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我心中的理想父母 尊敬的各位家长:

每位父母心中都有一个好孩子的影子,希望自己的儿女能怎样怎样。同样,每个孩子心中也有好父母的标准,以下便是我们搜集整理的孩子心中的理想父母,希望您能对照自己,加强学习,真正成为孩子生活中的理想父母! 对孩子: 一、 学习上


2、对孩子提出的购买学习资料的要求,力所能及的提供资金支持。 二、 生活上





5、适当允许孩子看看电视,如新闻类、科教类、动画类等,让孩子在放松的同时拓展视野。 对自己:

1、家庭关系:父母要和谐相处,不吵架,给孩子一个温馨的家。 2、邻里关系:对人要大方,不斤斤计较,与邻里和睦相处。



母亲要乐观、自信、开朗、大方、慈祥、少唠叨。 莱芜市雪野镇鹿野学校初一级部 2012年3月1日


2010-8-27 topic two

what particular problems do parents have when their children are in their teens?what can parents do to deal with these probems? 例一:

parents and their children’s education

parents, especially those of teenagers, care about their

children‘s education more than anything else. they could do everything for their children.many of them spend most of their spare time coaching their children in studies; those who have no time or cannot do it have hired tutors. some also send their children to after-class schools. some even have tried to improve their home environment. it seems as if a better education is all that parents expect for children.

the present situation can be explained by the following reasons. first of all, as our country‘s economy has been

moving ahead healthily, many parents have become aware that future success depends more and more on skills and

education. lack of training or education will no longer ensure that young people have a promising future. secondly, it is

evident that in a competitive society there are both losers and winners. the children who have grasped better skills and more knowledge will enjoy more opportunities. what is more,‘ with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result of education they have received.

certainly, it is good to see much of parents‘ attention is paid to children‘s education. however, in my opinion, emphasis should also be laid on fostering their other abilities and

personal qualities. true, it is important to learn to succeed,but the first thing to learn is how to survive and how to be a

qualified citizen. if this is included in good education that parents are seeking now, their children will be definitely

ensured not only a bright future but also a sound intellectual and mental foundation, hence a healthy life. 父母与其子女的教育




当然,看到许多家长十分注重儿童教育,这是件大好事。然而,在我看来,还应该强调培养孩子的其他能力和个人素质。诚然,学会成功的诀窍是很重要的,可是要学的第一件事就是如何生存以及怎样做一个合格的公民。如果父母正在寻求的良好教育也包括这一点的话,其孩子就不仅会有光明的前程,而且会拥有健全的心智和健康的生活。 例二:

parents and their adolescent children

children often go through a period of crisis in their teenage years. they grapple with the big questions about the meaning of life and may seem rebellious as they demand water tight reasons for the faith and customs that have been handed on to them. their studies become more demanding and they are

challenged to look seriously at their future options of a career. during the adolescent years, the sexual instinct is awakened and this can cause a teen to be insecure about his or herself as they seek to understand what is happening to them and to integrate this dimension of their being into how they

understand themselves and how they should interact with others, especially of the opposite sex. to chart through the

stormy seas of adolescence, children need parents who are patient and loyal friends, willing to be their navigator on board and always at hand with wise and prudent advice. david isaacs in his book on character building gives some useful pointers. features of adolescence

development of personal intimacy.

the wonderful discovery of one’s interior world.

an understanding of who one is, of one’s individuality; a

growing realization that one is an autonomous person, with far reaching decisions to be made, and goals and ideals to pursue. development of a capacity for critical thinking. one begins to judge issues and act from inner principles, with depth of

conviction. the virtue of prudence is the key to sound critical thought.

an adolescent is faced with the challenge of choosing the values which will lead him or her to happiness. the only true values are those which bring happiness not only now and in the future but into eternity.

during adolescence the major decisions of life are made. adolescence can be said only to end when life goals are clarified and personal responsibility to pursue those goals accepted.

some of the more superficial aspects of adolescence

self absorption?moodiness, introspection, indifference to others;

insecurity?peer dependence, impressionability, wanting to be noticed, comparisons with others;

anxiety and confusion?feelings of being unhappy, emotional and temperamental; lack of motivation?laziness;

need for affection and attention?superficial relationships;

yearning for greater independence?argumentative, contesting authority, pulling back from parents. some proven approaches for parents

refine family values. what are the basic values of our family which we want our teenagers to make their own? can they see us trying to live these values ourselves? can they see that these values are important to us? how can we use the things that interest our teenagers (tv programs, books, entertainment, friends, social events, etc) to explore with them these basic values?

focus on values, not on behaviour. different behaviours or personal styles may be consistent with the same values. when a teenager’s behaviour seems inappropriate, parents should consider, before reacting, “what value is underlying this”. also, help teenagers relate their behaviour to values.

challenge your teenager to think critically. encourage your teenager to judge events according to sound values.

respect your teenager’s intimacy. build your relationship on friendship and trust. don’t pry or spy. realise that he or she is changing very quickly on the inside.

foster generosity. give your son or daughter an example of parents who act consistently with values which are not selfish. encourage and take them to do deeds of service to others and works of mercy. show that happiness is tied to love and generosity.

show affection, appreciation, and understanding. listen. try to look at issues from his or her point of view. recognise and build on strengths and positive areas.

ensure your teenager feels that it is his or her home. less emphasis on conformity in a multitude of small issues. ask as few “required” behaviours as possible. fill your home with lots of good memories for your adolescent.

foster a positive peer group for your teenager. as it is likely to have more influence than you do, be sure that the families of your teenager’s friends share your values. get to know the parents.

set demanding but attainable goals. teach responsibility with clear expectations, accountability, consistency, and follow-up. require the exercise of personal responsibility for actions.

be seen to struggle to live up to your values. win prestige in your teenager’s eyes by your personal struggle to be faithful to your ideals and the family values. avoid double standards. look on the family budget as a numerical expression of the values of your family.

show that living with faith is attractive. do not compel adolescents to live their

faith and to pray. lead by example. show that a personal

relationship with god gives cheerfulness and meaning to one’s life.


儿童往往要经过一段时间的危机在其十几岁的几年。他们设法解决的大问题,生命的意义和可能看起来叛逆,他们要求水密理由的信仰和习俗已交给他们。他们研究的要求越来越高,他们的挑战是要重视他们的未来选择职业。在青春期,性本能被唤醒,这会导致青少年是担心他或她为他们寻求理解什么是他们和整合这方面的自己正在为他们如何了解自己和他们应如何与他人互动,尤其是异性。通过对图的惊涛骇浪青春期,孩子需要父母谁是病人和忠实的朋友,愿将自己的导航板和总是在手与智慧和谨慎的建议。戴维伊萨克在他的书中角色建设给出了一些有用的指针。 特征青少年






在青春期的重大决定作出的生活。青春期可以说只有结束时,生活的目标是澄清和个人责任,追求这些目标接受。 一些较浅方面的青春期


不安全??同行的依赖性,敏感性,要注意,与其他国家比较; 焦虑和困惑??感觉不快乐,情感和气质; 缺乏动力??懒惰;


渴望有更大的独立性??争论,争夺权力,脱离父母。 一些行之有效的办法,父母


注重价值,不是行为。不同的行为或个人风格可能是符合相同的价值观。当一个十几岁的行为似乎是不恰当的,父母应该考虑,反应之前,“什么是根本”。此外,帮助青少年与他们的行为的价值观。 挑战你的孩子批判性思考。鼓励你的孩子去判断事件按照正确的价值观。

尊重你的孩子的亲密。建立友谊和信任关系。不要窥探或间谍。意识到他或她变化很快的。 培养慷慨。给你的儿子或女儿例谁的父母坚持一贯的价值观,不自私。鼓励他们做好事为他人服务和慈善工作。表明,幸福与爱和慷慨。









“感恩的心,感恩有你,伴我 一生,让我有勇气 坐我自己 。感恩的心,感谢 命运 ,花开花落,我一定会珍惜 ?”

每当我听到这首感人 肺腑的歌曲,就不由自主地想起养育我十年的爸爸 妈妈 。在这十年里,他们无微不至的照顾 我,传授我知识,教我做人 的道理,把我从呱呱落地的婴儿培养成一位乖巧懂事的姑娘。岁月 悠悠,波光明灭,唯有父母的爱依然如旧,父母的爱深如大海 ,重如泰山,一件件,一幕幕常在我的脑海回荡。

感谢父母在我受到挫折 时,鼓励我、安慰我、给我勇气,让我树立自信 勇敢 地去面对困难。记得一次数学测验,我只考了85分,我垂头丧气地回到家,作业也做不好,饭吃不香。妈妈看见我的反常,坐在我的身边和蔼地问我原因。我一五一十把考试 的实情告诉了妈妈,令我没想到的是妈妈不但没有批评我,反而安慰我说:“好孩子 ,

一次失败 不等于自己就不优秀 了,你要好好地分析原因,知道错误到哪里,这就是进步。”听了妈妈的话,我的心情 一下子轻松多了。 父爱 不像母爱 甜蜜 ,父爱和母爱一样无私伟大,感谢爸爸严厉的默默无闻的爱,虽然有时我不能理解 。我永远 忘不了那一次,老师 布置了一项查资料的作业,那天的作业特别多,已经晚上9点多了,可我作业还没做完,心想让爸爸帮忙查资料,反正这项作业不重要。可是当我对爸爸说时,爸爸象没听见一样。当时,我十分生气 ,心想爸爸真是个小气鬼,这点忙都不肯帮。随着时间 的流逝,我渐渐明白了爸爸的用心 ,爸爸是想告诉我自己的事情自己做。

一个个甜甜的吻,一杯杯香香的热牛奶,一个个鼓励的眼神 ,一句句激励 的话语??父母无声无息的爱数也数不清。 篇二:感恩父母作文600字

感恩父母父母教会我们说第一 句话;教会我们写第一个字;教会我们怎样迈出人生 第一步??在我们成长 的道路中,父母呵护着我们、鼓励着我们、陪伴着我们??

在初一 军训时,我们参加过一次拔草活动。当教官叫我们休息时,我们个个都累得半死,听到教官这么一说,高兴 得就往地下坐。 可是,屁股还没坐热就不得不站起来——被教官的命令而起。教官问我们累不累,我们都说很累。但是教官说:“你们拔这么一点草就说累,你们有没有想过你们的父母,他们从早上工作 到晚上,有说过累吗?”是的,父母们每天从天亮工作到天黑没有说过累,我们拔这么一点草有什么资格说累呢?夏天 ,父亲 在炎热的太阳 底下插秧;秋天 ,收割时,父母为了省点钱,没有叫收割机割自己割,一干就是好多天,他们有 说过累吗?

其实父母真正要的是我们的爱。当父母生病时,我们端上一杯水,关心一下,父母就会高兴;当父母辛辛苦苦工作回来,我们帮父母做一些家务,父母也就会高兴;当我们考出理想 的成绩时,告诉父母,父母就会更高兴。


父亲,就如一颗绿色的大树 ,一个顶天立地的柱子,妈妈如一个大大的雨伞,让我在爸爸妈妈的呵护下开心 的长大。

一天下午放学时,忽然乌云滚滚,下起了倾盆大雨。那时我才六岁我想:“爸爸妈妈一点回来接我的。”于是,我在校门口等呀等呀,等得学校要关门时一个熟悉 的身影 在我眼前走过去 ,我仔细的瞧,

一看,是爸爸!我大吃一惊,连忙喊道:“爸爸,来啊!我在这呢!”爸爸注意到了我,气喘吁吁的跑来,又马不停蹄的送我回了家,爸爸说:“儿子 ,我今天约了我小学 同学聊天,没看时间忘了接你哈。”我又说:“爸爸,妈妈今天下午不是放假吗?怎么没来接我回家 呀?”妈妈回答说:“我以为你可以自己回来的呢‘’我听了这句话,心里很不是滋味 ,于是我就更爱我的爸爸了。后来,我知道妈妈是为了锻炼我的独立 能力才这样做的。我知道后心里很惭愧。

有一次,晚上九点半了,妈妈开完会后回家来,首先说的一句话是:”儿子你的作业做没有,给我检查啊。“这使我很高兴,因为妈妈很注重我的学习 。

”谁言寸草心,报的三春晖?“这句话让我明白了该怎么回报 父母,我小的时候一定尽力而为地做家务活!因为爸爸妈妈上班已经很累了,我要为他们减轻一点负担。长大成家立业时,一定给他们一定的资金,让他们安安心心度晚年。每个月也要回来看他们一次。让爸爸妈妈和平 相处,觉得自己是世界 上最幸福 的人,让爸爸妈妈因为有我而感到自豪和骄傲!

啊!我亲爱的父母,我永远爱你 们,永永远远记住你们对我的苦心! 篇四:感恩父母作文600字

从我记事 时起,我就能感受到父母对我的爱。从小我爷爷 抚养长大,父母工作

很忙,每周给我带好多好吃的东西,带我出去玩,分别的时候,我哭了,父母也眼含着泪。这时我想说:感谢父母给了我生命 !

小的时候,我总把这当作天经地义,因为我不了解,也不知道父母的辛苦。现在,我长大了,我知道该怀着一颗感恩之心去体谅父母,应该担当起,照顾、孝敬父母的责任 。

俗话说”滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。“更何况父母,亲友为你付出 的不仅仅是”一滴水“,而是一片汪洋大海。是否你在父母劳累后递上一杯暖茶。体会他们的劳累,又是否察觉到那缕缕银丝,那一丝丝皱纹。感恩需要你用心去体会,去报答。

走入学校的大门,开始了新的知识的学习,在学习的过程中,我遇到了一些难题。比如,我们学校英语 考试,我本以为能够考好的,可是却因为我的粗心大意,只得了80多分,当我垂头丧气地回家的时候,父母没有批评我,也没有安慰我,只是对我说:”没关系,下次好好考就行了。“但是说这句话时的语气是沉重的。于是我便下定

决心一定要取得好成绩,为父母争口气,果然,第二次考试我就得了高分。我好想说:感谢父母给了我学习的帮助 !

当我放学回来,写完作业,打开电视,吃着零食,享受 着青春 的美好 。仔细一想,这一切不都是父母赐给我的吗?这是,妈妈在做饭,爸爸在洗菜。父母现在所做的一切不都是为了我吗?我真想说:感谢父母给了我一个温暖 的家!

记得有一首歌中唱到”感谢天,感谢地,感谢命运——“是啊,父母对我来说是最大的恩人,要是没有他们,怎么能有我这样性格 开朗的阳光 男孩 呢?所以我要说:感谢父母!别再一味地索求他们的付出,感恩吧,感谢父母们给予的一点一滴。在此,祝愿天下所有的父母安康!快乐 !

