八年级下Unit 1单元整理及语言模块训练(黄新建名师工作室)

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Unit 1单元整理及语言模块训练

一、词汇归类 1.重点单词:

名词: stomach, foot, neck, throat, knee, matter, stomachache, fever, cough,

X-ray,toothache,headache,nosebleed,trouble,accident,passenger,bandage,climber, situation,kilo,rock,knife,blood,importance,decision,spirit,death,nurse

动 词: lie, hurt, hit, breathe, mean 形容词: sore, sick, sunburned

其 它:off, onto, herself, ourselves, 2. 重点短语:have a cold, have a stomachache, lie down, get an X-ray, take one’s temperature,

take one’s temperature, have a fever, take breaks, get off, right away, have a nosebleed, be used to, take risks,

其它短语: have a sore throat/back, shout for help, without thinking twice, thanks to, get

into trouble, put some medicine/a bandage on it, get hit on the head



1. What’s the matter? I have a stomachache. You shouldn’t eat so much next time.

2. What’s the matter with Ben? He hurt herself. He has a sore back. He should lie down and rest.

3. What should she do? She should take her temperature.

4. You should lie down and rest/drink some hot tea with honey./see a dentist and get an X-ray... .谈论常见事故的处理方式: 1.Run it under water.

2.Put some medicine(a bandage)on it. 3.Clean your face. 4.Put your head back. 5.Get an X-ray. 三、语言知识点:

1.询问对方怎么啦用到句型 ?回答时候常用到I have a +表示病痛的名词:head+ache = tooth+ache= stomach+ache= back+ache= 另外还可以回答:I have a sore throat/eyes/leg. 2.给出建议的表达方法: a. should +动词原形 b. need to+动词原形

翻译下列句子:1.你应该看牙医并且拍X光片。 2.你需要远离电脑休息。 3.他应该去医院。 4.她需要躺下休息。 3.反身代词: 主格人称代词 宾格人称代词 形容词性物主代词 反身代词 I we you/you he she


it they 用反身代词翻译下列短语: 1.玩的开心_________________2.随便享用 3.切到自己 4.伤到自己 四。语言模块训练 一)单项选择。

1)—You look really tired.___?

—I didn't sleep well last night. I had a headache.

A. How about you B. What should you do

C. What's the matter D. How are you feeling now 2) —There is something wrong with my _________,so I can't eat anything. —I am sorry to hear it, you need to drink some hot water.

A. foot B. neck C. stomach D. head 3)—Oh, I feel terrible. I have a bad —You should see a dentist.

A. throat B. toothache C. cold D. cough 4) —Don't play with a knife, you may _____________ —Thank you!

A. cut you B. cut me C. cut yourself D. cut myself 5) —I don’t feel well, it seems that I have a fever. —You should A. take your temperature B. take my temperature C. take myself temperature D. take yourself temperature 6) —Why is the woman so popular?

— Because she often helping others.

A. think about B. thinks about C. care about D. cares about 7)—Tom,I have working out the math problem. —Don't worry. Let me help you.

A. matter B. trouble C. experience D. risk 8) —My son is old enough to now. —That’s great!

A. wear him B. wear himself C. dress him D. dress himself 9) —Do you hate to get out of bed in winter, Miss Wang? —No, I am used early. A. get up B. to get up C. to getting D. to getting up 10) —On my way to school I saw a dog ________on the road. —Maybe a car hit it, it’s poor.

A. lie B. lies C. lay D. lying 二)完形填空。 Dear Tom,

In your last letter,you said that you couldn't sleep well at night because you always had bad dreams. It was__1__for you to fall asleep. You didn't know what the__2__was with you. And you are__3__ worried that you don’t want to eat anything. You needed my help. I think I can give you some__4__to help you. If the fear(恐惧)of having bad dreams keeps you awake,try asking your parents __5__help.Sometimes__6__about the bad dreams can help you stop having them. It's also a good__7__to draw a picture of them. __8__the way,do you like watching scary TV shows or reading scary books before


bedtime?_9__you do,please stop the habit. You should try__10__good things. For example,thinking about your favorite places or activities,or thinking about the people who__11__you.You __12__drink tea or coffee in the evening, you had better__13__some milk before going to bed. Also reading a peaceful book or listening to__14__music can help you have sweet dreams. I hope these ways__15__help you. Yours, Doctor

1.A.easy B. hard C. long D. quick 2.A.matter B. service C. step D. secret 3. A. very B. too C. so D. quite 4. A. advice B. advices C. matter D. trouble 5. A. to B. about C. for D. from 6.A.having B. reading C. talking D. listening 7.A.message B. idea C. plan D. discussion 8.A.To B. In C. On D. By 9.A.If B.Although C. Because D. And

10. A. doing B.making C. thinking D. remembering 11.get on B.worry about C. care for D. keep on 12. A. can B. can’t C. must D. need 13. A. eat B. to eat C. drink D. to drink 14.A.exciting B. boring C. surprising D. relaxing 15.A.can B. should C. need D. must 三)阅读理解填表。

If you go into the forests with friends,stay with them. If you don't,you may get lost. If you do get lost,this is what you should do.

Sit down and stay where you are. Don't try to find your friends. Let them find you. You can help them to find you by staying in one place.

There is another way to help your friends or other people to find you. Give them a signal(信号)by shouting or whistling(吹口哨)three times. Stop. Then shout and whistle three times again. And signal given three times is a call for help.

If you don't think that you will get help before night comes,try to make a small room with branches(树枝).

What should you do if you get hungry or need to drink water?You would have to leave your little branch room to look for something to eat and drink. Don't just walk away. Drop small branches as you walk so that you can find your way back.

根据短文内容,完成表格填空。 The important thing to do when you are lost-stay in one place. Title Title How to deal with getting lost How to deal with getting lost Ways ①21.__Sit_down__and stay where you are · 1.____________and stay where you are. ②Give friends 22.__a_signal__by shouting and whistling three times ·Give friends 2._____________by shouting or whistling three times. ③If you don't get help before night comes,try to 23.__make__a room with Ways ·If you don't get help before night comes,try to 3.___________________ with branches branches. ④Drop some small 24.__branches__as you walk so that you can find your ·Drop 4.___________________________ as you walk so that you can find your way back. way back. There are many ways to deal with getting lost,but the most important way is Conclusion There are many ways to deal with getting lost ,but the most important thing to do Conclusion when you are lost-5____________________________. to stay in 25.__one__place. 四)补全对话。

A:What's the matter?


B: 1 A:How are you feeling now? B:___ 2

A:Let me take your temperature(体温).It's cold. Nothing serious. B:___ 3_ A:Did you eat anything for breakfast? B:___ 4_

A:Well. Take this medicine three times a day. Have a good rest and drink more water. B:___ 5 A Is it serious? B.No. I didn't feel like eating anything. C.I have a fever. D.Really?But I don't feel any better now. E.OK. Thank you. F.This morning I had a pain in my head. G.I'm feeling even worse. 五)完成句子。

阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。 1.他用刀切除了他一半的右胳膊。(cut)

He used his knife___________________ half his right arm. 2.我们应该掌控我们自己的命运。(control)

We should be___________________ our own fate. 3.他多次尝试过戒烟,但失败了。(give)

He tried____________________ smoking several times,but failed. 4.他父母买房子花光了所有的钱了。(run)

His parents _____________________all the money to buy the house. 5.你们在街上踢足球,会招来麻烦的。(trouble)

You will____________________ if you play football in the street. 6.多亏你的帮助,我的房间看起来整洁多了。(thank)

___________________your help ,my room looks much tidier. 7.使我吃惊的是,这个老爷爷竟然会说英语。(surprise)

___________________,the old grandpa could speak English. 8.他同意举办生日派对。(have)

He agrees ________________a birthday party.


