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前 言



一、言简意赅。以富有代表性的少量例句为主线,将考研语法贯穿其中。考生通过掌握少量例句即可掌握英语基础语法。 二、语法讲解与真题讲解相结合,考生可以随时通过对考研真题的演练迅速进入考研备战状态,真实检测自己水平。 三、每章之后均附有习题,便于考生复习回顾之前的学习内容,防止遗忘。





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目 录

第一章 动词时态 ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

1.1 一般现在时 .............................................................................................................................................. 8 1.2 一般过去时 .............................................................................................................................................. 9 1.3 一般将来时 ............................................................................................................................................ 10 1.4 过去将来时 ............................................................................................................................................ 11 1.5 现在进行时 ............................................................................................................................................ 12 1.6 过去进行时 ............................................................................................................................................ 13 1.7 将来进行时 ............................................................................................................................................ 13 1.8 现在完成时 ............................................................................................................................................ 14 1.9 过去完成时 ............................................................................................................................................ 17 1.10 将来完成时 ............................................................................................................................................ 18 1.11 过去将来完成时 .................................................................................................................................... 19 1.12 现在完成进行时 .................................................................................................................................... 19 1.13 过去完成进行时 .................................................................................................................................... 20 1.14 将来完成进行时 .................................................................................................................................... 20 1.15 时态的呼应 ............................................................................................................................................ 21 第二章 被动语态 ................................................................................................................................................... 22

2.1 被动语态的一般用法 ............................................................................................................................ 22 2.2 用于各种时态的被动语态..................................................................................................................... 23 2.3 主动形式、被动意义的表达................................................................................................................. 27 2.4 被动语态的翻译 .................................................................................................................................... 30 2.5 时态、语态练习题 ................................................................................................................................ 31 第三章 形容词 ....................................................................................................................................................... 39


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3.1 形容词及其基本用法 ............................................................................................................................ 39 3.2 形容词与副词的比较级和最高级 ......................................................................................................... 42 3.3 形容词和副词的比较级句型................................................................................................................. 45 3.4 形容词和副词的最高级句型................................................................................................................. 47 3.5 和more有关的词组 ............................................................................................................................ 48 3.6 as +形容词或副词原级+ as结构 ........................................................................................................... 50 第四章 副词 ........................................................................................................................................................... 54

4.1 副词的种类 ............................................................................................................................................ 54 4.2 兼有两种形式的副词 ............................................................................................................................ 58 4.3 形容词和副词练习题 ............................................................................................................................ 60 第五章 代词 ........................................................................................................................................................... 69

5.1 人称代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 69 5.2 物主代词 .............................................................................................................................................. 70 5.3 反身代词 .............................................................................................................................................. 71 5.4 指示代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 73 5.5 疑问代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 75 5.6 相互代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 76 5.7 关系代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 77 5.8 连接代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 78 5.9 不定代词 ................................................................................................................................................ 79 5.10 代词练习题 ............................................................................................................................................ 91 第六章 情态动词 ................................................................................................................................................... 97

6.1 情态动词的意义 .................................................................................................................................... 97 6.2 情态动词+完成时的用法..................................................................................................................... 105 6.3 情态动词练习题 .................................................................................................................................. 109


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第七章 主谓一致 ................................................................................................................................................. 113

7.1 根据语法一致的原则确定谓语形式 ................................................................................................... 114 7.2 根据概念上一致的原则确定谓语形式 ............................................................................................... 117 7.3 根据邻近词一致的原则确定谓语形式 ............................................................................................... 117 7.4 谓语用单数形式的情况 ...................................................................................................................... 118 7.5 谓语用复数形式的情况 ...................................................................................................................... 120 7.6 谓语用单复数皆可的情况................................................................................................................... 121 7.7 不定代词作主语时的谓语形式 ........................................................................................................... 122 7.8 表示数量的短语作主语时的谓语形式 ............................................................................................... 129 7.9 there be句型中的谓语形式 ................................................................................................................ 130 7.10其他情况的主谓一致 ........................................................................................................................... 130 7.11 主谓一致练习题 .................................................................................................................................. 133 习题答案 ............................................................................................................................................................... 140

2.5 时态、语态练习题答案 ..................................................................................................................... 140 4.3 形容词、副词练习题答案................................................................................................................... 140 5.10 代词练习题答案 .................................................................................................................................. 141 6.3 情态动词练习题答案 .......................................................................................................................... 141 7.11 主谓一致练习题答案 .......................................................................................................................... 142


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第一章 动词时态



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1.1 一般现在时

系动词be的一般现在时形式包括am, is和are;动词have的一般现在时形式有have和has;其它动词一般现在时的第三人称单数形式为在词尾加-s或-es,复数形式为动词原形。

1.1.1 表示现在的情况或状态。 I am good at swimming. 我擅长游泳。

Uncle Wang knows a lot of English. 王叔叔英语懂得很多。

1.1.2 表示经常或习惯性的动作,常与频度副词或表示频度的时间状语连用。

这类词包括:usually, frequently, sometimes, hardly, seldom, never, every day, once a week等。 Do you write to your parents once a week? 你一周给你父母写一封信吗? She usually comes to school by bus. 她通常乘公共汽车来学校。

1.1.3 表示客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。 The moon goes around the earth. 月球绕着地球转。

Japan is to the east of China.


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1.1.4 在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时。 We’ll go to the Great Wall if it is fine tomorrow.

如果明天天气好,我们就去长城。 I’ll call you as soon as I get to Beijing. 我一到北京就给你打电话。

1.1.5 在某些以here, there开头的句子中用一般现在时动词表示正在发生的动作。 There goes the bell. 铃响了。

Here they are.


1.1.6 移位动词常用一般现在时代替一般将来时, 表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。 这类动词有:come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return, take off等 The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. 这趟火车明天早上6点出发。

When does the bus start? It starts in ten minutes. 这趟汽车几点开?10分钟之后就开。

1.2 一般过去时



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1.2.1 表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 The train arrived ten minutes ago.


What time did you get up yesterday morning?


1.2.2 表示过去的习惯或经常发生的事情。

We often took a walk along the meandering river after supper. 晚饭后我们常沿着那条弯弯曲曲的小河散步。

The researchers made great progress in the early 1970s.


1.2.3 在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般过去时替代过去将来时。 If I knew German, I would read Das Capital in the original. 要是我懂德文,我就读原著《资本论》。

I decided to go to the library as soon as I finished what I was doing. 我决定一完成自己正在做的事情就去图书馆。

1.3 一般将来时

一般将来时的基本构成是:will(第一人称可以用shall) +动词原形

1.3.1 表示将来出现的情况或者发生的动作。


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Temperatures will soar into the eighties over the weekend.


He predicts most people will work only six-hour days and four-day weeks. 他预言,大多数人将每天工作6小时,每周工作4天。

1.3.2 表示习惯或者倾向。

He will sit there hour after hour looking at the traffic go by. 他会经常一连几个小时坐在那里看着过往的车辆。 Any source of light will give warmth. 任何光源都会发热。

1.4 过去将来时

过去将来时的基本构成是:would +动词原形

1.4.1 表示过去某个时间即将发生的动作。

They never knew that population would become a big problem. 他们从来都不知道人口问题将会成为一个大问题。 He refused to tell us whether he would undertake the job. 他拒绝告诉我们他是否会从事这份工作。

1.4.2 表示过去的习惯或倾向。

When we were young, we would help each other with our homework. 在我们小时候,我们互相帮助做家庭作业。


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If a lesson did not interest me, I would take out my notebook and start writing poems 如果我对上的课不感兴趣,我就拿出笔记本,开始写诗。

1.5 现在进行时

现在进行时的基本构成是:系动词(am, is或are) +动词的-ing形式。

1.5.1 表示现在正在进行的动作。

Please don't make so much noise. I am writing a composition. 不要吵闹。我正在写作文。 Let's set off. It isn’t raining now. 咱们出发吧。现在不下雨了。

1.5.2 表示频繁、反复出现的习惯性动作。

常与always, continually, constantly, forever, perpetually等表示频率的副词连用。这种用法常表示说话人的某种感情,如赞扬、遗憾、讨厌或不满等。 He is always quarrelling with others. 他老喜欢跟别人吵架。

She is constantly worrying about her son's health. 她不停地为她儿子的健康担心着。 The boy is forever asking questions. 那个男孩老是问问题。

1.5.3 表示即将发生的动作。

一般指在最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。表示这种动作的动词有:come, go, leave, start, arrive等,并常与表示将来的时间状语连用。


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They are leaving for New York tomorrow. 明天他们将要动身前往纽约。 Is your brother departing soon? 你的兄弟很快就要启程吗?

1.6 过去进行时

过去进行时的基本构成是:was(were) +动词的-ing形式

1.6.1 表示在过去的某个时间正在进行的动作。

Some students were playing football, while others were running round the track. 一些学生在踢足球,而别的学生正在跑道上跑步。 They were watching TV when the lights went out. 停电时,他们刚好在看电视。

1.6.2 表示过去将来的动作。

She went to see Xiao Li. He was leaving early the next morning. 她去看小李。他第二天一早就要离开此地了。 She asked him whether he was coming back to lunch. 她问他晚饭是否准备回来吃。

1.7 将来进行时

将来进行时的基本构成是:will be +动词的-ing形式。


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1.7.1 表示在将来某个时间点或将来的一段时间内正在进行的动作。 I will be taking my holiday soon. 我不久就去度假了。

They will be meeting us at the station.


1.7.2 将来进行时表示一般将来时。 Stop the child or he will be falling over. 抓住那个孩子,要不他会掉下去的。

Half of all the earth’s people will be living in urban areas. 世界上一半的人口将住在城市地区。

1.8 现在完成时

现在完成时的基本构成是has(have) +动词的过去分词。

1.8.l 表示过去延续到现在的动作或状态。


An old woman walked out into the middle of the street. The policeman yelled to her, “Don’t you know what it means when I hold up my hand?” The lady said, “Sure I do. I have been a schoolteacher for 28 years now.”



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1.8.2 表示过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或状态。

具体来说,这种用法是表示在不确定的过去发生的某一动作对现在仍有影响。谓语动词一般为短暂性动词。这种完成时态是中国学生最难以理解的,也常常和一般过去时混淆不清。 He has blocked his leg.


Technical innovation has brought about tremendous changes to the plant. 技术革新已给该厂带来巨大变化。

1.8.3 表示到目前的一个时间段内重复发生的动作。


In all the work I have done as president, every decision I have made, every executive action I have taken, every bill I have proposed and signed, I have tried to give all Americans the tools and conditions to build the future of our dreams, in a good society, with a strong economy, a cleaner environment, and a freer, safer, more prosperous world. (Selection of President Bill Clinton’s farewell address to the nation on Jan. 18, 2001)

(在过去的8年里)作为总统,我所做的每一项工作、每一个决策,采取的每一个行政措施,以及提议并签署的每一个法案,都是在尽力为美国人民提供种种途径和创造各种条件,来实现美国未来的梦想--社会稳定、经济繁荣、环境美好,进而使得全世界更自由、更安全、更繁荣。 【解析】

在这里,克林顿不厌其烦地使用完成时态,是为了表示在他8年的总统任职期间,他“重复不断”地在 have done, have made decisions, have taken action, have proposed and signed bills。

1.8.4 与完成时态搭配的时间状语 ⑴since+时间点

I have worked in this company since I left school. (从句用一般过去时) 我一毕业就在这家公司工作了。 ⑵for+时间段

Great changes have taken place in Beijing for the past few years.


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⑶“到目前为止……”如:until now, up until now, up to now, up till now, so far等。 So far we haven’t drawn any conclusion on this matter. 至今我们还没有就这件事得出任何结论。 Until now I have always lived alone.


⑷“最近几世纪/年/月以来……”如:in the past few years, over the past few years, during the last three months, for the last few centuries, through centuries, throughout history等。

Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die,for the very nature of life includes death. 自人类历史以来,人类就已经接受生命总要死亡的事实,因为生命的本质就包含了死亡。 【真题再现】

The last revolution isn’t simply a matter of gentlemen reading other gentlemen’s e-mail. That kind of electronic spying has been going on for decades. In the past three or four years, the World Wide Web has given birth to a whole industry of point-and-click spying.

最近的这次革命不只是一些人偷看另一些人的电子邮件的问题。这样的电子间谍活动已经存在了数十年。在过去的三四年中,国际互联网已经催生出一个可称为点击谍报的完整产业。(2003年Text 1) 【解析】

这里有时间状语for decades和in the past three or four years,均是与现在完成时搭配。这里的完成时态has given表示的是上述第二个用法,强调现在的结果。

此外,现在完成时还常和already, never, ever, not…yet, just, before, recently, lately等副词连用,因为它们都可表示过去与现在的联系。 I have just heard the news. 我刚听到这个消息。

I have not received a letter from him yet. 我还没有收到他的信呢。

1.8.5 用于the first (second, last…)time that sb. has done sth.句型。如果主句是现在时或者将来时,从句就用现在完成时。


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This is the first time that I have been to London. 这是我第一次到伦敦。

This is the third time that I have heard him sing.


1.8.6 用于定语从句,修饰带有最高级形容词的事物,主句是一般现在时。 Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩。

Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

1.9 过去完成时

过去完成时的基本构成是:had +动词的过去分词。

现在完成时表示一个开始于现在之前(即过去)并且现在仍持续或刚刚结束的动作。同理类推,过去完成时也可以用来表示在过去某一时刻之前(即过去的过去)就已开始的动作,这一动作: a. 在该过去时刻仍然在继续,或在该过去时刻刚刚结束;b. 在该过去时刻之前的某一时刻结束;c. 在该过去时刻之前的一段时间内重复。 【典型例句】

A:It’s already 10 o’clock. I guess Bob and Amy won’t be coming to the party. B:They called at nine to say that they had been held up.

A:现在都已经10点钟了,我猜想Bob和Amy可能不来参加聚会了。 B:他们9点钟打来电话说他们有事被耽搁了。 【解析】

这里called是过去发生的动作,而 held up显然是在called之前发生的,表示“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。 【典型例句】


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I had just poured myself a cup of tea when the phone rang. When I came back from answering it, the cup was empty. Somebody had drunk the tea or thrown it away.

我刚刚给自己倒了杯茶,这时候电话铃响了。而等我接完了电话回来,发现杯子已经是空的了,一定是有人把茶喝了或是倒掉了。 【解析】

这里 rang是过去时间,而 poured在rang之前刚刚发生,即“过去的过去”,故用过去完成时。同理,drunk和 thrown都是发生在过去动作came之前的一系列更远过去的动作,故也用过去完成时态. 【真题再现】

I apologize if I had offended you,but I assure you it was unintentional. (1998年语法) 如果我当时冒犯你了,那我很抱歉,不过我可以向你保证,我完全是无意的。

1.10 将来完成时

将来完成时的基本构成是:will +现在完成时。

将来完成时表示在将来的某个时间点动作已经完成。 在考研英语中,将来完成时常与by引导的时间状语连用。介词by后面接一个将来时间状语或by the time后接一个从句(从句谓语用一般现在时表示将来),对应的句子则用将来完成时。 【真题再现】

By the year 2000, scientists will probably have discovered a cure for cancer.

将来到了2000年的时候,科学家们可能已经能够治愈癌症了。(1991年语法) By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed in Europe for two weeks. 等他到伦敦时,我们将已经在伦敦待了两个星期了。(1994年语法)


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1.11 过去将来完成时

过去将来完成时的基本构成是:would +现在完成时。 表示动作在过去将来的某个时间点之前已经完成。

We hoped that she would have got the plan ready before we came back. 我们希望她能在我们回来之前把计划做好。

He said that they would have arrived by seven o’clock. 他说,他们到七点钟为止会到达。

1.12 现在完成进行时

现在完成进行时的基本构成:has (have) been +动词的-ing形式。

完成进行时与完成时态密切相关,完成进行时更强调延续性。比如上述1.8.2中讨论的现在完成时态用法,其谓语动词一般是短暂动词,不表示延续,故而不能与表示持续时间的状语连用。但是短暂动词的完成进行时(如have been going),就可以与表示一段时间的状语连用,表示不断重复的活动。 【真题再现】

Americans have been migrating south and west in larger numbers since World War Ⅱ, and the pattern still prevails. (1998年Text 4) 二战以来,美国人口一直在向南部和西部大量流动。这个趋势现在仍然在继续。 【解析】

这里migrate是短暂动词,用现在完成进行时表示重复活动。这里就不能说have migrated...since World War Ⅱ。 【真题再现】

In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other, merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly.(2003年Text 3) 近些年来,铁路公司相互合并,成为超大型集团,这引起人们对垄断的日益关注。 【解析】



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1.13 过去完成进行时

过去完成进行时的基本构成:had been +动词-ing形式。

同上述讨论的短暂动词用于现在完成进行时态表示重复活动一样,短暂动词用于过去完成进行时也表示重复。我们来看下列这段短文。 【真题再现】

Science, in practice, depends far less on the experiments it prepares than on the preparedness of the minds of the men who watch the experiments. Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. Apples had been falling in many places for centuries and thousands of people had seen them fall. But Newton for years had been curious about the cause of the orbital motion of the moon and planets. What kept them in place? Why didn’t they fall out of the sky? The fact that the apple fell down toward the earth and not up into the tree answered the question he had been asking himself about those larger fruits of the heavens, the moon and the planets.(1999年Text 5)

在实践中,科学与其说依赖于事先准备的实验,不如说更多地依赖于实验观察者有所准备的头脑。比如,据传,艾萨克·牛顿爵士通过苹果坠落发现了地球引力。多少个世纪以来苹果一直在许多地方落到地面,成千上万人看到苹果落地。但牛顿多年以来一直对月球和行星沿轨道运行的原因特别好奇。什么使它们处于固定的位置?它们为什么不从天上掉下来?苹果坠落到地面而不是向上落入树中,这一事实解答了他一直在思考的有关天体--那些巨大水果--即月球及行星的问题。 【解析】

这里动词fall和ask是短暂动词,用完成进行时表示重复活动。使用过去完成进行时而不是现在完成进行时,是因为这里谈的是在牛顿之前的情况,而不是说一直重复到现在。 【真题再现】

The school board listened quietly as John read the demands that his followers had been demonstrating for. (1993年语法) 约翰和他的拥护者们一直通过抗议游行向校方提出各种要求,当约翰宣读这些要求时,校董们在默默地听。

1.14 将来完成进行时

将来完成进行时的基本构成:shall (will) have been +动词的-ing形式。


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同上述讨论的短暂动词用于现在完成进行时态和过去完成进行时态表示重复活动一样,短暂动词用于将来完成进行时也表示重复。 By the end of this year he will have been acting for thirty years. 到今年年底他当演员就满30年了。

By the end of the month he will have been climbing 50 mountains. 到本月底,他攀登的山峰就有50座了。

1.15 时态的呼应

1.15.1 如果主句是过去时态,从句的时态往往也是过去时态。

I found that my cheating in yesterday’s English test was reported to my parents that very evening.

我发现,昨天英语考试我作弊的行为被报告给了我的父母。(误:I found that my cheating in yesterday’s English test is reported to my parents.) Helen borrowed my dictionary the other day saying that she would return it soon.

海伦前几天借走了我的字典,她说很快就会归还。(误:Helen borrowed my dictionary the other day saying that she will return it soon.) She answered the door, carrying a magazine she had been reading.

她去开门,手里拿着一本她一直在读的杂志。(误:She answered the door, carrying a magazine she has been reading.)

1.15.2 如果从句描述的事情是永恒真理或客观事实,无论主句是什么时态,从句的时态都使用一般现在时。 The teacher told the children that Chinese culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. 老师告诉孩子们,中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。

The teacher told them since light travels faster than sound, lighting appears to go before thunder. 老师告诉他们,因为光比声音传播速度快,闪电似乎比雷声来得早.


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第二章 被动语态



2.1 被动语态的一般用法


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2.1.1 当施动者不明确或不必指出时,用被动语态。 Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege. 才智被斥为一种权利或者特权。

Some adult novels have been adapted for young readers.


2.1.2 为了突出受动者,使用被动语态。

The phrase was used by this country’s founders to denote equality before the law. 这句话被国家的缔造者说过,意思是法律面前人人平等。

Care should be taken to ensure that information and evidence are accurate and up-to-date. 应力求使资料和证据既准确又是最新的。

2.2 用于各种时态的被动语态

2.2.1 一般现在时的被动语态

基本构成是is (am, are) +动词-ed形式

The twelve-year-old is no longer considered a child. 12岁的青少年不再被看作孩子。

Many courses are organized around classroom discussion. 很多课程是围绕课堂讨论组织起来的。

A breakthrough in equal opportunities for women is now demanded. 现在要求在妇女的机会平等方面取得突破。


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2.2.2 一般过去时的被动语态

基本构成是was (were) +动词的-ed形式

He was knocked down by a car and badly injured. 他被一辆汽车撞倒,伤势严重。

It was 3:45 in the morning when the vote was finally taken. 凌晨3:45最终投了票。

The city was taken by the English in the 16th century. 这座城市在16世纪被英国人攻占。

2.2.3 一般将来时的被动语态

基本构成是will be +动词的-ed形式 A new road will be built there.


The meeting will be put off till next Monday. 这次会议将被推迟到下周一。

2.2.4 现在进行时的被动语态

基本构成是is (am, are) being +动词的-ed形式 Now the space shuttle is being developed. 现在航天飞机正在发展。

This information shows that which items are being sold. 这种信息表明那些商品正在出售。 【真题再现】

The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, ___and perfected now. [A] developed [B] have developed


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[C] are being developed [D] will have been developed



2.2.5 过去进行时的被动语态

基本构成是was (were) being +动词的-ed形式

Two of the glasses were broken when they were being washed. 在清洗时,有两只玻璃杯被打碎了。

While we were in London that year, the London Bridge was being repaired. 那一年我们在伦敦时,伦敦桥正在修。

2.2.6 现在完成时的被动语态

基本构成是has (have) been +动词的-ed形式 Many books have been written about the future. 已经写出了许多有关未来的书。

Physical vitality has been increased by improved nutrition. 由于营养的改善,身体活力已经增强。

2.2.7 过去完成时的被动语态

基本构成是had been +动词的-ed形式

At yesterday’s meeting he again brought up the plan that had been disapproved a week before. 在昨天的会议上,他再次提出那个一周前遭到反对的计划。

The director discovered that a large part of the laboratory’s costly new equipment had been removed. 主任发现,实验室里大量昂贵的新设备被搬走了。 【真题再现】


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Between 1897 and 1919 at least 29 motion pictures in which artificial beings were portrayed ____. [A] had produced [B] have been produced [C] would have produced [D] had been produced


本题考查被动语态的过去完成时。译文:在1897至1919年期间,至少生产了29部描写人造生物的电影。 【真题再现】

He returned at midnight and found his house ___. [A] had broken into [B] was broken into [C] to be broken into [D] had been broken into 【解析】正确答案为[D]。


2.2.8 将来完成时的被动语态

基本构成是will have been +动词的-ed形式

Hurry up, or the tickets will have been sold out by the time we get there.


By the end of next year, many more high-rises will have been built around there. 到明年底为止,在这里会建立起更多的高楼。

2.2.9 过去将来时的被动语法

基本构成是would be +动词的-ed形式

They were told that the result would be announced next week. 他们被告知说,结果将在下周公布。

The teacher said that we would be given another chance sometime next month if we failed in the exam. 老师说如果我们考试不及格,下个月的什么时候可以再给我们一次机会。


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2.3 主动形式、被动意义的表达

2.3.1 作系动词使用的感官动词

这类动作包括:feel感觉;look看上去;smell闻起来;sound听上去;taste吃起来等。 The evening air feels cold. 夜晚的空气感觉很冷。

That story of yours doesn’t sound very likely. 你说的话听起来不大可信。

2.3.2 表示事物自身性质或特征的动词

这类词包括:iron熨烫;photograph在照片上显得;play播放;prove证明是;read读起来;sell出售;wash洗起来;wear穿起来等。 The tape recorder won’t play.


A rumor does not always prove to be a fact. 传闻不一定证明是事实。 This kind of shirt washes well.


2.3.3 特定用法的动词

这类动词要求其后作宾语的动词可以使用动名词的主动形式,而表达的却是被动意义,这类词包括: bear经得起,值得,需要;demand需要;deserve/worth值得;need/require需要等等。 This job wants doing at once.

这工作需要马上就做。(相当于This job wants to be done at once.)


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The boy deserves praising.

这个男孩值得表扬。(相当于The boy deserves to be praised.) The matter demands looking into.

这件事学要调查。(相当于The matter demands to be looked into.) 【真题再现】

After such a long journey, my shoes want ___.

[A] to mend [B] mended [C] to be mending [D] mending 【解析】正确答案为[D]。

当动词want 表示“需要”时,其用法是sth. wants doing或sth. wants to be done. 译文:“在走了这么长的路程之后,我的鞋需要修理。”

2.3.4 主被动两用动词

这类动词包括:blow, hang, let/rent, train, tear等等。 If we don’t hang together, we will hang separately. 如果我们不团结在一起,我们就会被分别绞死。 Whistle blew, and the train started.


My dress tore when it caught on the nail. 我的衣服钩在钉子上,被撕破了。

2.3.5 用于“sth. to do ”的表达

Man still has a lot to learn about the brain. 关于大脑,我们还有许多东西要了解。

Could you get me something to read? I have nothing to do. 你能给我点东西读吗?我无事可做。


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2.3.6 用于“to blame”表达 表示“该受责备”。

The weather was partly to blame for crop failure.


I thought the technician was to blame for the blowing of the fuse.


2.3.7 用于“sth. is +形容词+不定式”句型 The water is not clean enough to drink.

这水不够干净,不能喝。(习惯上不说The water is not clean enough to be drunk.) If you try harder, the language is not so difficult to learn as you think.

如果你多付出一些努力,这门语言并没有你认为的那样难学。(习惯上不说If you try harder, the language is not so difficult to be learned as you think.)

2.3.8 主动形式、被动意义的动词短语

这类词包括:catch on受欢迎,被接受,受雇于;come home to被完全领会,被清楚的理解;dawn on被想到;get across被理解,被接受;occur to被想到;pass for被错误的看作;run out被用完,被耗尽;sink in被理解;turn up被找到,被发现等等 The player caught on with a big team last year. 这名球员去年受雇于一个大球队。

It suddenly dawned on me that I’d caught the wrong train. 我突然发现自己乘错了火车。

Your advice didn’t quite sink in. You may have to talk to him again. 你的建议他没有听进去。你或许得再和他谈谈。


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2.4 被动语态的翻译

在英译汉中,英语的被动语态往往译为主动表达,有时甚至会发现,生硬地翻译成汉语的被动语态根本不通。这是由于英汉两种语言的差异导致的。英语常用被动语态,而汉语喜欢主动表达,再者,汉语允许无主语的句子。鉴于此,当翻译被动语句时,应灵活处理,以原文的意义为依据,以汉语的习惯为转移,抛弃原文的形式,传达出文字背后真正的内容。 Some people are reached by flattery. 有些人就喜欢听奉承话。

All travelers are advised to fasten their safety-belt to avoid being injured. 请旅客们系好安全带,以防碰伤。 Exceptions can be found to any rule.


If one is overcome by pride, one will reject useful advice and friendly assistance. 如果一个人太骄傲,就会拒绝有益的忠告和友好的帮助。

No increase in output can be expected unless a new assembly line is installed.


They were divided on whether to go further by calling for a federal law that would impose a complete ban on human cloning.

是否要采取进一步行动,通过要求联邦立法完全禁止克隆人,在这个问题上,他们的意见有分歧。 【真题再现】

Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. (1994年翻译)


During this transfer, traditional historical methods were augmented by additional methodologies designed to interpret the new forms of evidence in the historical study.



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The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago, and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. (2002年翻译)


2.5 时态、语态练习题

Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentences. 1. --I don’t like to travel.

--Have you ever _____ in an airplane? [A] flying [B] flew [C] flowed [D] flown

2. The center of gravity of the human body ______ behind his hip joint.

[A] locates [B] locating [C] to locate [D] is located 3. --What happened in that new area?

--New houses ______ recently over there. [A] are built [B] build [C] have built [D] have been built 4 --Did you wait for him very long?

--Yes, I ______ to bed until five in the morning. [A] did go *B+ didn’t go [C] had gone [D] went

5. Tom ______ mathematics throughout his college life.


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[A] bored [B] bored with [C] was bored [D] was bored with 6. ______ that dress when I first saw you at the station?

[A] Were you wearing [B] Have you worn [C] Did you wear [D] do you wear 7. Mr. Wu ______to work by bus every day.

[A] has been traveling [B] has traveled [C] travels [D] is traveling 8. Don’t disturb him. He ______ to the weather forecast.

[A] listens [B] is being listened [C] has listened [D] is listening 9. My English teacher ______ my test.

[A] has not yet graded [B] has not yet been graded [C] is not yet to be graded [D] is not yet graded 10. Shanghai ______ on the Huangpu River.

[A] stand [B] stands [C] is being stand [D] has stood

11. ______ your best? It’s not satisfactory. I’m afraid you will have to do it again.

[A] Do you try [B] Have you tried [C] Are you trying [D] Have you been trying 12. This is the first time the students ______ to Hyde Park.

[A] have gone [B] have been gone [C] have been going [D] are being gone 13. I ______ the incident as if it were yesterday.

[A] am still to remember [B] have still been remembering


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[C] am being still remembered [D] still remember

14. I ______ swimming in the river and I always _____ to swim when I can.

[A] am liking/have gone [B] am being liked/am going [C]like/go [D] have liked/have been going 15. Elections _______ every four years and Congress meets once a year.

[A] are taken place [B] are to be taken place [C] took place [D] take place 16. ______ careless, or you will make mistakes.

[A] Be not [B] Not be *C+ Don’t *D+ Don’t be

17. Oil, exported from Iran to Europe, _____ by tankers in the past.

[A] used to be transported [B] used to being transported [C] was used to be transported [D] was used to being transported

18. Once you ______ the knack of it, you will have no further difficulty.

[A] shall have [B] had had [C] are having [D] have 19. Everything on the earth ______ all the time.

[A] is changing [B] is changed [C] has changed [D] has been changed 20. It ______ every day so far this month.

[A] is raining [B] rains [C] has rained [D] has been rained


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21. There she ______!We needn’t wait any longer.

[A] comes [B] has been come [C] has been coming [D] is to come

22. The little girl ______ by the drug-pusher to carry drugs into the country.

[A] was made use [B] was made used [C] was made use of [D] was made used of

23. I shall tell you what he ______ at three o’clock yesterday afternoon.

[A] had done [B] would do [C] was doing [D] had been done 24. By the end of last year they ______ 1,000 machines.

[A] turned out [B] had turned out [C] would turn out [D] had been turned out 25. He was sixty-eight. In two years he ______ seventy.

[A] would be [B] was [C] had been [D] was being 26. How long ago ______ playing football?

[A] had you stopped [B] would you stop [C] did you stop [D] were you stopping 27. While I ______ television, the door bell ______.

[A] watched/would ring [B] would watch/had rung [C] was watching/rang [D] had been watched/was ringing 28. I never dreamed I ______ here discussing state affairs with the other deputies.

[A] will be sitting [B] would be sitting [C] will have been sitting [D] would have been sitting 29. The new type of machine ______ the year after next.


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[A] is going to turn out [B] is going to being turned out [C] is going to have turned out [D] is going to be turned out

30. Large sums of money ______ each year in painting the steelwork of bridges, ships, and other exposed structures.

[A] have spent [B] have to be spent [C] have to spend [D] spend 31. The police ______ in what the informer reported.

[A] interested [B] had interested [C] were interesting [D] were interested 32. A candidate for the post ______ at the moment.

[A] is interviewing [B] being interviewing [C] interviewing [D] is being interviewed

33. By the end of last year the railway ______.

[A] was being completed [B] would be completed [C] had been completed [D] had completed 34. I ______ to visit their country before long.

[A] have been invited [B] am being invited [C] had been invited [D] shall be invited 35. Theory ______ with practice.

[A] must be combining [B] must combine [C] must have been combined [D] must be combined 36. He said such a thing ______ to happen.

[A] ought to be not allowed [B] ought not to be allowing [C] ought not to have allowed [D] ought not to be allowed 37. She told me that her proposal ______.


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[A] needed to take into consideration [B] needed to be taken into consideration [C] needed to be taking into consideration [D] needed to have taken into consideration 38. The school authorities and the teachers ______ over the advantages of the demerit system.

[A] were always argued [B] were always arguing [C] had always argued [D] had always been argued 39. ______ when the bell rang.

[A] Hardly would he reach school [B] Hardly had he reached school [C] Hardly he reached school [D] Hardly he was reaching school 40. When ______ to give us an answer?

[A] will you be able [B] will you have been able [C] will you able [D] will you have abled 41. We ______ on the project by the end of next week.

[A] shall have finished to work [B] shall finish to work [C] shall have finished working [D] shall finish working 42. I hope that she ______ to the demands of the naughty boys.

[A]will not have agreed [B] will not be agreed [C] will not agree [D] will not have been agreed 43. Mr.Wilson asked me if these islands ______ to Japan.

[A] belong [B] are belonging [C] are belonged [D] have been belonged 44. The train ______ at eight tonight.

[A] will be started [B] will have started [C] shall be started [D] starts 45. They ______ for Beijing for practice.

[A] are leaving [B] are being left


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[C] will have left [D] will be left 46. _____ me or aren’t you?

[A] Will you help [B] Shall you help [C] Are you going to help [D] Will you have helped 47. ______ a meeting this afternoon.

[A] There going to be [B] There will be going to be [C] There is going to be [D] There will going to be

48. We ______ a new experiment this afternoon.

[A] shall be to perform [B] will be to perform [C] are to be performed [D] are to perform

49. The government _____ to approve the use of widespread surveillance when the Justice Department took objections.

[A] is going [B] had been [C] was about [D] is coming

50. You ought to _____ a test in physics the day before, I think.

[A] have taken [B] take [C] be taken [D] be taking

51. Kepler proved that the sun ______ the center of the solar system.

[A] is [B] was [C] had been [D] would be 52. This is one of the best novels that ______ this year.

[A] appears [B] is appearing [C] has appeared [D] have appeared 53. My friend ______ here last week, but he couldn’t.

[A] was to have come [B] must have come


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[C] came [D] had to come

54. We had hardly sat down when she ______ plates of food for us.

[A] brought [B] has brought [C] had brought [D] was bringing 55. What were you doing when Anna phoned you?

I had just finished my work and ______ to take a bath. [A] starting [B] to start [C] have started [D] was starting

56. This foreign scientist ______ in our college for fifteen years and does not want to leave.

[A] worked [B] is working [C] works [D] has been working

57. What I was uncertain about ______ whether they could overcome the difficulties.

[A] is [B] will be [C] had been [D] was

58. By the time the course ends, ______ a lot about Britain.

*A+ we’ll learnt [B] we are learning [C] we have learnt *D+ we’ll have learnt 59. He will come to call on you the moment he ______ his work.

[A] will finish [B] finishes [C] had finished [D] finished

60. I don’t think she’ll be upset, but I’ll see her in case ________.

*A+ she’ll [B] she is [C] she does [D] she would


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第三章 形容词

3.1 形容词及其基本用法

形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。通常,可将形容词分成性质形容词和叙述形容词两类,其位置不一定都放在名词前面。 ⑴直接说明事物的性质或特征的形容词是性质形容词。

性质形容词有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语、表语和补语。例如:hot。 ⑵叙述形容词只能作表语,所以又称为表语形容词。

这类形容词没有级的变化,也不可用程度副词修饰。大多数以a开头的形容词都属于这一类。例如:afraid害怕的;alike相似的; awake醒着的; alone单独的,唯一的; alive活着的; ashamed羞愧的; asleep睡着的; aware意识到的,察觉到的等 这类词还有:well, unwell, ill, faint 等。 The man is ill. The girl is afraid.


如果形容词修饰以-thing结尾的词语时,要放在这些词之后。例如:something nice。 ⑷有些形容词只能前置定语。

如:earthen泥土做的,大地的; daily每日的; latter后面的; golden金子般的; weekly每周的; inner里面的; elder年长的; very恰到好处的。 They built up an earthen dam. 他们建起了土坝。


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This latter point was of great importance. 后面这点极为重要。

He might be phoning her at this very moment.

他也许这会儿正在给她打电话呢。 ⑸以形容词作表语的动词。

下列动词既是实义动词又是系动词,注意用作系动词时,要求形容词表语: remain, keep, become, get, grow, go, come, turn, stay, stand, run, prove, seem, appear, look。

It remains true that sport is about competing well, not winning. 体育重在勇于竞争而非获胜,一向如此。 The opposition proved too strong for him. 结果表明反对势力强大得使他难以招架。 3.1.1 以-ly结尾的形容词


如:friendly友好的; deadly死一般的; lovely可爱的; lonely孤独的; likely可能的; lively活泼的; ugly丑陋的; brotherly兄弟般的; costly昂贵的; silly傻气的; kindly热心肠的; leisurely悠闲的; monthly每月的; earthly尘世的。 错:She sang lovely.

对:Her singing was lovely.

错:He spoke to me very friendly. 对:He spoke to me in a very friendly way.

⑵有些以-ly 结尾的词既为形容词,也为副词。 如:daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, early。 The Times is a daily paper. The Times is published daily.


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3.1.2 用形容词表示类别和整体

⑴某些形容词加上定冠词可以泛指一类人,与动词的复数连用。 如:the dead,the living, the rich, the poor, the blind, the hungry。 The poor are losing hope.

⑵有关国家和民族的形容词加上定冠词指这个民族的整体,与动词的复数连用。 如:the British, the English, the French, the Chinese。 The English have wonderful sense of humor.

3.1.3 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序

多个形容词修饰名词时,一般顺序为:限定词—数词—描绘词—形状,年龄,新旧,颜色—出处—材料性质—类别—名词。有个口诀可使我们方便记忆:限观形龄色国材。 a small round table a tall gray building a dirty old brown shirt

a famous German medical school an expensive Japanese sports car 【典型例题】

Tony is going camping with ___ boys. [A] little two other [B] two little other [C] two other little [D] little other two 【解析】正确答案为[C]。

由“限定词—数词—描绘词—形状,新旧,颜色—性质—名词”的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有[C]符合答案。 【典型例题】

One day they crossed the ____bridge behind the palace.


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[A] old Chinese stone [B] Chinese old stone [C] old stone Chinese [D] Chinese stone old 【解析】正确答案为[A]。

几个形容词修饰一个名词,由上述排序规则得出答案。 【典型例题】

—How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

—It was great. We visited some friends,and spent the ___days at the seaside. [A] few last sunny [B] last few sunny [C] last sunny few [D] few sunny last 【解析】正确答案为[B]。


限定词+数量词(序数词在前,基数词在后)+描绘词+大小、长短、高低等形体。 those + three + beautiful + large + square 新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+名词 old + brown + wood + table

3.2 形容词与副词的比较级和最高级




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变化两种。 ⑴规则变化

单音节词和少数双音节词,加词尾-er,-est来构成比较级和最高级。 构成法 一般单音节词末尾加-er, -est 以不发音的-e结尾的单音节词和少数以-le结尾的双音节词只加-r,-st 以一个辅音字母结尾的闭音节单音节词,双写结尾的辅音字母,再加-er,-est \以辅音字母+y\结尾的双音节词,改y为-i,再加-er, -est 少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词末尾加-er,-est 其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more,most来构成比较级和最高级 ⑵不规则变化 原级 good well(健康的) bad ill(有病的) 比较级 Better Worse 最高级 best worst 原级 tall nice 比较级 Taller Nicer 最高级 tallest nicest big Bigger biggest busy clever/narrow important/ easily Busier cleverer/ narrower more important / more easily busiest cleverest/ narrowest most important / most easily 关注@跨考考研(新浪微博)考研官方主页(人人网)

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old much/many little far older/elder More Less farther/further oldest/eldest most least farthest/furthest ⑶本身含有比较含义的形容词 这类词包括: equal 平等的 equivalent 相等的

inferior 地位较低的, 质量较次的 superior 地位较高的, 质量较好的 junior 较年轻的, 地位较低的 senior 较年长的, 地位较高的 prior 比……早, 比……重要 subsequent 比……晚 previous 在……之前 preferable 比……好 second 次要的 next 次要的

在两个事物作比较时,这些形容词要使用原形,其后跟介词to。 Water is next in importance to oxygen. 水的重要性仅次于氧。

Not all of these races are intellectually inferior to the European races. 并非所有这些种族在智力上都不如欧洲的种族。 Grapes are much preferable to cucumbers. 葡萄比黄瓜好吃的多。

Compared with John, George is a much superior engineer. 和约翰相比,乔治是一位技术好的多的工程师。


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3.3 形容词和副词的比较级句型

3.3.1 基本构成:形容词或副词比较级+ than You are taller than I. 你比我高。

The lights in your room are brighter than those in mine. 你房间的那些灯比我房间里的亮。 【真题再现】

There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them.

人们对这个词所指的不同表现意见较一致,而对这些表现如何解释或分类则有不同看法。 【注意】


错:He is more cleverer than his brother.

对:He is cleverer than his brother./He is more clever than his brother. 注意:有些双音节形容词的比较级既可在词尾加-er, -est, 也可在前面加more, most, 这些词包括:clever 聪明的; common 普通的; light 轻的; often 经常的; pleasant 令人愉快的; polite 有礼貌的; quiet 安静的。 ⑵要避免将主语含在比较对象中。

错:China is larger than any country in Asia.

对:China is larger than any other countries in Asia. ⑶要注意对应句型,遵循前后一致的原则。

The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 【典型例题】


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The weather in China is different from____. [A] in America [B] one in America [C] America [D] that in America


本题意为“中国的天气比美国热。”比较的是天气而不是国家,[C]不能选。[A]没有名词,后句成分不全,排除。[B]和[D]中,[B]中的one常用来代替可数名词,而that可以代替不可数或抽象名词,所以选[D]。 【真题再现】

For a family of four, it is more convenient as well as cheaper to sit comfortably at home, with almost unlimited entertainment available, than to go out in search of amusement elsewhere.

对于一个四口之家,舒舒服服地坐在家里收看电视,就能看到几乎数不清的娱乐节目,这比到外面别的地方去消遣要便宜得多,方便得多。 ⑷要注意定冠词在比较级中的使用。请比较: Which is larger, Canada or Australia?

Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia? She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters.

3.3.2 可修饰比较级的词

⑴a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等。 ⑵还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。

⑶以上词除by far外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。 【典型例题】

____ Are you feeling ____? ____ Yes,I'm fine now. [A] any well [B] any better [C] quite good [D] quite better


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any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better. 【典型例题】

The experiment was____ easier than we had expected. [A] more [B] much more [C] much [D] more much 【解析】正确答案为[C]。

much可修饰比较级,因此[B][C]都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more。 【典型例题】

If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school. [A] the happiest time [B] a more happier time [C] much happiest time [D] a much happier time 正确答案为[D]。

3.4 形容词和副词的最高级句型

基本构成:the +最高级+比较范围

⑴形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. 撒哈拉沙漠是世界上最大的沙漠。

形容词most前面没有the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示“非常”。 It is a most important problem. =It is a very important problem. 这是个很重要的问题。



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错:Tom is the tallest of his three brothers. 对:Tom is the tallest of the three brothers.

⑵下列词可修饰最高级,如by far, far, much, mostly, almost。 This hat is nearly / almost the biggest. 这帽子差不多是最大的了。 【注意】

a. very可修饰最高级,但位置与much不同。 This is the very best. This is much the best.

b. 序数词通常只修饰最高级。 Africa is the second largest continent.



Mike is the most intelligent in his class. 马克是班上最聪明的。 =Mike is more intelligent than any other students in his class.

⑷“否定词语+比较级\,“否定词语+ so…as\结构也可以表示最高级含义。 Nothing is so easy as this. 没比这更简单的了。 =Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing.

3.5 和more有关的词组

⑴the more…the more… 越……就越……。


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The harder you work,the greater progress you'll make. 越努力,进步越大。

⑵more B than A=less A than B 与其说A不如说B。

He is more lazy than slow at his work. = He is less slow than lazy at his work.


⑶no more… than… 或是not…any more than…


These languages are no more primitive than English and Greek. 这些语言和英语、希腊语一样,都不是原始语言。

It’s true that I don’t earn enough money, but you are no richer than I: you can hardly keep body and soul together. 没错,我挣钱不多,可你和我一样穷,你几乎填不饱肚子。

There is no reason they should limit how much vitamin you take, any more than they can limit how much water you drink. 他们没有理由限制你服用维生素的多少,就如同没有理由限制你喝多少水一样。 Nations are not to be judged by their size any more than individuals. 国家和个人一样,不应该以其大小判断。

One does not have to like the death penalty in order to support it any more than one must like major surgery when treating cancer. 人们不必为了支持死刑而喜欢死刑,正如人们不必在治疗癌症时去喜欢大手术一样。 Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates.

他们的生活和下属的生活同样空虚。 【真题再现】

Darwin could not be satisfied with a gentleman’s life any more than Babbage could find satisfaction in a financial career. 达尔文并不满足于这样的一种绅士生活,就象巴贝奇对从事金融事业的生涯并不感到满足一样。 ⑷no less… than… 与……一样。例如: He is no less diligent than you. 他和你一样勤勉。


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The heart is ___ intelligent than the stomach, for they are both controlled by the brain. [A] not so [B] not much [C] much more [D] no more


题干中有than, 所以应是比较句型,从选项来看,只能与more搭配。much more than 表示“比??得多”,no more than 表示“和??一样不”。依据后半部分的提示,可选定[D]项。译文:心脏和胃一样没有智慧,因为它们都受大脑控制。 ⑸more than 不只是,非常。 She is more than kind to us all. 她对我们非常热心。

3.6 as +形容词或副词原级+ as结构

⑴在否定句或疑问句中可用so…as。 He can not run so/as fast as you. 他没你跑得快。

not so much…as 理解为“与其说……还不如说”,“更多的是……而不是”。 Those under 30 are not so much disillusioned as disinterested. 30岁以下的人更多的是失去了兴趣,而不是幻想。

It was not so much the many blows he received as the lack of fighting spirit that led to his losing the game. 与其说是他受到了许多打击,还不如说是缺乏斗志使他输掉了比赛。

The conveniences that Americans desire reflect not so much a leisurely lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in which even minutes of time are too valuable to be wasted. 美国人向往的便利条件所反映的与其说是一种悠闲的生活方式,还不如说是一种分秒必争的忙碌生活方式。 【真题再现】


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