新概念教案 L29-30 - 图文

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Teaching Plan Stencil of New Concept English

教师姓名 Name 教学地点 Place 教学时段 Time: 课程类型 Lesson Type Contents & Purposes 1教学目标 (Instructional Objectives) A 对单词、句子、语法、发音的要求 Demand of Words: All the words can read and spell. Demand of Sentences: 句子的缩写 Demand of Grammar: Students should master B 课文要求,习题要求 Demand of Text: Demand of Exercise: Do the exercises in 难点+ 课后练习 2教学重点 (Key Points) A Key Words : taxi, land, plough, lonely, roof, block, flat, desert, cut, row, kick, towards, nearly, sight. B Key Phrases: forest/ low land, lonely village/ place, the roof of the world, under sb. ’s roof, flat/high heels; kick out, kick the habbit, in sight, lose sight of, out of sight, catch sight of, office block, road block, a block of seats/ flats. compositive Sun. 2:00—5:00 am. 钢城部1号教室 Holly 授课日期 2013.07.07 Date Lesson29-30 班级人数 Number of Class 6 学生年龄段 Ages of Students 班级编号 Serial No. 男:(Male)1 女:(Female)5 15—16 years old NCE2 D Key Grammars: L29: 现在分词和过去分词作定语; 对比一般过去时和现在完成时 L30:定冠词the的用法;( some和any用法) 3 教学难点 (Special Difficulties): 定冠词the的用法; refuse和deny区别,bring、take、fetch辨别,very和too 用法 Teaching Procedures: Review and develop: 形式(From): 内容(Content):review lesson28 ( 10m’) 1).听写前两课单词以及补充内容 2).背诵课文lesson28及同步练习册习题 2、warming-up: ( 5 m’) 1.形式(Form):free talk 2.内容(content): some questions----What did you do last night? 3、New 1、发音 (Pronunciation): words:12、扩充 (Develop): 5m’A 单词扩充Words Expansion: ) 1. 2. Lonely-loneliness-friendly-lovely-chilly lonely-lonesome-alone 3. Cut-haircut-power cut-cutpurse 4. sight-eyesight-sightsee-insight 5.desert-deserter-dessert 充Phrases Expansion: forest/ low land, lonely village/ place, the roof of the world, under sb. ’s roof, flat/high heels; kick out, kick the habbit, in sight, lose sight of, out of sight, catch sight of, office block, road block, a block of seats/ flats. A 单词操练 带读 纠音 Words Practice, “Follow Me”, Rectification 一.现在分词和过去分词作定语: 1. 现在分词和过去分词可放在名词前面或后面充当定语,起修饰限定的作用。 2. 现在分词作定语,与名词时主动关系: a shouting woman, an exciting trip, a passing boat. 3. 过去分词作定语,与名词是被动关系: a deserted house, my lost pen, a broken pen. 4. 现在分词和过去分词放在名词之后作定语相当于定语从句: There is a dog called Dave= There is a dog that is called Dave. 4、Grammar: ( 20 m’) 三. 定冠词the的用法: 定冠词the与指示代词this,that同源,有\那(这)个\的意思,但意义较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。 1)特指双方都明白的人或物。例如: Take the medicine. 把药吃了。 2)上文提到过的人或事。例如: He bought a house. I've been to the house. 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。 3)指世上独一物二的事物,如the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth等。 4)与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如the dollar 美元; the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich 富人; the living 生者。 5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only,very,same等前面。例如: Where do you live? I live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。 That's the very thing I've been looking for. 那正是我要找的东西。 6)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前。例如: the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 the United States 美国 7)用在表示乐器的名词之前。例如: She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。 8) 用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人。例如: the Greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇) 9) 用在惯用语中。例如: in the day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday, the next morning, 5、Text: ( 30m’) 1提出问题 Questions : A. B. C. D. E. How many passengers can it carry? Has Captain Fawcett taken passengers to many strange places in his plane or not? Was the journey too dangerous or not? Who kicked a ball hard? Did he hear people shouting? Did the man in the boat see the ball? 2听磁带,回答问题 Listen to the Tape, answer the Questions 3句子讲解 Paraphrase Sentences: A难点发音: Difficulties Pronunciation: B重点短语扩充: Key Phrases Expansion: C语法点分析: Grammar Analysis D句型替换: Sentences Replacement : 4 领读并且操练课文Read and Practice the Text 6、板书设计: 1.单词讲解 Words Blackboard Designing ( m’) 出现在手写教案上 2.语法讲解 Grammar 3.课文讲解 Text 7、 Homework: 1. Recite the test and the words. 2. choose some exercises in多项选择。 8、 Summary: 本次到课人数:Presence No. 缺课学生(简说原因):Absence No.(Reason) (老师在课堂上出现突发事件以及处理方法 对自己教案的完善)

