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大学英语2 课程综合测试1

学习层次:高起专 时间:90分钟


此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1.--- Now let's move on to another topic. Can you follow me? --- _______, Professor.

A. No, I am not B. Yes, I will C. No, I haven't D. Yes, perfectly 2.--- Excuse me, how much is the jacket? --- It's 499 Yuan.

A. Oh, no. That's OK! B. How do you like it?

C. Which do you prefer? D. Would you like to try it on? 3. --- Hi, Tom, how's everything with you? --- ___________ , and how are you?

A. Don't mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks D. Pretty fast

4. ---I was worried about my Math, but Mr. Brown gave me an A. ---______

A. Don’t worry about it. B. Congratulations! That’s difficult course. C. Mr. Brown is very good. D. Good luck to you! 5. ---What can I do for you? -- -_____________ . A.I want a kilo of pears. B. You can do in your own way. C. Thanks. D. Excuse me. I’m busy.

第二部分:阅读理解 (共10小题,每小题3分,满分30分)


Passage 1

Our child's behavior is greatly influenced by the way we react to what he has done. Our reactions help to determine whether our child will repeat his behavior or whether he will do something different. This statement is a very important part of a principle of behavioral psychology.

The principle states that a behavior is influenced or affected by how the environment ---- people, places and things ---- immediately responds to the behavior. Perhaps without realizing it, you have used this principle many times.

On the occasion when you told your child what a good boy he was after he cleaned up his room, you used the principle. When you sent your child to his room for fighting with his brother,

you used the principle. When I gave Kim a cookie after she started to cry, I used the principle. In each of these examples, a particular behavior occurred first ---- cleaning up a room, fighting, and crying.

In addition, there was a reaction to each behavior ---- the child was praised, sent to his room, or given a cookie. By these actions, we have influenced the previous behaviors and have helped to determine whether those behaviors will occur again in the future.

6.The lecture is mainly about Children's behavior and our response. A. T B. F

7.The lecture is based on the principle in behavioral psychology. A. T B. F

8.The audience at this lecture might be social workers. A. T B. F

9.According to the lecture, the child was sent to his room as a kind of reward. A. T B. F

10.People, places and things are elements of \A. T B. F

Passage 2

The English writer, Richard Savage, was once living in London in great poverty. In order to earn a little money he had written the story of his life, but not many copies of the book had been sold in the shop, and Savage was living from hand to mouth. As a result of his lack of food he became very ill, but after a time, because of the skill of the doctor who had looked after him, he got well again. After a week or two the doctor sent a bill to Savage for his visits, but poor savage hadn’t any money and couldn’t pay it. The doctor waited for another month and sent the bill again. But still no money came. After several weeks the doctor sent it to him again asking for his money. In the end he came to Savage’s house and asked him for payment, saying to Savage, “You know you owe your life to me and I expected some gratitude (感激) from you. ”

“I agree,” said Savage, “that I owe my life to you, and to prove to you that I am not ungrateful for your work I will give my life to you.” With these words he handed to him two copies entitle, THE LIFE OF RICHARD SAVES.

6.The best title for this text should be ______. A. A Poor English Writer B. A Skilled Doctor C. A Life for a Life D. The Life of Richard Savage

7. In the text the underlined sentence, Savage was living from hand to mouth, means _______. A. Savage had clothes to wear and food to eat B. Savage had no money to buy clothes and food C. Savage was very poor and ill D. Savage was too poor to live on

8. According to the text we can imagine that _______. A. the doctor was poor too B. the doctor was skilled and kind

C. the doctor was skilled but cruel D. the doctor was glad to have got the two books

9. The writer wrote this story just to tell us ______ . A. a funny story B. an unhappy story C. a miserable story D. an ungrateful story

10. Which statement is not true ?

A. It was the doctor who cured Savage.

B. If it hadn’t been because of the doctor, Savage might have died. C. The doctor sent bills to Savage for money. D. The doctor himself come to see Savage again.

第三部分:词汇和结构 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)


1. The government has ___itself to developing economy. A. committed B. promised C. made D. decided 2. ___ to have some coffee in the afternoon?

A. Would you like B. Do you like C. Won’t you like D. Will you like

3. I think he _____have bought the CD player, otherwise he would borrow it from me. A would B. could C. should D. must 4. After the long winter holiday, it is hard for me to _____ study. A. get along with B. get down to C. get out of D. get rid of 5. I’d rather write a letter to you than ____ to you on the phone. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. to have talked

第四部分 完型填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


Britain was a wealthy country, a hundred and fifty years1 . There were a 2 very rich people who received money from land or investment, and did not need to work. They used to have large 3___ servants to look4____ them. There were also many middle class people, who worked as businessmen or layers. They usually have several servants to _5___their houses and cook their meals.

But there were also many poor people, and there was a big 6 between the rich and the poor.

The poor had very difficult lives. Many worked as servants. They used to be 7___little and they had to work long hours. But at least they lived in a warm house and were well 8 . _9____who worked in factories were often less_10__. They used to work in dangerous working conditions and get little to feed their families.

1.A. ago B. early C. before D. soon 2.A. little B. much C. few D. many 3.A. amounts B. numbers C. deals D. plenty 4.A. after B. on C. to C. like 5.A. clear B. clean C. keep D. look

6.A. space 7.A. got 8.A. kept 9.A. These 10.A. fortunate

B. room B. received B. fed B. Those B. favorite C. gap C. paid C. felt C. This C. preferable D. distance D. accepted D. lived D. that D. financial

第五部分 英译汉(共5小题,每题3分,满分15分)


1. Not all students are interested in English. 不是所有的学生都对英语感兴趣。

2. China’s foreign trade has grown fast for the past 25 years. 中国的外贸在过去的25年里迅速增长。

3. As Valentine’s Day approaches, lovers are preparing for the most romantic day of the year.

马上要情人节了, 情人们都在为这一年中最浪漫的日子做准备。


根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 Choosing a Job

1.别人在选择工作时的考虑 2.自己在选择工作时的考虑 3.为什么自己是这样考虑的

When choosing a job, many people take salary, interest, and potential chances for promotion into consideration.

But as for me, I value location of the job a lot. Firstly, I don’t want to work in such first-tier (一线) cities as Beijing and Shanghai because I think it is too competitive to work and live there. Secondly, I want my work place is quite near from my accommodation. For one thing, spending time on going to and from work is a waste of time. I would rather save the traffic time on my hobbies or family members or just sleeping. For another thing, it is also quite money-saving and environment-friendly.

Now, I just need to walk five minutes to my workplace. And many of my colleges are envious of me because they are tired of commuting every week days.

