The Audiolingual Method

更新时间:2023-06-05 21:21:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




The Audiolingual Method is also called Aural-oral or Structure Approach.We all know that the procedure of learning English is listening, speaking,reading and writing. From the order of this procedure, we can see obviously that the Audiolingual Method is the first step to learn English and this method attach much importance on listening and speaking before reading and writing. In order to improve the two skills,what should the teachers emphasize in the classroom? They are dialogues and patten drills that teachers must use as the main form of language presentation. Now let me divide the Audiolingual Method into two parts:listening and speaking.


I recalled when i began to study English at grade five. Every English class,our teacher took a radio and asked us to listen to the tape from the basic phonetic. We repeated the phonetic again and again. Now as a college student,we can not confine the basic phonetic,but we started to learn the basic phonetic ,word and sentences. We called it English phonetic. It also turned to be o most useful for our pronunciation. Many students looked down upon this class,because they thought they have mastered the correct pronunciation already. But actually,we acquire a lot from this class.

As an English teacher,how to improve the listening skill? First and foremost,the teachers himself or herself must master clear tongue about the phonetic. He or she must help the students to put their tongues in the right position. I remembered my phonetic teacher. She asked us to take a mirror and looked our tongues. That is no doubt we benefited from this method a lot. Then,the teacher should listen carefully to every student's pronunciation one by one. It may be tedious and dreary,but they must stick to it.


Also from my primary school,at that time,the dialogues in tho books are too short. So our teacher asked us to recite them. Every dialogue should be acted in the front of the classroom. In the speaking part,i think the most function is to practice the courage when facing the whole class as well as maintain the correct pronunciation. That is hard for most of students. After the class,majority of students can acquire the correct pronunciation,while they stand in the stage,their nervousness may lead to a bad work. That is the unpleasant work in the speaking.

I believe that practice makes perfect. Confidence is vital in speaking. So as to overcome this limitation,the students must grasp every chance to upgrade the confidence. We can see the champion in the speech context. All of them have taken part in lots of contexts,so they gain confidence and they can control their pronunciation well in the front of th stage. That is also the ability in speaking. In


college, almost every class demand students do the topic and presentation in turn. The students can find the topic they are interested in or show the presentation the teachers have given. At the beginning,the students may feel embarrassed when they are speaking English. They often afraid the mistakes. As teachers, they should encourage them to speak out their thoughts regardless of the grammar errors. When enconntering the mistakes,the teachers must point out and rectify them at once or after classes. As the passage of time,students are not afraid of showing off in the class with correct speaking skill. That is our purpose.

Now let us put the listening and speaking together. That is we called the

Audiolingual Method. The general objectives of the Audiolingual Method is to enable the target language communicatively. Short-range objectives include training in listening comprehension, accurate pronunciation, reading comprehension and production of correct sentences in writing. In other words, the objectives of the Audiolingual Method are the development of mastery in all four language skills, beginning with listening and speaking, and using these as a basis for the teaching of reading and writing. Long-range objective or the ultimate goal is to develop in the students the same types of abilities that native speakers have, to use it automatically without stopping to think.

I hold that all of us can recite a familiar dialogue :--how are you?--Fine, thank you. And you?--I am fine, too. Thank you. Why can we recite it and apply it to the daily life? That is because we practice it many times when we are young. At that time,we possess a good memories. But we can not stay in that unfixed place. It was turned out those dialogues are out-of-date. If you use them in the present time, the partner would think your oral English is in the lower lever. So to enhance this embarrassing situation, we must learn lots of new sentences and words by listening and speaking.

Nowadays, almost every English major student has a class called Watching, Listening and Speaking . Students can watch movies and documentaries. But it is not so simply to just watch movies. After watching them , the teacher would ask a series of questions related to the materials. In this process, students can not only listen the standard English,but also they can practice their oral English by answering questions. Take me as an example, I have accepted this kind of class for almost half a year,I made a great progress. Now, I can analysis the movies and remember the plots in details. And also, from the movies, we can learn the daily-used dialogues in the


English-spoken countries so that it broad our horizon.

It states language is a structured system and rule governed. If language learning is organized according to its structure, language learning would be easier, especially to adult learners. The Audiolingual Method considers language ability made up of four skills and these skills can be taught separately. Since the natural order of skill

acquisition is listening, speaking, reading and writing, the Method gives the primary stress to the first two of the four skills. Speech is more basic to language than the written form, and listening and speaking are the basic form of verbal communication. In the classroom, the language skills are taught in the order of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

In the Audiolingual Method, as i have mentioned already, dialogues and patten drills form the basic of the audiolingual classrooms practice. In the past, teachers help us to practice. But now, because of the limited teachers resources, most of practise only depend on ourselves. Most universities have them own equipment and facilities for the students practice, such as the audiolingual classrooms and labs. Students are accessible to the computers and the resources from the Internet. That is very strong. Also we have the English corner and debate context every week. There, you can meet with the students who keen to speaking English and communicate with them freely. They may possess unique English access. As time goes by, you may find your listening skill and speaking skill have been improved gradually.

Meanwhile, universities set a series of classes such as listening and oral English given by native. There is no doubt that the native speakers master the guanine pronunciation. When he or she is speaking,students can feel the different between the native and the non-native English. They can imitate the access from the teachers.

Every coin has two sides. The Audiolingual Method cannot be the expectation. On one hand, the andiolingual theory is probably the first language teaching theory that openly claims to be derived from linguistics and psychology. Also, it can make language teaching possible to large groups of learners: It attempts to make language learning accessible to large groups of ordinary learners. With large classes, drills are of particular use in that they maximize student participation. Drills can be used


positively beneficial in helping students to develop their oral ability. While ,on the other hand, it can not developlanguage competence, lack of effectiveness, and

boredom caused by endless pattern drill: Techniques such as pattern practice, drilling, memorization, etc. might lead to language like behaviour, but they are not resulting in competence. Materials in The Audiolingual Method are primarily teacher-oriented. It may decrease the students' motivation.

In China, The Audiolingual Method has not developed comprehensively yet. So we should ameliorate English teaching in listening and speaking situation especially in universities. The universities shoulder the main responsibility to teach most of the students. What they take measures is important to the whole English educational

promise. Firstly, i think , the amount of the English class should increase properly. As i know,there is only once a week. From the long-range, it is not good for students to remember and review what they have learned. Secondly, the universities should continue the method of classifying the students into different classes and teach them different content according to their level. Finally, develop the dialogue between machines and students. Let the machines occupy the role to help the students not the teachers. This also can help students develop the the independence.

As the Audiolingual Method is the basic step for the further study, students must take it in earnest. It is not the teachers' responsibility to provide the chances to

practice. The most significant part belong to the students themselves. Most students are accustom to speak mother tongue in the English class. This is uncondutive to learning well. So remember that mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom. I believe that if you practice more, you can make a great success in learning English.

