Introduce China to the world

更新时间:2024-03-08 02:33:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Introduce China to the world

It is with peculiar pleasure that I am standing here today to introduce China to the world! Last year we held a grand celebration of


the 60 anniversary of the founding of new China. The outstanding achievements we made over the past years have greatly boosted the confidence and pride of me !It also strengthened the cohesiveness of the chinese nation,and raised China,s international influence and standing.I have deep affection for my motherland:I love each inch of its land,I love every river that flows on the space of the earth!So whenever I meet a foreigner I can,t wait to introduce China to the world proudly.

Firstly,I think the extraordinary achievements based on our splendid cluture and civilization.China is a great country with 5000 year civilization ,and it helps us to be moral ,spiritual and wide-hearted.Confucious is the most famous to the world. By now,several college of confucious have been set up in exotic continents.And more and more

foreigners are ready to accept his ideas,ranging from political leaders to common people.

Secondly,I want to introduce a new and real China to the world.I will appreciate that foreigners can define China in a developing eye.Many foreigners always misunderstand China.For example,“made in China”help them to regard China as poor quality and low price country.But I want to tell them that we not only have “made in China” but also have “created in China”.In fact,China is making strong efforts to change its traditional trade paterns.We do exist too much problems remaining to be solved, but we are changing.No matter how rapidly we are developing,we are and will still be a developing country in a long time.We are liberating our minds to adapt to the dynamic world,which can be proved by events.We are no longer a country still wandered at Qing Dynasity.We are opening to the world. Beijing Olympic Games has shown a new China to all the world.So China is promising and she has a brillant fructure,please accept China as a new fantastic member of the world.

Thirdly,China is a great power with high couniousness of responsiblity.I know that some western countrys say that China is a big threaten to the world,China is becoming more and more tough in some world affairs,China is arrogant now and even that China want to dominate the world.These rumours and misunderstandings can not stand up in face of facts.Why do we become tough?Because we are a responsible country,we not only need to care and protect our country’s interest,but are also supposed to care and protect the truth and fairness in world stage. When it comes to some core interest involved country’s sovereign rights and the integrity of land as well as some other significant principle issues,though we were very poor and weak,we still have never compromised to any countries.We can not deny that China is becoming more and more opulent and powerful,but it doesn’t definitely mean China has the ambition to dominate the world.China is a peaceful power,its development will benefit the world.And China’s stronging will contribute to ensuring and protecting the peace of the world.China

can not exist without the world,but world also needs China.

In conclusion,the people of all our ethnic groups will fortify their confidence,tackle difficulties head on,work tenaciously, under the firm leadership of the Communist Party of China,and make greater achievements.Events will again prove that no difficulties or obstacles can impede the course of the great rejuveniation of the Chinese nation!We will continue to forge ahead on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics!

Business Translation Q0941 Ricky



