22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

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22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

第Ⅰ卷(机读卷 共70分)

第一部分 听力(18分)



1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( )


4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( )




7.Where are they?

A.At a party. B.In Jane’s house.

C.On the bus.

8.Who is an English teacher?

A.Linda. B.Jane. C.Mr. Smith.


9.Where is Susan invited to work?

A.China. B.Canada. C.Germany.

10.What food are they going to eat?

A.French food. B.Chinese food.

C.Japanese food.

11.Who will probably pay for the food?

A.Susan. B.Bill. C.Andrew.


12.What is the man mainly talking about?

A.The lessons of Grade Nine.

B.Football season of the year.

C.Days of April and May.

13.When will Class Five meet Class Six?

A.On April 14th. B.On April 17th.

C.On April 21st.

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

14.How many weeks are taken off from April 14th to May 15th?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.


第二部分 语言知识运用(30分)



15.—Is this your coat,sir?

—No. ________ is dark blue.

A.I B.My C.Me D.Mine

16.—Look! There is some ________ in the basket.

—Oh, how fresh!

A.fruit B.tomato C.orange D.vegetables

17.—Mum, I can’t find the dictionary.

—It’s on my ________.

A.story B.coat C.way D.desk

18.—Excuse me, is the museum ________ the library?

—Yes. The library is just in front of it.

A.behind B.beside C.next to D.from

19.The soldier carried the old man on his back ________ hurried to a place of safety.

A.and B.but C.or D.so

20.—________ I park my car here?

—No, you can’t. Look at the sign “NO PARKING”.

A.May B.Will C.Must D.Need

21.—________is it from here to the Bird’s Nest?

—It’s about five kilometers.

A.How long B.How far C.How much D.How often

22.—Did you go to Peter’s party yesterday?

—No, I didn’t. I ________ in the hospital. I had to look after my sick mother.

A.am B.was C.are D.were

23.You’d better ________ until Lily comes back.

A.waited B.wait C.to wait D.waiting

24.Sally has a new CD player. It ________ her $160.

A.bought B.paid C.spent D.cost

25.Mike missed the first class this morning because he ________ late.

A.got up B.got on C.got off D.got back

26.It is said that a new school ________ here soon.

A.will built B.is built C.will be built D.is building

27.—Which season do you like ________?

—Winter. I often go skating in winter.

A.good B.better C.best D.well

28.After he finished ________ the exciting story, he talked about it on and on with his friends.

A.reads B.read C.reading D.to read

29.—Would you like to go to the gym with me, Ben?

—I’d like to, ________ you don’t want to go alone.

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

A.until B.before C.if D.after

30.—________ you ________ to the National Grand Theater?

—No, not yet.

A.Did; go B.Do; go C.Have; gone D.Have; been

31.—Tom, do you know ________.

—To the lab.

A.when has Mary gone B.when Mary has gone

C.where has Mary gone D.where Mary has gone

32.—Would you like some more rice?

—________. I’m full.

A.You are welcome B.Yes, please

C.With pleasure D.No, thank you



For some minutes all was quiet in the street. Then, from across the street, someone came walking.

It looked like a man of middle height, dressed in a big raincoat, a soft hat and rubber boots or shoes, making little sound while walking, at most a soft No one was in sight. It was a street with two rows of about twenty small houses, and there were three lamps on either . The lamp nearest the child’s house could be seen clearly, but the others were almost hidden by the smoke air. A passed the end of the street and its lights showed faintly, but clearly enough to show the smooth skin of a face. The car disappeared as the woman, wrapped up in coat, reached the doorway of the child’s house.

She put a key in the lock quickly, pushed the door open and inside, then closed the door without looking round. She began to breathe hard. She leaned(斜靠)against the door . But she didn’t open the door. Instead, she the stairs, quickly but with hardly a sound. There was enough light from the hall to the four doors. She pushed each open in turn and shone a candle inside, and the fell on beds, walls, furniture, but this was not what the woman was looking for. She turned away and went downstairs, and stopped again at the foot of the , then turned towards the kitchen. there was nothing she wanted. Two rooms remained, the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the door of the front room. Right there she saw her child. As she walked close to the bed, tears were already in her eyes.

33.A.rubber B.sound C.drinks D.voice

34.A.street B.road C.side D.bank

35.A.car B.truck C.bus D.bike

36.A.man’s B.boy’s C.woman’s D.girl’s

37.A.his B.your C.my D.her

38.A.looked B.stepped C.put D.took

39.A.for a moment B.after a while

C.in an hour D.since that time

40.A.went down B.went up C.found out D.put away

41.A.get B.close C.show D.lose

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷



44.A.Luckily B.fire C.moon D.sun B.house C.door D.stairs B.Hardly C.Usually D.Clearly

第三部分 阅读(22分)




45.We can always read the above advertisements ________.

A.on TV B.on the radio

C.in a newspaper D.in a textbook

46.If you want to take a computer lesson, you can call ________.

A.800-3659 B.800-3565 C.800-4946 D.800-8987

47.There are ________ advertisements altogether.

A.three B.five C.seven D.nine


When she was very young, Patti Wilson got to know that she was an epileptic(癫痫患者) and couldn’t live as normally as other children. Yet she liked running. She told her father that she would really love to break the world’s long-distance running record for women.

Her father did everything to help Patti to realize her dream. He checked the Guiness Book of World Records and found that the farthest any woman had run was 80 miles. He told Patti to make a careful plan. As a freshman(her first year) in high school, she said publicly that she was going to run from Orange County up to San Francisco(nearly 400 miles), and the next year, as a sophomore, she would run to Portland, Oregon(over 1500 miles). As a junior she would run to St. Louis(about 2 000 miles) and as a senior, to the White House(more than 3 000 miles away)!

At the start of her first year in high school in 1975, she and her dad ran the 100 miles from La Palma to San Diego. In that same year, as a freshman, she completed her run to San Francisco wearing a T-shirt that read, “I Love Epileptics.” Her dad ran every mile at her side. Her mom followed them in a motor home in case anything went wrong.

In her sophomore year, Patti’s classmates got behind her. They built a giant poster that read,

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

“Run, Patti, Run!” On her way, she fractured(broke) a bone in her foot. A doctor told her she had to stop her run and put a east(铸件) on her foot, but she didn’t listen. The doctor had to wrap her foot up instead of putting it in a cast. She finished the run to Portland, completing her last mile with the head of Oregon. You may have seen the headlines:“ Super Runner, Patti Wilson Ends Marathon for Epilepsy on Her 17th Birthday.”

After four months of almost continuous running from the West Coast to the East Coast, Patti arrived in Washington, D. C. and shook the hand of the President of the United States. She told him, “I wanted people to know that epileptics are normal human beings with normal lives.”

48.Patti Wilson completed her run to San Francisco when she was in ________.

A.Grade 1 B.Grade 2 C.Grade 3 D.Grade 4

49.Patti finished the run to Portland in ________.

A.1975 B.1976 C.1977 D.1978

50.Although Patti broke her bone in her foot on her second marathon, ________.

A.she stopped her run and put a cast on her foot

B.she went on with her run with her foot wrapped up

C.she didn’t even wrap her foot up and went on with her run

D.she put a cast on her foot and stayed in hospital for a week

51.From the story, we know that Patti took the run in order ________.

A.to run with the governor of Oregon

B.to become a super runner of the world

C.to shake hands with the President of the United States

D.to prove epileptics are normal people with normal lives


A new rule for the quick settlement of minor traffic accidents has worked amazingly well in improving traffic in Beijing. Traffic jams have become less since the new rule was started on July,

1.The jam caused by accidents dropped nearly 60 percent from last year.

One of the city’s biggest , traffic overcrowding is talked about daily. The local government has done many things trying to solve the problem, including building new roads and crossovers, sending out more policemen and employing assistants to keep the order on the road. But these actions did not result in success.

The new rule for minor traffic accident settlement allows car owners to reach an agreement about the responsibility and payment in these accidents, instead of waiting for the police to support their agreements. The agreements are acceptable by the insurance companies.

Compared with constructing new roads, this new rule is only a change in traffic accident settlement procedures that does not cost taxpayers any money, but it has greatly lessened traffic jams.

This change actually allows all car owners to have the right to deal with the accident as long as there is no serious harm, damage or losses. In this way, the public has now become an active part in traffic management. The management becomes much better and the traffic is improved.

This is an enlightening example. The improvement of traffic depends not only on building new roads, but also on the method, system and detailed deals in the traffic management.

52.What does the underlined word “headaches” probably mean?

A.New roads. B.Traffic lights. C.Accidents. D.Problems.

53.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

A.The traffic in Beijing is improving quickly.

B.An example is given for better agreement.

C.Building new roads depends on road system.

D.Management is important in improving traffic.

54.What can we infer(推断)according to the article?

A.Car owners can find the answer to traffic problems.

B.You must call the police when the accident happens.

C.It took a long time to work out a small traffic accident.

D.The new rule for the quick settlement is difficult to follow.

55.Which of the following might be the best title of the article?

A.Traffic Accidents in Beijing

B.New Rules Have Worked

C.Public Rules Prevent Accidents

D.New Roads Improved Traffic

第Ⅱ卷(非机读卷 共50分)





A: Mom?

B: Yes.

A: Some of my ________ will come for my birthday.


B: That’s great. We’ll hold a ________ for you. Who will be here?


A: Angela, Carol, Annie, Emily...

B: Oh, Emily? I don’t think I know her.

A: No, you don’t. She is new here. But we have become friends. She’s just ________ here from


Maryland with her family.

B: What is she ________?


A: She is very nice. She has brown eyes and ________ hair. She smiles a lot. We often go


swimming together in school.

B: Is she ________ at swimming?

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷


A: Yes. She swims ________ than I do. But I can stay in the water longer than she.


B: I think you will have a good time together.



Tom is ________ tall as Bill.


Sally ________ five dollars every week.


Nothing could ________ Wenchuan.


I’m ________ Zhang Hua ________ school.


I hear you and Bill ________ the exams.



Many people seem to know well about the rain forests. Some people even go to the rain forests to spend some of their time trying to make friends with the plants and animals there. The scientists are actually hard at work studying the plants that grow in the very top level of a rain forest. Rain forests are one of the richest environments on Earth. They are home to millions of species of plants and animals. The red research raft provides scientists with a platform from which to study life in the treetops. Scientists can even sleep on the raft, so they can stay up in the treetops for days at a time.

Rain forests cover only about 6 percent of Earth’s land surface. However, they contain more than half of the plant species on Earth. Many of these plants provide useful medicines to use against human diseases. In fact, about 25 percent of prescription medicines in the United States are based on chemicals from rain forest plants. Scientists think that many new medicines might be developed from plants that are yet to be discovered.

Unluckily, rain forests are disappearing. Rain forest trees are being cut down for wood. Huge chunks of the forests are cleared to provide land for farm animals and crops. Scientists haven’t identified all the plants in these forests yet. Some scientists think thousands of kinds of plants that we’ll never even know about are being destroyed each year.

17.Is it difficult for scientists to study the rain forest plants?


18.Where probably is the red research raft?


19.How much of Earth’s land surface do rain forests cover?


20.What do many of the rain forest plants mainly provide?


21.Do you think that scientists will be able to know all about the rain forest plants? Why or why



22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷



提示词:pavement人行道hold handlebars扶自行车把




_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________



第Ⅰ卷(机读卷 共70分)

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.C 12.B 13.C

14.B 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.A 19.A 20.A 21.B 22.B 23.B 24.D 25.A

26.C 27.C 28.C 29.C 30.D 31.D 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.C 37.D

38.B 39.A 40.B 41.C 42.A 43.D 44.D 45.C 46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B

50.B 51.D 52.D 53.D 54.C 55.B

第Ⅱ卷(非机读卷 共50分)


1.City Hospital 2.64295835 3.broken his leg 4.East Road


5.friends 6.party 7.moved 8.like 9.black 10.good 11.faster


12.not so/as 13.asks her mother for 14.stop the soldiers from entering 15.afraid, will be late for 16.are busy preparing forgetting ready for


17.Yes. 18.In the treetops. 19.About six percent. 20.Useful medicines.

21.No. Because thousands of kinds of plants are being destroyed each year.


22.One possible version:

We go to school in different ways. Some of us go on foot, some go by bike and some go by bus or car. As for me, I go to school by bus every day since my home is far away. I think it’s important for us to learn to protect ourselves while we are on the way to school or on the way home. When I walk, I walk on the pavement. When I cross the street, I wait till the traffic lights are green. I usually wait in line for the bus. People usually get on the bus orderly. I think everyone must obey the traffic rules in order to keep safe. It is not only for ourselves but also for our families and friends.



Conversation 1

22 2008年北京市东城区中考英语二模试卷

W:How are you going to Glasgow, Bill?

M:We’re going there by car. I enjoy driving along the country road.

Conversation 2

W:Good morning, Michael. Here are some letters for you.

M:Good morning. Thank you very much.

Conversation 3

W:Where do Harry and Brian work?

M:They work in a hospital.

Conversation 4

M:Hello, I’m Richard. I live right there, in the house.

W:Nice to meet you. I’m Eva.

Conversation 5

W:Mr. Smith likes reading very much.

M:Yeah. He usually spends hours reading.

Conversation 6

W:Does your brother have a part-time job?

M:Yes, he does. He sells vegetables.


Conversation 1

M:Hello, Linda.

W:Hello, Mr. Smith. It’s surprising to see you at this party. I haven’t seen you for a long time.

How is everything with you?

M:Fine, thanks. And you? How is everything going on with you?

W:Fine, too. Have you met my friend, Jane?

M:No. I haven’t had that pleasure.

W:Mr. Smith, this is my friend Jane. Jane, this is Mr. Smith, my first English teacher here. M&W:How do you do?

Conversation 2

M:Hey, Susan, I hear you are going to work in Canada.

W:Yeah. I have received an invitation to work for two years there.

M:Congratulations. I’d like to take you and Kate out tomorrow evening to dinner to celebrate.

How about it?

W:Oh, no, Andrew. That’s really not necessary. Why don’t you come over and have dinner

with us?

M:I wouldn’t hear of it. On my birthday you made me the best Chinese dinner I’ve ever had. I’m

not much of a cook myself, but it would give me great pleasure to take you both out to eat. You choose. Any kind of food you’d like.

W:What do you mean “any kind of food”?

M:We can eat Italian, French, German, Japanese-you name it, or we can even go to

Chinatown for a good Chinese dinner if you’d like.

W:How about some Chinese food? But not too expensive.

M:Great. Amy and I will pick you up at the gate about five. OK?

W:Good. See you tomorrow at five.

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M:Attention, please. Attention, please. Good afternoon everyone. Here I am talking about our football season of Grade Nine this year. All classes will take part in the games. We, will have seven games altogether. They’ll start in the middle of April and the final match will be on May 15th. We will have matches on Monday and Thursday. All the games will take place at three thirty after class. So you needn’t worry about your lessons. I am going to tell you the particular date for each game. You’d better note down the date for your game.

The first game is between Class One and Class Two on April 14th, and the second is between Class Three and Class Four on 17th. On April 21st, Class Five will play against Class Six as the third game, and Class Seven against Class Eight on 24th is the fourth game. Then we have one week off because of the May Day. We’ll start again on May 5th. As for the second circle, the winner of the first game will have the match with the winner of the second game, and on May 8th, the winners of Game 3 and 4 will face each other. Then we have another week off, for the players to get ready for the final game. The final game will be on May 15th.



Number One


M:Hello. My mother is ill. I want the City Hospital.

W:That’s 38911439.

M:38911439. Thank you very much.

Number Two


M:The railway station, please.



W:I said 64295835.

M:OK. Thank you.

Number Three

W:My husband has broken his leg.

M:What’s your number?

W:Just call 12669292785. And the address is the second crossing, Modem Road. M:OK. We’ll be there in a few minutes.

Number Four


M:Hello. I want a taxi.

W:OK. What address is it?

M:1120 East Road.

W:1120 East Road. And your telephone number?

M:That’s 81693228.

