
更新时间:2024-02-12 10:30:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载




What is interpreting:

Interpreting means an interpreter, after hearing the message /information from the source languae, conveys its meaning to the audience orally in the target language. 即:口译员在听取原语后,通过口头表达的方式以目标语向听众传达讲话人的意思, 在语言上无法沟通的双方或多方之间通过口译员的传译能够进行交流沟通。 虽然口译和笔译的性质不同,他们都是跨文化交流,翻译,无论口译还是笔译,就是翻得文化。但是他们又有各自不同的特点和标准:



信(faithfulness)、 达 (expresiveness) 、 雅 (elegance)


准(准确)(correctness)、顺(流利)(smoothness)、快(快速)(quick response) 准:准确理解the message of the source language and turn it into target language

顺:指翻译在用目的语表达原语信息时要通顺, 流畅。符合目的语的表达规范。 快:








7800个,这是指的同传,交替传译除2,那也是3900,也是250的十几倍。 由于口译员有时必须以相当于翻译20到30倍的速度来工作。快速传译是口译员必备的技能,而且他们所承受的压力是很大的。这也就是为什么同传翻译必须实行20分钟左右换一班的轮换工作制。



由于现场的压力,会出现大脑空白,每个做过口译的人都有这种可怕的、终身难忘的经历。 如:翻译碑林时忘了煤炭、翻译半坡时忘了立方米怎么说,在几千人的现场翻译时大脑一片空白等。

二、 标准不完全相同

口译翻出来的东西不见得十全十美,英文讲要be content with the second best. 只要意思不走样就可以。即:退而求其次,但是不能离开原文去退而求其次。 我教的一个学生,后来做了很好的翻译,曾尝试过做口译,但是做不好,因为他老是琢磨这个词怎样翻才最好,因为他属于完美主义者,perfectionist. 这样是不行的。

我们做口译和笔译都要翻两个方面的问题,一个是信息的Matter, another is manner.that is what and how.ordinarilly, what is more important than how, but in some cases, manner is more important than matter, e.g. the translation of poems.

但是,口译的着重点在matter, We pay little attention to manner. In some cases, do not pay attention to manner. 见翻译与文化 182---183 主人当场朗诵一首诗,不会翻这首诗歌,但是决不能冷场,怎么办,可以把大意说给听众。

如果遇到不会的单词-----蓝宝石,sapphire ,you can say “a kind of blue colored precious stone.

一位翻译给斯里兰卡一个政府官员翻,他说我们生产“胡椒” 翻译不知道胡椒叫Pepper 就说:I hear that in Sri Lanka you produce spices. 客人马上说Yes, yes. We produce this kind of spices, that kind of spices.

机智,或者说应变能力是口译的基本素质之一:A good interpreter should be very resourceful.

1. 口译是非常线性的或者说是顺句驱动。即按照讲话人的顺序,先出来什么就



一般来说,英文句子要比中文句子长。翻译时要拆分,就是把英文句子拆开来翻。特别是同传, 更是如此。如果长句不拆的话,等讲到最后停止的时候,就会忘了前面说的是什么了。


In a few minutes, the secretery-general will give us a report on the latest developments in the Middle East, about his efforts for an international peace conference and his talks with leaders in the region.

这是一个简单句,但是有好几个意义单位,由结构词连接, 如果按照词性对应的方式,,将on和 about都译成中文的介词, 就需要对原文的语序进行颠倒 “等一会,秘书长要就中东最近的事态发展、就他为国际和平会议所做的努力以及他和该地区各国领导人的会谈给我们做个报告。”

汉学家招远任把这种句子结构称为一种Pregnant sentence。就是说前面的介词和后面的动词之间加了一个很长的句子。




有个形象的说法,英文句子象一棵大树,,有一个主干,然后一个枝桠,枝桠再生小枝桠。而中文的句子像个篱笆,每个木头都一根一根排在那里。表面上彼此缺乏联系, 但是实际上确实密不可分的。英译汉就是把这棵树的枝桠砍下来,






The economies of the developing countries, the least developing countries and island countries have encountered difficulties in the past few years.-----translation

Developing countries, the least developing countries and island countries have encountered economic difficulties in the past few years.--------interpretation

Any stranger who rode past his shop on a raining day would see him standing at the door.


1. 任何在下雨的日子骑马经过他店门口的陌生人都会看见他站在门口。

2. 任何陌生人下雨天骑马经过店门口,都会看见他站在那里。


We shall vote on the amendments before we vote on the resolution itself.






所以有人戏称同传就是把before 译成 after, 把 after 译成 before。


口译是面对面的,面对几十、几百、几千人。笔译可以坐在办公室,甚至自己家,到时见完成任务就行。因此口译比笔译要承受大得多的心理压力。口译必须面对公众现场翻译, 有很强的时效性。口译员一般不能对翻译过的 内容进行大量的更正和补充,除非有重大错漏:数字、年代、人员、职务等。


笔译可以查字典,请教同行,打电话请教,上门请教都行, 翻译有充分的时间反复阅读原语,译完后反复推敲直到满意为止-----如翻译08年奥运菜单,商务厅派个特级厨师,交大,外院,翻译协会的专家在一起切磋。

而口译要提前做准备,要做好预习和家庭作业,如到纺织厂,高压电磁厂,农村,前几天就要准备。背单词,查词汇等。否则就要抓瞎。如果事前不准备,翻译遇到科学发展观,8荣8耻,怎么办?可以译为:8 dos and 8don’ts, 然后再解释socialist code of conduct.


口译是通过耳朵理解,而笔译是通过眼睛理解,这是很大的不同,特别是对我们母语不是外语的人,听力是很大问题,很多问题你看得懂,但你不见得听得懂。 影响听力的原因:

1. 口音问题


2. 词汇量问题。 口译无法查词典

3. 知识面问题

4. 注意力问题----《翻译与文化》 176---177页

口 译 的 主要形式

根据信息的传递形式口译有三种:交传、同传和联络口译(liaison interpreting)

1. 交传:(Consecutive interpreting, CI)



来源:中国论文下载中心 [ 09-12-03 10:33:00 ] 作者:孙素茶 编辑:studa20

【摘 要】口译表达并不是笔译的简单等同,一个好的笔译工作者不一定能胜任口译工作。这就有必要明确笔译和口译两者之间的区别。本文从工作方式和语言运用两个方面简析下两者的区别,以书译者更好的游刃与其中,以促进两者在中国的发展。

【关键词】笔译 口译 区别


“Like any other language, the material elements spoken English are sounds, which speak to the ears, while those of written English are written types or figures, which speak to the eyes. According to B.I.Evans, so far apart that they almost constitute two different language.”








不妨进来试试”。外国旅游者问译员牌子上说啥。译员顺口译出:“Shoes for street walking. Come in and have a fit”。外国游客一听戛然止步,一个个快步逃离这家鞋店。这是为什么呢?原来译员说的“Street walking”在英语里意为“在街头拉客的妓女”,可想而知,该译员回公司定必被炒鱿鱼不可。

②在大连一次国际服装节开幕式上。来宾们就坐后,主持人首先致词“女士们,先生们。大家晚上好,大家请坐好,大会马上开始”。来宾们中不乏有外国人。译员马上译成英语“Ladies,Gentlemen,please be seated.”咋听并没有什么错,其实这是笔译的译法,这一说不打紧,但却弄得在座位上的外国人坐立不安茫然不知所措。他们在想:“不都坐好了吗?难道还起身再找位置坐不成?”其实,上句话正确口译是:“Attention please。”






A:A friend in need is a friend in deed.

B:A friend in deed…


A:Velvet paws hide sharp claws.

B:Velvet paws.


A:Make a mountain out of a molehill.

B:Mountains of molehill. 从上面列举的几个句子中,不难看出,同一意思用口译或笔译表达出现了差异。不妨把这差异编成顺口溜:笔译长而完整,口译短而简洁。


①全对——It’s OK.

②为啥要这样?——Why so?

③现在怎么样?——How now?



①A.I beg your pardon.

B.That’s all right.

②A. Are you not coming?

B. Aren’t you coming?

③A.Will you take a chair?

B.Won’t you take a chair?


① Today’s News.

② It’ll be done.

③ Don’t mention it.




A.Warned ahead of time,we went fully prepared.

B.We were Warned ahead of time,we went fully prepared.


A.Glancing through the window,he was surprised to see the house empty.

B.He glanced through the window,he was surprised to see the house empty.












China’s market scale in the next 2 decades will have huge potential of development. So far China’s steel and cement consumption accounted for 25% and 40% of world’s output respectively. Highway distance reach 25 thousands kilometers which ranks the second in the world. Telephone users rank the first in the world and the number is more than 400 million.


IMF recently point out that China’s foreign debt is on moderate level. China’s foreign currency reserve has increased 40% last year to 550 billion USD at the end of October. It is still after Japan, ranking the second in the world. China’s foreign currency reserve is 10 times more than short-term foreign debt.


China has brought huge commercial opportunities to commerce and industry around the world. At the end of last year, foreign enterprises who invested in China were up to 450 thousand with a contractual value of USD 858.1 billion, of which USD 471.5 billion had been actually paid in. At present most of the foreign enterprises operate regularly and earn sufficient profits.


To cope with the deceleration of world economy and trade growth, Chinese government will continue to implement the proactive fiscal policy and the prudent monetary policy. Meanwhile we will also expand domestic demand. We believe that by deepening reform and opening up can we boost the economic development.


Chinese people love peace, China cannot develop without peace. China's economic development will not threaten any country or region. No matter present or future, China is always an important country of keeping peace and stability as well as promoting common development and prosperity.


Wandering around Shanghai, you may feel like visiting a World Building Expo. The diversity of Shanghai’s building style makes it a unique city in the world. These buildings are precious world heritages as they reflect the wisdom and effort of architects, engineers and workers in China or in foreign countries.


Some economists suggest setting up a unified social security system. They think this can reduce the stress of state-owned enterprises and accelerate their reforms which will benefits social stability.


East China Normal University is a national major comprehensive university which affiliated to Ministry of Education. It has outstanding teaching team and advanced educational facilities. In recent years, the school is taking efforts to develop emerging discipline while keeping the advantages in traditional humanistic and social science as well as in natural science.


Data shows that there are 111 thousand Chinese people died of indoor environmental pollution annually. Last year the number of people who got sick because of harmful chemicals in newly decorated house has increased to 4.3million. Economic loss due to the indoor pollution is over 1.7 billion USD annually.


Scientific study shows that both human beings and all kinds of creatures are essentially determined by information reserved in DNA. Creatures have different appearance or characters have different DNA sequence. The bigger the difference of creatures is, the bigger the difference of DNA sequence is.


The 10th Shanghai International Auto Industry Expo attracted exhibitor from 23 countries and regions. International auto giants such as GM, Ford, Volkswagen, BMW,

Toyota and Honda were showcased on the 35 thousand Square Kilometer exhibition area with their new vehicle type and technology.


As the financial center of China, Shanghai has formed a wholesome financial market system in which central bank plays a regulatory role with the state-owned commercial banks remain dominant and various of financial organizations coexist


In the first two months of this year, China’s import has increased by 57.1% to 54.8 billion USD, indicating that China’s imported commodities will up to 1000 billion USD in the coming 3 years which is equivalent to the sum of past 5 years. China’s motive force to world economic development will be improved.


Since we enter the new century, China’s technical system reform has achieved substantial progress. In the recent 5 years, China has adopted a series of reform measures to improve high-tech innovation ability. It has made the breakthrough in combining technology and economy.


Europe and America has distinct disagreement on specific diplomacy. United States try to set up a system dominated by western and substantially led by America. On the contrary European countries put emphasis on Europe’s inner integration.


6. The World Bank expect that the short term damage from the severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS)to East Asia be estimated at point 3 percentage points of its economic growth. Fears about SARS have sent tourism and retail businesses tumbling and cause cancelations of business meetings and trade shows in Asia. However, the damage will likely be temporary and the regional growth is expected to rebound to close to 6 percent next year.


7. Launched on financial market on January the 1st, 1999. The Europe started out trading at 1.18 US dollars, but soon sunk as investors’ poured money into the US to get a piece of the unprecedented stock market boom there. Yesterday the Europe edged near 1.05 US dollars and increased of nearly 16% against the dollar since last New Year when it began trading at 90.38 US cents. And the 22% climb since its lowest point at around 86 US cents.

7. 1999年1月1日,在金融市场里欧洲一开始报1.18美元,但不久后汇率下降。这是由于投资者把大量资金投入到前所未有般繁荣的股票市场里所导致的。昨天欧元对美元上升到将近1.05元,比去年新年以90.38美分的汇率进行贸易上升了约16%。比历史最低的86美分攀升了22%.

8. Since the mid 1980s, spur by China’s preferential policies for foreign investment, world auto giants such as Volkswagen, GM, Ford and Toyota have established joint ventures in China, indicating good prospects for the Chinese auto industry. Since the middle and latter part of the 1990s, stimulated by fierce competition, various auto joint ventures have developed lines in economy cars to suit the Chinese market and have meanwhile in hands production localization.


9. In light of China’s WTO membership commitment, its financial market will open to domestic and overseas capital 5 years after its accession to this world trade club. Experts are convinced that this means the RMB exchange rate will be constrained to a regulated fluctuating range in this transition period. As result, it is imperative for the Chinese government to reform its exchange rate mechanism as soon as possible.


10. The deposit of rich petroleum and natural gas resources in central Asia and the Caspian Sea region are second only to those in the Middle East and new Siberia. The US intervention to exploit energy resources in the region can reduce risks of its dependent on petroleum from the Middle East and break Russia’s energy monopoly in this region. Most significantly, the US will pose forceful containment to energy security in this region.


11. Washington may not have a nightlife scene on a par with New York or Miami, but this city still has a lot to offer. Washington always has scores of young people looking

for something to entertain themselves. More importantly, we have a diversity of huge dance clubs, cozy Irish pubs, Ethiopian nightclubs, places to watch European soccer, and country karaoke. It might some take some legwork, but is there, we promise.


12. The symptoms of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) are not like those of pneumonia. People get a very high fever at least 38.5 degrees have shortness of breath and the dry cough. Some people get other symptoms including a headache, stiff or ached muscles, a loss of appetite and fatigue. The incubation period is between 2 and 7 days after exposure, with most people getting symptoms in 3 to 5 days.

非典型肺炎(沙士)的症状不像其他的肺炎。 患者会发高烧至少到38.5度,并且会气促和干咳。还有的人有其他症状,包括头疼,肌肉僵硬疼痛,没胃口以及疲劳。潜伏期通常在感染后的2到7周,一些人3到5天出现病征。

13. ESL programs are growing fast due to the fact that the immigrant population is exploding in United States. According to the US Department of Education, there are more than 2 million adults eolled in state of minister classes. The young those federally-funded programs which are often taught in public schools and community colleges, ESL is also being offered in churches, community centers and homes by instructors with varying degrees of training.


14. The United States generates about 175 million tons of solid wastes every year, about 83% of which go to landfill dumps. But landfill poses a widespread pollution hazard. Since it not only pollutes land but also poisons underground reservoirs of water with metals and chemicals from packaging materials. With the annual disposal of more solid wastes by means of landfills, this form of water pollution is an increasing concern.

美国每年产生1.75亿吨固体废物,其中83% 会送去堆填区。但是堆填的方式会造成广泛的污染危害。这种方式会使包装材料里的金属和化学成分污染土地以及地下水。随着每年填埋的固体废物的增多,水污染的问题引发越来越多的担忧。

15. A professor of information system said, “Some people seem to trust the spell checking software too thoroughly.” A study found in some cases phrases or sentences flagged by the software as grammatically suspicious were correct. A Microsoft technical specialist said, “Grammar and spelling technology was meant to help writers and editors, not to solve all their problems.” A computer engineer said, “Grammar and spelling software would never approach the complexity of the human brain.”

