关于GM300-sm120 sm50搭接中继的问题 针脚定义 - 图文

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8信道GM300接口: 8 Channel units

Pin 1 = int spkr megative (not gnd) Pin 2 = mic audio, 80mv for 60Tv Pin 3 = mic PTT Pin 4 = not used

Pin 5 = flat tx audio, 150mv for 60Tv Pin 6 = not used Pin 7 = GND

Pin 8 = COR active low RUIndicator follows tone if used. Pin 9 = not used Pin 10 = IGN control

Pin 11 = Disc audio, 600mv controlled by JU551 Pin 12 = not used

Pin 13 = Sw A+ 1/2 amp max! Pin 14 = remote hook sw Pin 15 = int spkr pos Pin 16 = ext spkr pos

16信道GM300接口: same as above except:

Pin 4 = programmable output defaults to external alarm.

Pins 6,8,9,12,14 = programmable I/O (the options can be viewed with the RSS)


Based on the above information this is how the CROSS-CONNECTION between

the radios should go!

Radio1 Radio2

PIN 3 PTT ___________________ PIN 8 COR PIN 8 COR ___________________ PIN 3 PTT

PIN 5 TX Audio ___________________ PIN 11 Disc Audio PIN 11 Disc Audio ___________________ PIN 5 TX Audio PIN 7 Gnd ___________________ PIN 7 Gnd

**** CAUTION **** Check to see the programable outputs of the 16 pin connector prior to hooking up. Also, the 5 pin radios will not do this because you can't get COS and PTT outputs.


另外,我记忆中,GM300做中继使用,似乎需要短接话筒接口的2脚与6脚。 问题就是出在16信道机器的第8脚,这个脚是控制另外一台机器PTT的哦,M120和8信道型号的GM300的第8脚定义是固定的,不用改动任何东西就可以用。


在F3--F2读取机器资料后,F10或ESC回到主菜单;按F4--F2--F9就是输出输入脚的编程菜单,按F3/F4选择需要的格式,更可以按回车进行每个接脚的功能选择;如果选择Phone Patch项,(这是标准的中转台连接的使用方式,GR300/GR400/GR500都使用这个格式连接)就可以了。然后写入机器!


