案件。

The plaintiff follows the forum of the property in suit, or the forum of the defendant?s residence. 原告应向争议财产所在地或被告住所地的法院提起诉讼。 The custom of the place where action is brought is to be observed. 起诉地的习惯,应予遵守。

Every one ought to be subject to the law where he offends. 每个违法犯罪的人,都应受犯罪行为地法律的管辖。 Every jurisdiction has its bounds. 每一项管辖,都应该有边界。

No prescription runs against a person unable to bring an action.


In courts or judicial proceedings, infancy is aided or favored. 在庭审或司法过程中,未成年人应得到援助或优待。

Immovable things are governed by law of the place where they are fixed. 不动产适用所在地法。

The plaintiff must follow the forum of the thing in dispute. 原告应该在标的物所在地法院起诉。 Sunday is not a day in law. 法律不计星期日。

A writ is so called because it briefly states, in few words, the matter in dispute, and the object of the party seeking relief.

诉状之所以叫诉状,因为它简要地载明了争点和原告的诉求。 The custom of place where the action is brought is to be observed. 关于诉讼所在地的惯例应当得到遵守。

A judicial writ ought to follow its original and an accessory its principal. 司法文件应当依据原件,附件应当依据主件。 A judicial writ fails not through defect of form. 司法文件不因格式方面的缺陷而失效。 A false description does not vitiate a document. 虚伪描述不影响文件效力。

He ought not to be heard who advances a proposition contrary to the rules of law. 一个人不应该因为提出与法律相反的观点而受到起诉。 Litigant loves lawyers who locate loopholes. 诉讼当事人喜欢会钻法律条文空子的律师。

Judges do not answer questions of fact, juries do not answer questions of law. 法官不负责事实部分;陪审团不负责法律部分。

It is the office of the judge to instruct the jury of points of law, it is the office of the jury to decide on matters of fact.

向陪审团指示法律是法官的职责,决定实施问题是陪审团的职责。 Juries are the judges of facts. 陪审团是事实的裁判者。

Not what is said, but what is done, is to be regarded. 应注意行为而非言辞。

Times runs against the slothful and those who neglect their rights. 时间对那些懒散者和怠于行使权力者不利。

When the parties have equal rights, the condition of the possessor is the better. 在当事人拥有同等权利的场合,占有人处于更有利的地位。 Better is the condition of the defendant than that of the plaintiff. 在诉讼中,被告的处境比原告有利。 Possession is nine points of law. 现实占有,诉讼败一胜九。

A personal action dies with the person. (This must be understood of an action for a tort only). 关于人身的诉讼随着个人的死亡而结束(这应理解为仅限于侵权之诉)。 Delays in law are odious. 法律上的迟延是惹人厌的。 The law always abhors delay. 法律痛恨迟延。

An action is not given to him who has received no damages. 没有损害就没有诉讼。

All actions in the world are limited within certain periods. 世上一切诉讼都是有审结期限的。 A personal action dies with the person. 对人的诉讼随着当事人的死亡而终止。

He who renounces his action once, cannot any more repeat it. 一旦放弃诉讼,就不能再次提起。

A plea of that matter the dissolution of which is sought(by the action)is of no effect. (通过诉讼)对已经获解决的问题再提出请求是徒劳的。 It is for the advantage of the state that there be an end of suits. 终结诉讼符合国家的利益。

It is for the public good that actions be brought to a close. 终结诉讼符合公共利益。

It is for the public interest that the decision of cases should be final. 诉讼裁决的终局性,符合公共利益的要求。

It is the duty of a good judge to prevent litigations, that suit may not grow out of suit, and it concerns the welfare of a state that an end be put to litigation.


Circuity is to be avoided, and it is the duty of a good judge to determine litigations, lest one lawsuit arise out of another.


An award is the judgment of a good man according to justice. 裁决是优秀的人根据公平和正义所作的裁决。

A thing adjudged makes white, black; black, white? the crooked, straight; the straight, crooked. 裁决之效力,可以使白者黑,黑者白;曲者直,直者曲。 It concerns the states that judgment be not rescinded. 落实判决关系到国家福祉。

Each judgment ought to produce an effect. 每个判决都应起到实际作用。

A judgment ought not to illusory, it ought to have its consequence. 判决不应徒有其名,而应发挥实效。

Executions are more preferred than all other processes whatever. 判决之执行,优先于其他所有程序。 (三)证据规则

He who is affirming must prove. 谁主张,谁举证。

It is in the nature of things that he who denies a fact is not bound to prove it. 否认者不负证明责任,是天经地义的事。

The proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies; since by the nature of things, he who denies a fact can not produce any proof.


The proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon one who denies. 举证责任在主张事实者而非否定事实者。

The one who affirms, not the one who denies, should provide evidence. 提出主张者承担举证责任,而不是否定者。 He who proves must recovers most. 多举证者,多受益。

He who proves most, recovers most. 证明愈有力,胜诉愈可能。

The burden of proof rests on the plaintiff (or on the party who advances a proposition affirmatively). 举证的责任由原告负担(提出积极主张的一方负有举证义务)。

When the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is acquitted (absolved). 原告对其诉称不能举证,被告即可免责。

The judge ought to decide according to the allegations and the proofs. 法官应当根据所提出的主张和证据做出判决或裁定。

Stress must be on the weight of evidence and confessions should not be taken on trust. 重证据不轻信口供。

The law does not require that to be verified which is apparent to the court. 对法庭认为显而易见的,法律并不要求加以证明或证实。 Things manifest do not require proof. 明显的事情无需证明。 Manifest things require no proof. 明显的事情无需证明。 The things speak for itself. 事理不言自明。

The success of a defendant depends on a perfect case; his loss arises from some defects. 无懈可击的申辩使被告胜诉,而某些缺陷则会使其败诉。 One wrong does not justify another. 错误不具有证明力。

He who flies from trial confesses his guilt. 逃避审判者,等于自白有罪。 He who does no deny, admits. 不否认就等于承认。

The extremes being proved, the intermediate proceedings are presumed. 极端情况得到证立后,中间状态就可予以推定。 A presumption will stand good until the contrary is proved. 推定在被否证之前,视为有效。

All things are presumed to be lawfully done, until proved to be the contrary. 一切事情在未证明其不合法之前,均应推定为合法。

All things are presumed to be done legitimately, until the contrary is proved. 所有行为在被证实为非法之前,推定其合法。 Injury is not presumed. 伤害不适用推定。

Cruel, oppressive, or tortuous conduct will not be presumed. 残暴行为,压迫行为,或侵权行为都不应适用推定。 That which does not appear will not be presumed to exist. 运用推定不能无中生有。

Every presumption is made against a wrongdoer. 每一个推定都对过错者不利。

That is certain which can be rendered certain.


A person in possession is not bound to prove that the possessions belong to him. 占有人无须证明自己是物主。

An infamous person is repelled or prevented from taking an oath. 不应让一个臭名昭著的人发誓(作证)。

He is not to be heard who alleges things contradictory to each other. 陈述自相矛盾之人,不能充当证人。

In a trial, credence is given only to those who are sworn. 审判中信任只给予那些发过誓的人。

Ignorance of those things which one is bound to know excuses not. 对应当知道的事,就不能借口无知来推卸责任。 To conceal is one thing; to be silent is another. 隐瞒是一回事,沉默是另一回事。 Negative facts are not proof are not proof. 消极事实不是证据。 Hearsay is no evidence. 谣言不是证据。

Deeds are more powerful than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

An oath is indivisible; it is not to be held party true and partly false. 誓言不可分割,不能认为部分是真,部分是假。

One eyewitness is of more weight than ten earwitnesses (or those who speak from hearsay). 一个目击证据比十个传闻证据有分量。 Several eyes see more than one. 众人所见要比一人所见更全面。 Evidence is to be weighted not enumerated. 证据在其分量,而不在其数量。

He who makes oath is to be believed in judgment. 发过誓的人应该得到信任。

To swear is to call God to witness, and is an act of religion. 发誓就是让上帝来见证,它是一项宗教行为。

In criminal cases, the proofs ought to be clearer than the light. 在刑事案件中,证据应该确凿无疑。 No one can be a witness in his own cause. 任何人都不得在自己的诉讼中充当证人,

Witnesses cannot testify to a negative, they must testify to an affirmative. 证据必须有所指证。

The answer of one witness shall not be heard at all. 不应听取单个证人的证言。

The testimony of one witness is equivalent to the testimony of none. 只有一人作证等于无人作证。

The opinions of philosophers, physicians, and poets are to be alleged and received in cause. 在诉讼过程中,哲学家、医师和诗人的意见应许陈述,且应采纳。

It sometimes happens that a plea which seems prima facie just, nevertheless is injurious and unequal. 表面上公正的抗辩或口实,常常可能是有害的或不适当的。 An argument drawn from authority is the strongest in the law. 在法律上,来自权威的观点最有力。

The argument from impossibility is of great force in law.

以事情不可能为由展开的论证,在法律上具有巨大的说服力。 An ambiguous answer is to be taken against him who offers it. 模棱两可的答辩可用来反驳答辩人本人。

A latent verbal ambiguity may be removed by evidence; for whatever ambiguity arises from an extrinsic fact may be explained by extrinsic evidence.


It is the same thing to say nothing and not to say it sufficiently. 证据不足等于没有证据。

What cannot be recognized [by judicial process] is non-existent. 无法为司法程序所采信的事实,视为不存在。 What is in suspense is considered as not existing. 对存疑之事就当作其不存在。

A vague and uncertain cause is not a reasonable cause. 含糊的和不确定的理由不是令人信服的理由。 A weak foundation frustrates the work ( built upon it.) 脆弱的根据会使前功尽弃。

An allegation contrary to the deed is not admissible. 违背事实的抗辩是不可接受的。 A plea denying a fact is the last of all. 否认性抗辩是最后一招。

That may excuse or palliate a wrongful act in capital cases which would not have the same effect in civil


重大案件中为某一非法行为开脱或减轻了罪责的抗辩,在民事侵权案件中就可能起不了同样的作用, Double negative is an affirmative. 两次否定就是一个肯定。

One of two opposite positions being affirmed, the other is denied. 两个相反的主张其一被肯定时,另一个也就被否定了。

An evidence of debt found in the debtor?s possession is presumed to be paid. 在债务人手中保存的债据应推定为债务已经清偿。

An evidence of debt not existing is presumed to have been discharged. 已证明不复存在的债,推定已履行。

He who is in the womb, is considered as born, whenever it is for his benefit. 一旦涉及其利益,未出生的孩子也视为已经出生。 A false clause does not vitiate a document. 错误条款不影响文件效力。 When you doubt, do not act. 若有疑惑,就请三思而后行。 五、 民事司法 (一)总论

The civil law is what a people establishes for itself. 民法是一国人民为自己制定的法律。 Custom is another law. 习惯也是一种法律。

A reasonable custom is to be obeyed like law. 合理的习惯,应该像法律那样得到遵守。

A custom should be certain, for uncertain things are held as nothing. 习惯必须明确,不明确的习惯没有效力。 A custom ought to be certain. 习惯应该具有确定性。

Custome is the best expounder of the law. 习惯是法律的最佳阐释者。

The custom of a place is to be observed. 当地的习惯应予遵守。

An evil custom ought to be abolished. 恶的习惯应予废止。

Every one is the manager and judge of his own affairs.


Every one has liberty to renounce those things which are granted for his benefit. 每个人皆有抛弃为自己利益所给予之物的自由。 No man ought to be burdened in consequence of another?s act. 任何人都不必承担他人行为的后果。 The deed of one should not hurt the other. 个人行为不能损害他人。

Things done between strangers ought not to injure those who are not parties to them. 双方行为不应损及局外人。

He who uses his legal rights harms no one. 行使自己的法律权利不得损害他人。 He who exercises his right injures no one. 行使自己权利的人,不会对任何人造成损害。

One should enjoy his property in such a manner as not to injure that of another person. 享用自己的财物不应损害他人。

Enjoy your own property in such a manner as not injure that of another person. 财产权应当以不损害他人的方式加以行使。

Use your own property and your own rights in such a way that you will not hurt your neighbor, or prevent him from enjoying his.

使用你的财产和权利时,不应当有害于邻居或妨害其使用自己的财产和权利。 It is for the interest of the state that a man should not enjoy his own property improperly. 每个人都不该滥用自己的财产,这是国家利益所要求的。

No one is to be deemed a wrongdoer who merely avails himself of his legal rights. 每个人行使自己权利的人,都不得被视为非法。

The power derived cannot be greater than that from which it is derived. 派生之权利,不得超过原有权利的权限。 Public rights are to be preferred to private rights. 公权力优于私权利。

A public right cannot be altered by the agreements of a private persons. 公法上的权利,不得以私人协议予以变更。

Every one may renounce or relinquish a right introduced for his own benefit. 人人皆可放弃有利于己的权利。

One who has a right under his possession can abandon it. 享有权利者可以放弃权利。

One cannot transfer to another a right which he has not.

