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Lesson 24 A Gift for Little Zeke



例: big pig a pink pig

1. part ________ ________

2. pen ________ ________

3. glass ________ ________

4. white ________ ________

5. cry ________ ________


1. Time ________ (for, to) bed.

2. Little Zeke ________ (sleep, sleeps) in a sock.

3. There ________ (was, is) a t oy bus yesterday evening.

4. Mrs. Li ________ (had, have) a ball for Emma.

5. Tess ________ (work, worked) on a picture with her crayons last week.


(1) How did he feel last week? A. Thanks.

(2) This red ball is for you. B. I saw a tiger at the zoo.

(3) It’s time to go to bed. C. In Emma’s sock.

(4) Where does Little Zeke live? D. He felt happy.

(5) What did you see at the zoo yesterday? E. Okay, let’s go.






Last Saturday was Linda’s birthday. Betty, Li Ping and I went to her home to have lunch. We bought some gifts for her. I bought a new doll for her. Betty bought a birthday cake for her. Li Ping bought a box of crayons for her. We ate some delicious food in her home. Then we watched TV at 2:00 in the afternoon. At 4 o’clock we went to the park to fly a kite. We had fun that day. We all said “Happy birthday.” to Linda. Linda was so happy.


( ) (1) Last Sun day was Linda’s birthday.

( ) (2) We all had dinner in her home.

( ) (3) We watched TV at two in the afternoon.

( ) (4) At 4 o’clock we went to the zoo to fly a kite.

( ) (5) We all said “Happy birthday.” to Linda.



1.party have a party 聚会;开个聚会

2.open open your book 打开;打开你的书

3. class a math class 课堂;一节数学课

4.write write an email 写;写一封电子邮件

5.try try hard 尝试;试着努力


1. for 固定词组Time for bed.

2. sleeps 本题考查第三人称单数。

3. was 本题考查一般过去时。

4. had 本题考查一般过去时。

5.worked 本题考查一般过去时。


1.D How did he feel last wee k? He felt happy.


2.A This red ball is for you. Thanks.


3.E It’s time to go to bed. Okay, let’s go.


4.C Where does Little Zeke live? In Emma’s sock.

Little Zeke住在哪里?在艾玛的袜子里。

5. B What did you see at the zoo yesterday? I saw a tiger at the zoo. 你昨天在动物园看到了什么?我在动物园看见一只老虎。


1. My mother and I went to the zoo yesterday. 我和妈妈昨天去动物园了。

2. I like elephants and monkeys very much. 我很喜欢大象和猴子。

3. We were very happy yesterday. 我们昨天很开心。






5.√ 我们都对琳达说“生日快乐”。


上星期六是琳达的生日。贝蒂、Li Ping和我去她家吃午饭。我们给她买了一些礼物。我给她买了一个新洋娃娃。贝蒂给她买了一个生日蛋糕。Li Ping给她买了一盒蜡笔。我们在她家里吃了一些美味的食物。下午2点我们看了电视。四点我们去公园放风筝。那天我们玩得很开心。我们都对琳达说“生日快乐”。琳达高兴极了。

