Chinese customs中国习俗

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Chinese customs

There are many customs that are unique to Chinese people. Because of the powerful influence that China as exerted on neighboring cultures, some of these customs are echoed in other Asian peoples- including Japanese and Korean.



Unlike Westerners, Chinese people do not usually greet people who they have not been introduced to or are not familiar with. It would seem odd if a person would offer a "Hi" or "Hello" when passing on the street. It is also standard practice to have a name card or business card when introduced. Conversation topics for people newly acquainted also differ from that of native English speakers. It is alleptable in China to ask about a person's job, annual salary, marital/dating status, or age. In fact, these issues which Westerners may find uncomfortable are be asked are very typical in China. On the other hand, questions about family tend to be deflected or avoided.

与西方人不同,中国人通常不和他们没有被介绍认识或不熟悉的人打招呼。在街上晃荡时,如果一个人说“嗨”或“你好”似乎很奇怪,。在介绍的时候用名片或商业名片是标准惯例。刚刚认识的人的话题也不同于以英语为母语的人。在中国是允许询问一个人的工作,年薪、婚姻/约会状态,或年龄。事实上,西方人可能会觉得不舒服的问题被问起在中国是非常典型的。另一方面,关于家庭的问题往往偏离或避免。 Gift Giving赠送礼物

Giving gifts and treating people to dinner is a common practice, especially during festival days. When a gift is given, it should be offered with two hands. Any gift offered with two hands should always be received with two hands. Even such a trivial matter of giving a name card should, to be perfectly polite, be given and received in this manner. While this isn't a strict practice and in more informal settings can be neglelted, in regular company or formal settings this detail should not be overlooked.


Chinese people are generous on treating people dinner. It is common for a person to take a friend to dinner or lunch, just as in many Western cultures. Chinese people often vie to be the one to pay the bill. Chinese also often invite other people or families to their homes to eat.



For breakfast, Chinese people generally eat porridge, mantou ( steamed bun ), or pancakes. You seldom see bacon, eggs, and toast or cold cereal. At lunch a Chinese person generally eats a single rice or noodle dish themselves. In some areas boxes of rice with vegetables, BBQ pork, chicken or duck, etc. is very popular. Dinner is often a family affair. In Chinese dinners, all the dishes are placed on a center table. Each person is given a bowl of soup . After the soup is finished, the bowl is filled with rice and everyone takes what they want from the dishes on the table. When one is invited to a person’s residence, they should eat all the rice in a bowl and eat some from each dish. Burping or slurping soup, actions considered impolite in Western culture, are part of Chinese eating, and are generally interpreted as complimentary signs.


There is also a special eating custom among Chinese called "drinking tea". While tea is served with the meal, the phrase can be misleading as the central activity is not drinking tea but rather eating dim sum. which is Chinese specialty foods served from early in the morning until around noon. It is mostly breads, meats and vegetable; beside noodles cooked with vegetables or meat are also

served. At a tea house where dim sum is served, guests sit around a large table and are served with tea. While "drinking tea" a group socializes.


Family Relations and Names家庭关系和名字

Although Chinese embraces the concept of of equality between man and women, traditionally Chinese families have followed

patriarchal lines. The Chinese extended family tends to be more significant in life than that of Western cultures, and thus the different relationships are further distinguished than they are in English. When speaking for siblings, Chinese people almost always refer to them in respect to being older brothers and older sisters or younger brothers and younger sisters. The same differentiation occurs among aunts, uncles, cousins etc. Chinese relatives are even further divided by paternal relatives and maternal relatives.

Grandparents, uncles, aunts, in-laws etc. on the father's side have different tittles than grandparents, uncles, aunts, in-laws etc. on the mother's side.

虽然中国信奉男女平等的观念,但是传统的中国家庭是听从父权。中国大家庭生活往往比西方文化更重要, 因此,在英语中进一步区分不同的关系。兄弟姐妹而言,中国人总是把他们称为哥哥和姐姐或弟弟和妹妹。相同的区分发生在阿姨、叔叔舅舅、表兄弟姐妹等。中国亲戚进一步区分父亲的亲戚和母亲的亲戚。祖父母、叔叔、阿姨、亲家等父亲的一边的祖父母、叔叔、阿姨、姻亲等和母亲的一边的微小不同。

Chinese names are given in the reverse of Western names. The surname is said first, and then the given name. Professional, social, and family tittles always follow the name as well. The titles Doctor, Master, Professor, or Teacher would follow the surname or full name. Dr. Wong would be Huang Yi Sheng (Huang Docto). Master Man Fa Kwok would be Gwok MahnShi Fu (master) . Likewise Xiansheng (Mr.) and Taitai (Mrs.) are said after the surname.Familial terms can also be added to the surname of someone not related to give them a special closeness or relationship to the speaker. Little children are often told to address elders as "older brother" "older sister" "aunt" or "uncle". In this case the family title can either be used alone, or be added to a person's surname.

中国名字是和西方的名字相反。先说姓,然后是名。职业、社会和家庭名字标题始终效仿和名字一样。医生,大师、教授或老师会跟着姓或全名。黄医生就是黄医生(黄医生)。郭老师就是郭老师 (老师)。同样称先生和 太太先说姓。家庭关系也可以给无关的人加上姓,给他们一个特别亲密或和说话人的关系。孩子们经常被告知称呼年长的为“哥哥”“姐姐”“阿姨”或“叔叔”。在这种情况下,家庭姓可以单独使用,或被添加到一个人的姓。

Colors, Animals and Plants as Symbols颜色,动物和植物作为符号

In Chinese culture, colors, animals or plants have a different significance than in European based cultures. As for colors, red stand for good luck and prosperity. Gold is the imperial color. White is the color of death and is traditionally worn at funeral. Black symbolizes misfortune.


Special animals and plants, some of which are imaginary, are regarded as mascots that can bring people happiness .Traditional Chinese folk legends hold dragon, phoenix, tortoise and kylin (Chinese unicorn) to be the “four mascots”. The pattern of the flying dragon and dancing phoenix, in particular, is believed to be a symbol of good luck. Orange and peony are believed to lucky plants, for their similar pronunciation to luck.


Major Festivals to be Celebrated重大节日庆祝

In addition to the spring festival, Chinese people also celebrate the following festivals according to the Chinese lunar calendar: 除了春节,中国人也庆祝其他的农历节日

Lantern Festival: it falls on the 15th of the first lunar month, an occasion for eating yuanxiao, or sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour, hanging lanterns, visiting lantern exhibitions, performing the dragon lantern and lion Dances.


Qing Ming (Pure Brightness) Festival: This day falls around April 5 of the western calendar, and it is named after the fifth solar term of the Chinese calendar. Activities include visiting the tombs of the dead relatives and going for an outing.


Dragon Boat Festival: Falling on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, this festival is marked in memory of the great poet Qu Yuan, who drowned himself over 2,000 years ago after the emperor refused to heed his remonstration. The main activity is Dragon Boat

racing. in the countryside, people also carry incense pouches, drink realgar wine and eat Zongzi (a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves).


Mid-autumn Festival: It falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. The moon is believed to be the roundest throughout one year.”Round” in Chinese denotes reunion. This festival features a family reunion dinner and moon cakes. The scene that comes into your mind is that the whole family may sit together beneath the clear moonlight eating tasty moon cakes and appreciating the beauty of the full rounded moon.


Double-Ninth Festival: This festival is named because it falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. Main activities include

climbing mountains, admiring chrysanthemum wine. A special cake is also served. In recent years, this day has been given a special meaning. The Chinese government has set it aside as a special occasion to respect old people, for ”double nine” also refers to longevity.


