Computers is one of the most important

更新时间:2023-08-11 19:42:01 阅读量: 资格考试认证 文档下载


Computers is one of the most important (greatest) inventions in the world . It is widely used in the world . But it also causes (brings ) some negative effects .

On one hand , computer has many

advantages . It can help people work out the difficult math problems . And it also can help people to do more and more work . Students can study on the computer . And people can

communicate with others by using computers .

On the other hand , it has some disadvantages . Computer can work out difficult problems that people can’t . That will make them lack of

thinking . And if you often work with computer , maybe you will get sick . Some people surf the Internet the whole day , the waste much time and they have no time to understand real

people .

