物流经济学 问答 中英对照版+图表 详细解释版 doc

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1. Compare and contrast anticipatory and responsive business models. Why has responsiveness

become popular in supply chain strategy and collaboration?

1. 比较和对比预测型商业模式和快速响应型商业模式,为什么在供应链管理的战略和协作中快速响应型商业模式运用得更普遍。

The key point in anticipatory business model is that almost all essential work has been traditionally performed in anticipation of future requirements. The likelihood of misgauging customer requirements rendered the anticipatory business model highly risky. In addition, each firm in the distribution channel duplicated the anticipatory process.


The key point in responsive business model is that it seeks to reduce or eliminate forecast reliance by joint planning and rapid exchange of information between supply chain participants.


(1) The fundamental difference is the sequence of events that drive business practice.


The responsive business model is initiated by a sale followed by a sequence of material purchase, custom manufacturing, and direct customer delivery. Also, managers are increasingly sharing information to improve both the speed and accuracy of supply chain logistics. So it is less cost and less elapsed time from order commitment to delivery.


On the other hand, in anticipatory business model, business operations were driven by forecasts. The typical manufacturer produced products based on a market forecast. Likewise, wholesalers, distributors, and retailers purchased inventory based on their unique forecasts and promotional plans. Managers loosely linked together and shared information.


(2) The second difference is that responsive business model can accelerate customization through

direct connectivity with customers via internet-based customer connectivity. In most traditional anticipatory distribution systems, the customer is a passive participant. About the only power the customer has in the traditional process is the decision to buy or not buy. Direct connectivity of customers in a responsive process has at least three benefits. First, involvement provides comprehensive search capabilities that serve to expand the range of sources and choices a customer can consider when selecting a product or service.

(2) 第二个区别是响应型商业模式通过互联网,企业能偶直接与客户沟通,这进一步促进了客户化的生产方式。在大多数传统的预测性分销系统中,客户是一个被动参与者,它所具有的唯一权利就是是否购买产品。与之相比,响应型供应链则强调客户直接参与,至少具有以下三个优势:首先,在选择商品和服务的时候,客户的参与能使他们在更大范围内进行考虑和选择。 运作次序 1.费用降低 2.订单到最终交货时间缩短 1.企业不能紧密联系 2.不会分享自身计划 客户参与 直接参与者, 企业通过互联网沟通 被动参与者 1. 更大范围内进行选择 响应型商业模式 销售驱动——原材料采购——客户化定制——产品送达 预测型商业模式 预测——组织生产——批发商、分销商和零售商采购

只能决定是否购买产品 这题的答的是两种类型的商业模式的比较,所以先要把每一个商业模式本身是什么各说一遍,然后列图表比较。首先用key point开头,各说一遍两个model的key point是什么。我们先来看第一个anticipatory business model的key point。

The key point in anticipatory business model is that all essential work is performed in anticipation of requirements.

The likelihood of misunderstanding requirements made the model risky.

In addition, each firm in distribution channel duplicated the anticipatory process.



(work is performed in anticipation of requirements)


(Misunderstanding requirements made the model risky.)


(Each firm duplicated the anticipatory process)

都是主语,谓语动词,宾语的形式。背时候先从题目中把anticipatory business model一抄,然后说,他的key point呢,有三句话,然后直接背三个是短语就行,颜色相符合是帮助你理解的,我推荐你直接背英文。万一连这三句话记不得怎么办呢,每句话浓缩成一个关键词,第一句话就是anticipation,第二句话就是risky.,第三句话就是duplicated。那么这三句话就可以浓缩成三个词,你做小抄,抄这三个词,你就知道这三句话了,还不容易被发现。


anticipation 预测 requirements 需求 risky 危险

duplicated 重复

anticipatory 预测的形容词 process 流程

再来看第二个responsive business models的key point

The key point in responsive business model is that it seeks to reduce forecast reliance by joint planning and rapid exchange of information between supply chain participants.


通过共同计划和交换信息 在供应链参与公司之间

(by joint planning and exchange of information between supply chain participants)


(to reduce forecast reliance)


Joint 共同的(联想join是加入一起的意思) Exchange 交换 (联想change改变,互相改变)

Supply chain 供应链(supply供应,chain就是自行车那个链条的意思 ) Participant 参与者 (联想动词participate 参与) Forecast 预测

Reliance 依赖 (联想动词 rely 依赖)


先写个Differences:表示下面你要答的是两个模式的区别。然后画图表,最左边先从题目中抄下两个模式,anticipatory business model和responsive business models。此题也分两个小点,第一个区别是The sequence of events that drive business: (驱动工作的事件的次序)

Responsive business models的次序是:


Initiated by a sale——material purchase——manufacturing——customer delivery



1. sharing information to improve both the speed and accuracy of logistics


2. less cost and less time from order commitment to delivery

Anticipatory business model的次序是:


Forecast——produced products——distributors, and retailers purchased inventory independently



1. Managers loosely link together

(2.企业之间不共享信息) 2. not share information


(Connectivity with customers)

Responsive business models的联系方式是:


direct connectivity with customers via internet


