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任 务 型 阅 读

ask-based Reading

What do you know about

task-based reading?What are you required to do?

考纲说明安 徽 高 考 英 语 任 务 型 读 写 , 要 求考生在认真阅读所给短文( 300 词左右)的基



Abilities that are tested筛选(查找)信息能力:属基础题。

Getting direct information整合(转化)信息能力:属活用题。

Reorganizing information综合概括信息能力:属概括题。

Summarizing information

How to deal with this new exam item?Do you have any idea? Before reading…… While reading…… After reading……

Before Reading

1.Read the requirements (word limit) 在空格里填入最恰当的单词,每空格1词.

2 Read the diagramAnalyze its structure and the content ● Find out the requirement of the blanks ● Pay attention to the agreement of the parallel structures (平行结构) as well as the spelling.●


n. (1)_________________

Title: Blood drive at Civic CentreThe Civic CentreAbout (2)________ No.

Number of people who donated blood

Reasons why part of the people present didn’t give bloodProcess

(3)________in V-ing/n. the medical test ● Waiting too long● ●

Fill out the donor registration and screening form ● Wait for their (4)________ n. to give blood ● Give blood One pint at a time Don’t lift heavy things within 12 hours ● Leave the pressure bandage on for 2~3 hours ●(7)______smoking for not less than 30 minutes V. ● Don’t perform any laborious activity for a (8)______ adj. day●

(5)____ of blood one person gives

n. (6)__________________________ for people who have given bloodPeople’s(9)_________towards the n. blood drive (10)________________________ of donating blood


Enthusiastic, positive and concerned Saving other people’s lives ● Contributing to a more harmonious society●


While Reading

1 Read the passage (with the help of the diagram)Look through the passage with the questions in mind ● Find out the main idea of the passage as well as each paragraph ● Underline the information sentences and the key words ● Finish the direct information exercises at the same time.●

2 Reorganize information Use the correct form of the word from the passage. Sometimes you need to use another word to express the similar meaning.

(1) Change the parts of the speech(词性的转换)eg: Without vitamin B, we could be weak and would not grow fast. → The problems caused by lack of vitamin B are _________ weakness and slow growth. (n.)

(2) Use synonyms or antonyms(同义词或反义词) ①Most workers were in favor of the decision.

supported →Most workers ___________the decision.②She didn’t pass the exam.→She ______the exa

m. failed .

(3) Use compound adjectives (复合形容词) ① a girl with blue eyes → a blue-eyed _________ girl(4) Use prefixes or suffixes(前缀或后缀)① Many people lost their houses.→ Many people became _________. homeless ② The lady was not happy. → The lady was ________. unhappy

(5)Change the structures of the sentences(句型转换) The remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. →One piece hits the South Atlantic at a speed 200 times ________ that of sound.

(6) Paraphrase(释义)

Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence supporting the idea that there is Yeti. →Footprints are one of the few pieces of hard evidence that support the existence ________ of Yeti(雪人).

(7)Conclude from the context①E-mail has changed the speed with which weexchange information. In minutes, you can contact another person who shares your hobby. →E-mail has also enabled us to exchange information at ______ higher speed than traditional communicative methods.

