
更新时间:2023-09-09 12:34:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




head of a spear 冷酷;锋利 nothings comes easy

Wealth of nation 国富论 -- 亚当 斯密 though situation

Economic downtown/ uptown 上升;下滑 depression/recession Constant adjustment according the real situation Two pot heads

Wine红酒 liqueur烈酒 brew (brew wine)v 酿造 grain (n)粮食 this is erguotou –it’s a famous liqueur

this is xihuoufen- it’s a dessert (寻找逻辑关系) 《英语口译笔记法实战指导》 吴钟明 中华文化

拔火罐 cupping therapy 针灸 acupuncture

相生相克 mutual generation and mutual restriction 阴阳五行 the theory of yin&yang an five elements 内伤七情 the seven internal causes 外感六淫 the six external causes

大学-治国;平天下 the great learning (the four books and five classic) 中庸 the doctrine of mean 论语 the analects of Confucius 孟子 the Mencius

易经 the book of change

尚书 collection of ancient text 诗经 the book of songs 礼记 the rites

春秋 the spring and autumn annals

黄帝内经 yellow emperor’s classic of internal medicine Internal medicine ; ear nose and throat 神农本草经 ShenNong’s herbal classic

四库全书 complete library in the four branches of literatures 烹饪文化 culinary culture

气功 controlled breathing exercise 四声 four tones

二十四节气 24 solar terms 小节月 菜系 cuisine

什锦 mixed /assorted

脸谱 face masks (colorful patterns painted on the faces of the performance) 芙蓉 with egg white 汆 quick boil 唱腔 melody

舞狮 lion dance (boat dance ) 椒盐 pepper and salt 炸 deep fired


煎 Sauted

椒盐排条 deep fired pork rid with pepper and salt low back/waist 烘焙 roasted

勾芡 dressing with starchy sauce

Bake 用暗火把面包团烤熟 barbeque smoke grill 用明火烤熟 Salad dressing 色拉酱

海派文化 shanghai culture

开铺 formation since the formation of shanghai

海纳百川,有容乃大 the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold 恢弘的气态 great tolerance


All are past and gone, we look to this age for truly great men and women

Peking opera treasure /essence Music melody Dowagey


山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers landscape 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers 名胜古迹 scenic spots an historical sites

避暑胜地 summer resort holiday get-away /great escape 古建筑群 ancient architectural /building complex


湖光山色 landscape of laks an hills

世界文化遗产 world cultural heritage sites 华北 江南 西南 西北

故宫 the forbidden city / the imperial palace

周口店背景猿人遗址 peking man site at zhoukoudian 承德避暑山庄 mountain escort in chengde city 苏州古典园林 the classical garden of Suzhou 都江堰 dujiangyan irrigation system 回廊 corridor

湖堤 lake causeway 曲径 winding path

出土文物 unearthed cultural relies 究竟;出土on earth 青铜器 bronze ware 瓷器 porcelain

文房四宝 four treasures in a study / the 4 stationary treasures Wiring brushes ink bar(soap bar) paper ink stone 秦始皇兵马俑 the terracotta warriors of qin 平遥古城 the ancient city of pingyao


天坛 a temple of heaven a temple of the earth

皇家陵寝 imperial tombs ( graved yard ; graved yard shift) 亭台楼阁 弓箭手 archer

城隍庙 city god temple 街景图 street view 鸟瞰图 bird view 石舫 stone boat

水榭、湖心亭 waterside /mid-lake pavilion 四大金刚 the four cuardians

甲骨文 inscription on oracle bones 剪纸 paper cuts

华夏祖先Chinese forefather/ancestors ancestor to American is the American founding fathers 大学的显著特色是 university is distinctive in

拥有藏书超过 –万册的图书馆 offers an extensive library of more than __million books 人文学 humanities

社会科学 social science 生命科学 life science

行业维持萎缩 ---- industry has shrunk /declined steadily 古典、通俗文化 classic culture / popular culture 莎士比亚时代 Shakespearian time 维多利亚时代 Victorian time 卫兵换岗 pageantry

皇冠上的明珠 crown jewel

黄山国家森林公园the grand canyon of the yellow stone 朝代沉浮 the rise and fall of dynasties 滑雪胜地 ski resorts 篝火 bonfire

无拘无束的气氛 atmosphere of freedom and informality 潜游 SCUBA diving

上有天堂,下有苏杭 Suzhou and Hangzhou are heaven on the earth 五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳


The vibrant note

A music chapter melody


From south to north is 1000 meters from east to west is 750 metres Red tiles and golden roofs 红柱黄瓦 Inner, outer palace 内宫 外宫

Residential quarter (起到家作用的宿舍) moat 护城河 A variety of treasured cultural relics Antique proclaim and bronze artifacts


按照---的方针 follow --- policy 取得---的成就 achieve --- success 进一步深化 continue to deepen 进一步提高 continue to improve 快速增长 fast growth 稳步推进 steady strive

进一步巩固 continue to solidify 明显改善 visible improvements 采取---的措施 take--- measures 全面发展 overall development 加速---的步伐 speed up --- steps

达到预期目标 reach desire goal (target) 经济体制改革 economic restricting 国家财政收入 national revenue 社区服务 community service 希望工程 project hope

社会保障体系 social security system 养老金体系 pension system 福利社会 welfare society 社会保险 social insurance

医疗、失业保险 medical / unemployment insurance 弱势群体 disadvantaged groups 脱贫 lift off poverty

安居工程 housing project for lower income family / subsistence allowances for urban residents 最低生活保障 minimum living standard security system 教育工程 the reform of education 211工程 211 project

素质,应试教育 quality-oriental /exam-oriental education 贫富日益悬殊 widening gap between the rich and poor 基本国策 basic state policy 计划生育 family planning

男女平等 gender equality / equality between men and women 闭关自守 isolated an protective 竞争优势 competitive advantage

万事开头难 first days are always tough 舆论先驱 intellectual forerunner


公民平等待遇 equal treatment for fellow citizens 顺之者昌,逆之者亡

either you will submit to it and prosper or you resist it and become extinct 个人品格 individual character 公民意识 awareness of citizenship

科教兴国 develop the country by relying on science and education 退耕还田 returning ,cultivated land to forests 节约能源 economizing energy

开拓创新 pioneering and innovation in the spirit of pioneering and innovation 对外开放,引进投资 open up to the outside world an introduce foreign investment 中国特色的社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics 现代化建设事业 modernization drive

社会主义精神文明建设 socialist moral an cultural progress 民主法制建设 democracy and the legal system construction 宏观管理体制 Macro-control system 政府职能 government function

西部大开发 the large scale development of China’s western region 加入世贸组织 accession /entry into the WTO

西气东输,西电东送 transmit the power and natural gas from west to west 温饱问题 the food and clothing issue subsistent living standard 坚持两手抓,两手都要硬的方针

adhere to the principle of doing two jobs at once and attach equal importance to each. 坚定不移 firmly and unswervingly 与时俱进 keep pace with the times

减负 relieve ___ of unreasonable burdens

试点 pilot program pilot for reform opening-up 透明度 transparency 入市义务 WTO commitment 津贴 allowance 、

上海市委书记 the Party Secretary 工会 labor union

汽车马力 horse power

Strengthen 表面上的力量 power 输出的力量

随着改革开放的进一步深入和社会经济的持续发展,我国社会稳定,经济繁荣, 综合国力大大增强。

With the deepening of reform and opening-up and sustained social and economic development ,China enjoy social stability ,economic prosperity and a considerable increase in its over-all national strength.


In the process of economic restricting ,China attached great importance to the proper handling of the relations between reform ,development , and stability.

根据中国加入世贸组织的承诺,中国的服务性行业将在入世五年向海外资本全面开放。 In light of China’s WTO membership commitment ,China’s service sector will completely open to overseas capital five years after the accession into WTO


经典佳作 classic works

礼仪讲话 ceremonial speech ceneral terms

阁下 陛下 殿下 your excellency / owner majesty royal highness 首相 女王的子孙 女王

欢迎 开幕 闭幕词 welcome /opening /closing speech 高层领导人 senior leaders

设宴款待 to host a banquet /reception for 国宾馆 national guest house

借此机会 take /use / avail myself of the opportunity 承蒙---的邀请 at the gracious invitation of sb 提议祝酒 propose a toast

热情洋溢的欢迎词 gracious speech of welcome

致以热烈的欢迎、祝贺 诚挚的谢意 express /send /extend one’s warm /heated / welcome/congratulation / sincere gratitude

预祝大会圆满成功 wish the conference a complete success

代向---人问好 remember me to sb 下对上 send my best regards to sb 上对下 餐前酒会 cocktail reception 庆功宴 celebration banquet

浦江夜游 Huangpu river night cruise 礼花表演fireworks

