北京市东城区2015年中考二模英语试题 - 图文

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二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择 最佳选

项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共15分,每小题1.5分} 请听一段对话,完成第6至第7小题。 6. What does the man order?

A. A banana cake. B. A sandwich. C. An apple pie. 7. What's the man's table number?

A. Table 3. B. Table 5. C. Table 8. 请听一段对话,完成第8至第9小题。

8. What does Tom think of the new member of the basketball team?

A. Careless. B. Unfriendly. C. Strange. 9. Who will Tom possibly ask for help?

A. His mother. B. His teacher. C. His coach. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第11小题。 10. Who are coming to visit the family?

A. Evan's cousins. B. Evan's friends. C. Evan's grandparents. 11. What's Evan's mom going to do?

A. To wash the dishes. B. To clean the bathroom. C. To take out the rubbish. 请听一段对话,完成第12至第13小题。 12. What does Diana do?

A. She is a tour guide. B. She is a bus driver. C. She is a hotel manager.

13. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. Diana does the work alone. B. Diana enjoys the work a lot. C. Diana finds the work too hard.


What can we learn from the speech? 14. Tom is going to study in England. 15. The speaker is meeting Tom next week. 16. Billingshurst is an old and beautiful town. What's the speaker doing?

A. Giving directions to his house. B. Making an introduction to a town. C. Offering advice on a visit to England.




从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — Do you know the foreign student in Class 2? —Yes. She's from America. ______ name is Alice. A. Her B. His C. My D. Its 22. —Dad, would you like to play chess with me?

—Well, my dear, I'd love to, __________ I have to write a report. A. for B. and C. but D. or

23. The doctor told Mary that she ________ give up fatty foods because it was bad for her health. A. could B. should C. might D. would

24. —What a lovely dog! ____ _____is it? —It's 11 years old. A. How much B. How heavy C. How long D. How old


25. While I ________ dinner last night, Angela called me and asked about homework. A. have B. will have C. was having D. am having 26. —Jim, do you want to come over for lunch tomorrow?

—I'm sorry I can't. I ________ a movie with some friends.


A. am going to see B. see C. saw D. have seen

27. We can start the meeting now,as all the people ________. A. arrive B. have arrived C. arrived D. will arrive

28. Lily is a tidy girl. Her room ________ clean all the time

A. kept B. was kept C. is kept D. keeps

29. My dad usually stops ________ a newspaper on his way home after work.

A. to buy B. buying C. bought D. buy

30. —Tell me ________ my glasses, Sam. —They were just on the table, grandma. A. where will you find B. where you will find C. where did you find D. where you found

五. 完形填空

Last summer vacation, my brother got a set of bedroom furniture (家具) for his thirteenth birthday. When it arrived, I helped my parents moved the __31__ furniture to the garage(车库). It was still in good condition. I thought it might be a chance for us to __32__ someone in our community. I started to search neighbors, anyone who __33__ a bedroom set. Finally, my mom helped me call the local elementary school. They told me about Jaila, a second – grader, the daughter of a poor single mother. I was given an address and a telephone number, and I soon found my at Jaila’s.

The moment I went into Jaila's room, I knew I had taken on too big a __34__. When I pushed the old door open,it made a long high noise. But the door was nothing compared with the rest of the room. Some old paint was 35 the wall. One of the windows was broken. The bed was just a mattress (床垫)lying on the old carpet (地毯).It seemed that the room needed more than furniture — it __36__ — for a complete makeover.

That day I spent at least an hour looking around and wondering how I could possibly 37 the room. I had never painted a wall, let alone recarpeted a floor. The second day, I returned with a large group of 38 — my Girl Scout troop. We went to collect everything needed door to door in our community. We replaced, repainted, and redecorated Jaila's room. We sweated in Jaila’ s house for more than ten hours every day that week.

The moment we finished, we called Juila into the room. She jumped, laughed and hugged each of us. I turned to Jailu's mother, and saw she had tears running down her face.



― Welcome to my new room !

When we saw how happy Jaila and her mother were, our __40__ disappeared into thin air. We are really proud to make a simple donation a worthwhile experience of changing someone's life. 31. A. only

B. old

C. new

D. other

32. A. thank B. praise C. help D. encourage33. A. made B. ordered C. repaired D. needed34. A. task B. mistake C. family D. game 35. A. with B. off C. in D. across36. A. stood B. cried C. paid D. cared37. A. fix B. clean C. empty D. build 38. A. watches 39. A. bravely

B. players

C. guides

D. helpers D. hopefully D. tiredness

B. nervously B. eagerness

C. excitedly C. sadness

40. A. happiness 阅读理解(共50分)

六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择 最佳选



[来源学科网] TEEN WORLD JOBS A B We need a babysitter to look after our boys aged Munchies Cafe 5 and 7 after school from 4 p.m. -6 p.m, Monday We're looking for breakfast and lunchtime to Friday. waiters and waitresses to work in our caf6 on £40/week Sundays. Call Mary on 678345211 Call Bella on 612398745(8 a.m. -4 p.m.) [来源学§科§网]C Holiday job

Do you want to make some extra money this summer? Do you speak another language? We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop from Tuesday to Friday. Send your CV to citymuseum @ shopjob. Ikj D Newspaper round

We need young people to deliver (送) newspapers on Monday,Wednesday and

Friday mornings before school. The paper round takes 30 minutes in the village of Clanbrook. Papers must be delivered before 8 a. m. and you must have your own bike.

Interested? Send your CV to postoffice@ clanbrook. com

41. How much will you be paid every week if you look after Mary’s children? A. £40. B. £50. C. £60. D. £70. 42. If you want to work in the City Museum shop, you must _________ . A. have your own bike B. speak another language C. be interested in museums D. be at work before 8:00 a. m.

43. If you want to work before going to school in the morning, you can __ ___ A. call Mary on 678345211 B. call Bella on 612398745

C. send your CV to citymuseum@ shopjob. Ikj D. send your CV to postoffice@ clanbrook. com


Alex and Emily Godfrey had been in Japan with their parents for nearly a week. They were there to visit their mother's old college roommate, who had moved to Japan to teach English. Then she fell in love with the country and married a Japanese.

\\― said Mr. Ito, \‖

― I had no idea baseball was popular in Japan,‖ replied Alex.

A few hours later, the Itos and the Godfreys were seated inside the stadium among a crowd of excited fans.

\the crowd in chants and cheers. Mrs. Ito nodded,― I forget that Americans don't have cheerleaders for baseball games. That's the difference between American and Japanese baseball culture.―

― Baseball isn't my cup of tea,but today's game promises to be a good one. The two teams are the best in Japan, ― Mr. Ito added.

Once the game began, Emily and Alex found the game itself didn't seem much different at all from the American baseball games. They were surprised,though,to see people waving American flags from time to time.

Mr. Ito explained, ―Japanese teams are each allowed to have three foreign players. When American players come up to bat,their fans show support by waving your country's flag.\

At the end of the game, Alex and Emily were tired, but their minds were racing with all they had seen in the game.

―Did you have a good day, kids?\

They nodded. ― After today, I have a feeling that American baseball may never be quite as interesting again. \

44. Why did Alex and Emily go to Japan?

A. To teach English. B. To watch a baseball game. C.To live in the country. D. To visit their mother's friend. 45. What did Alex and Emily find about baseball in Japan?

A. Baseball was unpopular in the country. B. Japanese teams had no foreign players.

C. Japanese had cheerleaders for baseball games. D. Japanese had different rules of baseball games.

46. How did Alex and Emily feel when they saw American flags?

A. Surprised. B. Proud. C. Excited. D. Nervous.

47. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Mr. Ito was a baseball fan.

B. Alex and Emily enjoyed the game.

C. Alex and Emily knew nothing about baseball. D. Emily thought American baseball more interesting.


Technology has become a necessary and important part of our lives. It has changed our lives greatly. In many ways, it makes life more convenient for us: we can send messages quickly through the Internet, cook meals in a few minutes in a microwave, and book train tickets online instead of walking to the station. However, in our increasingly technology-driven world, have we become addicted to technology?

Not too long ago, many children enjoyed reading a good book in their spare time. Nowadays, teenagers are more likely to be seen playing video games or watching television. Some people even say they can't go without watching their favourite TV programme.

Similarly, sending letters has become a thing of the past. It has been replaced by email, immediate messaging and other social media (媒体).I think this is a huge shame; for me, there's nothing better than receiving a letter in the post. It shows someone has taken the time to sit down and write something; this is much more private than a conversation online. And for some people, especially the old, new ways of communication aren't so easy to use. I often send letters and postcards to my grandma to tell her about my life in France.

The presence of social media has, in some ways, turned us into anti-social beings. Instead of meeting up with friends and seeing them face to face, we now spend a lot of lime communicating online. Although online communication has its advantages — especially,enabling us to keep in touch with loved ones in different countries, we shouldn't forget the value of real-life human interaction. It is, after all, in our nature to socialize with others!

Admittedly (诚然),I spend a lot of time using technology. I depend on the Internet and my laptop to plan lessons for my classes. I use wifi on my phone to send messages via apps such as Viber and Snapchal. Even so, when I'm on holiday it is nice to turn it all off and have a break. Taking a break from technology is setting yourself free.

48. The phrase \― ___________ ―. A. skillful at B. interested in C. dependent on D. disappointed at 49. What does the writer think of sending letters? A. It wastes a lot of time and energy.

B. It's something out-of-date and shameful.

C. It's a better way to communicate with relatives.

D. It's a more personal and caring way of communication. 50. From Paragraph 4 we know that the writer thinks . A. social media makes people separated and lonely B. it's important for people to communicate face to face

C. people have better skills in communication because of social media

D. online communication has more advantages than real-life communication 51. What's the writer's purpose of writing this passage? A. To direct people to spend free time properly.

B. To remind people to make reasonable use of technology. C. To encourage people to take full advantage of social media. D. To advise people to communicate with each other more often.

