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引导时间状语从句的从属连词很多,如较基本的有before, after, when, while, as, since, till, until, as soon as 等:

Things were different when I was a child. 我小时候情况与现在不同。

We must strike while the iron is hot. 我们要趁热打铁。 It’s a long time since I met you last. 从上次见到你,已有很长时间了。

He waited until she was about to leave. 他等着一直到她准备离开。


(1) 表示“一…就”的从属连词:the moment, the minute, the second, the instant, immediately, directly, instantly, once, no sooner…than, hardly…when等。如:

Immediately he came I told him the news. 他一来我就把消息告诉了他。

The moment I saw him I knew there was no hope. 我一看到他就知道没希望了。

We had no sooner set out than it began to rain. 我们刚出发就下雨了。

Once he arrives, we can start. 他一来我们就可以开始。 (2) 涉及time的几个从属连词:every time(每次),each time(每次),(the) next time(下次),any time(随时),the last time(上次),the first time(第一次)。如:

Every time I see her I’ll think of it. 每次我看到她,我就想起这事。

He felt nervous each time she spoke to him. 每次她和他讲话,他都感到紧张。

He didn’t tell me the last time I saw him. 我上次见到他时他没告诉我。

■与时间状语从句有关的时态问题 关于这个问题有两点值得注意:

(1) 当主句为将来时态或具有将来意义时,时间状语从句通常要用一般现在时表示将来意义,而不能直接使用将来时态:

Turn off the lights before you leave. 走前关灯。 I will tell him as soon as he arrives. 他一来我就告诉他。 (2) 与since 从句搭配的主句的时态通常是现在完成时态: He has lived here since 1999. 自1999年以来,他就一直住在这儿。

Where have you been since I last saw you? 自我上次见到你之后你到哪里去了?


It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎几年未见面了。 Yesterday he told me that he hadn’t eaten anything since Tuesday. 他昨天告诉我自星期二以来他一直未吃任何东西。


■引导条件状语从句的从属连词 主要的有if, unless, as [so] long as等:

You can leave now if you like. 如果你愿意现在就可以走了。 As long as it doesn’t rain we can go. 只要不下雨,我们就可以去。

【注】除以上基本的引导条件状语从句的从属连词外,还有的动词尤其是其分词形式(如suppose, supposing, provided, providing等)和介词短语(如in case, on condition that等)也可用作连词表示条件:

In case I forget, please remind me about it. 万一我忘记,请提醒我一下。

I will come on condition (that) she is invited too. 如果邀请她来, 那我就来。

He may go with us provided [providing] he arrives in time. 他若及时到,就可以和我们一起走。

Suppose 和supposing 引导条件状语从句时,通常用于主句为疑问句的场合:

Suppose the boss saw you,what would he say? 如果老板看到你,他会怎样说?

Supposing he does not come, shall we go without him? 他若不来,是不是不带他去?



I’ll stay at home if it rains tomorrow. 要是明天下雨,我就呆在家里。

【注】有时也可见到 if you will 这样的说法,但那不是将来时态,而是表示意愿或委婉的请求(此处的 will是情态动词):

If you will wait for a moment, I’ll go and tell the manager that you are here. 请等一下,我去告诉经理说你来了。



主要的有 in order that, so that, in case, for fear等: Speak clearly so that they may understand you. 讲清楚些,以便他们能理解你。

He studied hard in order that he could pass the exam. 他努力学习以便能考试及格。

Shut the window for fear that it may rain. 把窗子关上以防下雨。

【注】so that 引导目的状语从句时有时可省略so而只用that,有时也可只用so:

Bring it closer that I might see it better. 拿近些,使我能看得清楚些。

I’ll show you so you can see how it’s done. 我将做给你看,以便你知道应怎样干。



He got up early so that he could catch the early bus. / He got up early so as to catch the early bus. 他起床很早以便赶上早班车。

He came in quietly in order that he shouldn’t wake his wife. / He came in quietly in order not to wake his wife. 他轻轻进来,以免把他妻子吵醒。


He left an hour early for fear he might miss the train. / He left an hour early for fear of missing the train. 他提前一小时离开,以免错过火车。


in case既可引导目的状语从句,也可引导条件状语从句,主要视句意而定:

In case he comes, let me know. 如果他来,告诉我一声。 Tell me in case you get into difficulty. 遇到困难请告诉我。 【注】in case引导目的状语从句,从句有时可用“should+动词原形”这样的形式:

Take your coat in case it rains (should rain). 带着雨衣以防下雨。


一、引导结果状语从句的从属连词 主要的有so that, so…that, such…that等:

He studied hard so that he passed the exam. 他学习用功,所以考试通过了。

He studied hard so that he could pass the exam.

He was so angry that he couldn’t speak. 他气得话都说不出来。 He shut the window with such force that the glass broke. 他关窗子用力很大,结果玻璃震破了。


I am so busy I have no time to write a letter. 我很忙,连写信的时间都没有。

There was such a lot of rain (that) we couldn’t go out. 雨那么大,我们没法出去。

二、so…that 与 such…that 的用法比较


正:He is so clever a child that we all like him. 这小孩很聪明,我们都喜欢他。

正:They are such clever children that we all like them. 这些孩子很聪明,我们都很喜欢。

误:They are so clever children that we all like them. 此时的so…that结构可与such…that结构转换: It’s such an interesting film that we all want to see it. 这电影很有趣,我们都想看。

It’s so interesting a film that we all want to see it. 这电影很有趣,我们都想看。

【注】在much, many, little, few 这四个词前总是用so而不用such:

He had so many falls that he was black and blue all over. 他摔了许多跤,结果全身都是伤。

He earns so little money that he can hardly feed his family. 他赚的钱很少几乎不能养家糊口。


由so that和so…that引导的结果状语从句有时可与表结果的so as to和so…as to引出的不定式短语转换:

He arrived late so that he missed the train. / He arrived late so as to miss the train. 他到得很迟,结果未赶上火车。

He wrote so carefully that he made no mistakes. / He wrote so carefully as to make no mistakes. 他写得很仔细,所以没有出错。

四、so that引导目状语和结果状语的区别


(2) 形式上的区别:引导目的从句之前不用逗号(说话时也不停顿),而结果从句之前则通常有逗号(说话时常有停顿);有时引导结果状语从句时其前也可以没有逗号,此时可看从句中是否有 can / could, may / might, will /would 以及should等情态动词,如果没有,则多半是结果从句。比较:

We’ve come early so that the meeting can begin promptly. 我们来得很早,以便可以马上开会。(so that 引导目的状语从句)

We are all here now, so that the meeting can begin at last. 我们现在都到齐了,终于能开会了。 (so that 引导结果状语从句)

I am going to the lecture early so that I’ll get a good seat. 我想早点去听演讲,以便找个好座位。(so that 引导目的状语从句)

I went to the lecture early so that I got a good seat. 我去听演讲去得很早,所以找个好座位。(so that 引导结果状语从句)

另外,so that引导目的从句时有时可放在主句之前,而引导结果从句时却不能:

正:So that he could buy a new car, he saved a lot of money. 他节省了一大笔钱,以便能买辆新车。(引导目的状语从句)

误:So that I could hardly stand, I was tired.(引导结果状语从句不能置于句首,可改为I was tired so that I could hardly stand. 我很累,几乎站不稳了。)

五、so…that和such…that有时不引导结果状语句 so…that和such…that可以引导结果状语从句,但并不是说它们引导的从句就一定是结果状语。请看以下句子:

I’m so happy that you could visit us. 我很高兴你能来看望我们。(其中的so用于加强语气,相当于very)

It’s such a great pleasure that you are here. 你在这里是非常令人高兴的事。(其中的that引导的是主语从句,句首的it为形式主语)



主要的有because, as, since, seeing (that), now (that), considering (that)等:

The woolly shrank because it was washed badly. 毛衣因洗得不得法而缩水。

I can’t get to sleep because of the noise outside. 由于外面声音嘈杂我睡不着。

Since [As] we’ve no money, we can’t buy it. 由于我们没钱,我们无法购买它。

Seeing that it’s raining, we’d better stay indoors. 既然外边在下雨,我们最好待在室内。

Now that you are here, you’d better stay. 你既然来了,最好还是留下吧(既来之,则安之)。


I can’t tell you when you won’t listen. 既然你不想听,我就不告诉你了。

二、关于 not…because 结构


I didn’t go because I was afraid. 我没有去是因为怕。/ 我不是因为怕才去。

不过若because之前有just修饰,一般认为not 是否定从句的:

You shouldn’t get angry just because some people speak ill of you. 你不要因为有人说你坏话而生气。

三、because 习惯上不与 so 连用

汉语习惯上说“因为…所以…”,但英语习惯上却不能将 so 与 because 连用:


正:Because it was raining, we stayed at home. / It was raining, so we stayed at home.

误:Because it was raining, so we stayed at home.

四、because 从句与 because of 短语的转换

Because引导的原因状语从句有时可与because of 短语转换: He can’t come because he is ill. / He can’t come because of his illness. 他因病不能来。

I said nothing about it because his wife was there. / I said nothing about it because of his wife’s being there. 因为他妻子在那儿,我对此事只字未提。



主要的有although, though, even though, even if等:

Although he is poor, he’s still happy. 虽然他很穷,他仍然很快乐。

I will try it, though I may fail. 即使我可能失败, 我也要试一下。

We’ll go even if it rains. 即使下雨我们也要去。


(1) 用when 和while引导让步状语从句。不要认为when和while只引导时间状语从句,其实它们也可引导让步状语从句,意思是“尽管”或“虽然”:

She stopped when she ought to have continued. 尽管她应该继续下去,她却停住了。

While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you. 虽然我理解你的意思,但我还是不同意。

(2) 用whether…or…引导让步状语从句:

I’ll do it whether you like it or not. 不管你是否喜欢,我都要做。

Whether we help him or not, he will fail. 不论我们帮助他与否, 他都将失败。

(3) 用whatever, whoever, however, whenever, wherever 等引导让步状语从句:

He does whatever she asks him to do. 她要他做什么,他就做什么。

Come whenever you like. 你爱什么时候来就什么时候来。

二、whatever, however 等-ever词用法说明 这些词的用法应注意以下几点:

(1) 它们均可引导让步状语从句,意为“无论…”:

Whatever you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。 Whoever telephones, tell them I’m out. 不管是谁打电话,都说我出去了。

Whichever day you come, I’ll be pleased to see you. 无论你哪天来,我都欢迎。

Whenever you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。

Wherever he goes, I’ll go. 不管他去哪里,我也去。 (2) 它们引导让步状语从句时,通常可换成no matter…,如说:

No matter what you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。

No matter when you come, you are welcome. 你什么时候来,我们都欢迎。

No matter how much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃多少, 他都不发胖。

(3) 注意however以下两类句型结构: ① however+主语+谓语:

However you travel, it’ll take you at least three days. 不管你怎么走,至少要三天。

However you come, be sure to come early. 不管你怎么来,一定要早来。

② however+形容词或副词+主语+谓语:

However much he eats, he never gets fat. 无论他吃多少, 他都不发胖。

However cold it is, she always goes swimming. 不管天多冷,她都会去游泳。


He was of some help, however small. 他总能帮些忙,不管多小的忙。

I refuse, however favorable the condition. 不管条件多好,我都不接受。

(4) 有时从句谓语可用情态动词:

I’ll find him, wherever he is [may be]. 无论他在哪里,我都要找到他。

Keep calm, whatever happens [may happen]. 无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。

(5) whenever有时可引导时间状语从句,wherever 有时可引导地点状语从句:

Whenever we see him we speak to him. 每次见到他,我们都和他说话。

They teach wherever their pupils are working. 学生在哪里工作,教师们就在哪里上课。



Poor though I am, I can afford it. 我虽穷,但这东西还是买得起的。

Much as I like Paris, I couldn’t live there. 尽管我喜欢巴黎,但我不能住在那里。

【注】as 可以在以上这样的倒装结构中引出让步状语,但若不倒装,则不能用as,而与之相反,although在不倒装的结构中可引导让步状语,但在倒装的结构中却不可以用。


一、引导方式状语从句的从属连词 主要的有as, as if, as though等:

You must do as your parents tell you. 你必须按你父母说的去做。

I have changed it as you suggest. 我已照你的建议作了改动。 I am as you can imagine short of money. 正如你能想像的我很缺钱。

Robbie didn’t feel as she did. 洛比没有她那种感觉。 They treated the child as if she were their own. 他们待这孩子像亲生的一样。

I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday. 整个这件事我记得很清楚,就仿佛是昨天发生似的。

【注】(1) 在非正式文体中,like也可用连词,表示方式,与as的用法相似:

Nobody loves you like I do. 没有人像我这样爱你。 She can’t cook like her mother does. 她菜做得没有她妈那样好。

(2) 有时the way 也可用作连词,表示方式,与as的用法相似:

They didn’t do it the way we do now. 那时他们不像我们现在这样行事。

I can’t help seeing things the way they do. 我禁不住也像他们那样看事物。

二、as if [as though] 从句与虚拟语气

一般说来,若as if 和as though 从句所表示的内容可能为事实,则用陈述语气,若为假设或不大可能为事实,则用虚拟语气。不过在非正式文体中,有时即使句意明确地表示不是事实,也可能用陈述语气:

He treats me as if I am [were] a stranger. 他待我有如陌生人。 The stuffed dog barks as if it is [were] a real one. 这个玩具狗叫起来像是真狗似的。


■as 引导时间状语从句表示“当??的时候”“在??期间”时,该从句的谓语通常是那些表示动作意义的动词,而不能是be(是、在), have(有),like(喜欢),belong(属于)等表示状态或静态意义的动词。


误:I’m going to the post office.—As you are there, can you get me some stamps?

正:I’m going to the post office.—While you are there, can you get me some stamps?

■正因为 as 引导时间状语从句表示“当??的时候”“在??期间”时,从句的谓语不能是表示状态或静态意义的动词,所以当下面第一句变为第二句这样的状语从句时,不能再用 as,而应用 when:

As a student he had known great poverty.

=When he was a student he had known great poverty. 他当学生时,经历过很贫困的生活。

■但是,当 as 引导原因状语从句时,其谓语动词可以是状态或静态动词。如:

As there was very little support, the strike was not successful. 由于支持的很少,罢工未获成功。

As I was anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present. 因为我急于讨好他,我给他买了一件精美礼品。

As there isn’t anything more to do, I may as well go home early 既然这里没有别的事要做,我还不如早点回家。



He fell asleep while (he was) doing his homework. 他在做着功课时睡著了。

Fill in a proper preposition where (it is) necessary. 在需要的地方填上适当的介词。

He will come if (he is) asked. 如果请他来,他会来的。 He won’t come unless (he is) invited. 他不会来,除非邀请他。 If (it is) necessary, ring me at home. 如果必要,可以打电话到我家找我。

He is better, though (he is) not yet cured. 他好一点了, 虽仍未痊愈。

It usually happens as (it is) described above. 情况通常就像上面描述的那样发生了。

He glanced about as if (he was) in search of something. 他向周围望了一眼,仿佛在找寻什么。

He cleared his throat as if (he was) to say something. 他清了清嗓子,像要说什么似的。

when, while, as的用法区别


(1) 若主句表示的是一个短暂性动作,从句表示的是一个持续性动作,三者都可用:

He fell asleep when [while, as] he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。

【注】as 用于引出一个持续性动词表示“在??期间”时,其谓语通常只能是那些含有动作(action)和发展(development) 意味的动词,一般不能是那些不用于进行时态的动词(如 be, seem, love, want, agree, see, know, have 等),所以下面一句中的 while 不能换为 as:

A:I’m going to the post office. 我要去邮局。

B:While you’re there, can you get me some stamps? 当你在邮局时,能帮我买几张邮票吗?

(2) 若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间,通常要用 while:

Don’t talk while you’re eating. 吃饭时不要说话。

I kept silent while he was writing. 在他写的时候,我默不作声。 但是,若主从句表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边…一边”之意思,通常用 as:

She sang as she went along. 她边走边唱。

(3) 若从句是一个短暂性动作,主句是一个持续性动作,可用 as / when 但不用 while:

It was raining hard when [as] we arrived. 我们到达时正下着大雨。

(4) 若主从句表示的是两个同时(或几乎同时)发生的短暂性动作,用 as / when:

I thought of it just when [as] you opened your mouth. 就在你要说的时候,我也想到了。

(5) 若要表示两个正在发展变化的情况,相当于汉语的“随着”,一般用 as:

Things are getting better and better as time goes on. 随着时间的推移,情况越来越好。

As it grew darker, it became colder. 天色越晚,天气越冷。 (6) 表示“每当…的时候”(暗示一种规律性),一般要用 when: It’s cold when it snows. 下雪时天冷。

He smiles when you praise him. 你夸奖他时他总是笑笑。 (7) 若主从句所表示的动作不是同时发生,而是有先后顺序时,一般要用 when:

I will go home when he comes back. 他回来时,我就回家去。 (8) when 可用作并列连词,表示“这时(突然)”;while 也可以用作并列连词,表示“而”、“却”(表示对比);但 as 则没有类似用法:

We were about to start when it began to rain. 我们正要出发,这时天开始下雨了。

He likes coffee, while she likes tea. 他喜欢咖啡,而她却喜欢茶。

(9) as 和 when 后均可直接跟一个名词,构成省略句,但 while 一般不这样用:

As [When] a boy, he lived in Japan. 他小时候在日本。 (10) when 和 while 后可接现在分词、介词短语、形容词等构成省略句,但 as 一般不这样用:

When [While] reading, he fell asleep. 他看书时睡着了。 When [While] in trouble, ask her for help. 遇到麻烦的时候你就去找她帮忙。



一、the + 瞬间名词

其中的瞬间名词主要包括moment, minute, instant, second等,其意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as。如:

The minute he saw her he fell in love. 他对她一见倾心。 I’ll telephone the minute there’s any change. 一有变更我立即用电话通知。

Telephone me the moment (that) you get the results. 你一有结果,马上给我打电话。

I was so tired that I fell asleep the instant I closed my eyes. 我很累,一合上眼就睡着了。

She put down the receiver the second she recognized my voice. 她一听出是我的声音,马上就放下电话听筒。

注:其中的瞬间名词后可接that,也可省略。另外,有的个别副词(如directly / immediately等)也可表示类似意思。如:

Immediately the meal was over, he switched on the radio. 饭一吃完他就把收音机打开。

二、the + 季节名词

其中的季节名词包括spring, summer, autumn, winter,其意为“在……的那年春天、夏天、秋天、冬天。如:

His wife left him the spring he went abroad. 在他出国的那年春天,他的妻子离开了他。

He sold his house and went to the south the summer he lost his job. 在他失业的那年夏天,他卖掉房子去了南方。

He was sent to prison the winter his third daughter was born. 在他第三个女儿出生的那年冬天,他被关进了监狱。

She got married the autumn she graduated from college. 她大学毕业的那年秋天就结婚了。


其中的时间名词主要包括hour, day, night, week, month, season, year等,其意为“在……的时候、那天、那个晚上、那周、那个月、那个季节、那年”。如:

The hour he was in her office, he felt very sad. 当他在她办公室的时候,他感到很伤心。

The day he returned home, his father was already dead. 他回家的那一天,他的父亲已经死了。

The night I went to see her, she had left for Beijing to attend an important meeting. 就我去看她的那个晚上,她到北京去开一个重要的会议了。

Mr Smith didn't go to work the week his wife was ill. 史密斯先生在他妻子生病的那个星期没去上班。

The year he lived in the country, he learned a lot. 他在乡下呆的那一年,他学到了不少东西。

四、the +序数词+time

其中的序数词包括first, second, third, fourth等,其意为“当第几次……的时候”。如:

My girlfriend beat me at poker the first time we played. 我头一次和女朋友打扑克,她就把我赢了。

The second time I saw her, she looked like an old woman. 我第二次见到她时,她看上去像一个老太婆。

The third time I went there, I found all of them had left and the offices were all empty. 我第三次去那儿时,我发现他们都离开了,所有的办公室都是空的。

注:1. next, last也具有类似序数词的性质,因此也具有以上用法。如:

Next time you come in, please close the door. 下次你进来,请关门。

The last time we talked he said he needed another two days. 上次我们谈话时他说他还需要两天。

2. the first time, the second time, the third time 等用作连词引导时间状语从句时,其前通常要有定冠词,而 (the) next time, (the) last time引导状语从句时,其中的冠词可以省略,如下面这道题,其答案是C,不是A:

I thought her nice and honest______ I met her. A. first time

B. for the first time

D. by the first time

C. the first time 五、不定代词+ time

其中的不定代词主要包括each, every, any等。如: Every time I ring her, the phone is engaged. 我每次给她打电话,电话都占线。

Every time I see him he either wants to tell me his trouble or borrow some money. 每次我见到他,他不是向我诉苦,就是要向我借钱。

He felt nervous each time she spoke to him. 每次她和他讲话,他都感到紧张。

Any time you come to London do look me up. 你无论什么时候到伦敦来,一定要来看我。

注意:every time, each time, any time用作连词引导状语从句时其前习惯上不用冠词,它与the first time, the second time, the third time 等引导时间状语从句时其前必须要用定冠词不同。


以上归纳的名词结构均用于引导时间状语从句,有些其他结构还可引导其他性质的状语从句,如the way 可用于引导方式状语从句,表示“像……一样”。如:

The didn’t do it the way we do now. 那时他们不像我们现在这样行事。

Joyce looked at me the way a lot of girls did. 乔伊丝像许多姑娘那样瞧着我。

注:这样用的 the way 与 as 用法相似。如:

Hold it in both hands, the way (=as) Mummy does. 用两只手捧住,像妈妈那样。

