
更新时间:2023-05-04 09:43:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
















例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15.

B. £ 9.18

C. £ 9.15.


I. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A course.

B. A lecture.

C. A film.

2. Where are the speakers?

A. In a hotel.

B. At home.

C. In a restaurant

3. When will the film probably start?

A. At 12:00.

B. At 12: 15.

C. At 13:00.

4. What is the man's opinion of Mary Smith?

A. Lazy.

B. Unlucky.

C. Not reliable.

5. Where will the woman change buses?

A. At City Bull.

B. At the stadium.

C. At the public market.





6. What did the man think of the exhibition?

A. Brilliant.

B. Average.

C. Strange.

7. Which part of the exhibition did the woman like best?

A. Designer wear.

B. Live models.

C. Clothes recycling.


8. Where are the woman's children studying?

A. At a school nearby.

B. At a private school.

C. At a public school.

9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and secretary.

B. Salesman and customer.

C. Interviewer and Interviewee


10. How does the man know about the music concert?

A. From the newspaper.

B. From his friends.

C. Via radio.

11. When is the Chinese Music Concert?

A. On the 13th.

B. On the 28th.

C. On the 30th.

12. How much will the man pay for the tickets?

A. $ 45.

B. $ 50.

C. $90.


13. What does the woman want?

A. Saucepans.

B. Country-style table.

C. Dark brown clothes.

14. Who saw the products yesterday?

A. The woman's neighbor.

B. The woman.

C. Mr. May.

l5. What does the shopkeeper tell the Woman?

A. All the products are 50% off.

B. What she wants was sold out.

C. The new styles will come tomorrow.

16. What will the woman do?

A. Wait for 5 minutes.

B. Conic back tomorrow.

C. Go to another shop.


17. What attracts people to shop online?

A. Low prices.

B. branded goods.

C. Excellent service.

18. What does the speaker say about Wal-Mart?

A. They have to close many stores.

B. They often have problems with security.

C. They are doing more and more business online.

19. What information is often stolen by criminals online?

A. Passwords and credit card details.

B. Addresses and phone numbers.

C. Bank account information.

20. What does the speaker advise people to do in the end?

A. Cut down purchases online.

B. Only buy things from the local stores.

C. Buy goods from online sellers with good reviews.





Advertisement A

WE NEED DISTRIBUTORS AGED 13 + IN ALL AREAS Would you like the opportunity to earn extra eash close to home? If so we have a vacancy(空缺职位) in our team of local distributors which would suit you. Both adults and youngsters aged 13 + are required to deliver your local free paper.


Advertisement B


Must be able to work on own initiative (主动性).

High degree of computer literacy required.

Ability to develop new payroll systems an advantage.

Write with full CV and two referees to: Lanchester Fish

15 Collings Lane La5 8RU

Advertisement C




Must be motivated and creative with food.


required full time. Accommodation available if requirred

as part o[ the package ( wage negotiable. )

Could possibly suit couple


Tel 0196- 887323 during office hours

Advertisement D


Previous experience NOT essential. Local area.

Expenses paid. Training provided. Major internatioonal company.

Excellent career prospects(前景)+package.


21. Which advertisement is offering more than one job?

A. Advertisement A.

B. Advertisement B.

C. Advertisement C.

D. Advertisement D.

22. How can you contact the employer if you want a job with computers?

A. By calling 0196-675898.

B. By calling 0196-436211.

C. By calling 0196-887323.

D. By writing to Lanchester Fish 15 Collings Lane LA5 8RU.

23. What job will you apply for if you want to work in an international company?

A. A bar manager.

B. An insurance seller.

C. A payroll controller.

D. A newspaper distributor.


Wait for it...that sigh of relief you hearing is wives, girlfriends and partners across London celebrating the end of Movember.

This year's annual moustache-growing campaign in London will surpass (超过)2014 fundraising numbers.

Last year, London men grew enough facial hair to raise S 200,000. As of Thursday, 2015 fundraising sat at $250.000, with additional money still expected to roll in.

"Well, I think London is a pretty charitable community," said Lincoln McCardle, president of the London chapter. "Whether it is a food drive or Movember, we always step up and either meet

or surpass the goal. "

As a result of last year's success, London was awarded a wrap-up gala(演出) , which took place Thursday night at Jim Bob Ray's on Richmond Street.

"Up until now, the galas have been happening in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary," said McCandle. "We wanted to have a gala. I told the guys in head office in Toronto, to pick a number - not to tell me - but if we hit it, I want a gala in London. And we did. It is a chance to thank the people who registered, hand out a few awards and have some fun. "

This year, 60 percent of the money collected in Canada will still go to prostrate cancer research with the remaining 40 percent being directed towards men's mental health.

For men looking for a professional to take off their month-long growth. there are a number of "shave-off" events around the city Friday. One will be at David E. White at the corner of Richmond Street and Queens Avenue. For a $20 donation, your prized moustache will be professionally removed. Organizers are hoping to set a Guinness World Record for the most number of shaves given in a day. Started in Australia in 2003, the craze (热潮) found its way to Canadian men by 2007, and in the last couple of years, Canada has collected more, setting the pace in terms of fundraising. Money raised has traditionally gone toward prostate-cancer research, which is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men, according to Health Canada.

24. What can we learn about the people in London?

A. They are wealthy.

B. They are creative.

C. They are indifferent.

D. They are warm-hearted.

25. What's the aim of moustache-growing campaign?

A. To have a wrap-up gala.

B. To raise money for men's health.

C. To set a Guinness World Record.

D. To remove the moustache professionally.

26. Which Guinness World Record the organizers may set?

A. The length of a moustache a man grows.

B. The amount of money collected in a day.

C. The number of moustaches removed in a day.

D. The number of people participating in the campaign.

27. What does the phrase "setting the pace" in the last paragraph mean?

A. Taking the lead.

B. Achieving the goal.

C. Falling behind.

D. Reaching the speed.


In 1988, a company in Ohio invented an alcohol-based hand cleaner, which was meant to be used by health-care worker; when soap and water were unavailable. Joe Kanfer, the company's C.

E. O. , told me recently, "there were a couple of other alcohol products out there, but they were really ugly. Either they were greasy (油腻的) or they burned your hands white. " Kanfer took a year and a half to develop this product which is visually appealing and does almost no harm to one's skin. Still. Kanfer lost money on it for mare than a decade because people couldn't get what it was for.

The product was called Purell. Today, you see it everywhere. My doctor uses it several times during every office visit. You can aer it in almost every office in the U. s.. and school picnics would be impossible without it. The former president Grorge W.Bush was called a racist for using hand cleaner after first shaking hands with Barack Obama, but Bush also gave some of it to Obama and recommended it as a cold preventative (预防药). What was once

barely even a product is now a growing product category, worth hundreds of millions per year.

The rise of Purell makes some health professionals uneasy, Some claimed that promoting hand cleaner may worsen "our culture's irrational (非理性的) fear about bacteria. " Still, the clear agreement among experts is that unclean hands pose a serious health risk, and are one of the main reasons in the spread of infectious in hospitals. A 2007 study estimated that, in America in 2002, such infections resulted in more than a million and a half patient illnesses and caused or contributed to nearly a hundred thousand patient deaths - about double the number of U. S.deaths currently caused each year by AIDS and guns combined.

However, I asked a food microbiologist whether clean hands might have a medical drawback. He said. "We might have a much healthier population if we adopted the kinds of condition that we see in many Third World countries, with poor-quality food and poor-quality water and lots of bacteria. If we did that, we would have adults who were very healthy and have very strong immune systems. Unfortunately, the price that we would pay would be extremely high child death

rate. "

28. Why did Joe Kanfer lose money on his product according to Paragraph 1?

A. Because people didn't think it useful.

B. Because people thought it was ugly.

C. Because it was harmful to the skin.

D. Because it burned the hands white.

29. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. Purell brings in lots of money for Kanfer.

B. Purell has been widely used in the US.

C. Purell is a cold preventative.

D. Purell meets different needs.

30. What mainly caused patient deaths according to the figures in Paragraph 3?

A. People's fear about bacteria.

B. Hand cleaner.

C. Bacteria on the dirty hands.

D. AIDS and guns.

31. What can we learn about the people in Third World countries?

A. They adopt healthy living habits.

B. They have poor immune systems.

C. They eat food with fewer hacteria.

D. Their child death rate remains high.


The curiosity about wild animals seems to he imprinted on human

DNA. For a child. wild animals are a thing of wonder, and as we grow older, we hope to see them in the flesh.

While the rich and powerful have collected wild animals for centuries, the concept of the modern zoo dates back to the 18th century, when exotic(异国的)species discovered during European exploration were contained in jails of steel and concrete for the entertainment of a very receptive public.

Times have fortunately changed for the aninal kingdom. and as the concept of animals in cages becomes more disgusting, so the wonders of travel provide opportunity to experience them in their natural habitat.

There is simply no comparison to observing creatures in the wild and watching them going about their business in their natural environment. But even low-impact tourism can do harm to wildlife, so where do we draw the line at our interaction?

If it's not managed properly, tourism can have negative impacts (影响) on animal populations and fragile habitats," says Dermot 0'Gorman, from WWF. "Massive influxes (涌入) of tourists" often to a relatively small area, can add to the pollution, waste, and water needs of the local population. "

Furthermore, our very presence in a wildlife habitat call impact on animal behaviour, from changing feeding habits to placing them in danger from vehicles.

For many animal lovers, a visit to a wildlife shelter provides the rare opportunity to interact with species on a more intimate level, becoming directly involved in the care and management of animals rescued from poachers, or the wildlife trade.

A recent report by World Animal Protection, however, has placed the spotlight on all animal attraction, suggesting that any hands-on encounter is essentially cruel, and calling on an end to "irresponsible wildlife tourism".

This condemnation follows other responsible tourism companies, such as World Expeditions, banning elephant rides and animal shows from their travel plan, encouraging travellers to instead seek alternatives to wildlife viewing.

32. What does Paragraph 1 mainly tell us about wild animals?

A. They are attractive to humans.

B. They are friendly to children.

C. They are our ancestors.

D. They provide us meat.

33. What's the main purpose of the' rich people's collecting wild animals?

A. To trade

B. To study them.

C. To protect them.

D. To keep them for pleasure.

34. What can be the had effect that tourists have on wild animals according to the passage?

A. Putting wildlife at risk.

B. Offering junk food to them.

C. Polluting their drinking water.

D. Causing frequent traffic jams.

35. what is World Animal Protection's suggestion?

A. Improving animal performances.

B. Banning irresponsible wildlife tourism.

C. Establishing more wildlife organizations.

D. Providing opportunities for animal lovers.



Spending just a few minutes each day massaging (按摩) your baby can help to increase the bond, interaction and communication between the two of you. But how do you start? Tina Allen, an internationaIly respected educator, author and expert in the field of infant massage therapy, shares her advice.

·36 Creating the best environment for massage is an ideal way to give yourself and baby time to relax. Choose a familiar place that is warm, quiet and with few distractions. The best time for massage is when baby is awake, healthy and happy. 37

· Be comfortable. Relax, enjoy and have fun. Position yourself so that you are comfortable. Be sure baby is safe and placed on a soft area. Keep in mind that babies roll and become slippery when using oil. 38

· Listen in. 39 Massage is not something that parents do to their baby, but rather with their little one. Listen to your baby. He or she will give you the signals to let you know his or her comfort level.

· Know when not to massage. Avoid massage when your infant is sleeping, crying, ill, has a fever or infection, or if your little one has broken skin, or bruising. 40 If your child has any special health care needs, seek further guidance as to what would he tire safest approach to use.

A. Choose the best time and place.

B. Send your baby to hospital immediately.

C. So the massage time is of great importance.

D. For a stomach massage. wait 30 minutes after eating.

E. Be sure your hands are warm and clean before you begin.

F. Infant massages can be a wonderful tool for increasing your communication.

G. Some babies prefer the morning, while others prefer the afternoon or before bedtime.






Six-year-old Matthew Parker was in need of a kidney(肾)transplant, and his family looked all over the country for a suitable donor. Up to 80 people signed up to give up a living 41 for the first-grader. Coincidentally, the person 42 to donate a kidney to Matthew was his teacher,Lindesy Painter.

Matthew had been on the transplant 43 for a long time and developed antibodies(抗体)to most kidneys, it was 44 to find a match for him. The doctor had warned the family to he “45”and used the term .. needle in a haystack" several times?

When 46 were asked to be tested, Painter was the first one to sign up". 47 the teacher learned the result .she had to get several tests done. She was astonished when she got a 48 back saying she was a "perfect 49 ."

Painter didn't make the decision 50 . She knew that Matthew's kidneys were 51 ,and she empathized(同情)with anyone going through this. It was especially hard for her to 52 the condition affecting one of her two sons.

"I watch my healthy,active, loud, wild children running around," She said."Matthew 53 to live a normal,healthy,active life like my boys."

Matthew was so 54 to learn that his teacher would be donating a kidney to him that he 55 her. His mother was deeply 56 to Lindsey Painter, saying her son's donor was a " 57 "and "giving person" for doing this.

The operations for the kidney donation 58 in the following month. Matthew's mother said, "My son's new kidney means a special 59 between student and teacher that goes far 60 the classroom."

41. A. person B. organ C. animal D. plant

42. A. chosen B. supposed C. forced D. required

43. A. bed B. machine C. list D. team

44. A. difficult B. vital C. effortless D. impossible

45. A. optimistic B. sensitive C. fantastic D. realistic

46. A. competitors B. teachers C. volunteers D. Partners

47. A. While B. Once C. After D. Before

48. A. Mark B. call C. letter D. book

49. A. match B. candidate C. mother D. participant

50. A. wisely B. sensibly C. lightly D. willingly

51. A. failing B. hurting C. shrinking D. disappearing

52. A. control B. predict C. imagine D. accept

53. A. struggles B. manages C. regrets D. deserves

54. A. Puzzled B. excited C. satisfied D. worried

55. A. feared B. hugged C. missed D. ignored

56. A. sorry B. friendly C. polite D. grateful

57. A. reliable B. selfless C. passive D. cheerful

58. A. took place B. came about C. set off D. broke out

59. A. appreciation B. agreement C. bond D. distance

60. A. above B. from C. into D. beyond



Sometimes the targets we set 61 (us) are just too high. We think that we will be better people in the future. Just as we are 62 (easy) taken over by the planning fallacy(谬见),believing that we can complete a large project for work in an afternoon, we think in the future we will be better-organised and more self-disciplined.

One of the most 63 (fame) examples of the planning fallacy is 64

of the Oxford English Dictionary. In 1860 plans were in place to complete it within three years. In 1879 there was a new deal to publish in within a decade, but after five years they had only got so far 65 the word "ant". It Was finally completed in 1928. by 66 time it was considered out of date and revisions began at once.

The same thing happens when it comes to 67 ( try) to change our lifestyles. We read

about a new idea and that optimism fires up all over again. At the University of Toronto Janet Polivy has been studying what she calls. " false hope syndrome".

She found that People set themselves unrealistic targets which they undoubtedly failed to reach, leaving them feeling even 68 (bad) about themselves. Some of the students she studied had tried and failed for 10 years to make the same 69 (change) in their lives, but each year they 70 (convince) that this time it would work.









Is it truly that Chinese students work for over twelve hours per day, while western students stay at school a few hours and play a lot after school? To some extent, it was agreed that western students are under little pressure than Chinese students. The main reason is because there are limited places at top universities and the problem may not be solving in the near future. In fact, not any western students are lazy. On the contrary, a lot of them are hard-working students, that finish the long list of readings and coursework on time and make a full use of their spare time to have fun and do voluntary work. I think the best attitudes towards the balance of study and entertainment is "work hard, play hard".











Dear Peter,

I am Li Hua, a student from Bowen high school. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————


Li Hua



1-5 BACCB 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 BCAAB 16-20 BACAC



A篇:21-23: CDB B篇:24-27: DBCA

C篇:28-31: ABCD D篇:32-35: ADAB


36-40: AGEFD



41-45 BACAD 46-50 CDBAC 51-55 ACDBB 56-60 DBACD


61. ourselves 62. easily 63. famous 64. that 65. as 66. which 67. trying 68. worse 69. changes 70. were convinced




Is it truly that Chinese students work for over twelve hours per day, while western students true

stay at school ∧a few hours and play a lot after school?To some extent, it was agreed that for is

western students are under little pressure than Chinese students. The main reason is because there

less that

are limited places at top universities and the problem may not be solving in the near future. In fact,


not any western students are lazy. On the contrary, a lot of them are hard-working students, that

all who finish the long list of readings and coursework on time and make a full use of their spare time to have fun and do voluntary work. I think the best attitudes towards the balance of study and


entertainment is “work hard, play hard”.


One possible version:

Dear Peter,

I am Li Hua, a student from Bowen high school. I’m pleased to learn that a group of your schoolmates will visit our school, and I feel greatly honored to be asked to contact you, informing you of our arrangements.

On the morning of May the 28th, we’ll first show you around our campus so that you can have a general impression of our school. Afterwards, you will be led into the auditorium, where a group of Chinese students will meet you, communicating with you and sharing ideas. At lunch time, we will invite you to enjoy some typical Chinese food and you may have a better

understanding of our culture. In the afternoon, there will be a “City Tour” for you, and I would like to take you to the most picturesque sites of our city.

What’s your opinion a bout the arrangements? If any changes are needed, please feel free to tell me in advance.


Li Hua

