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知识运用(共分) 」、单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分)

从下列各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空


1. -Is this your key, Kathy?

-No. ________ i s on the desk. Thank you.

A. Mi ne

B. Hers

C. His 2. -Whe n do you usually have lun ch?

- _______ half past eleve n.

A. On

B. To

C. At 3. - _______ do you go to the library?

-About once a week.

4. I work hard this term, but Peter works much ______ tha n me.

9. I dlike to go with you, ________ I m afraid I have no time.

10. Lisa and Sally are good friends. They ______ each other for five years.

A. know

B. knew

C. will know

D. have known 11. -When will you leave the office? -I won 't leave un til my work ______

A. How long

B. How far

C. How much

D. How often

D. Yours

D. Of

A. hard

B. harder

C. hardest

D. the hardest 5. -What did Mr. Brow n do before he came to Chi na?

—He _______ in a car factory.

A. works

B. worked

C. is work ing 6. I _______ you as soon as I get there tomorrow.

A. call

B. called

C. will call

D. will work D. have called 7. - _______ you play tennis?

-No, I can '. But I'm good at football.

A. Can

B. Could

C. May

D. Must

8. Whe n I got home yesterday eve ning, my mother ______ for me at the table. A. wait B. will wait C. was wait ing D. have waited

A. but

B. and

C. so

D. or

A. fini shes

B. is fini shed

C. fini shed

D. was fini shed

12. -Tim, can you tell me ________ now?

-Harry Potter.

A. what you read

B. what are you readi ng

C. what did you read

D. what you are read ing



One thor n 刺)of experie nee can give people a less on.

Ralph Wick was seve n years old. In most thi ngs he was a fine boy, but he would cry from time to time. When he could not have what he wan ted, he would 13 for it. If he was told that it would hurt him, and he could not have it, he would also cry.

One day, he went with his mother into the 14 . The sun shone. The grass was cut. The flowers were starti ng to come out. Everythi ng made them feel ni ce.

Ralph thought he was, for on ce, a good boy. A 15 was on his face. He wished to do as he was told. Ralph helped his mother with the farm work and he was very happy.

Now you must be tired and 16 , ”said his mother. Have a good rest here and eat some cookies. I will get a beautiful red rose(玫瑰)for you.” So his mother brought the red flower to him. When he saw his mother still had a white rose in her hand, Ralph 17 it.

No, my dear ” said his mother. See how many thorns it has. You must not touch it, or you would be sure to hurt your hand. ” When Ralph found that he could not have the white rose, he bega n to cry, and 18 ___________________ took it away. But he

was soon very sorry. The thor ns hurt his han d. It was so harmful that he could not use it for some time. He 19 doing that.

Ralph would n ever forget this. From the n on, when he wan ted what he should not have, his mother would point to his hand which had been hurt before. He felt so 20 ____ that he at last lear ned to do as he was told.

Suffer will be at prese nt if you do not liste n to the ma' advice.

13. A. run B. cry C. pla n D. call

14. A. hotel B. factory C. hospital D. field

15. A. smile B. sig n C. fear D. mark

16. A. lazy B. no isy C. hungry D. sleepy

17. A. waited for B. asked for C. cared for D. tha nked


18. A. quietly B. proudly C. politely D. sudde nly

阅读理解(共36分) 三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的

A 、

B 、

C 、

D 四个选 项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分)


One day an America n called Sim on went to London to visit his frie nd, Rick. Rick

told him that his flat was on the first floor. Whe n he arrived, Sim on went straight to the first floor of the building. But he was told that there was no one called Rick on that floor. Do you know why?

In fact, the British call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor. But America ns would call it the sec ond floor.

The story shows that there are some differences in culture between Britain and

America, though the British and America ns both speak En glish.

The British usually hide their feelings. They seldom start a conversation with

strangers. For example, on the train the British often spend their time reading n

ewspapers or books. But America ns are quite differe nt. They're more active and easier to talk with.

The British and America ns may use differe nt terms for many thin gs. The British

usually use football, eraser and mail while America ns like to use soccer, rubber and post.

When we go to other countries, we ' better go online to search for something about the cultures there. Itllbe helpful for the trip.

21. Sim on went to London to ______ .

A. have a meet ing

B. study En glish

C. spe nd his holiday

D. visit his frie nd

22. Which picture shows us where Ricksflat was?

23. According to the passage, the British usually spend their time ___ on the train. A. play ing cards B. talk ing loudly

C. doing some read ing

D. singing and dancing On a warm day in 2050, Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house 19. A. started

20. A. modest

B. regretted B. bright

C. fini shed C. shy

D. enjoyed D. con fused



and tur n on the computer in their bedroom to get the latest n ews. They used to read The Guardia n, but cha nged to electr onic n ewspapers many years ago.

Frank first reads some news about space: another space flight has returned from Mars. Then they turn to sports news. As they watch the screen, Mary pays for a robot to make coffee for them.

Then Frank disappears into ano ther room to join a video meet ing with his bus in ess part ners around the world. Frank is a computer engin eer. Mary is still in their bedroom. She picks up the video phone to talk to her assistan助理).Mary also has a job and she is doing medical research. Both she and Frank used to have office jobs in London, but in 2040 they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.

Frank and Mary have one daughter, Louise. She goes to school only three days a week, mainly to ask her teachers questi ons, discuss her homework or play with other stude nts. Some classrooms disappeared in 2035 because there was no Ion ger much n eed for them. The Internet had made it easier to lear n at home.

Louise, now thirtee n, is study ing Chin ese at prese nt, which has become a world Ian guage as importa nt as En glish. Louise has many Chin ese frie nds. They share many thi ngs on li ne.

According to the family doctor, Louise will live to be at least 130. Her wish is to work for a few decades(十年) and then spend her time studying music and painting or doing her favorite thi ngs.

24. Frank reads n ews about ____ first.

A. travel

B. space

C. music

D. sport

25. Accord ing to the passage, the writer believes th _____ i n 2050.

A. Louise won 'go to school

B. Mary will be a computer engin eer

C. a robot can make coffee for Frank and Mary

D. all the people will live to be at least 130 years old

26. What can we lear n from the passage?

A. People won 'enjoy their life in 2030.

B. There won 'tbe any classrooms in schools in 2035.

C. More and more people will work in offices in 2040.

D. China will play a very important part in the world in 2050.


Do you need to “dit(编辑、剪辑)your friends ”? Is your mobile phone directory full of phone nu mbers of people you don 'really want to talk to? Do you go out with people from work or school more often than with your real friends? Do you say yes to in

vitatio ns because you think you should, not because you want to? If you an swer yes to at least two of these questions, then perhaps you need todit your friends”.

Nowadays people like to spend a lot of time with people at work or classmates at school. The result is that we don 'have eno ugh time to see our real, close frie nds. As our life gets busier, it becomes more important to spend the little free time we have with people we really want to see, people we love and who really love us. But usually we don 'have any time to get together with them.

Who are the frie nds you n eed to edit? A few years ago I read a book about how to choose betwee n n ecessary thi ngs and unn ecessary on es. It says you should ask yourself about each thing you have: Is it useful? Do I really like it? Do I feel better every time I look at it? If the answer is no to any one of those questions, you should throw it away. Maybe we should ask similar questions about our friends.

What kind of friends will you probably n eed to edit? Sometimes it s an old frie nd, somebody who you used to have a lot in com mon with, but whe n you meet now, you have very little or nothing to say to. Or it might be a new friend who you get on quite well with, but who is taking up too much of your time. Next time one of these people calls you and suggests a meeting, think Do I really want to see this person? ” and if the answer is no, say no and make an excuse. In that way you'll have more time to spe nd with your real frie nds.

27. People n eed to edit their friends when ________ .

A. they have moved to a differe nt area

B. they have no time with their real friends

C. their frie nds have gone out to work or school

D. their friends have got on quite well with them

28. People doritn eed to edit their _________ .

A. old friends

B. new friends

C. real friends

D. young frie nds

29. What does the writer want to tell us in Paragraph 3

A. We should ofte n ask questio ns.


We should treat our frie nds well.

C. Most of our frie nds are not n ecessary at all.

D. We should ask ourselves who our real frie nds are.

Sometimes pare nts spO(溺爱)too much their childre n, because they offer them too much attention and try to carry out all their wishes. It is true that a good mother wan ts her child to be happy and to spe nd the most time with him or her. Any way, it is sometimes suitable for mothers to leave their children much time alone, because he or she n eeds to create his or her own pers on ality without the in flue nee of the others around. As a child, what do you thi nk of that? Do you like the time your pare nts spe nd

most with you or the time your parents leave you alone?

Mothers 'behavior can be, at times, negative for their children if they spoil them too much. Childre n should also know that thi ngs cannot always happe n the way they want, and they have to accept this. Crying and yelling aren't always the perfect ways to attract their mother or father, in order to make them do a certain thing. Therefore, mothers who used to spoil their childre n too much should not give up their jobs in order to stay at home with their childre n, because they give a n egative educati on to these children. A girl won't be able to make her bed, iron a pair of trousers, tidy up her room and so on, because it s her mother "sduty to do those for her, while she can do other things like playing with her mobile phone, watching TV, listening to music or weari ng some make-up to go out with her frie nds. What about your mother? Does she go to work or stay at home to take good care of you? Can you do some chores for yourself or do some housework for the family?

In my opinion, a good mother knows what educati on should be give n to her child without giving up her job. Moreover, a mother is a good mother she is able to combine the both thin gs: the educati on of her child and the job. Eve n if she does n ' have much time to spend with her child, a good mother knows what advice should be given to her child, for example, to listen to his or her problems, to help a little with homework and to offer him or her the in depe ndence he or she n eeds. Whatyour idea? Would you like your parents to get jobs? So, what should you do to make them believe that you can grow up as a pers on?

30. Which of the following shows that a mother spoils her children?

A. She cares for them too much.

B. She brings them with her.

C. She leaves them alone at home.

D. She tries to realize her own dreams.

31. Accord ing to the writer, a spoil child usually thinks that __________ .

A. his pare nts are always very n egative

B. his parents will do everything for him

C. he can express himself in the perfect way

D. accide nts always take place in the same way

32. The underlined word combine" in Paragraph 3 probably mean _________ .

A. provide

B. protect

C. compla in

D. connect

33. The last paragraph of this passage is mainly abo __________

B. how to be a good mother

D. the importa nee of the in depe ndence

四、 阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(共10分,每小题2分)

Today at 11:00 I will be doing something that some people told me that I would n

ever be able to do. I am graduat ing from college. When I graduated from high school, my family had a bus in ess so I n ever thought about gett ing a college degree. I went straight to work for my father. After 24 years of ups and downs (mostly downs ), I

decided that I went to retur n to school and earn a degree in Bus in ess Adm ini strati on.

Some people told me that it was too late. Some told me that I was too old. Others

told me that I would n ever be able to pull it off, because I had to work full time and as a mother, I had to look after my childre n, too. An yhow, almost every one around me did n'tth ink I could fin ish college. But in side I was told someth ing differe nt.

I bega n to look for cha nces to go to school. One day while look ing up in formatio n on how to go about getting into college, a little window popped up (弹出)on my

screen. It said, Do you think you are too old to go back to school? ” was so excited that I clicked on the box at once and there I found an online college. I spoke to some

one in the school. They told me that I could take classes any way that I wan ted so that I could go to work. I also found out that I could have classes at home so that I could be there for my childre n.

Now today, almost 2 years later, I will not only be graduati ng with hono rs. I have

bee n on the Dea n 'list for almost the whole time I have bee n in college. And I also got very good scores in every exam.

So for anyone out there who thinks that somethi ng is out of reach or impossible,

remember this: if I had liste ned to those people who told me, I couldn 'do it the n. The man who has made up his mind to win will n ever say impossible ”.

34. Why did n'tthe writer go on with educati on after graduat ing high school?

35. How many years later did the writer decide to return to school?

36. Did the people think the writer could finish college?

37. Where did the writer have classes?

38. What does the writer want to tell us?


五、 文段表达(10分)


从下面两A. the educati on and the job C. childre n 'early educati on

